Programmer’s dilemma

Recently I interviewed tens of candidates for a kernel programmer’s position. These candidates are from big, good companies, which are famous for chips or embedded OS/systems. Many of them claimed they have at least 10 years on-job experience on kernel. Their resumes look fairly shiny — all kinds of related projects, buzz words and awards…

But most of them cannot answer a really basic question: When we call the standard malloc function, what happens in kernel?

Don’t be astonished. When I ask one of the candidate to write a simple LRU cache framework based on glib hash functions, he firstly claimed he had never used glib — that’s what I expected — I showed the glib hash api page and explained the APIs to him in detail, then after almost an hour he wrote only a few lines of messy code.

I don’t know if the situation is similar in other countries, but in China, or more specifically, in Beijing, this is reality. “Senior” programmers who worked for big, famous foreign companies for years cannot justify themselves in simple, fundamental problems.

Why did this happen?

The more I think about it, the more I believe it is caused not only by themselves but also by the companies they worked for. These companies usually provide stable stack of code, which has no significant changes for years. The technologies around the code wraps up people’s skills, so that they just need to follow the existing path, rather than to be creative. If you happened to work for such kind of code for a long period and did not reach to the outer world a lot, one day you will find yourself to be in a pathetic position — they called you “EXPERT” inside the team or company, yet you cannot find an equally good job in the market unfortunately.

This is so called “Expert Trap”. From day to day, we programmers dreamed of being an expert inside the team/company; however, when that day really comes we trapped ourselves. The more we dig into existing code, the deeper we trapped into it. We gradually lose our ability to write complete projects from scratch, because the existing code is so stable (so big/so profitable). What’s the worse, if our major work is just to maintain the existing code with little feature development, after a while, no matter how much code we’ve read and studies, we will find we cannot write code — even if the problem is as simple as a graduate school assignment. This is the programmer’s dilemma: we make our living by coding, but the big companies who fed us tend to destroy our ability to make a living.

How to get away from this dilemma?

For personal —

First of all, Do your own personal projects. You need to “sharpen your saw” continuously. If the job itself cannot help you do so, pick up the problems you want to concur and conquer it in your personal time. By doing so, most likely you will learn new things. If you publish your personal projects, say in github, you may get chances to know people who may pull you away from your existing position.

Do not stay in a same team for more than two years. Force yourself to move around, even if in the same organization, same company, you will face new challenges and new technologies. Try to do job interviews every 18 months. You don’t need to change your job, but you can see what does the market require and how you fit into it.

For team/company —

Give pressures and challenges to the employees. Rotate the jobs, let the “experts” have chance to broaden their skills. Start new projects, feed the warriors with battles.

Hold hackathon periodically. This will help to build a culture that embrace innovation and creation. People will be motivated by their peers — “gee, that bustard can write such a beautiful framework for 24 hours, I gotta work hard”.

### 回答1: "Programmer's Reference 34970" 是一本程序员参考书,它提供了广泛的编程知识和技术,供程序员使用和参考。 这本参考书的主要目的是帮助程序员解决和理解编程中的问题和挑战。它可能包括各种编程语言(如Java、C++、Python等)的语法和用法,以及其他相关的编程概念和技术,如数据结构、算法、设计模式等。 "Programmer's Reference 34970" 还可能包含编程工具和框架的介绍和使用方法,例如IDE(集成开发环境)、版本控制系统和调试工具等。这些工具可以帮助程序员更高效地编写、调试和测试代码。 此外,这本参考书也可以提供一些编程最佳实践和常见错误的解决方案。程序员可以从中学习如何编写更具可读性、可维护性和可扩展性的代码,以及如何避免常见的编程错误和陷阱。 "Programmer's Reference 34970" 可能还包含一些示例代码和实际项目案例,以帮助程序员更好地理解和应用所学知识。通过实际的例子,程序员可以获得更具体的编程经验和技巧。 总的来说,这本参考书是程序员们的一个重要资源,可以帮助他们不断提升自己的编程技能和知识,解决实际工作中遇到的问题,实现高质量的软件开发。 ### 回答2: 《程序员参考手册34970》是一部针对程序员和开发人员的参考工具书,旨在为他们提供编程过程中可能用到的各种技术知识和资源。 该手册涵盖了广泛的主题,包括编程语言(如Java、C++、Python等)、算法与数据结构、数据库管理、网络编程、Web开发、移动应用开发、人工智能、机器学习等。无论是初学者还是有经验的开发人员,都可以从该参考手册中找到帮助和指导。 这本手册对于程序员来说至关重要。在日常编码过程中,我们经常遇到各种各样的问题,需要查询相关的文档和资源。《程序员参考手册34970》就是为了满足这个需求而诞生的。通过该手册,程序员可以快速查找到所需的信息,包括语法、函数使用、示例代码等,以解决问题并提高工作效率。 此外,《程序员参考手册34970》还提供了一些实例和案例,帮助程序员理解和应用各种技术。它不仅提供了基本的知识点,还深入探讨了一些先进的编程概念和技术。这对于那些希望不断提升自己的程序员来说,是非常有价值的学习资料。 随着技术的不断更新和发展,《程序员参考手册34970》也会进行定期更新,以保持其与时俱进的内容。这使得它始终能为程序员提供最新、最全面的信息。 总而言之,《程序员参考手册34970》是一本对程序员来说非常重要的资料。它不仅提供了基础知识,还为程序员解决问题、学习新技术提供了有力的支持。无论是学习编程的初学者还是经验丰富的开发人员,都可以从中获得帮助。




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