What's New in the .NET Framework 2.0 Beta

The .NET Framework version 2.0 Beta extends the .NET Framework version 1.1 with new features, improvements to existing features, and enhancements to the documentation. This section provides information about some key additions and modifications.

64-Bit Platform Support

The new generation of 64-bit computers enables the creation of applications that can run faster and take advantage of more memory than is available to 32-bit applications. New support for 64-bit applications enables users to build managed code libraries or easily use unmanaged code libraries on 64-bit computers.

Access Control List Support

An access control list (ACL) is used to grant or revoke permission to access a resource on a computer. New classes have been added to the .NET Framework that allow managed code to create and modify an ACL, and new members that utilize an ACL have been added to the I/O, registry, and threading classes.


New features in ADO.NET include support for user-defined types (UDT); asynchronous database operations; XML data types; large value types; snapshot isolation; and new attributes that allow applications to support multiple active result sets (MARS) with SQL Server 2005. For more information about these and other new ADO.NET features, see What's New in ADO.NET .


The Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta includes significant enhancements to all areas of ASP.NET. For Web page development, new controls make it easier to add commonly used functionality to dynamic Web pages. New data controls make it possible to display and edit data on an ASP.NET Web page without writing code. An improved code-behind model makes developing ASP.NET pages easier and more robust. Caching features include several new ways to cache pages, including the ability to build cache dependency on tables in a SQL Server database.

You can now customize Web sites and pages in a variety of ways. Profile properties enable ASP.NET to track property values for individual users automatically. Using Web Parts, you can create pages that users can customize themselves in the browser. You can automatically track page views and control clicks with site statistics, and you can add navigation menus using simple controls.

Improvements to Web site features allow you to create professional Web sites faster and more easily. Master pages allow you to create a consistent layout for all the pages in a site, and themes allow you to define a consistent look for controls and static text. To help protect your sites, you can precompile a Web site to produce executable code from source files (both code files and the markup in .aspx pages). You can then deploy the resulting output, which does not include any source information, to a production server. Enhancements to ASP.NET also include new tools and classes to make Web site management easier for Web site developers, server administrators, and hosters.

ASP.NET accommodates a wide variety of browsers and devices. By default, controls render output that is compatible with XHTML 1.1 standards. The new adaptive rendering architecture enables controls to automatically render the correct markup for a specific browser or device; you no longer need to use separate classes for mobile development. You can use device filtering to specify different property values on the same control for different browsers, and ASP.NET includes special controls specifically designed for creating pages that run on small-form browsers and mobile phones.

For a more complete list of new features in ASP.NET, see What's New in ASP.NET .

Authenticated Streams

Applications can use the new NegotiateStream and SslStream classes for authentication and to help secure information transmitted between a client and a server. These authenticated stream classes support mutual authentication, data encryption, and data signing. The NegotiateStream class uses the Negotiate security protocol for authentication. The SslStream class uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) security protocol for authentication.

COM Interop Services Enhancements

Four major enhancements have been made to the classes and tools that support interoperability with COM:

  • The operating system maintains a limited number of handles, which are used to reference critical operating system resources. The new SafeHandle and CriticalHandle classes, and their specialized derived classes, provide safe and reliable means of manipulating operating system handles.
  • Marshaling improvements make interoperating with native code easier. Two enhancements to the interop marshaler satisfy the two most common user requests: the ability to wrap native function pointers into delegates, and the ability to marshal fixed-size arrays of structures inside structures.
  • The performance of calls between applications in different application domains has been made much faster for common call types.
  • New switches on the Type Library Importer (Tlbimp.exe) and Type Library Exporter (Tlbexp.exe) tools eliminate dependency on the registry to resolve type library references. This enhancement is important for creating robust build environments.

Console Class Additions

New members of the Console class enable applications to manipulate the dimensions of the console window and screen buffer; to move a rectangular area of the screen buffer, which is useful for performing smooth, simple animation; and to wait while reading console input until a key is pressed. Other new class members control the foreground and background colors of text, the visibility and size of the cursor, and the frequency and duration of the console beep.

Data Protection API

The new Data Protection API (DPAPI) includes four methods that allow applications to encrypt passwords, keys, connections strings, and so on, without calling platform invoke. You can also encrypt blocks of memory on computers running Windows Server 2003 or later operating systems.

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Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 是一个累积更新,包含很多基于 .NET Framework 2.0、3.0 和 3.5 不断生成的新功能,此外还包括 .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 2 和 .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2 累积更新。 .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 版提供了以下新功能和改进: ASP.NET 动态数据,它提供了丰富的框架,从而使用户可以快速进行数据驱动的开发,而无需编写代码;ASP.NET AJAX 的一项新增功能,对管理浏览器历史记录提供了支持(支持后退按钮)。有关更多信息,请参见 What’s New in ASP.NET and Web Development(ASP.NET 和 Web 开发中的新增功能)。 对公共语言运行时的核心改进包括:改进了 .NET Framework 本机映像的布局、选择不再对完全受信任的程序集进行强名称验证、提高了应用程序启动性能、改进了生成的代码以缩短端对端应用程序执行时间、选择在 ASLR(地址空间布局随机化)模式下运行托管代码(如果操作系统支持)。此外,从网络共享打开的托管应用程序在完全受信任环境下运行时与本机应用程序具有相同的行为。 提高了 Windows Presentation Foundation 的性能,包括缩短了启动时间,提高了与位图效果有关的性能。WPF 的其他新增功能包括:改善了对业务线应用程序、本机初始屏幕、DirectX 像素着色器的支持,并且新增了 WebBrowser 控件。 ClickOnce 应用程序发行者可以决定在适当情况下不进行签名和加密,开发人员可以编程方式安装 ClickOnce 应用程序以显示自定义署名,并且 ClickOnce 错误对话框支持链接到 Web 上应用程序特定的支持网站。 实体框架是从现有的一套 ADO.NET 数据访问技术发展而来的。利用实体框架,开发人员可以按照应用程序特定的域模型(而不是基础数据库模型)来针对关系数据库进行编程。有关更多信息,请参见 Getting Started with the Entity Framework(实体框架入门)。实体框架还引入了一些其他功能,包括支持 SQL Server 2008 的新类型、默认实体图形序列化和实体数据源。在此版本中,实体框架支持 SQL Server 2008 中的新日期和文件流功能。图形序列化工作可帮助开发人员生成将全部图形建模为数据协定的 Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 服务。实体数据源为希望使用实体框架的 ASP.NET 应用程序构建者提供了传统的数据源体验。 LINQ to SQL 新增了对 SQL Server 2008 中的新日期和文件流功能的支持。 ADO.NET Data Services Framework 由满足以下条件的模式和库组合而成:支持将数据公开为一项基于 REST(具象状态传输)的灵活数据服务,企业网络内部或整个 Internet 上的 Web 客户端都可以使用该服务。ADO.NET Data Services Framework 支持基于任何数据源创建数据服务。通过与 ADO.NET Entity Framework 的充分集成,可以轻松公开基础存储架构的概念视图模型。可以轻松地从任一平台访问使用 ADO.NET Data Services Framework 创建的服务以及兼容的 Windows Live (dev.live.com) 服务。针对运行在 Microsoft 平台上的客户端应用程序提供了一组客户端库,以简化与数据服务的交互。例如,基于 .NET Framework 的客户端可以使用 LINQ 查询数据服务,也可以使用简单的 .NET Framework 对象层更新此服务中的数据。 现在,Windows Communication Foundation 改进了对互操作性的支持,增强了部分受信任情况下的调试体验,并且扩展了整合协议支持以便在 Web 2.0 应用程序中可以进行更广泛的应用,从而使 DataContract 序列化程序变得更易于使用。 用于 SQL Server (SqlClient) 的 .NET Framework 数据提供程序新增了对 SQL Server 2008 中的文件流和稀疏列功能的支持。
This new 7th edition of Pro C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Platform has been completely revised and rewritten to reflect the latest changes to the C# language specification and new advances in the .NET Framework. You'll find new chapters covering all the important new features that make .NET 4.6 the most comprehensive release yet, including:, A Refined ADO.NET Entity Framework Programming ModelNumerous IDE and MVVM Enhancements for WPF Desktop DevelopmentNumerous updates to the ASP.NET Web APIs, This comes on top of award winning coverage of core C# features, both old and new, that have made the previous editions of this book so popular. Readers will gain a solid foundation of object-oriented development techniques, attributes and reflection, generics and collections as well as numerous advanced topics not found in other texts (such as CIL opcodes and emitting dynamic assemblies)., The mission of this book is to provide you with a comprehensive foundation in the C# programming language and the core aspects of the .NET platform plus overviews of technologies built on top of C# and .NET (ADO.NET and Entity Framework, Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET (WebForms, MVC, WebAPI).). Once you digest the information presented in these chapters, you’ll be in a perfect position to apply this knowledge to your specific programming assignments, and you’ll be well equipped to explore the .NET universe on your own terms., What You Will Learn:, Be the first to understand the .NET 4.6 platform and C# 6.Discover the ins and outs of the leading .NET technology.Learn from an award-winning author who has been teaching the .NET world since version 1.0.Find complete coverage of XAML, .NET 4.6 and Visual Studio 2015 together with discussion of the new Windows Runtime.


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