Compressing deep neural nets

Because I focus on deep learning on mobile, I’m naturally interested in finding ways to make deep neural networks faster and more energy efficient.

One way is to come up with smarter neural net designs. For example, MobileNet is 32× smaller and 10× faster than VGG16 but produces the same results.

Another method is to take an existing neural network and compress it, by removing connections between neurons that don’t really add much to the final result. That’s what I want to talk about in this blog post.

We’re going to take MobileNet-224 and make it 25% smaller. In other words, we’re going to reduce it from 4 million parameters to 3 million — without losing accuracy (well… only a little).

Can we do better?

Since MobileNet is 32 times smaller than VGG16, yet has the same accuracy, it must be more efficient at capturing knowledge than VGG is.

It’s indeed a known fact that VGG has way more connections than it needs in order to do its job. The Deep Compression paper by Han et al. shows that the size of VGG16 can be reduced by a factor 49 by pruning unimportant connections and it will still give the same answers.

The question is: does MobileNet have any connections it doesn’t really need? Even though this model is already quite small, can we make it even smaller — without making it worse?

When you compress a neural network, the tradeoff is network size vs. accuracy. In general, the smaller the network, the faster it runs (and the less battery power it uses) but the worse its predictions are. MobileNet scores better than SqueezeNet, for example, but is also 3.4 times larger.

Ideally, we want to find the smallest possible neural net that can most accurately represent the thing we want it to learn. This is an open problem in machine learning, and until there is a good theory of how to do this, we’re going to have to start with a larger network and lobotomize it.

For this project I used the pre-trained version of MobileNet that comes with Keras2.0.7, running on TensorFlow 1.0.3. Evaluating this model on the ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 validation set gives the following scores:

Top-1 accuracy over 50000 images = 68.4%
Top-5 accuracy over 50000 images = 88.3%

This means it has guessed the correct answer 68.4% of the time, while 88.3% of the time the correct answer was among its five best guesses. We want the compressed model to get an accuracy that is comparable to these scores.

Note: The MobileNet paper actually claims accuracy of 70.6% versus 71.5% for VGG16 and 69.8% for GoogleNet. I’m not sure if these results are on the ImageNet test set or the validation set, or exactly which part of the images they tested the model on. To get the scores above, I simply scaled the images down to 224×224. An alternative method is to scale the smallest side of the image down to 256 pixels and then take the center 224×224 crop. In that case the score for the Keras model goes up to 70.1% (top-1) and 89.2% (top-5).

How to compress a convolutional neural net

Like most modern neural networks, MobileNet has many convolutional layers. One way to compress a convolution layer is to sort the weights for that layer from small to large and throw away the connections with the smallest weights.

This was the approach used by Han et al. to make VGG 49 times smaller. Sounds good but there’s a big downside: it results in sparse connections.

Unfortunately, GPUs aren’t great at working with sparse matrices and you may lose more in computation time than you gained by shrinking the network. In this case, smaller does not necessarily mean faster.

That’s not going to work for speed devils like us: we want small and fast!

Instead of pruning away individual connectons we’ll remove complete convolution filters. This keeps our connections dense and the GPU happy.

Recall that a convolution layer produces an image with a certain number of output channels. Each of these output channels contains the result of a single convolution filter. Such a filter takes the weighted sum over all the input channels and writes this sum to a single output channel.

A convolutional layer

We’re going to find the convolution filters that are the least important and remove their output channels from the layer:

A convolutional layer with output channel removed

For example, layer conv_pw_12 in MobileNet has 1024 output channels. We’re going to throw away 256 of those channels so that the compressed version of conv_pw_12 only has 768 output channels.

Note: To make Metal happy, we should always remove output channels four at a time. Because Metal is really a graphics API, it uses textures to describe the image data for the neural net, and each texture holds data for 4 consecutive channels. So if we were to remove just one output channel, Metal would still have to process that texture for the three other channels. Where Metal is concerned, compressing a layer only makes sense if we remove channels in multiples of four.

Now the question is: which filters / output channels do we remove? We only want to get rid of output channels that do not influence the final outcome too much.

There are different metrics you can use to estimate a filter’s relevance, but we’ll be using a very simple one: the L1-norm of the filter’s weights. If your math is a little rusty, it just means we take the absolute values of the filter’s weights and add them all up.

For example, these are the L1-norms of MobileNet’s very first convolution layer (32 filters), from low to high:

L1 norms of the first layer

As you can see, there are about 10 filters in this first layer with an L1-norm that is very small — almost zero. We can probably get rid of these. But because the goal is to use this network with Metal, it doesn’t make sense to remove 10 filters. We have to remove either 8 or 12.

I first tried removing the 8 smallest filters. That worked so well — it gave no loss in accuracy at all — that I decided to drop the first 12 layers. As you’ll see shortly, that also worked just fine. That means we can actually remove 37.5% of the filters in the very first convolution layer in this network, without making the neural net worse!

Just for fun, here is a plot of the L1-norms of all the convolutional layers in MobileNet. You can see that many layers have filters that do not appear to contribute much to the network (low L1-norm).

L1 norms of all layers

Note: Because not all layers have the same number of output channels, everything in this plot is normalized to be on the same scale. The horizontal axis represents the channels (sorted from low to high L1-norm), the vertical axis shows the actual L1-norms (also normalized).

You can read more about this approach in the paper Pruning Filters For Efficient Convnets by Li et al.

Removing filters from a layer means the number of output channels for that layer becomes smaller. Naturally, this has an effect on the next layer in the network too because that layer now receives fewer input channels.

As a result, we also have to remove the corresponding input channels from that layer. And when the convolution is followed by batch normalization, we also have to remove these channels from the batch norm parameters.

A convolutional layer followed by batch normalization

MobileNet actually has three kinds of convolutional layers:

  • one regular 3×3 convolution (the very first layer)
  • depth-wise convolutions
  • 1×1 convolutions (also known as pointwise convolutions)

We can only remove filters from the 3×3 and 1×1 convolutions, but not from the depthwise ones. A depthwise convolution must always have the same number of output channels as it has input channels. There isn’t much to gain by compressing, and depthwise convolutions are pretty fast anyway (since they do way less work than a regular convolution). So we’ll primarily focus on the layers with 3×3 and 1×1 convolutions.


Because removing filters from a layer makes the accuracy of the network worse — after all, you’re throwing away things that the neural net has learned, even if they may not be very important — you need to retrain the network a little, so that it can learn to compensate for the parts you just cut out.

Retraining just means you call again. A little trial-and-error led me to a learning rate of 0.00001 — quite small, but anything larger made the training spin out of control. The reason the learning rate must be so small is that at this point the network is mostly trained already and we only want to make small changes to tweak the results.

The process then is:

  1. remove filters (i.e. output channels) from a layer, in multiples of 4
  2. retrain the network for a few epochs
  3. evaluate on the validation set to see if the network has regained its previous accuracy
  4. move to the next layer and repeat these steps

As you can tell, this process is quite labor-intensive, since we only compress one layer at a time and we need to retrain the network after every change. Figuring out how many filters to drop in each layer is not obvious either.

Using samples

MobileNet is trained on the dataset for the ILSVRC competition, also known as ImageNet. This is a huge dataset, consisting of over 1.2 million training images.

I recently built a modest deep learning rig (a Linux box with just one GTX 1080 Ti GPU). On this computer it takes 2 hours to train a single epoch. Even evaluating how well the network does on the 50,000-image validation set takes 3 minutes already.

Needless to say, this doesn’t allow for very rapid iterations. I didn’t want to twiddle my thumbs for 2 hours to see the effect of every tiny change. So instead, I decided to work on samples.

Instead of using the full training set, I picked 5 random images from each of the 1,000 categories (so that the sample is at least somewhat representative), which gives 5,000 training images in total. It now takes about 30 seconds to perform a single training epoch. That’s a lot more manageable than 2 hours!

For validation, I picked a random subset of 1,000 images from the full validation set. Evaluating the network on that subset only takes about 3 seconds.

It turned out that just using these samples worked really well in practice.

Compressing the first convolution layer

As you’ve seen, the first convolution layer has 10 filters with very small L1-norms. Since for Metal we need to remove filters in multiples of 4, I deleted the 12 filters with smallest L1-norms.

Initially, I didn’t actually remove any filters from the neural net at all, but just set the weights of their connections to 0. In theory that does the same thing. This made the top-1 accuracy drop from 69.4% to 68.7% — a bit less accurate but nothing that a little retraining can’t fix. Auspicious beginnings!

Next, I created a new model that had the same layers as the original, except here I physically removed the filters, so that the first convolution layer really only has 24 output channels instead of the original 36. But now the validation score was way worse: only 29.9% correct. Yikes, that is a big difference… What happened?

In theory, setting the weight of a connection to 0 should have the same effect as removing that connection. Well, it turns out that I messed up: I forgot to also set the weights for the corresponding input channels in the next layer to 0. But worse, since this next layer is a depthwise convolution, I also had to set the respective parameters for that layer’s batch normalization to 0.

When the layer is followed by a depthwise convolution

Lesson learned: removing filters from one layer can have a big impact on the next several layers too. And the changes to those other layers also affect the validation score.

So was it a bad idea to remove 37.5% of the first conv layer’s filters? Well, upon inspection of the model, I found that all that was really “wrong” here were 12 bias values in the second batch norm layer — everything else becomes zero because it gets multiplied by something else that is zero, except those bias values.

And these 12 numbers made the difference between 68.7% accuracy and 29.9%. But… seriously?! On a neural net with 4 million parameters, these 12 numbers should not matter at all. With this insight, I felt confident that the network could recover from this 29.9% with some retraining.

I retrained the neural net on a training set sample (5,000 images) for 10 epochs (5 minutes of patience), and now the validation score was back up to 68.4%. That’s a little less than the original accuracy (69.4%) but close enough for now.

For this project, I’m happy if retraining on a sample brings the accuracy back to around 65%. Remember that the sample we’re retraining on is only 0.4% of the full training set size. I figure if such a small subset of training images can bring the accuracy almost back up to the original score, then adding in a few rounds of retraining on the full dataset at the end should get us all the way.

Note: It’s probably not a good idea to use the same training sample for too long. When you train for more than 10 or so epochs on the same sample, the network starts to seriously overfit on it. Whenever I retrained for more than 10 epochs, I usually refreshed the training sample.

Now, saving 37.5% of the weights from the first convolution layer sounds a like a lot but to be honest, it’s a very small layer. It has only 3 input channels and 32 output channels (now 24). Total savings: 3×3×3×12 = 324 parameters, a drop in the ocean. But hey, it’s a good start. Let’s keep going.

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