MongoDB 索引技巧 #1: 查找好友最新的动态


A very common feature of any social site (and other types of application) is to find the latest activity of one’s friends. Another related example is to fetch the latest data for people or topics that one follows. You may think that databases would make it easy to implement such a feature, but unfortunately it is far from being easy.

Many new NoSQL stores do not really support secondary indexes, which are necessary for this feature. In the case of MongoDB it is possible to do it efficiently but it presents many pitfalls.





Fetching the friends’ ids

The first step is to fetch the list of the user’s friends ids. The friendship relationship is typically either embedded into the user document (as a list of user ids) or in a mapping table (SQL style). In both cases it is assumed the application can quickly put together the list of friends’ ids.

The ideal query

The intuitive query should look like this:

db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(100)


  • it is much better to use “$in“ rather than “$or“. Latter does not use indexes properly when combined with a sort.
  • the sort is for descending time, to obtain the most recent
  • the limit tells that we are only interested in the last 100 documents.






db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(100)
  • 使用“$in"比"$or"更好。后者在和排序结合时,无法合理使用索引。
  • 排序sort是为了以时间降序的方式来获得最新的信息
  • limit说明我们仅对最新的100个文档感兴趣
For such a query the best index is a compound “{ userId: 1, date: 1}“.  Note that it is not important whether it is ascending or descending on the date.

What is expected? Ideally MongoDB will take the following steps:

  • go to each friend’s branch of the index.
  • pick the 100 most recent documents within each, which is fast thanks to the compound on “date“.
  • apply an in-memory sort on those documents (e.g. merge 1000 documents for 10 friends, which is fast) and then return the most recent 100.

The following diagram shows what should ideally happen.



对于这样的一个查询,最好的索引是"{ userId: 1, date: 1}"组合。注意是否在时间上升序或降序并不重要。


  • 进入各个朋友的索引分支
  • 在各个分支内挑出100个最新的文档,由于组合中的“date“,处理速度非常快。
  • 对这些文档在内存里排序(例如,对于10个朋友,可以很快合并得到1000个文档),然后返回最新的100个。


The “limit“ problem

One debatable design decision was to not pass the “limit“ value into the query protocol. Instead only the “batchSize“ is communicated, which tells the server how many results to return in the next batch but omits to say that no more results are needed.

If you set a limit of 100 then the “batchSize“ gets set to 100 but the server assumes you may ask for more than 100 records, and keeps the cursor open on the server. In turn it makes it impossible for the server to reduce the amount of records sorted: it must sort in-memory *all* your friends’ documents *since the beginning of times*.

The fix is to use a negative limit: if set to -100 then it will be passed to the server as a negative “batchSize“ value. It tells the server: send me only 1 batch with a maximum of 100 documents and do not keep the cursor open. One caveat to this solution is that a batch cannot exceed 16MB, so the 100 documents must fit within 16MB (which is likely).






The problem with MongoDB 2.0

With MongoDB 2.0 (which hopefully you’re not using anymore at this time) the behavior still won’t be the one expected. It will just continue to disregard the limit and always resort to sort all documents since day 1. As a consequence the queries will get slower and slower over time, which is a big no-no.

The following diagram shows the bad behavior.



MongoDB 2.0的问题

使用MongoDB 2.0(希望你这次不再使用),性能依旧无法达到期望。它就是继续忽视限制,总是从第一天开始就重复排序所有文档。结果就是查询会变得越来越慢,而这是个巨大的禁忌。


The limited fix with MongoDB 2.2 and 2.4

A limited fix was implemented in 2.2. The following query will work as expected and return within milliseconds:

db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

So you may think that it is all good… unfortunately a big limitation is that any extra predicate may turn off the optimization. Any extra predicate must be an equality (or a “$in“) on a field that is part of the index to the left side of the field sorted on (“date“ in this case). If you want to only see posts that have specific properties (e.g. “private: False“) you must be very careful how you build the index:

db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …], private: False } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

It must use an index on “{ userId: 1, private: 1, date: 1 }“. A different type of predicate, or against a field not covered by the correct portion of the index will put you back in the bad slow case.

This issue will be fixed as part of the 2.6 index internal API refactoring, which you should look forward to!


对 MongoDB 2.2 和 2.4 的有限修复


db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

那么你可能要想了这已经完美无缺……不幸的是有一个很大的局限,就是任何额外的谓词断言都会关闭优化机制。任何额外的谓词断言必须是某个字段上的等式(或者 “$in“),这个字段是索引的一部分,位于索引字段(本例中是“date“ )的左边。如果你想看到特定属性(例如“private: False“)的posts,那就必须很小心的构建索引:

db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …], private: False } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

它必须打开“{ userId: 1, private: 1, date: 1 }“之上的索引。某种不同类型的谓词断言,或者相反的这个字段没有被索引的正确部分所覆盖,那么这将使你回到那种很糟很慢的情形。


A solution: add a predicate on sorted field

One solution is to also specify a date range, which will properly limit how much data gets sorted.

For example:

db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] }, date: { $gt: x, $lt: y } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

The obvious problem is that you don’t know what date range will yield enough / too much results… You can first query for the past day, then go back in time with increasing ranges if not enough data is returned.





db.posts.find({ userId: { $in: [12, 24, 56, …] }, date: { $gt: x, $lt: y } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)


A solution: multiple queries

To properly make full use of the index, a solution is to split the query into many queries, one per friend id. In that case MongoDB can properly iterate through the sorted index without doing extra work.

The queries would be:

db.posts.find({ userId: 12, … } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

db.posts.find({ userId: 24, … } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

The client code will then do the sort of the separate results, which is fast to do. Any predicate can be added to filter the data further, and should be part of the right side of the “date“ in the index.

Unfortunately this solution only works well if the number of friends is fairly low. Each query should return within a millisecond, but with 100 friends you can be looking at several milliseconds already. The good news is that the speed will remain the same over time, but there is some extra overhead for sure. Overall it is a good solution if the number of friends under 100 on average.


一个解决方案: 多个查询

为了充分利用索引,一个解决方案是,将查询分割为许多个查询,每个朋友id一个。这样的话MongoDB 就能在已排序的索引上正确的迭代,而不需要额外的工作。


db.posts.find({ userId: 12, … } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

db.posts.find({ userId: 24, … } }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)



A solution: fan out

An alternative strategy is to duplicate the data into each of the friend’s own data. When a user posts an update, it is duplicated into 1 document for each of the friends. Consequently the problematic query becomes easy:

db.posts.find({ userId: 7 }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)

The obvious downside is the large duplication of content. If a user has 10k followers, the data will generate 10k documents written to the database.


一个解决方案: 扇出(fan out)


db.posts.find({ userId: 7 }).sort({ date: -1 }).limit(-100)



In conclusion, either:

  • use the 2.2 optimization but be very careful about its implementation
  • use one of the alternative solutions above… each has pros / cons.

Expect MongoDB 2.6 to give you full intuitive support for this! One ticket to watch is SERVER-3310.



结论是, 二者选一:

  • 使用 2.2 的优化机制,但是对它的实现要非常小心
  • 用上面的某个替代解决方案……每个都有优点/缺点

希望 MongoDB 2.6 能给你对这个问题的完全的直接支持! 看看这个网址 SERVER-3310





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