typedef struct _MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION {  
PVOID BaseAddress;  
PVOID AllocationBase;  
DWORD AllocationProtect;  
SIZE_T RegionSize;  
DWORD State;  
DWORD Protect;  

PVOID BaseAddress;  //该页的基地址,是VirtualQuery(Ex)第一个参数下舍入下一个页面的边界的值
页的边界启始地址. 在地址形式上类似: 0xXXXXX000(X86,页大小为4KB)

PVOID AllocationBase;

在进程中为了使用内存,必须保留(Reserved)内存和占有内存(Committed) -使用VirtualAlloc()函数. VirtualAlloc分配的内存称为区域(Region)- 一片连续的页. 为了分配效率(?) Windows会以64-KB为边界计算区域的启始地址,所以区域的启始地址在形式上类似: 0xXXXX0000,这里的64KB页就是所谓的分配粒度,因此 AllocationBase正是一个区域(Region)的启始地址

(The page pointed to by the BaseAddress member is contained within this allocation range)
PVOID BaseAddress;
PVOID AllocationBase;两个成员的返回值

BaseAddress   AllocationBase
0x00401000    0x00400000
0x00401700    0x00400000
0x00401800    0x00400000
0x00401a00    0x00400000


BaseAddress - the address of the queried memory page ( VirtualQuery(LPCVOID lpAddress,... ).

AllocationBase - the beginning of the allocated memory block. It is used for deallocation. BaseAddress >= AllocationBase.

If you are querying stack then AllocationBase will be the lowest address of the stack (the stack top)

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# Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras [![Build Status](]( [![Documentation](]( [![License](]( [![Join the chat at](]( ## What is it? `keras-rl` implements some state-of-the art deep reinforcement learning algorithms in Python and seamlessly integrates with the deep learning library [Keras]( Just like Keras, it works with either [Theano]( or [TensorFlow](, which means that you can train your algorithm efficiently either on CPU or GPU. Furthermore, `keras-rl` works with [OpenAI Gym]( out of the box. This means that evaluating and playing around with different algorithms is easy. Of course you can extend `keras-rl` according to your own needs. You can use built-in Keras callbacks and metrics or define your own. Even more so, it is easy to implement your own environments and even algorithms by simply extending some simple abstract classes. In a nutshell: `keras-rl` makes it really easy to run state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning algorithms, uses Keras and thus Theano or TensorFlow and was built with OpenAI Gym in mind. ## What is included? As of today, the following algorithms have been implemented: - Deep Q Learning (DQN) [[1]](, [[2]]( - Double DQN [[3]]( - Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) [[4]]( - Continuous DQN (CDQN or NAF) [[6]]( - Cross-Entropy Method (CEM) [[7]](, [[8]]( - Dueling network DQN (Dueling DQN) [[9]]( - Deep SARSA [[10]]( You can find more information on each agent in the [wiki]( I'm currently working on the following algorithms, which can be found on the `experimental` branch: - Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) [[5]]( Notice that these are **only experimental** and might currently not even run. ## How do I install it and how do I get started? Installing `keras-rl` is easy. Just run the following commands and you should be good to go: ```bash pip install keras-rl ``` This will install `keras-rl` and all necessary dependencies. If you want to run the examples, you'll also have to install `gym` by OpenAI. Please refer to [their installation instructions]( It's quite easy and works nicely on Ubuntu and Mac OS X. You'll also need the `h5py` package to load and save model weights, which can be installed using the following command: ```bash pip install h5py ``` Once you have installed everything, you can try out a simple example: ```bash python examples/ ``` This is a very simple example and it should converge relatively quickly, so it's a great way to get started! It also visualizes the game during training, so you can watch it learn. How cool is that? Unfortunately, the documentation of `keras-rl` is currently almost non-existent. However, you can find a couple of more examples that illustrate the usage of both DQN (for tasks with discrete actions) as well as for DDPG (for tasks with continuous actions). While these examples are not replacement for a proper documentation, they should be enough to get started quickly and to see the magic of reinforcement learning yourself. I also encourage you to play around with other environments (OpenAI Gym has plenty) and maybe even try to find better hyperparameters for the existing ones. If you have questions or problems, please file an issue or, even better, fix the problem yourself and submit a pull request! ## Do I have to train the models myself? Training times can be very long depending on the complexity of the environment. [This repo]( provides some weights that were obtained by running (at least some) of the examples that are included in `keras-rl`. You can load the weights using the `load_weights` method on the respective agents. ## Requirements - Python 2.7 - [Keras]( >= 1.0.7 That's it. However, if you want to run the examples, you'll also need the following dependencies: - [OpenAI Gym]( - [h5py]( `keras-rl` also works with [TensorFlow]( To find out how to use TensorFlow instead of [Theano](, please refer to the [Keras documentation]( ## Documentation We are currently in the process of getting a proper documentation going. [The latest version of the documentation is available online]( All contributions to the documentation are greatly appreciated! ## Support You can ask questions and join the development discussion: - On the [Keras-RL Google group](!forum/keras-rl-users). - On the [Keras-RL Gitter channel]( You can also post **bug reports and feature requests** (only!) in [Github issues]( ## Running the Tests To run the tests locally, you'll first have to install the following dependencies: ```bash pip install pytest pytest-xdist pep8 pytest-pep8 pytest-cov python-coveralls ``` You can then run all tests using this command: ```bash py.test tests/. ``` If you want to check if the files conform to the PEP8 style guidelines, run the following command: ```bash py.test --pep8 ``` ## Citing If you use `keras-rl` in your research, you can cite it as follows: ```bibtex @misc{plappert2016kerasrl, author = {Matthias Plappert}, title = {keras-rl}, year = {2016}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{}}, } ``` ## Acknowledgments The foundation for this library was developed during my work at the [High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T)]( lab at the [Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)]( It has since been adapted to become a general-purpose library. ## References 1. *Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning*, Mnih et al., 2013 2. *Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning*, Mnih et al., 2015 3. *Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning*, van Hasselt et al., 2015 4. *Continuous control with deep reinforcement learning*, Lillicrap et al., 2015 5. *Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning*, Mnih et al., 2016 6. *Continuous Deep Q-Learning with Model-based Acceleration*, Gu et al., 2016 7. *Learning Tetris Using the Noisy Cross-Entropy Method*, Szita et al., 2006 8. *Deep Reinforcement Learning (MLSS lecture notes)*, Schulman, 2016 9. *Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning*, Wang et al., 2016 10. *Reinforcement learning: An introduction*, Sutton and Barto, 2011 ## Todos - Documentation: Work on the documentation has begun but not everything is documented in code yet. Additionally, it would be super nice to have guides for each agents that describe the basic ideas behind it. - TRPO, priority-based memory, A3C, async DQN, ...
This article is an update to my previous articles on the same topic. I started this utility to get some basic information about the hardware. After that I have received some emails from some of our fellow programmers, who are frequent visitors of this site, asking to extend this utility to spit out some more information. In this update I have added the information about CPU vendor (Intel, Cyrix, AMD, etc.) ,CPU speed, and Physical memory status of sustem . CPU Information: To get CPU information I could not find any direct and simple API call. Then I thought of our friendly Registry, which contains all the system information. And there it was all the information I wanted. If you look under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Hardware/Description/System/CentralProcessor/0 key in registry, you will find the answers to your questions. ~MHz subkey gives the CPU speed and VendorIdentifier gives the vendor information. We will make use of RegQueryValueEx API call to get the information. LONG RegQueryValueEx( HKEY hKey, // handle to key to query LPTSTR lpValueName, // address of name of value to query LPDWORD lpReserved, // reserved LPDWORD lpType, // address of buffer for value type LPBYTE lpData, // address of data buffer LPDWORD lpcbData // address of data buffer size ); Before making this call, it is necessary to create the handle to registry key which needs to be queried. For this make use of RegCreateKeyEx API call. This is how the code looks like in the included code for this utility. // Get the processor speed info. result = ::RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey); // Check if the function has succeeded. if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS) { result = ::RegQueryValueEx (hKey, _T("~MHz"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&data, &dataSize); m_stCPUSpeed.Format ("%d", data); m_stCPUSpeed += _T (" MHz"); dataSize = sizeof (vendorData); result = ::RegQueryValueEx (hKey, _T("VendorIdentifier"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)vendorData, &dataSize); m_stVendorInfo.Format ("%s", vendorData); } // Make sure to close the reg key RegCloseKey (hKey); Since I don't have access to any other CPU than Intel. So I couldn't test this code on CPU's from Cyrix, AMD, etc. Post a comment Email Article Print Article Share Articles Digg Newsvine Facebook Google LinkedIn MySpace Reddit Slashdot StumbleUpon Technorati Twitter Windows Live YahooBuzz FriendFeed Physical Memory Status: To get the information about the memory status of the system we can take routes. First one, which is not easy for a person who does not know assembly language, involves getting the required information from CMOS data. Second one which simply involves making GlobalMemoryStatus API call. And I chose the second one (Ofcourse I am not assembly language pro). VOID GlobalMemoryStatus ( LPMEMORYSTATUS lpBuffer // pointer to the memory status structure ); The information is returned in MEMORYSTATUS data structure. typedef struct _MEMORYSTATUS { // mst DWORD dwLength; // sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS) DWORD dwMemoryLoad; // percent of memory in use DWORD dwTotalPhys; // bytes of physical memory DWORD dwAvailPhys; // free physical memory bytes DWORD dwTotalPageFile; // bytes of paging file DWORD dwAvailPageFile; // free bytes of paging file DWORD dwTotalVirtual; // user bytes of address space DWORD dwAvailVirtual; // free user bytes } MEMORYSTATUS, *LPMEMORYSTATUS; The information returned by the GlobalMemoryStatus function is volatile. There is no guarantee that two sequential calls to this function will return the same information. This API call has been made in GetMemoryInfo function of the application attached. I gets the information for memory usage, total physical memory instaled, physical memory available, and total virtual memory. 来源:


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