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转载 一个面向Scheme程序员的monad介绍

今天整理硬盘时翻出一篇旧的翻译稿,那是多年前“计算机英语”课程上要求交的一篇作业,也是哥投身此行业后不多翻译过的东西(还有一篇记得是被面试时考官要求的),作为英语水平差强人意之人,当初挑这篇翻译是有小算盘的,代码多文字少,能少翻就少翻,免得“翻多必失”。 好久没空在博客园上发帖,只好把陈年旧货拿出来晒一晒,希望对想理解monad机制又不想学习范畴论的朋友有所帮助,当然高手就

2016-04-29 12:43:10 604

转载 Monad你我他

初识函数式编程的时候,Monad这个词就一直萦绕在我的耳边眼前和脑海中。这个在1991年由Eugenio Moggi从Category理论引进而来的概念,如同函数式编程中的许多其他概念一样有着深厚的数学背景。也许正是如此,Monad对于习惯了用传统命令式编程语言思考的人们可谓是一个难以理解的Monster。然而这个概念在越来越多的地方不断地出现,Haskell语言的官方站点上有一个关于Monad教

2016-04-29 12:31:03 470

转载 cv牛人博客

以下链接是关于计算机视觉(ComputerVision, CV)相关领域的网站链接,其中有CV牛人的主页,CV研究小组的主页,CV领域的paper,代码,CV领域的最新动态,国内的应用情况等等。打算从事这个行业或者刚入门的朋友可以多关注这些网站,多了解一些CV的具体应用。搞研究的朋友也可以从中了解到很多牛人的研究动态、招生情况等。总之,我认为,知识只有分享才能产生更大的价值,真诚希望下面的链接能对

2016-04-29 12:06:21 1534

转载 gdb 使用介绍

1 简介2 生成调试信息3 启动GDB 的方法4 程序运行上下文    4.1 程序运行参数    4.2 工作目录    4.3 程序的输入输出5 设置断点    5.1 简单断点    5.2 多文件设置断点    5.3 查询所有断点6 观察点7 条件断点8 维护停止点9 为停止点设定运行命令10 调试代码

2016-04-27 08:19:02 379

转载 深度学习(卷积神经网络)一些问题总结

深度卷积网络 涉及问题:1.每个图如何卷积:  (1)一个图如何变成几个?  (2)卷积核如何选择?2.节点之间如何连接?3.S2-C3如何进行分配?4.16-120全连接如何连接?5.最后output输出什么形式?①各个层解释:   我们先要明确一点:每个层有多个Feature Map,每个Feature Map通过一种卷积滤波器提取输入的一种特征

2016-04-22 08:16:03 3085

转载 Appendix: Is there a simple algorithm for intelligence?

In this book, we've focused on the nuts and bolts of neural networks:how they work, and how they can be used to solve pattern recognitionproblems. This is material with many immediate practicalapplica

2016-04-20 16:45:44 775

转载 CHAPTER 6 Deep learning

In the last chapter we learned that deep neuralnetworks are often much harder to train than shallow neural networks.That's unfortunate, since we have good reason to believe thatif we could train dee

2016-04-20 16:44:41 2462

转载 CHAPTER 5 Why are deep neural networks hard to train?

Imagine you're an engineer who has been asked to design a computerfrom scratch. One day you're working away in your office, designinglogical circuits, setting outAND gates, OR gates,and so on, when

2016-04-20 16:42:37 832

转载 CHAPTER 4 A visual proof that neural nets can compute any function

One of the most striking facts about neural networks is that they cancompute any function at all. That is, suppose someone hands you somecomplicated, wiggly function,f(x):No matter what thefun

2016-04-20 16:41:03 852

转载 CHAPTER 3 Improving the way neural networks learn

When a golf player is first learning to play golf, they usually spendmost of their time developing a basic swing. Only gradually do theydevelop other shots, learning to chip, draw and fade the ball,bu

2016-04-20 16:39:10 2295

转载 CHAPTER 2 How the backpropagation algorithm works

In the last chapter we saw how neural networks canlearn their weights and biases using the gradient descent algorithm.There was, however, a gap in our explanation: we didn't discuss how tocompute th

2016-04-20 16:36:01 1067

转载 CHAPTER 1 Using neural nets to recognize handwritten digits By Michael Nielsen

The human visual system is one of the wonders of the world. Considerthe following sequence of handwritten digits:Most people effortlessly recognize those digits as 504192. That easeis deceptive.

2016-04-20 16:33:34 1330

转载 Neural Networks and Deep Learning By Michael Nielsen

http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/index.htmlNeural Networks and Deep Learning is a free online book. Thebook will teach you about:Neural networks, a beautiful biologically-inspired prog

2016-04-20 16:31:01 2065

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--ndarray篇

/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------struct ChunkStorage::Handle shandle; /// 存储管理器句柄 (ptr, size, ctx),负责实际存储空间的开辟管理等 Engine::VarHandle var; /// 执行引擎变量句柄(实现

2016-04-20 15:53:58 3447 1

转载 Using convolutional neural nets to detect facial keypoints tutorial

December 17, 2014 | categories: Python, Deep Learning, Programming, Tutorial, Machine Learning | 192 CommentsThis is a hands-on tutorial on deep learning. Step by step, we'll goabout

2016-04-20 11:48:11 1033

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--kvstore篇

class KVStoreUpdater updater_;std::string type_;1.1 kvstore节点包括worker, server, scheduler, if(role_str == 'local')节点为worker1.2 /// ----------------------------------------------------

2016-04-20 10:33:35 5238 1

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--Executor篇

enum DataEntryTypekBindByExternal /// 数据块由外部绑定kTobeBindByExternal /// 数据块将被外部绑定kInternalAllocated /// 数据块由内部申请,执行完成后需要释放kNotInitialized /// 数据块由执行器内部管理,还没有初始化,/// -----------------------

2016-04-19 16:22:13 3846

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--StaticGraph篇

struct DataEntryuint32_t source_id; /// 节点ID号,在整个计算网络中的序号uint32_t index; /// /// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------st

2016-04-19 10:59:16 1855

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--Symbol篇

struct Node:std::unique_ptr op; /// 节点操作函数类,变量节点指针为空std::string name; /// 节点名称std::vector inputs; /// 节点的输入口,包括上层节点的输出,变量节点等std::shared_ptr backward_source_node; /// 如果支持backward,表示反向计算时的下一级节点

2016-04-18 19:09:54 6767

转载 python常用常用函数

1.常用内置函数:(不用import就可以直接使用)      help(obj) 在线帮助, obj可是任何类型     callable(obj) 查看一个obj是不是可以像函数一样调用     repr(obj) 得到obj的表示字符串,可以利用这个字符串eval重建该对象的一个拷贝     eval_r(str) 表示合法的python表达式,返回这个表达式     d

2016-04-16 14:25:54 367

转载 李沐等:MXNet设计和实现简介

声明:本文经作者同意转载。原始链接: https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet/issues/797作者:@李沐 学术论文 下载神经网络本质上是一种语言,我们通过它来表达对应用问题的理解。例如我们用卷积层来表达空间相关性,RNN来表达时间连续性。根据问题的复杂性和信息如何从输入到输出一步步提取,我们将不同大小的层按一定原则连接起来。近年来随着数据的激增和计

2016-04-15 14:27:22 1825

转载 为mxnet点赞!So many other frameworks exist, why MXNet?

So many other frameworks exist, why MXNet?MXNet is a modern interpretation and rewrite of a number of ideas being talked about in the deep learning infrastructure. It’s designed from the ground up t

2016-04-15 09:33:02 1396

转载 Python编程习惯

Code like a Pythonista: Idiomatic PythonCode like a Pythonista Idiomatic PythonPython之禅一 The Zen of Python 1Python之禅二 The Zen of Python 2编码规范可读性很重要 Coding Style Readability CountsPEP 8 P

2016-04-15 08:16:59 1866

转载 python编程之import篇

本文为原创编译,首发于微信公众号“编程派”。微信搜索“编程派”,获取更多Python编程教程和精彩资源吧!原文: Python 101 - All about imports 作为一名新手Python程序员,你首先需要学习的内容之一就是如何导入模块或包。但是我注意到,那些许多年来不时使用Python的人并不是都知道Python的导入机制其实非常灵活。在本文中,我们将探讨以下话题:

2016-04-15 08:16:00 2619

转载 深度学习研究理解6:OverFeat:Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks

本文是纽约大学Yann LeCun团队中Pierre Sermanet ,David Eigen和张翔等在13年撰写的一篇论文,本文改进了Alex-net,并用图像缩放和滑窗方法在test数据集上测试网络;提出了一种图像定位的方法;最后通过一个卷积网络来同时进行分类,定位和检测三个计算机视觉任务,并在ILSVRC2013中获得了很好的结果。一,介绍       卷积网络的主要优势是提供en

2016-04-14 09:03:30 1147

转载 深度学习论文笔记:OverFeat

原文转自:http://blog.csdn.net/chenli2010/article/details/25204241 今天我们要谈论的文章为:OverFeat: Integrated Recognition, Localization and Detection using Convolutional Networks. ICLR2014.这是大牛Yann

2016-04-14 09:00:23 1438

转载 mxnet深度学习实战:跑自己的数据实验和一些问题总结

用mxnet跑自己的数据1 数据准备   参考  http://blog.csdn.net/a350203223/article/details/50263737   把数据转换成 REC 模式。   备注: make_list.py  可以自动生成 train 和 val 的 lst文件。  可使用参数  --train_ratio=XXX  2 跑数据  参

2016-04-13 15:57:39 14657 5

转载 python中的argparse模块(参数解析)

import argparseparse = argparse.ArgumentParser()parse.add_argument("a", help="params means")parse.add_argument("-C", "--gc", default="count")parse.add_argument("--ga", help="params means ga",d

2016-04-13 11:24:25 20344 1

转载 python 的日志logging模块学习

1.简单的将日志打印到屏幕 import logginglogging.debug('This is debug message')logging.info('This is info message')logging.warning('This is warning message') 屏幕上打印:WARNING:roo

2016-04-13 11:23:14 420

转载 python常用的一些东西——sys、os等(转)

1.常用内置函数:(不用import就可以直接使用)      help(obj) 在线帮助, obj可是任何类型     callable(obj) 查看一个obj是不是可以像函数一样调用     repr(obj) 得到obj的表示字符串,可以利用这个字符串eval重建该对象的一个拷贝     eval_r(str) 表示合法的python表达式,返回这个表达式     d

2016-04-13 11:21:39 325

转载 快速入门:十分钟学会Python


2016-04-12 18:02:38 284

转载 老鸟的Python入门教程

重要说明这不是给编程新手准备的教程,如果您入行编程不久,或者还没有使用过1到2门编程语言,请移步!这是有一定编程经验的人准备的.最好是熟知Java或C,懂得命令行,Shell等.总之,这是面向老鸟的,让老鸟快速上手Python教程.为什么总结这样的一个教程我虽不是老鸟,但已熟悉Java,C/C++, Shell和Perl,且对常见的数据结构和算法等都了解.最近因项目需要,要做一个小工具

2016-04-12 18:00:45 493

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--thread_engine篇

线程引擎:1 变量描述:/// -------------------------------------------------------------------------struct OprBlockstd::atomic wait{0};ThreadedOpr* opr{nullptr};Context ctx;int priority;1.1

2016-04-12 10:21:47 3176

原创 mxnet代码剖析之--Storage篇

/// Storage manager across multiple devicesstruct Handlevoid* dptr; /// Pointer to the data.size_t size; /// Size of the storage.Context ctx; /// Context information about device and ID.

2016-04-11 10:09:31 1555

转载 推荐!国外程序员整理的机器学习资源大全

本列表选编了一些机器学习领域牛B的框架、库以及软件(按编程语言排序)。C++计算机视觉CCV —基于C语言/提供缓存/核心的机器视觉库,新颖的机器视觉库OpenCV—它提供C++, C, Python, Java 以及 MATLAB接口,并支持Windows, Linux, Android and Mac OS操作系统。通用机器学习MLPack

2016-04-11 08:26:48 804

转载 Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks for NLP

When we hear about Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs), we typically think of Computer Vision. CNNs were responsible for major breakthroughs in Image Classification and are the core of most Computer V

2016-04-07 18:02:44 1063

转载 Speeding up your Neural Network with Theano and the GPU

In a previous blog post we build a simple Neural Network from scratch. Let’s build on top of this and speed up our code using theTheano library. With Theano we can make our code not only faster, b

2016-04-07 18:00:14 569

转载 Implementing a Neural Network from Scratch in Python – An Introduction

In this post we will implement a simple 3-layer neural network from scratch. We won’t derive all the math that’s required, but I will try to give an intuitive explanation of what we are doing. I will

2016-04-07 17:58:00 678

转载 C++语言的表达式模板:表达式模板的入门性介绍

C++语言的表达式模板:表达式模板的入门性介绍原标题:C++ Expression Templates: An Introduction to the Principles of Expression Templates原作者:Klaus Kreft与Angelika Langer原文链接: http://www.angelikalanger.com/Articles/Cuj/

2016-04-06 16:11:10 685



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