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转载 Object Oriented Design Pricinple

What is object oriented design? What is it all about? What are it's benefits? What are it's costs? It may seem silly to ask these questions in a day and age when virtually every software developer is

2012-03-30 17:27:21 643

转载 Inversion of Control – An Introduction with Examples in .NET

Inversion of Control – An Introduction with Examples in .NETPosted March 29 2010 in Software architecture . 26 comments.Lately I’ve been giving a couple of presentations on the subject of au

2012-03-30 16:52:24 605

原创 Difference IoC container and Factory pattern

1 I would suggest to keep the concepts plain and simple. Dependency Injection is more of a architectural pattern for loosely coupling software components. Factory pattern is just one way to separate t

2012-03-30 15:43:18 607

转载 Understanding the DIP, DI, IoC theory

Dependency Inversion Principle. Means you should always only rely on interfaces and not on their implementations. If your class depends on any other class, that's bad, because it depends on that secon

2012-03-30 13:42:30 421

原创 MVCC-multi version concurrency control


2012-03-28 16:47:42 461

转载 Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection with Castle Windsor Container - Part I

Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection with Castle Windsor Container - Part IPublished: 24 Jul 2007By: Simone BusoliDownload Sample CodeInversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injecti

2012-03-28 16:45:14 720

原创 IOC-Inversion of Control, Dependency Injection

-What is? Inversion of Control: 直观的讲,就是反转控制. 这是什么意思呢?什么是控制?反转了谁的控制? 为什么要反转呢?下面来一一说一下.   1) Control: 这里指的是程序控制的流程。比如:      classA::do(int a){    //do something    if (a==1)  {  B.do()

2012-03-28 16:33:23 552

转载 程序性能优化


2012-03-24 19:00:10 560

原创 reference 变量的几个问题

问题: 当你声明一个pointer时,系统会给这个变量分配多少内存?   根据OS的位数,32位返回4个字节,64位8个字节当你声明一个reference变量时,系统会给这个变量分配多少内存?  不分配空间。reference变量和所关联的变量是同一个变量。   int x;   int &ref=x;   cout   cout  Both addresses

2012-03-23 21:56:49 1004

转载 More on Reference variables

More on referencesReference variables are aliases (an alternate name to a variable).int x;            int &ref=x;        //we tell the compiler that ‘ref’ is another name for ‘x’Working on

2012-03-23 21:50:16 430

转载 Reference variable is not allocated memory

Here is a memory map; a representation of memory as a sequence of blocks:    address    01   02   03            +----+----+----+...data within  | 23 | 6f | 4a |            +----+----+----

2012-03-23 15:01:27 551

转载 Pointer in C/C++

Pointers  The source code to all code listings is available as a tarball and as a zip file.Using VariablesEssentially, the computer's memory is made up of bytes.  E

2012-03-23 13:50:36 662

转载 python urllib2模块

python urllib2模块2010年04月26日由Leyond发布在 Python留下评论本文转载自:Tinoweb的“  python urllib2模块”简介:urllib2是python的一个获取url(Uniform Resource Locators,统一资源定址器)的模块。它用urlopen函数的形式提供了一个非常简洁的接口。这使得用各种各样的协议

2012-03-21 14:38:03 650

转载 difference with Macro and Template

In many ways, templates work like preprocessor macros, replacing the templated variable with the given type. However, there are many differences between a macro like this:#define min

2012-03-20 17:01:30 565

转载 大内高手—共享内存与线程局部存储

大内高手—共享内存与线程局部存储分类: 21.大内高手系列 2006-07-06 22:04 8171人阅读评论(16) 收藏 举报 大内高手—共享内存与线程局部存储  城里的人想出去,城外的人想进来。这是《围城》里的一句话,它可能比《围城》本身更加有名。我想这句话的前提是,要么住在城里,要么住在城外,二者只能居其一。否则想住在城里就可以住在城里,想住在城外

2012-03-16 16:34:03 505

转载 C# 装箱 拆箱 泛型

在2005年底微软公司正式发布了C# 2.0,与C#1.x相比,新版本增加了很多新特性,其中最重要的是对泛型的支持。通过泛型,我们可以定义类型安全的数据结构,而无需使用实际的数据类型。这能显著提高性能并得到更高质量的代码。泛型并不是什么新鲜的东西,他在功能上类似于C++的模板,模板多年前就已存在C++上了,并且在C++上有大量成熟应用。  本文讨论泛型使用的一般问题,比如为什么要使用泛型、泛型

2012-03-14 17:03:30 1223

转载 为程序员和设计师准备的10个流程图

流程图是一样很有用的工具。它可以用来帮助你做决策,给你一步一步的引导。对于很多复杂的设计和流程来说,流程图是必不可少的。和其他图形一样,流程图让你直观的理解一个流程,甚至有可能帮助你找出流程中的问题或者瓶颈。 这篇文章介绍了10个非常有用的流程图,可以帮助程序员和设计师来做决定。你可以点击放大这些图片。1. 如何使用 HTML5 标签?这个流程图可以帮助你决定什么时候使用什么H

2012-03-09 10:57:13 692



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