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原创 Android5.1 PIN/PUK flow


2017-04-18 16:48:43 468

原创 ADB can't work

[Issue] ADB can’t work.   [Root cause] Executable files image Executable obj files /root/sbin/adbd Ramdisk out/target/product/tulkas/obj/EXECUTABLES/adbd_inter

2016-12-05 12:33:01 807

原创 [Known issue and workaround]

Due to battery consumption, the suspend will work even if the 3Gfunction is available. Here’s the schematic design of 3G function. When CPU enters suspend, USB also enters suspend. But 3G modul

2016-10-26 14:49:32 437

转载 英语新闻网站大全


2016-10-21 14:27:21 1299

原创 Can the application modify the node's permission?

[Update] 1.      If theapplication has only the system permission, it can’t improve its permissionthrough the shell(run-asLpyCExV93hsXdwT2 su 0). So in this situation, we can’t change the node’sper

2016-10-20 12:01:45 242

原创 Why is the task(TimerTask) triggered many times before late resume?

[Issue] Whyis the task(TimerTask) triggered many times before late resume?   [Sample code] private Timer timer; private BISTTimerTask bistTimerTask;              timer = new Timer();

2016-10-17 11:26:41 309

原创 Android2.3/4.0 USB tethering为什么不工作了?

1.需要检查PC端的driver是否安装正确.2.需要检查USB tethering的设置,比如我碰到的问题如下: Android2.3上把wifi不作为tethering 的upstream. Android4.0的确将wifi作为tethering的upstream.device/samsung/smdkc110/overlay_ulmo-ics-gmk/frameworks/base/cor

2013-01-14 10:28:46 1123

原创 Android WiFi Tethering issue

[Issue] 1. enable wifi tethering; 2. change password, need 1 second on Android2.3, need 7 seconds on Android4.0; 3. same hardware, use CSR's APM6656 chip for BT/WiFi. [Work Flow] Android4.0 wil

2012-12-26 10:36:03 1036

原创 Build Android SDK for window

[TIP] can build the Android SDK for window on linux. here is the web link: http://tools.android.com/build [command] sudo apt-get install mingw32 tofrodos source build/envsetup.sh lunch   sdk-en

2012-12-19 09:51:41 698

原创 Add some parameters in Camera app

Android4.0.3, Camera, need add some parameters(brightness/saturation/contrast) on camera app [UI flow] Camera::onCreate Camera::initializeIndicatorControl (Camera_control.xml) IndicatorContro

2012-12-10 13:01:16 489

原创 Some issues about building android SDK

Android2.3, samsung s5pc110 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [Audio Issue] prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-

2012-12-01 11:04:51 1792

原创 Android shell should keep unix file format(LF)

[问题] 11-26 02:17:58.500: E/logwrapper(505): executing /system/etc/ifconfig_rndis0.sh failed: No such file or directory [原因] 文件(ifconfig_rndis0.sh)是DOS格式,需要unix格式, [解决办法] Vi ifconfig_rndis0.sh :s

2012-11-26 15:33:22 514

原创 StatusBar expand View,按H/W Back KEY不起作用

[问题] StatusBar expand View,按H/W Back KEY不起作用. [原因] SatusBar的窗口属性为FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE, 即不接收按键消息,有点悬浮窗口的意思. 如果拿掉这个属性,那么LockScreen就永远得不到焦点,就得不到KEYEVENT/TOUCHEVENT, 也就进入不了Launcher画面. [Solution] 在分发KE

2012-11-15 09:34:46 619

原创 学习资料

[Android4 3G Module(RIL)学习资料] http://blog.csdn.net/yunfly163/article/details/7619164 http://www.codroider.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=696&extra=page%3D2 http://www.codroider.com/forum.php?mod=

2012-11-13 18:01:39 1076

原创 Camera保存的图片在Gallery2中找不到

Camera保存的图片在Gallery2中找不到 [问题] 1. Camera保存的图片在Gallery2中找不到, //2. 如果图片是内部Flash的,在Gallery2中无法删除 [参考] http://blog.csdn.net/shareviews/article/details/7709258 http://blog.csdn.net/shareviews/article/

2012-11-13 11:46:48 886

原创 Android4.0 EXIF解析

Framework路径: frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/ExifInterface.java 解析路径: external/jhead/exif.c 函数:ProcessExifDir 编码路径: device/samsung/common/s5p/libs3cjpeg/JpegEncoder.cpp 函数:MakeExif 如何

2012-10-18 14:09:21 732

原创 在windows运行CTS

CTS测试可以在windows XP上来做: 1. 请按照google提供方法操作: http://source.android.com/compatibility/cts-intro.html 2.不过在windows XP上面launch CTS有些特别, [做法]: 将下面的代码部分保存更名为CTS.bat; 将CTS package解压到D:\android-cts;

2012-10-08 10:06:48 922

原创 Android Launcher icon 放大

将Kakaoke APK的icon放大显示在Workspace, 而在All APPS View界面显示的icon要和其他icon一致。如下图: 放大显示在Workspace:  在All APPS View界面显示的icon: 第一:需要将icon生成普通icon或者放大的icon; 第二: 需要放到Workspace上占 2x2 的空间。 这里涉及4个场景: 1。启动launcher

2012-09-26 11:08:36 1328

原创 ucOS XBF

XBF和.c格式的字体是一致的,因此需要先弄明白.c格式的字体文件。 .c格式的字体可以通过一个破解版本来生成。 XBF格式实际上一个.c格式的字体的二进制的映射。   //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GUI

2012-09-13 12:27:54 560

翻译 android下如何使用ant.jar

1.Put the ant.jar under your assets folder 2. Include this copy of the jar in your build path

2011-10-24 15:22:09 624

JPEG EXIF parser

JPEG EXIF parser 解析JPEG EXIF, 如果你想看看thumbnail,有没有的话,这是一个好工具


USB Tethering

1. Install USB RNDIS Driver on Windows XP; 2. Config ICS(Internet Connection Sharing); 3. Config USB RNDIS adapter's IP/DNS/Subnet Mask;


lockscreen for android 2.2

lockscreen application for android 2.2



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