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原创 HTML解析---IMDB简介抓取

今天做了个IMDB简介抓取,用的是HTML解析,不是用提供的API做的,以前用javascript做过一个。第一次用HTML解析,可以说是从一窍不通到了略知一二。用了hpple开源的解析库。新版和旧版有不少出入,绕了很多弯路,才找到了点门道。效果图:就一个方法- (IBAction)searchIMDB:(id)sender { [[self plot]

2012-12-29 20:50:23 2919

转载 hpple参考代码

已截取cocoachina为例子主要代码如下#define WebSite @"http://www.cocoachina.com/bbs/simple/?f5.html"//NSStringEncoding encode = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(kCFStringEncodingGB_18030_2000);//NSData

2012-12-29 00:16:07 787

原创 imdb抓取预研草稿

搜索栏:     搜标题为“good”的         搜标题为“good”的剧集1.年份//h1/span2.名称 年份//h13.首页简介//p[@itemprop="des

2012-12-28 21:48:11 815

原创 新版hpple使用注意点

1.使用searchWithXPathQuery:代替search:2.content发生变化,原来的程序要做修改原来for (TFHppleElement *element in elements) {            NSString *strs = [elemen  content];            NSLog(@"cc: %@", strs);

2012-12-28 20:25:48 969

转载 XPath 语法

http://www.w3school.com.cn/xpath/xpath_syntax.aspXPath 使用路径表达式来选取 XML 文档中的节点或节点集。节点是通过沿着路径 (path) 或者步 (steps) 来选取的。XML 实例文档我们将在下面的例子中使用这个 XML 文档。 Harry Potter 29.99 Le

2012-12-28 17:33:19 552

转载 Multiple Windows with Core Data

The majority of Core Data sample code is for either single-window applications or single-document-window applications. There are, however, times when an application or document requires more than one

2012-12-27 21:13:33 1382

原创 sqlite3用法详解草稿


2012-12-26 22:30:00 22938 2

转载 如何学习Objective-C

1.请先把C语言基础学好;2.看《Programming in Objective-C 2.0》,不要看《Objective-C 2.0程序设计》;3.看《Cocoa Design Patterns》和《Cocoa Programming Developer's Handbook》,不要因为他们很难而我们自己是初学者所以就不看;4.是的,你需要一台Mac,如果你真的打算好好学Objec

2012-12-21 21:01:38 1676 1

转载 手工构建 Mac OS APP (一)

手工构建 Mac OS APP (一)Table of Contents手工建立 Mac OS APP?main 函数中的故事最简结构 app 程序的简单结构 做点事情 略进一步带主菜单的 app 状态栏菜单 手工调试 再进一步? Aout Me 手工建立 Mac OS APP?Mac OS App 开发并不复杂,XCode 提供

2012-12-18 23:47:14 1884

转载 关于Cocoa的窗口创建调用-一个nib包含两个窗口


2012-12-17 23:33:33 2642

转载 xml和NSTableView的一些备注

今天在项目中遇到的问题:在获取字典中的地址和文件名字了,并且进行拼接过后,转换成NSURL的时候NSURL的值为空.       NSString*strUrl  =[NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%@%@",[rowdic objectForKey:@"DownloadURL"],[rowdic objectForKey:@"Filename"]];输出str

2012-12-17 23:32:37 1376

转载 在Mac Cocoa程序里使用多个xib,实现多个窗口切换


2012-12-17 22:52:06 3304

原创 TVrage检索程序 [上]

根据TVrage的API 搞了个检索的Demon。http://services.tvrage.com/info.php?page=main更新了部分代码,修复检索多个单词不响应,改变搜索方案为输入完整后Enter才执行。下面是核心部分代码- (NSArray *)fetchTVShowWithTitle:(NSString *)title WithError:(NSE

2012-12-15 18:12:00 703

原创 单向链表操作(产生,删除,插入以及查询)

//// main.m// leap//// Created by Mamong on 12-11-26.// Copyright (c) 2012年 Mamong. All rights reserved.//#include//#include//#define NULL 0#define LEN sizeof(DAT)typedef struct studen

2012-12-12 23:29:45 765

原创 算法:将数组中的整数进行排列,奇数在左边,偶数在右边


2012-12-07 18:15:12 5174

转载 NSString 常用方法总结

NSString 常用方法总结+(id)stringWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:enc err创建一个新字符串并将其设置为 path 指定文件的内容,使用字符编码 enc,在err 上返回错误+(id)stringWithContentsOfURL:url encoding:enc err创建一个新字符串并将其设置为 u

2012-12-04 14:15:53 2649

转载 objective-c基本数据类型之输出格式符

基本数据类型1. int输出格式符:%i, %d, %o %x, 2. float输出格式符:%f, %e, %g3. double输出格式符:%f, %e, %g 4. char输出格式符:%c限定符:1. longlong int: %lilong double: %Lf形成long int通过在数字后

2012-12-04 14:13:29 7092

转载 iOS开发24:使用SQLite3存储和读取数据

SQLite3是嵌入在iOS中的关系型数据库,对于存储大规模的数据很有效。SQLite3使得不必将每个对象都加到内存中。基本操作:(1)打开或者创建数据库sqlite3 *database;int result = sqlite3_open("/path/databaseFile", &database);如果/path/databaseFile不存在,则创建它,否则打开它。

2012-12-04 14:10:39 3001

转载 [Cocoa]深入浅出 Cocoa 之 Bonjour 网络编程

深入浅出 Cocoa 之 Bonjour 网络编程罗朝辉(http://blog.csdn.net/kesalin/)CC许可,转载请注明出处本文高度参考自 Tutorial: Networking and Bonjour on iPhone,在那个帖子里 iphone 版本的代码采用的是 MIT 开源协议,所以本例子中的 Mac 版本亦采用 MIT 开源协议。E文较好的童

2012-12-03 22:55:27 1008

转载 Tutorial: Networking and Bonjour on iPhone

Tutorial: Networking and Bonjour on iPhoneby Peter Bakhyryevon 20. May, 2009 in Resources,Tips, Tutorials TweetThere are plenty of different places to get a mobile application designed

2012-12-03 22:54:06 1688 1

转载 iOS 培训大纲

第一专题:C语言编程基础主要内容:深入学习C语言编程基础知识,熟练掌握C语言的指针,内存管理,数据结构,为下一步学习Object-C做好知识储备。第二专题 :从C语言到Object-C ∗ 主要内容:object-C的基础语法以及编程要点第三专题 Object-C和Cocoa框架 主要内容:学习Cocoa框架( Graphics,widget,Audio,Network

2012-12-02 23:27:16 2233

原创 Mac&iOS Socket 相关备忘

struct sockaddr {  unsigned short sa_family; /* address family, AF_xxx */  char sa_data[14]; /* 14 bytes of protocol address */  };  sa_family是地址家族,一般都是“AF_xxx”的形式。通常大多用的是都是AF_INET,代表TCP/IP协议族

2012-12-02 21:35:32 1646

转载 iPhone Network Programming

iPhone Network ProgrammingLearn how to communicate with a server using TCP/IP and how to build a simple chat application.by Wei-Meng LeeWei-Meng Lee is a Microsoft MVP and founder

2012-12-02 17:07:00 1116

转载 accept和recvfrom和gerpeername中__保存远程主机的地址信息,所以必须在使用前,必须初始化地址长度len

在Linux网络编程中,使用到地址长度的有::#include #include  int   bind(int sockfd,struct sockaddr *my_addr,socket_t  addrlen);      注意::        my_addr是自己的网络地址,参看网络地址的实现。//SOCK_STEAM中的Server自己的地址和SOCK_DGR

2012-12-02 16:45:42 1186

转载 Mac&iOS Socket

注:文档中设计涉及的代码也都在本人github目录下,分别为socketServer和socketClient.对应着各个分支。一.Socket简介在UNIX系统中,万物皆文件(Everything is a file)。所有的IO操作都可以看作对文件的IO操作,都遵循着这样的操作模式:打开 -> 读/写 -> 关闭,打开操作(如open函数)获取“文件”使用权,返回文件描述符

2012-12-02 16:21:40 2710 2

转载 理解Cocoa的委托 数据源和控制器

有关于Controller(控制器)的说明我把它摘录在下面:A controller object acts as a coordinator or as an intermediary between one or more view objects and one or more model objects. In the Model-View-Controller design pa

2012-12-02 15:10:12 651

[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.5中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 更新: 2021-06-22 同步更新官网 6 月 7 日最新修订, Swift 5.5 2021-05-06 同步更新官网 4 月 26 日最新修订, Swift 5.4 2021-01-27 同步更新官网 9 月 16 日最新修订。 2020年07月02日 同步更新到官网 6 月 22 日最新修订,Swift 5.3 制作日期2021/8/24,在Safari下纯手工制作,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。格式已大体经过浏览和校验,内容、格式有误可报告给我。


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.3中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 更新: 2021-01-27 → 同步更新官网 9 月 16 日最新修订。 2020年07月02日 → 同步更新到官网 6 月 22 日最新修订,Swift 5.3 2020年3月30日 → 同步更新到官网 3 月 24 日最新修订,Swift 5.2 制作日期2021/4/6,在Safari下纯手工制作,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。格式已大体经过浏览和校验,内容、格式有误可报告给我。


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5.1中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2019年06月12日 → 修复了部分页面包含的 emoji 变为?的错误 2019年06月10日 → 更新了页面排序,现与官网同步 2019年06月06日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 5.1 制作日期2019/7/7,在Safari下纯手工制作,相对于原先火狐插件,修复了因分页导致的内容丢失情况,包含页眉页脚。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版和彩色字体,正文带目录,按章节分开,没有合并。


ARKit by Tutorials, 2nd Edition

Learn ARKit, Apple’s New Augmented Reality Development Framework! With ARKit, you can create immersive, engaging experiences by mixing virtual 2D and 3D content with the live camera feed of the world around you. If getting started with this new framework sounds difficult and time-consuming, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. ARKit by Tutorials helps you learn ARKit the quick and easy way: by following fun and easy-to-read tutorials. Who This Book Is For This book is for intermediate to advanced developers who want to create ARKit apps and learn about the intricacies of developing for Augmented Reality on iOS. Topics Covered in ARKit by Tutorials Introduction to ARKit: Get a basic introduction to Augmented Reality and the ARKit framework concepts. Session Management: Discover what’s required to manage an AR session properly; this includes error handling and tracking issues. Adding Objects: Learn how to place 3D Objects into augmented space. Materials & Lighting: Explore the concepts of Physical Based Rendering, textures and light estimation. Creating 3D Assets: Get creative with the SceneKit editor and make your own 3D assets right inside Xcode. Face-based Apps: Find out what it takes to develop and ship Face-Based AR apps. And much, much more! After reading this book, you’ll be prepared to take advantage of the new ARKit framework and create your own AR-based games and apps.


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 5中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2019年01月30日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 5。 在火狐插件支持下,纯手工本制作。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版。



Implement machine learning models in your iOS applications. This short work begins by reviewing the primary principals of machine learning and then moves on to discussing more advanced topics, such as CoreML, the framework used to enable machine learning tasks in Apple products. Many applications on iPhone use machine learning: Siri to serve voice-based requests, the Photos app for facial recognition, and Facebook to suggest which people that might be in a photo. You'll review how these types of machine learning tasks are implemented and performed so that you can use them in your own apps. Beginning Machine Learning in iOS is your guide to putting machine learning to work in your iOS applications. What You'll Learn Understand the CoreML components Train custom models Implement GPU processing for better computation efficiency Enable machine learning in your application Who This Book Is For Novice developers and programmers who wish to implement machine learning in their iOS applications and those who want to learn the fundamentals about machine learning.


[cnswift.org翻译]最新swift 4.2 alpha中文翻译

文档来源:https://www.cnswift.org/ 2018年07月18日 → 同步更新到了 Swift 4.2。 在火狐插件支持下,纯手工本制作。文档的特色是保持了网页原汁原味的排版。


iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (4th Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides)

epub制作,带标签,制作精良,谢绝转发 Book Description Updated and expanded to cover iOS 7 and Xcode 5, iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide leads you through the essential concepts, tools, and techniques for developing iOS applications. After completing this book, you will have the know-how and the confidence you need to tackle iOS projects of your own. Based on Big Nerd Ranch's popular iOS Bootcamp course and its well-tested materials and methodology, this bestselling guide teaches iOS concepts and coding in tandem. The result is instruction that is relevant and useful. Throughout the book, the authors explain what's important and share their insights into the larger context of the iOS platform. You get a real understanding of how iOS development works, the many features that are available, and when and where to apply what you've learned. Here are some of the topics covered: Xcode 5, Instruments, and Storyboards Building interfaces using the iOS 7 aesthetic ARC and strong and weak references Handling touch events and gestures Toolbars, navigation controllers, and split view controllers Using Auto Layout to scale user interfaces Using Dynamic Type to scale fonts Localization and Internationalization Block syntax and use Saving/loading data: Archiving and Core Data Core Location and Map Kit Communicating with web services using JSON Using the Model-View-Controller-Store design pattern


iOS 7 App Development Essential

谢绝转发,仅供个人学习使用 Fully updated for iOS 7 and Xcode 5 and consisting of 89 in-depth chapters, the aim of this book is to teach you the skills necessary to build your own iOS 7 apps for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Beginning with the basics, this book provides an outline of the steps necessary to set up an iOS development environment. An introduction to the architecture of iOS 7 and programming in Objective-C is provided, followed by an in-depth look at the design of iOS applications and user interfaces. More advanced topics such as file handling, database management, in-app purchases, graphics drawing and animation are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, multitasking, iAds integration, location management, local notifications, camera access and video and audio playback support. Other features are also covered including Auto Layout, Twitter and Facebook integration, event reminders, App Store hosted in-app purchase content, collection views and much more. New features of iOS 7 are also covered, including Sprite Kit-based 2D game development, local map search and user interface animation using UIKit Dynamics. Assuming you are ready to download the iOS 7 SDK and Xcode, have an Intel-based Mac and some ideas for some apps to develop, you are ready to get started.


Effective Objective-C 2.0

作者: Matt Galloway 出版社: Addison-Wesley Professional 副标题: 52 Specific Ways to Improve Your iOS and OS X Programs 出版年: 2013-5-26 页数: 320 定价: USD 44.99 装帧: Paperback ISBN: 9780321917010 个人原创作品,谢绝转发!



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