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转载 NSNotificationCenter 的详细说明

. 定义一个方法      -(void) update{       } . 对象注册,并关连消息     [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(update) name:@"update" object:nil]  . 在要发出通知消息的地方     [

2012-11-30 10:14:38 671

转载 sqlite处理事务的一个例子


2012-11-29 22:08:16 9382

转载 SQLite的SQL语法


2012-11-29 21:58:49 1060

转载 sqlite返回值

返回值我们用来判断是否执行成功。sqlite 中帮我们定义了一系列的宏,用来作为返回值:#define SQLITE_OK 0 /* Successful result *//* beginning-of-error-codes */#define SQLITE_ERROR 1 /* SQL error or missing d

2012-11-29 19:39:43 4077

转载 sqlite 例子

#include #include #include #include int main( int argc, char **argv ){sqlite3 *db;sqlite3_stmt * stmt;const char *zTail;//打开数据库int r = sqlite3_open("mysqlite.db",&db);if(r){

2012-11-29 19:32:59 944

转载 sqlite回传函数相关

执行SQL命令:sqlite3_exec()int sqlite3_exec( sqlite3*, /* An open database */ const char *sql, /* SQL to be executed */ sqlite_callback, /* Callback function */ void *data

2012-11-29 19:27:42 2989

转载 IOS数据库操作SQLite3使用详解

iPhone中支持通过sqlite3来访问iPhone本地的数据库。具体使用方法如下1:添加开发包libsqlite3.0.dylib首先是设置项目文件,在项目中添加iPhone版的sqlite3的数据库的开发包,在项目下的Frameworks点击右键,然后选择libsqlite3.0.dylib文件。libsqlite3.0.dylib文件地址: /Developer/Pla

2012-11-28 16:23:16 4479

转载 NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains和NSHomeDirectory差异

iPhone会为每一个应用程序生成一个私有目录,这个目录位于:/Users/sundfsun2009/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/User/Applications下,并随即生成一个数字字母串作为目录名,在每一次应用程序启动时,这个字母数字串都是不同于上一次。所以通常使用Documents目录进行数据持久化的保存,而

2012-11-28 16:18:26 786

转载 字符串的操作


2012-11-27 10:12:51 692

原创 objective c基础知识点打通草稿未完

char 可储存单个字符。将字符放入一对单引号中就能得到字符常量。因此,'a',';'和 '0' 都是合法的字符常量。第一个常量表示字母 a,第二个表示分号,第三个表示字符 0,它并不等同于数字0。不要把字符常量和 C风格的字符串混为一谈,字符常量是放在单引号中的单个字符,而字符串则是放在双引号中的任意个数的字符。前面有 @ 字符并且放在双引号中的字符串是 NSString字符串对象。

2012-11-26 23:35:37 1220

转载 UIView中bounds和frame的差别

搞iOS开发的童鞋基本都会用过UIView,那他的bounds和frame两个属性也不会陌生,那这两个有什么实质性的区别呢? 先看到下面的代码你肯定就明白了一些:-(CGRect)frame{    returnCGRectMake(self.frame.origin.x,self.frame.origin.y,self.frame.size.width,self.fram

2012-11-23 23:29:21 1154

转载 frame.origin.x 的意思和作用?

frame.origin.x 的意思和作用? scrollView.frame一个view的frame 包含它的矩形形状(size)的长和宽。和它在父视图中的坐标原点(origin)x和y坐标 frame 框架origin就是所謂的起點位置frame在ios里并不是一个具体的对象,他只是一些控件的一个属性。frame的值就是一个CGRect 包括(originX,ori

2012-11-23 17:56:47 14866

转载 iOS5编程--UIApplication深入研究


2012-11-23 17:04:27 775

原创 objective-c 2.0 Mac和iOS开发实践指南 练习(一) 草稿

11.9 练习1.在NSString上编写一个分类方法,用来将字符串种的单词的顺序反向。反向分类方法应该将字符串“dog bites man”变成字符串“man bites dog”,最初的字符串是接受者,并且反向字符串是方法的返回值。编写一个较小的程序来测试---reverseWords。//// NSString+ReverseWords.h// ReverseWo

2012-11-21 14:00:33 1075

转载 NSFileManager – Discovering Directory Contents

Step 1遍历根目录下所有的文件和文件夹,如下:1int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {2    @autoreleasepool {3        NSFileManager* mgr = [

2012-11-20 14:14:23 1089

转载 [objective-c]—六十六、基础框架(二十四)文件操作-目录操作

下面表格中的措施  适用于NSFileManager这类物件,可以用来进行  目录操作:措施名称描述-(NSString *)currentDirectoryPath获取当前目录的路径-(BOOL)changeCurrentDirectoryPath:path将当前目录的路径更换到path-(BOOL)copyPath:from to

2012-11-20 13:30:54 2234

转载 Event-Driven XML Programming Guide--事件驱动解析XML

转自http://supershll.blog.163.com/blog/static/37070436201251393157364/Event-Driven XML Programming GuideCocoa提供了NSXMLParser类使用事件驱动解析XML文档和使用DTD声明的文档。他把其发现的东西报告给代理,让代理去处理数据。这个文档解释了如何使用NSXML

2012-11-11 20:10:51 1179

转载 Iphone开发之UIView中的动画属性

areAnimationsEnabled返回一个布尔值表示动画是否结束。+ (BOOL)areAnimationsEnabled返回值如果动画结束返回YES,否则NO。 beginAnimations:context:开始一个动画块+ (void)beginAnimations:(NSString *)animationID context:(void *)contex

2012-11-09 22:54:14 537

转载 UIViewController各个方法的加载顺序

加载过程:一般情况下调用 init方法或者调用initWithNibName方法实例化UIViewController, 不管调用哪个方法都为调用initWithNibName(方法定义如下)- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil接着会调用loadView方法来生成

2012-11-09 21:43:34 744

[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.5中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 更新: 2021-06-22 同步更新官网 6 月 7 日最新修订, Swift 5.5 2021-05-06 同步更新官网 4 月 26 日最新修订, Swift 5.4 2021-01-27 同步更新官网 9 月 16 日最新修订。 2020年07月02日 同步更新到官网 6 月 22 日最新修订,Swift 5.3 制作日期2021/8/24,在Safari下纯手工制作,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。格式已大体经过浏览和校验,内容、格式有误可报告给我。


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.3中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 更新: 2021-01-27 → 同步更新官网 9 月 16 日最新修订。 2020年07月02日 → 同步更新到官网 6 月 22 日最新修订,Swift 5.3 2020年3月30日 → 同步更新到官网 3 月 24 日最新修订,Swift 5.2 制作日期2021/4/6,在Safari下纯手工制作,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。格式已大体经过浏览和校验,内容、格式有误可报告给我。


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.1中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2019年06月12日 → 修复了部分页面包含的 emoji 变为?的错误 2019年06月10日 → 更新了页面排序,现与官网同步 2019年06月06日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 5.1 制作日期2019/7/7,在Safari下纯手工制作,相对于原先火狐插件,修复了因分页导致的内容丢失情况,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。


ARKit by Tutorials, 2nd Edition

Learn ARKit, Apple’s New Augmented Reality Development Framework! With ARKit, you can create immersive, engaging experiences by mixing virtual 2D and 3D content with the live camera feed of the world around you. If getting started with this new framework sounds difficult and time-consuming, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. ARKit by Tutorials helps you learn ARKit the quick and easy way: by following fun and easy-to-read tutorials. Who This Book Is For This book is for intermediate to advanced developers who want to create ARKit apps and learn about the intricacies of developing for Augmented Reality on iOS. Topics Covered in ARKit by Tutorials Introduction to ARKit: Get a basic introduction to Augmented Reality and the ARKit framework concepts. Session Management: Discover what’s required to manage an AR session properly; this includes error handling and tracking issues. Adding Objects: Learn how to place 3D Objects into augmented space. Materials & Lighting: Explore the concepts of Physical Based Rendering, textures and light estimation. Creating 3D Assets: Get creative with the SceneKit editor and make your own 3D assets right inside Xcode. Face-based Apps: Find out what it takes to develop and ship Face-Based AR apps. And much, much more! After reading this book, you’ll be prepared to take advantage of the new ARKit framework and create your own AR-based games and apps.


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2019年01月30日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 5。 在火狐插件支持下,纯手工本制作。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版。



Implement machine learning models in your iOS applications. This short work begins by reviewing the primary principals of machine learning and then moves on to discussing more advanced topics, such as CoreML, the framework used to enable machine learning tasks in Apple products. Many applications on iPhone use machine learning: Siri to serve voice-based requests, the Photos app for facial recognition, and Facebook to suggest which people that might be in a photo. You'll review how these types of machine learning tasks are implemented and performed so that you can use them in your own apps. Beginning Machine Learning in iOS is your guide to putting machine learning to work in your iOS applications. What You'll Learn Understand the CoreML components Train custom models Implement GPU processing for better computation efficiency Enable machine learning in your application Who This Book Is For Novice developers and programmers who wish to implement machine learning in their iOS applications and those who want to learn the fundamentals about machine learning.


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 4.2 alpha中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2018年07月18日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 4.2。 在火狐插件支持下,纯手工本制作。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版。


iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (4th Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)

epub制作,带标签,制作精良,谢绝转发 Book Description Updated and expanded to cover iOS 7 and Xcode 5, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential concepts, tools, and techniques for developing iOS applications. After completing this book, you will have the know-how and the confidence you need to tackle iOS projects of your own. Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular iOS Bootcamp course and its well-tested materials and methodology, this bestselling guide teaches iOS concepts and coding in tandem. The result is instruction that is relevant and useful. Throughout the book, the authors explain what's important and share their insights into the larger context of the iOS platform. You get a real understanding of how iOS development works, the many features that are available, and when and where to apply what you've learned. Here are some of the topics covered: Xcode 5, Instruments, and Storyboards Building interfaces using the iOS 7 aesthetic ARC and strong and weak references Handling touch events and gestures Toolbars, navigation controllers, and split view controllers Using Auto Layout to scale user interfaces Using Dynamic Type to scale fonts Localization and Internationalization Block syntax and use Saving/loading data: Archiving and Core Data Core Location and Map Kit Communicating with web services using JSON Using the Model-View-Controller-Store design pattern


iOS 7 App Development Essential

谢绝转发,仅供个人学习使用 Fully updated for iOS 7 and Xcode 5 and consisting of 89 in-depth chapters, the aim of this book is to teach you the skills necessary to build your own iOS 7 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an iOS development environment. An introduction to the architecture of iOS 7 and programming in Objective-C is provided, followed by an in-depth look at the design of iOS applications and user interfaces. More advanced topics such as file handling, database management, in-app purchases, graphics drawing and animation are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, multitasking, iAds integration, location management, local notifications, camera access and video and audio playback support. Other features are also covered including Auto Layout, Twitter and Facebook integration, event reminders, App Store hosted in-app purchase content, collection views and much more. New features of iOS 7 are also covered, including Sprite Kit-based 2D game development, local map search and user interface animation using UIKit Dynamics. Assuming you are ready to download the iOS 7 SDK and Xcode, have an Intel-based Mac and some ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.


Effective Objective-C 2.0

作者: Matt Galloway 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional 副标题: 52 Specific Ways to Improve Your iOS and OS X Programs 出版年: 2013-5-26 页数: 320 定价: USD 44.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321917010 个人原创作品,谢绝转发!



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