Error validating server certificate for

Error validating server certificate for

 - Unknown certificate issuer

   Fingerprint: 54:4e:01:92:66:28:ff:c7:2d:69:86:92:c1:91:15:fe:7a:2e:cf:42

   Distinguished name: lcd-aeyrrt12nd8

 - Hostname mismatch (lcd-aeyrrt12nd8)

今天同事的myeclipse svn插件,老是提示这个错误,导致代码同步更新等操作百分麻烦。


我的mac上的SVN今天突然间 不好使了 在进行SVN操作是报出警告信息:


Error validating server certificate for 'https://xxxxxxx':443
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
 - The certificate hostname does not match.
Certificate information:
 - Hostname: xxxxxxx
 - Valid: xxxxxxx
 - Issuer: xxxxxx
 - Fingerprint: xxxxxxxxx
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? 



但是这也不是什么大问题,只要在 ~/.subversion/servers 中添加几行配置就轻松搞定了 具体操作如下:

(1) 用命令打开servers配置文件:open  ~/.subversion/servers 

  (2)   在servers配置文件的末尾添加:

          ssl-ignore-host-mismatch = true
          ssl-ignore-unknown-ca = true
          ssl-ignore-invalid-date = true 

 (3) 我是这样搞定的,你试试吧





在左边找到Saved Data->然后右边找到Authentication data,点clear




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Key Features Leverage Ionic 2 and its exciting new features to create cutting edge real-time apps Work through simple recipes to address your problems directly and solve them effectively Get examples at each step to guide you on your learning curve Book Description Developing real-time apps is the need of the hour, and apps that deal with humongous amounts of user data and real-time information that needs to be updated frequently are in high demand. Currently, one of the most popular frameworks for this task is Ionic Framework, which is undergoing a major makeover. This book will get you started with Ionic and help you create Angular 2 components that interact with templates. From there, you'll work with Ionic components and find out how to share data efficiently between them. You'll discover how to make the best use of the REST API to handle back-end services and then move on to animating the application to make it look pretty. You'll learn to add in a local push notification in order to test the app. You'll work with Cordova to support native functionalities on both iOS and Android. From there, you'll get to grips with using the default themes for each platform as well as customizing your own. Finally, you'll see how best to deploy your app to different platforms. This book will solve all your Ionic-related issues through dedicated recipes that will help you get the best out of Ionic. What you will learn Create custom UIs using Angular 2 directives Make the best use of REST APIs to submit forms Create beautiful animations and graphics in the application Embed videos and other media into the app Access native device functionalities such as a camera and maps using ngCordova Theme the application based on the various platform styles available Publish your application to a variety of platforms Leverage Angular 2 events and Ionic-specific events to communicate About the Author Hoc Phan is a technologist with a wide range of experiences in frontend development, cloud computing, and big data. He started programming at the age of 12, with Pascal and Assembly, on the Intel 80286 computer. He learned to start practicing right away, even before figuring out the important concepts. Hoc worked on many JavaScript projects in the past by teaching himself the framework using various online sources. He was one of the first few developers who tested Ionic for its feasibility as a JavaScript replacement of the native language of a device. He wrote the Ionic Cookbook (for more information, visit, which was very well received. He has worked for both start-ups and large companies. By frequently speaking at local meetups as well as cloud computing/big data industry events and conferences, he learns from other experts. He holds an MBA degree from the University of Washington's Michael G. Foster School of Business. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Creating Our First App with Ionic 2 Chapter 2. Adding Ionic 2 Components Chapter 3. Extending Ionic 2 with Angular 2 Building Blocks Chapter 4. Validating Forms and Making HTTP Requests Chapter 5. Adding Animation Chapter 6. User Authentication and Push Notification Using Ionic Cloud Chapter 7. Supporting Device Functionalities Using Ionic Native Chapter 8. Theming the App Chapter 9. Publishing the App for Different Platforms


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