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转载 How the data type is important!

Every time to use a value, its data type must be given attention. I want to calculate the Dijkstra shortest path with using input graph. However, I carelessly use "int snd, rcv, num; fin >> sn

2013-02-07 11:22:45 257

转载 Deal with the error "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'"

This error in C++ is probably due to the memory leak, like using malloc() but forget to free it.For a loop, it usually works well when the loop is short; but when it is long, sometimes the probl

2012-12-02 02:50:05 494

转载 using "cout" after "sscanf" gets two output

The following code causes node being output for twice."char buf[10];while (fgets(buf, 10, rfile) != NULL)   {       sscanf(buf, "%d %d", &node, &num);       cout    }"The r

2012-07-20 22:28:31 285

转载 extern usage error "undefined reference to `xxx' "

When using "extern" in C++, I put "extern int xxx" in the "a.h" and all the other ".cpp" files contain this "a.h". Then, "int xxx = 10" is used in "main.cpp" to define it. However, error "undefined re

2012-07-18 02:20:12 1831

转载 C++ debug "cannot find the file Debug\***.pch" & how to debug multi-projects under one solution

When I finished a project under a solution, I found the name of the project was not so good. So I built a new project and copied all the file to the new project. However, it did not work and errored a

2012-06-05 23:01:03 333

转载 c++ MFC file operation

Difference among CStdioFile, CFile and File:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_62e7f8c10100gvk8.html

2012-06-05 22:54:54 338

转载 eclipse C++ "cannot open out put file test.ext, permission denied"

When install eclipse for C and C++, the following steps should be taken:1) install JRE, eclipse can work only if JRE exists;2) install eclipse;3) install CDT;4) install MinGW (c and c++ compil

2012-05-14 06:13:31 525

转载 Latex "Paragraph ended before \Gin@iii was complete" --- solution

It hapens when simply inserting a figure. Solution is to change the package from {graphics} to {graphicx}. Put this command \usepackage{graphicx} at the beginning.

2012-04-19 10:20:02 10674 2

转载 Latex "! That is more than five years old." --- Solution

http://bbs.chinatex.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=7281However, I did find a workaround that seemed to solve the problem and I decided to share it. Perform the following steps:Open “

2012-04-19 01:07:15 912

转载 Some useful link for Serial Listen and Forward

// Java classhttp://www.allopopo.cn/?p=242 http://blog.csdn.net/guoxuequan/article/details/6037602http://hi.baidu.com/xlforu/blog/category/Tinyos// TinyOS wiki dochttp:

2012-03-30 10:16:51 317

转载 Some advice for Ph.D. students


2012-03-27 21:12:57 451 1

转载 Make and Compile lessons for Tinyos

http://www.tinyos.net/dist-2.0.0/tinyos-2.x/doc/html/tutorial/lesson13.htmlLesson 13: TinyOS ToolchainLast updated October 29 2006This lesson describes the details of the TinyOS tool

2012-03-27 04:42:32 1333

转载 A tutorial for Makefile

http://oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu/~bhumphre/makefile.htmlMakefile Getting StartedWhat is Make?Make is a program that looks for a file called "makefile" or"Makefile", within the makefile are vari

2012-03-27 04:39:30 372

转载 Serial communication

Use Moserial Terminal as the serial debug tools. It can be found in the Ubuntu software center.For Mib520, there are two ports. /ttyUSB0 is used for installing program to the motes, while /ttyUS

2012-02-26 09:39:01 508

转载 TinyOS Storage debug record

link 1http://hi.baidu.com/lxd_0401/blog/item/31b430f4dfbea232bc310991.htmlIt really helps. The example /opt/tinyos-2.1.1/apps/tutorials/BlinkConfig is a very good way to learn storage. Although

2012-02-24 02:24:13 746

转载 Tinyos install con'd (Some problem I did not understand in the first time)

I just casually have the ubutu software center update some software automatically. Now the problem is that my ubutu tried to update avr-libc today and I don't know why but it failed. (That happened wh

2012-02-23 08:43:58 321

转载 TinyOS2.1.1 ubutu11.04 installation record

link 1http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=652904&do=blog&id=507085link 2http://docs.tinyos.net/tinywiki/index.php/Getting_started_using_Ubuntu_9.10_and_TelosB_motes Use the

2012-02-22 08:49:18 365



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