NOTES.INI debugging-type variables

The Debug_Outfile setting allows you to create a more complete debugging log by capturing information sent to the server console. Its syntax is:


Depending on what type of problem your server is experiencing, you use the Debug_Outfile parameter in conjunction with appropriate debugging parameters. For example, if you are having semaphore timeout issues, you would want to turn on semaphore debugging:


Adding these parameters to NOTES.INI results in additional information being sent to the server console, but not to the Notes log file (log.nsf). To capture a history of what appears on the console, you need to add the Debug_Outfile parameter to NOTES.INI, as in the following example:


Note that Debug_Outfile can be at either the beginning of your debugging parameters or at the end; it is important, however, to insert a carriage return after the last NOTES.INI entry.

When you specify the path for the debug file in Debug_Outfile, the directory must already exist; Notes will not automatically create the directory for you. Also, it is strongly recommended that the Debug_Outfile parameter be configured to save the log file in a location that is isolated from the partition where the operating system, Domino server, and other applications may potentially create files that are necessary for those programs to function correctly (for example, SWAP files, data files, and so on). Placing the log file on an isolated partition avoids any potential problems.

When the log file is placed on an isolated partition not being used by any currently running applications, if that partition runs out of disk space, the Domino server will stop logging to the file specified in the Debug_Outfile parameter. With no disk space to write the log file to, the Domino server's overall performance is not affected and it continues to function. If some hard drive space is cleared, the server will continue to add entries to the log file specified in the Debug_Outfile parameter. Be aware that this log file may grow significantly in size over a period of time on a Domino server that has a high rate of activity. The log file cannot be deleted while the Domino server is running; if an attempt is made to delete the file, a sharing violation will occur.

Once the Debug_Outfile parameter has been added to the NOTES.INI file, the Domino server must be shut down and restarted for logging to begin. Also be aware that, even though the Domino server has been restarted, the log will not be written if the server's Notes client has been left running.

Debug_Directory_Assistance and Debug_NameLookup

When using Directory Assistance, including LDAP (which is configured to use a Master Address Book), you can add the following lines in the NOTES.INI file of the server that is using Directory Assistance, in order to supply more than the usual amount of information:


Remember to add the Debug_Outfile parameter to capture the data. We recommend that these parameters be run separately to make the data easier to view.

When these parameters are placed within the server's NOTES.INI file, the server must be cycled for the changes to take effect.


The Debug_AdminP setting lists AdminP schedule information. When Debug_AdminP=1, AdminP will dump out its schedule information every time the schedule is updated.

Remember, you will also need to provide the Debug_Outfile parameter to capture a history of what appears on the console. The Debug_AdminP setting is only available on R5 servers.


Debug_Repl_All allows you to view the order (or sequence) in which documents are replicated in a Notes database. When there is no sort order in a view column in a Notes database, documents are sorted/replicated in order of NoteID.

Debug_Repl_All=1 gives information for each document that is replicated, for example:

10-12-94 08:43:19 AM REPLICA: Updating NoteID 0x216E in Discuss.nsf
10-12-94 08:43:19 AM REPLICA: Deleting NoteID 0x2162 in Discuss.nsf

Debug_Repl_All=2 provides information for each document that is not replicating, for example:

10-12-94 05:31:00 AM REPLICA: ...Skipping note in Destination list (UNID OFCCADF6EB:E1B3F184-ON852560A6:OF2867N9P3)

10-12-94 05:31:00 AM REPLICA: ...(Con't) Destination has same or newer note. Src Time/SeqNo=10-11-94 05:31:00 AM
10-12-94 05:31:00 AM REPLICA: ...Skipping note in Destination list (UNID OF282B7FF5:B72B7102-ON852560A6:OF2867N9P3)

Either Debug_Repl_All setting lets you see the order of replication. (Note that this order will be different in every replica copy of the database.) Remember to use Debug_Outfile to display the list of documents.


The Debug_Btree_Errors setting was enabled as a default NOTES.INI setting in release 5.0.5 to capture additional information when Btree corruption occurs. The intent was to obtain relevant information when Btree corruption occurred instead of having to set it and wait for the issue to occur again. Although this parameter has not been put into the NOTES.INI file on a fresh install of 5.0.6a or later, if a customer previously installed 5.0.5 and does an incremental upgrade to 5.0.6a or later, the setting will remain.

The Debug_Btree_Errors=1 setting displays Btree error messages on the server console. If there is a significant time lapse between a Btree error being detected and the user noticing the error message on the console (as may happen if the error occurs overnight), the only troubleshooting information available is the current error message on the console.

If the Debug_Btree_Errors parameter is in your NOTES.INI file, you may want to remove it. When this parameter is enabled (set to 1), you may receive a large number of Btree error messages displayed on the server console. In many cases, these Btree errors are informational only, and you will not need to capture additional information about them.


You can use the setting Debug_FTV_Search=1 to capture an end-user's keyword searches. If you want to capture the searches on a server database, use the server's NOTES.INI file; to capture the searches on a local database, use the Notes client's NOTES.INI file. Remember to use Debug_Outfile to properly capture the information.

Here is an example of the output from Debug_FTV_Search:

API handle obtained in 49 ms.
Query: (TIME)
Verity Query: (<MANY><STEM>`TIME`)
Setup for retrieval in 43 ms.
Retrieval performed in 7 ms. 7 documents found
Built result tables (incl. refinement) in 2 ms. 6 documents Left
Total search time 101 ms.


Debug_AMGR is a setting that allows the Domino server to report Agent Manager (AMGR) activities. As of the Domino 4.6.1 server, the server will also record AMGR activity for databases that do not contain agents, when those databases have new documents added to them, existing documents are modified, or new mail is delivered to them.

Keep in mind that it is the activity itself that AMGR is reporting; it is not necessarily reporting that an agent will be executed as a result of an activity. So even if there are no agents in the database, AMGR may report that an activity occurred in that database.

The following table describes which Debug_AMGR flags can be set:

cTo output agent control parameters
eTo output information about Agent Manager events (new in 4.6.1)
lTo output agent loading reports
mTo output agent memory warnings
pTo output agent performance statistics
rTo output agent execution reports
sTo output information about AMGR scheduling
vVerbose mode, which outputs more messages about agent loading, scheduling, and queues
*To output all of the above

The NOTES.INI setting Debug_AMGR=* will generate a large amount of extraneous information. Therefore, to limit the amount of information returned by AMGR, do not use the * (asterisk) flag. Instead, use only the flag that you need for troubleshooting.
### 回答1: Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个Unity版本相关的调试工具包,其中包含了诸如埋点工具和调试插件等功能丰富的工具。这些工具可以帮助Unity开发者在开发自己的游戏时快速、准确地定位和修复代码中的问题,提高了游戏的开发效率和质量。 这个工具包中最值得注意的一点是它的兼容性。它可以与Unity 2018中的许多不同版本一起使用,这意味着无论开发者使用哪个具体版本的Unity,都可以使用这个工具包进行调试。这为开发过程中遇到的问题提供了更为广泛和全面的支持,从而更好地满足了不同开发者的需求和要求。 另外,这个工具包还有一个很不错的特色,就是它的易用性。它提供了直观和易于操作的界面,即使是那些对调试工具很不熟悉的开发者也可以使用它。开发者可以通过它直接在Unity编辑器中观察代码执行过程中的变化,非常方便。 总的来说,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个非常实用和友好的Unity调试工具包,可以帮助Unity开发者更快速、高效地开发自己的游戏。 ### 回答2: unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是Unity引擎中用于调试的工具包。在程序开发的过程中,会出现各种各样的问题,而调试是解决这些问题的重要手段之一。Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip提供了一系列工具和功能,帮助程序员定位和解决问题。 Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip中包含了各种调试工具,例如调试器、内存分析器、性能分析器等等。这些工具可以帮助开发者监控程序运行的状态,包括内存使用、CPU使用、函数运行时间等等。通过这些信息,开发者可以找到程序中可能存在的性能问题,并对其进行优化。 同时,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip还提供了调试器,帮助开发者调试程序。开发者可以在调试器中设置断点,一步一步地执行程序,查看变量和函数调用的情况。通过调试器,开发者可以快速定位程序中的错误,减少排错的时间。 总之,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是Unity开发中不可或缺的工具包。它可以帮助开发者定位和解决问题,提高程序的稳定性和性能,为游戏开发提供强有力的支持。 ### 回答3: unity-debugging-2018.x.zip是一个用于Unity引擎调试的文件。Unity是一款流行的游戏开发引擎,但在游戏开发过程中难免会遇到各种问题,例如程序崩溃、游戏运行异常等等。此时就需要进行调试。Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip文件中包含了一系列调试工具,可用于分析和诊断Unity游戏/应用程序的问题。其中包括了Unity自带的Profiler(性能分析器)、Debug.Log、断点调试、MonoDevelop等工具,这些工具可以帮助开发者查找问题所在,快速调试程序。一个好的调试工具不仅能帮助开发者快速找到问题,还能提高开发效率,使开发工作更加顺利。总之,Unity-debugging-2018.x.zip文件是Unity调试工具的集合,为开发者解决问题提供了极大的帮助,也是一个值得推广和使用的工具。




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