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原创 隐士八卦:JSP就是好


2007-01-29 13:36:00 1292

原创 硅谷之行 (07) eBay南分舵初印象


2007-01-24 23:08:00 2379 1

硅谷之行 (07) eBay南分舵初印象


2007-01-24 15:04:09 182

原创 硅谷之行 (05) 单身公寓 II

本文未经网络隐士许可,不得转载。http://www.caocao.mobi上回说到Studios Inn的洗衣房,出得洗衣房,下楼是大厅。店家很会借用地方,一排沙发放在楼梯下面,高一点的人抢沙发一定要注意别碰头。为何如此紧凑呢?因为地方就这么大,隐士拍照的位置就是管理处办公的地方。右面是大门。http://nethermit.blog.163.com/blog/static/226288

2007-01-23 21:58:00 2578 1

原创 java.net.URL各get方法的含义

呵呵,隐士研究java.net.URL中,源码注释如下: * @author  James Gosling * @version 1.130, 08/25/04 * @since JDK1.0 哈哈,白胡老头写的,好些个get方法,含义不是很直白,隐士写个小程序把各种值dump出来瞧瞧。输入结果如下:getAuthority() = so.mdbchina.comgetClass(

2007-01-19 17:00:00 3753 4

原创 JSpider源码研究:核心SpiderHttpURLTask

呵呵,核心代码,挺详细的,考虑比较周到,隐士观察下来,还缺少设定timeout,还缺proxy部分,因为JSpider已经支持proxy,不过是用java内置的方法,结果就是同一时间只有一个proxy起作用。 package net.javacoding.jspider.core.task.work;import net.javacoding.jspider.api.model.HTTPH

2007-01-19 14:16:00 3210 2

转载 Redemption (Episode 208)

Captain Lili Marquette (Lisa Howard) and Jonathan Doors (David Hemblen) met in the Liberation hideout to examine a computer graphic of a CVI-implanted brain. Major Liam K

2007-01-17 13:39:00 861

转载 Fissures (Episode 207)

As two technicians tested a new interdimensional pathway from New York to Bangkok, a strange glowing light appeared, then hid inside a control panel. One of the men staye

2007-01-17 13:37:00 842

转载 Sleepers (Episode 206)

Deep in the Australian outback, a scientist discovered a miniature space probe, which emitted a violent pulse of energy, killing the scientist. Meanwhile, on the Taelon m

2007-01-17 13:36:00 1342

转载 Moonscape (Episode 205)

Augur (Richard Chevolleau) was in Russia attempting to buy top research secrets from a failed research scientist named Dr. Smerdyakov (Aron Tager) when the two men were c

2007-01-17 13:34:00 972

转载 Dimensions (Episode 204)

Major Liam Kincaid (Robert Leeshock) took Augur (Richard Chevolleau) on a clandestine trip on a Taelon shuttle to show him how the spacecraft worked. Unbeknownst to them,

2007-01-17 13:32:00 822

转载 A Stitch in Time (Episode 203)

Major Liam Kincaid (Robert Leeshock) and Agent Ron Sandoval (Von Flores) were on security duty before the opening of a major museum exhibit commemorating the Taelons arr

2007-01-15 13:35:00 946

转载 Atavus (Episode 202)

Augur (Richard Chevolleau) was given the job of keeping Major Liam Kincaid (Robert Leeshock) out of trouble. They spent time in Augurs loft watching a surveillance monit

2007-01-15 13:34:00 833

转载 First of Its Kind (Episode 201)

After his battle with the alien renegade Hagel, William Boones (Kevin Kilner) life hung precariously in the balance. Hagel was the last of the Kimera, a race that was

2007-01-15 13:31:00 977

原创 隐士打造CSDN相册灌水机 (1)


2007-01-12 23:37:00 1177

原创 Lucene相关度排序的调整


2007-01-12 12:38:00 2134

转载 独家专访BitComet:无间道行走 快乐并BT着

出处:PConline[ 2006-04-17 10:30:19 ] 作者:PConline产业资讯 怡莎 责任编辑:yisha   PConline北京专稿[文/怡莎] 香港黑

2007-01-12 10:17:00 1807

原创 隐士的C#编码规范草稿

隐士草拟的一份C#编码规范,如欲转载,请注明来源http://blog.csdn.net/nethermit/,欢迎大家和我讨论,隐士思考还不成熟,欢迎拍砖。贴过来,格式有些被破坏了,各位海涵。  类名(class)命名规范●类名必须可以清晰反映该类的基本功能。●类名由英文字母和数字组成,如无必要不要引入数字。●英文字母必须由完整的英文单词组成,以名词结尾,不得使用英文缩写,如:MN

2007-01-11 16:10:00 1941 1

原创 隐士的数据库编码规范草稿

隐士草拟的一份数据库编码规范,如欲转载,请注明来源http://blog.csdn.net/nethermit/,欢迎大家和我讨论,隐士思考还不成熟,欢迎拍砖。贴过来,格式有些被破坏了,各位海涵。 数据库命名规范●数据库名称一般以项目名、网站子域名为准●数据库名称由英文字母和数字组成,如无必要不要引入数字。●英文字母必须由完整的英文单词组成,允许使用常见的所写。●单词间以下划线分隔,

2007-01-11 14:56:00 1300

硅谷之行 (01) 上海-东京-旧金山-硅谷

本文未经网络隐士许可,不得转载。http://www.caocao.mobi一年前的今天,隐士站在窗外雾蒙蒙的浦东机场,IT民工出国打工,春节也要在美国过了,隐士这个土豹子还从来没有坐过飞机(家里太穷,坐不起飞机,隐士的活动范围就在江浙一带)。 这次闹大了,目的地硅谷,啊呀,没有立遗嘱哦,万一飞机掉下来,隐士写的那两车皮源代码后继无人啊。硅谷会是个什么样子啊,不会开车隐士在车轮上的国家会以什么...

2007-01-11 12:55:38 481

转载 The Joining (Episode 122)

The Argonaut, a sophisticated naval salvage ship, hovered above a sunken ship out at sea. Captain Claude Bertrand (Raymond Accolas) had brought his crew to excavate a gol

2007-01-05 13:43:00 982

转载 Destruction (Episode 121)

As Augur (Richard Chevolleau) entertained a date, a holographic image of Rayna (Sonia Dhillon), the Resistance scientist who had been consumed by the alien probe, appeare

2007-01-05 13:41:00 885

转载 Infection (Episode 120)

It was code red at a Taelon research laboratory when Neeg (Janet Zenik) succumbed to a devastating virus after he was infected by an airborne agent while working around

2007-01-05 13:39:00 775

转载 Through The Looking Glass (Episode 119)

The Taelons introduced interdimensional travel for human customers. Jamie Sims (William Greenblatt), a young deaf-mute boy, and his mother Anna (Diana Reis), were two of

2007-01-05 13:38:00 789

原创 隐士向一个美国朋友推荐邵氏电影

2005年夏天去凯恩学习英语,碰到一美国老师Scott,此公酷爱中国武打片,他说他看了巨多,尤其喜欢徐克的Once upon a time in China(黄飞鸿系列),李连杰同学是他颇为欣赏的,他还和我大谈Kill Bill两步曲,他对昆汀师傅相当推崇。 我告诉他,昆师傅的童年是因为伴随着邵氏武打片而变得充实地,徐师傅的黄飞鸿系列已经开始全面吊钢丝了,不比香港60-80年代初的硬桥铁马,他汗…

2007-01-05 12:41:00 1636

原创 隐士八卦邵氏电影的英文译名

隐士随便研究了一下,几个蛮有趣的译名,可以说英文译名和中文名字几乎毫无关系 Bastard Swordsman(杂种剑客) 天蚕变 Return of the Bastard Swordsman(杂种剑客归来) 天蚕变大结局之布衣神相 My Young Auntie(我的年轻姑姑) 长辈 Knight Of Knights(骑士中的骑士) 文素臣 The Proud Youth(高傲的年轻一代)

2007-01-05 12:37:00 2014

原创 邵氏功夫片设计模式之——健身房模式

隐士看邵氏影片几百部,作为IT人,设计模式是必备法宝,正好可以八卦一下。 健身房模式,顾名思义,男女一号或因为复仇(独臂刀、洪熙官、少林寺等),或因为赌气(少林搭棚大师等)而寻找到露天健身房,或是花言巧语,或是痛哭流涕,或是坑蒙拐骗以博得健身教练的同情,大发善心让他们练霸王功,练功之后多数情况下健身教练也要赔上老命,男女一号痛定思痛,一番暴打(约在最后7-14分钟)于最后10秒杀掉反面一号而结束。

2007-01-05 12:30:00 1019

转载 Law & Order (Episode 118)

The Taelon scientist Rho-ha (Kari Matchett) was going to stand trial for murder in Washington, the first time a Companion was subjected to a human court of law. Rho-ha ha

2007-01-05 12:24:00 928

转载 The Devil You Know (Episode 117)

In a darkened laboratory, two military operatives examined the body of Thomas Blanchard (Jim Codringham), a career thief who was beaten brain dead in his jail cell. The b

2007-01-05 12:10:00 818

转载 The Wrath of Achilles (Episode 116)

Below ground in their secret headquarters, William Boone (Kevin Kilner) argued with Jonathan Doors (David Hemblen) about a new Resistance offensive. Augur (Richard Chevol

2007-01-05 12:02:00 932

转载 If You Could Read My Mind (Episode 115)

Daan (Leni Parker) and Zoor (Anita La Selva) were scheduled to speak at a Conference of Psychic Sciences in Boston. Just before their appearance, the Taelon Synod was s

2007-01-05 11:59:00 930

转载 Pandora's Box (Episode 114)

As William Boone (Kevin Kilner) relaxed in his office, reading and listening to music, he heard a mans voice calling his name. He looked around for its source and saw a

2007-01-05 11:41:00 755

转载 The Secret of Strand Hill (Episode 113)

  The monolithic Strand Hill ruins in Ireland was one of Earths most revered historical sites. Local tour guide and roustabout Tim OMalley (Chris Wiggins) lead a group

2007-01-04 15:50:00 766

转载 Sandoval's Run (Episode 112)

During his interrogation of anti-Taelon activist Nell Hagar (T.L. Forsberg), Agent Ron Sandoval (Von Flores) collapsed in intense pain with blood running from his ear. Wi

2007-01-04 15:49:00 658

转载 The Scarecrow Returns (Episode 111)

Deep below the ground at Resistance headquarters, William Boone (Kevin Kilner) met with two molecular biologists who were studying the alien probe captured after it wreak

2007-01-04 15:34:00 698

转载 Live Free or Die (Episode 110)

Earths foremost astronomers had gathered at a planetarium for a special appearance by Daan (Leni Parker), who would be making a presentation about the planet Taelon. Da

2007-01-04 13:39:00 850

转载 Scorpions Dream (Episode 109)

Dr. Larry Clark (Jonathan Potts), a brilliant and devoted young scientist in the Companions development lab, was heading up a research project on the Alpha series of skr

2007-01-04 13:37:00 599

转载 Horizon Zero (Episode 108)

A long-planned international mission to Mars was unexpectedly canceled because it was deemed "unnecessary." Daan (Leni Parker) offered Captain Paul Chandler (Bobby Johns

2007-01-04 13:36:00 731

转载 Resurrection (Episode 107)

As millions around the world watched, coverage of the World Bowl was interrupted by Jonathan Doors (David Hemblen) and the startling announcement that not only was he s

2007-01-04 13:30:00 657

转载 Float Like a Butterfly (Episode 106)

William Boone (Kevin Kilner) and Lili Marquette (Lisa Howard) got a call from Elijah Good (Brett Porter), a doctor in the small Amish town of Paradise. Two citizens of Pa

2007-01-04 13:29:00 789



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