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Try my best and smile every day!

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原创 Class DynaValidatorForm

1. Create DynaActionFormThere are 2 ways to create a dynaActionForm in Lomboz3.2. The first one is to use New -> Struts Form Bean -> Add New DynaForm -> Fill out Form Bean Name and add properties (Not

2007-01-25 16:19:00 885

原创 DispatchAction class

Class Dispatch is used to create actions that can handle more than one action which is execute(). Instead of using only execute() method, we can add many methods like add(), edit(), delete() in a acti

2007-01-25 15:19:00 685

原创 How to config internationalization in struts

1. In path/src folder, create ApplicationResources.properties and ApplicationResources_zh_CN.properties. The resource file name should be ended with .properties, and different language resouce files s

2007-01-24 14:29:00 762

原创 Notes of struts-config.xml

1. There should be ONLY ONE default message-resources attribute, otherwise it will find no message. If there are more than one resource files, we need to use key attribute to take part of them. For ex

2007-01-24 12:37:00 741

原创 在Struts如何使用Validate()方法

Steps to using validate() in ActionForm:1.rewrite the method validate() in ActionForm file;2.in resource file ApplicationResources.properties create error marks;3.in struts-config.xml, set validate pr

2007-01-23 23:12:00 1847 4

原创 我的第一个Struts实例

Having spent a whole day to begin the study of Struts, I finally successfully to work out the first struts example in Ch2 of the book 《Struts与Hibernate使用教程》。I am so happy that I decide to record it in

2007-01-23 21:54:00 1705 2

原创 Eclipse插件安装的两种方法


2007-01-13 18:40:00 777


新鲜出炉的演进式架构 第二版,英文原版。 《Building Evolutionary Architectures —— Automated Software Governance》 2ND EDITION。 作者:Neal Ford, Rebecca Parsons, Patrick Kua, and Pramod Sadalage。






最新版Anaconda Windows 64安装包:Anaconda3-5.0.1-Windows-x86_64。不要要积分,确发现最低值是2,分,没有0分这个选项……



Android编程权威指南的全部36章英文原版。MVC,Fragment,Service等各种概念,清清楚楚、明明白白。Android开发中的Java编程思想! 附带源码下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/newweapon/8136629 本书根据美国大名鼎鼎的Big Nerd Ranch训练营的Android培训讲义编写而成,已经为微软、谷歌、Facebook等行业巨头培养了众多专业人才。作者巧妙地把Android开发所需的庞杂知识、行业实践、编程规范等融入一本书中,通过精心编排的应用示例、循序渐进的内容组织,以及循循善诱的语言,深入地讲解了Android开发的方方面面。如果学完一章之后仍然意犹未尽,那“挑战练习”一定会让你大呼过瘾。本书之所以能在移动应用开发类图书中脱颖而出,还在于它真的是在与读者“对话”。阅读本书就好像有一位私人导师在你身边随时为你答疑解惑。



Android编程权威指南的全部36章源代码。MVC,Fragment,Service等各种概念,清清楚楚、明明白白。Android开发中的Java编程思想!源代码中有许多值得参考、学习、模仿甚至可以直接利用的价值。 本书根据美国大名鼎鼎的Big Nerd Ranch训练营的Android培训讲义编写而成,已经为微软、谷歌、Facebook等行业巨头培养了众多专业人才。作者巧妙地把Android开发所需的庞杂知识、行业实践、编程规范等融入一本书中,通过精心编排的应用示例、循序渐进的内容组织,以及循循善诱的语言,深入地讲解了Android开发的方方面面。如果学完一章之后仍然意犹未尽,那“挑战练习”一定会让你大呼过瘾。本书之所以能在移动应用开发类图书中脱颖而出,还在于它真的是在与读者“对话”。阅读本书就好像有一位私人导师在你身边随时为你答疑解惑。


Tomcat运行内幕-How Tomcat Works

本书讲述一般Java Web server以及Tomcat的运行原理,对JavaEE编程有极大的好处。<br>可惜只有前6章。


Java并发编程实践[英文版] - Java Concurrency In Practice



Manning - Java 3D Programming - Source Code(源码)

Manning - Java 3D Programming - Source Code(源码)


Java 3d Tutorial

Java 3d Tutorial


A compact reference for 3d computer graphics programming

A compact reference for 3d computer graphics programming


人工智能-现代方法 Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach

人工智能-现代方法,Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach,第一版。<br>经典的人工智能学习书籍 。


BSD HACKS -- 100个业界最尖端的技巧和工具

Credits<br> About the Author<br> Contributors<br> Acknowledgments<br> Preface<br> Why BSD Hacks?<br> How to Use this Book<br> How This Book Is Organized<br> Conventions Used in This Book<br> Using Code Examples<br> We'd Like to Hear from You<br> Chapter 1. Customizing the User Environment<br> Section 0. Introduction<br> Section 1. Get the Most Out of the Default Shell<br> Section 2. Useful tcsh Shell Configuration File Options<br> Section 3. Create Shell Bindings<br> Section 4. Use Terminal and X Bindings<br> Section 5. Use the Mouse at a Terminal<br> Section 6. Get Your Daily Dose of Trivia<br> Section 7. Lock the Screen<br> Section 8. Create a Trash Directory<br> Section 9. Customize User Configurations<br> Section 10. Maintain Your Environment on Multiple Systems<br> Section 11. Use an Interactive Shell<br> Section 12. Use Multiple Screens on One Terminal<br> Chapter 2. Dealing with Files and Filesystems<br> Section 12. Introduction<br> Section 13. Find Things<br> Section 14. Get the Most Out of grep<br> Section 15. Manipulate Files with sed<br> Section 16. Format Text at the Command Line<br> Section 17. Delimiter Dilemma<br> Section 18. DOS Floppy Manipulation<br> Section 19. Access Windows Shares Without a Server<br> Section 20. Deal with Disk Hogs<br> Section 21. Manage Temporary Files and Swap Space<br> Section 22. Recreate a Directory Structure Using mtree<br> Section 23. Ghosting Systems<br> Chapter 3. The Boot and Login Environments<br> Introduction<br> Section 24. Customize the Default Boot Menu<br> Section 25. Protect the Boot Process<br> Section 26. Run a Headless System<br> Section 27. Log a Headless Server Remotely<br> Section 28. Remove the Terminal Login Banner<br> Section 29. Protecting Passwords With Blowfish Hashes<br> Section 30. Monitor Password Policy Compliance<br> Section 31. Create an Effective, Reusable Password Policy<br> Section 32. Automate Memorable Password Generation<br> Section 33. Use One Time Passwords<br> Section 34. Restrict Logins<br> Chapter 4. Backing Up<br> Introduction<br> Section 35. Back Up FreeBSD with SMBFS<br> Section 36. Create Portable POSIX Archives<br> Section 37. Interactive Copy<br> Section 38. Secure Backups Over a Network<br> Section 39. Automate Remote Backups<br> Section 40. Automate Data Dumps for PostgreSQL Databases<br> Section 41. Perform Client-Server Cross-Platform Backups with Bacula<br> Chapter 5. Networking Hacks<br> Introduction<br> Section 42. See Console Messages Over a Remote Login<br> Section 43. Spoof a MAC Address<br> Section 44. Use Multiple Wireless NIC Configurations<br> Section 45. Survive Catastrophic Internet Loss<br> Section 46. Humanize tcpdump Output<br> Section 47. Understand DNS Records and Tools<br> Section 48. Send and Receive Email Without a Mail Client<br> Section 49. Why Do I Need sendmail?<br> Section 50. Hold Email for Later Delivery<br> Section 51. Get the Most Out of FTP<br> Section 52. Distributed Command Execution<br> Section 53. Interactive Remote Administration<br> Chapter 6. Securing the System<br> Introduction<br> Section 54. Strip the Kernel<br> Section 55. FreeBSD Access Control Lists<br> Section 56. Protect Files with Flags<br> Section 57. Tighten Security with Mandatory Access Control<br> Section 58. Use mtree as a Built-in Tripwire<br> Section 59. Intrusion Detection with Snort, ACID, MySQL, and FreeBSD<br> Section 60. Encrypt Your Hard Disk<br> Section 61. Sudo Gotchas<br> Section 62. sudoscript<br> Section 63. Restrict an SSH server<br> Section 64. Script IP Filter Rulesets<br> Section 65. Secure a Wireless Network Using PF<br> Section 66. Automatically Generate Firewall Rules<br> Section 67. Automate Security Patches<br> Section 68. Scan a Network of Windows Computers for Viruses<br> Chapter 7. Going Beyond the Basics<br> Introduction<br> Section 69. Tune FreeBSD for Different Applications<br> Section 70. Traffic Shaping on FreeBSD<br> Section 71. Create an Emergency Repair Kit<br> Section 72. Use the FreeBSD Recovery Process<br> Section 73. Use the GNU Debugger to Analyze a Buffer Overflow<br> Section 74. Consolidate Web Server Logs<br> Section 75. Script User Interaction<br> Section 76. Create a Trade Show Demo<br> Chapter 8. Keeping Up-to-Date<br> Introduction<br> Section 77. Automated Install<br> Section 78. FreeBSD from Scratch<br> Section 79. Safely Merge Changes to /etc<br> Section 80. Automate Updates<br> Section 81. Create a Package Repository<br> Section 82. Build a Port Without the Ports Tree<br> Section 83. Keep Ports Up-to-Date with CTM<br> Section 84. Navigate the Ports System<br> Section 85. Downgrade a Port<br> Section 86. Create Your Own Startup Scripts<br> Section 87. Automate NetBSD Package Builds<br> Section 88. Easily Install Unix Applications on Mac OS X<br> Chapter 9. Grokking BSD<br> Introduction<br> Section 89. How'd He Know That?<br> Section 90. Create Your Own Manpages<br> Section 91. Get the Most Out of Manpages<br> Section 92. Apply, Understand, and Create Patches<br> Section 93. Display Hardware Information<br> Section 94. Determine Who Is on the System<br> Section 95. Spelling Bee<br> Section 96. Leave on Time<br> Section 97. Run Native Java Applications<br> Section 98. Rotate Your Signature<br> Section 99. Useful One-Liners<br> Section 9.13. Fun with X


Hibernate In Action(英文)

A good book to learn Hibernate.



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