ios 面试

1.What are the differences between category and subclass? 

-Category in objective C allows you to extend the functionality of  existing      class without subclassing    it.
-Category can add some extra functionalities to a class.
-You don't have to declare instance of a specific class with it's name.
-Just import that category and all the Object  become instance of the category implicitly, all the implementation is now available to them.


-A subclass inherits methods and instance variables from its superclass.
-Here sometimes,you need to intently override the existing methods to add extra functionalities.
-In case of subclassing,you need to explicitly declare that Object with that subclass name and then all the methods become visible.

2.What happens when you add autorelease two times?

Adding autorelease two times will release the object twice,your app will crash, because you'll be releasing a deallocated object.

3.What is the use of Controller? 

Controller 的作用?

In iOS, the controller is generally a subclass of UIViewController that manages a view, it is also responsible for responding to delegation   messages and target-action messages.

For Example:

You have a UITableViewController which is a subclass of   UIViewController hat manages a UITableView

4.What is the difference between device Token and Device UDID?
device token 和device UDID区别?



-UDID is a number in each iPhone that is used by developers to distribute new apps directly into the phone for testing purposes before they are available in the App Store.

-The UDIDs are used to create an Apple-certified provisioning file that is dragged with the app into iTunes.

You can reveal the UDID by following ways:

-Open Xcode organizer after connecting a device to your computer.Now, you can see UDID of a particular device as 'identifier'


1. Connect your device to your computer, and run iTunes.

2. Select your device in the 'Device' list.

3. Click the Serial Number. It will switch to displaying your UDID.

Device Token

-An identifier for the Apple Push Notification System for iOS devices. - -Each device has two device tokens 

– One is used for development, and one for production (ad hoc or app store builds). The tokens are 64 hexadecimal characters.

5.What are the advantages and disadvantages of using StoryBoard?

storyBoard 的优缺点?

  •  It's  very nice to design interfaces

  • You can use  StoryBoard Segues to identify navigation/modal    relationships in a cool manner.

  • If your app supports multiple devices, it's a good way to       organize different views.

  • Prototyping is another added advantage.

  • Prototype UITableViewCell can save time and it reduce the   amount of the code too.

  • you can see all the screens of the app at one place  by using StoryBoard.

  • You can easily view  the relationship among them

  • if you are working on someone's  code you can get the better        understanding of the flow of the app.

  • You can setup the user interface for iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 by applying the retina form factor from storyboard, without running the app again and again.

  • Clients can see the prototype of the app before start developing it, here storyboard helps you a lot.


  •  It is only available in iOS 5

  • StoryBoardSegues are kind of rigid and you may make use of       prepareForSegue many times.

  • Like IB, not very friendly with other display engines and toolkits.

  • Makes it hard to share designs for a single view or set of views - you have to send all or nothing.

  • For storyboard you will need a big screen specially in case of iPad.

  • Difficulty while copying views from other apps to storyboard.

  • Problems in storyboard when multiple developers work on the same project by using git repository.

  • Another disadvantage with Storyboarding not mentioned is that

       merges can be very difficult if not impossible if there are conflicts.

6.Which framework handles events when the application is in foreground mode?

  • (a).UIKit

  • (b).corefoundation

  • (c).CoreGraphics

  • (d).None of the above


  • (a)UIKit

7.What is local notification?


Local notifications  are ways for an application that isn’t running in the foreground to let its users know it has information for them. The information could be a message, an impending calendar event, or new data on a remote server

8.Difference between JSON and XML which one you should prefer ?



  • JSON is the most natural representation for Javascript apps, and Javascript is arguably the most popular language in the world, and growing

  • JSON is one type of text-based format or standard for interchanging  data i.e. human readable.

  • JSON syntax is lighter than XML as JSON has serialized format of data having  less redundancy. JSON does not contain start and end tags.

  • JSON is light – weighted in compare to XML as it has serialized format and so faster also.

  • JSON supports datatype including integer and strings, JSON also supports array.

  • JSON has support of native objects.

  • JSON does not support Comments.

  • JSON does not have support for Namespaces.

  • JSON is data oriented and can be mapped more easily.

  • JSON uses only evel() for parsing i.e. for interpreting the JavaScript code & returns the result. It does not need any additional code for parsing.

  • For Web services, JSON is better.

  • You can not change JSON data to other format.

  • In JSON no such is interface for getting direct access to a part in JSON data-structure.


  • XML is a Markup Language having format that contains set of rules for the encoding the documents which is readable for both human & machine

  • XML is not so lighter as JSON as having start and end tags and it takes more character than JSON to represent same data.

  • XML is not so light weighted as JSON.

  • XML does not provide any data type so needs to be parsed into particular datatype. No direct support for array also.

  • XML can get support of objects through mixed use of attributes & elements.

  • XML supports comments.

  • XML supports Namespaces.

  • XML is document oriented and needs more effort for mapping.

  • XML needs XML Document Object Model (DOM)                           implementation & with that additional code for mapping text back to the JavaScript objects.

  • For configuration, XML is better.

  • In XML, using XSLT you can change XML data into another format like comma –delimited, plain text, JSON, etc.

  • In XML, Using XPath, it is possible to get the direct access to a particular part of multiple parts of XML data- structure.

9.What is the difference between Selector and SEL?

Selector 和SEL区别?


It can be meant as name of a method used to send message to a Object

-It is called as Compiled selector.
-It is also a unique identifier that replaces a name when source code is compiled.

10.What is SDLC?

-it is called software development life cycle.
-Systematic approach to build a software that will support client business.

Various SDLC models are :
-watefall model
-Incremental model
-Spiral model
-Vshaped model
-prototype model
-Hybrid model

11.What is dynamic typing and dynamic binding?


Dynamic Typing:
Determining class of a Object at runtime is called dynamic typing.
Dynamic binding:
Determining the method to invoke at run time is called dynamic binding.

12.How  Objective C is different from c/c++?


-Objective C Allows method name and variable name exactly the same.
-It doesn't have the constructor or destructor instead,it has init and dealloc which must be called explicitly.
-It uses '+' and '-' to differentiate factory and instance methods.
-It uses dynamic linking.
-It got categories

13.Difference between Core data and sqlite?

core Data 与sqlite区别
Core Data:

  • It's not a RDBMS

  • It's much high level

  • It stores data in it's own binary

  • It can store huge amount of data 


  • It is RDBMS

  • It has potential for cross platform compatibility.

  • Early databases in iPhone are written in Sqlite.

  • It can store small amount of data

14. Difference between a delegate and NSNotification.

delegate 与通知区别

Delegate and NSNotifications are used to accomplish nearly the same functionalities.However,delegates are one to one but NsNotifications are one to many.
Delegate can send message to one object at a time but NSNotifications can send message to all the objects of that Application.

15.Give some Ideas about waterfall and agile technologies?


Waterfall model

  • The requirements are defined without much or any interaction of the development team.

Agile Technology

  • There is a continuous refining of requirements as        development proceeds due to constant interaction between requirement defining team and development team.

- See more at:

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提供的源码资源涵盖了Java应用等多个领域,每个领域都包含了丰富的实例和项目。这些源码都是基于各自平台的最新技术和标准编写,确保了在对应环境下能够无缝运行。同时,源码中配备了详细的注释和文档,帮助用户快速理解代码结构和实现逻辑。 适用人群: 适合毕业设计、课程设计作业。这些源码资源特别适合大学生群体。无论你是计算机相关专业的学生,还是对其他领域编程感兴趣的学生,这些资源都能为你提供宝贵的学习和实践机会。通过学习和运行这些源码,你可以掌握各平台开发的基础知识,提升编程能力和项目实战经验。 使用场景及目标: 在学习阶段,你可以利用这些源码资源进行课程实践、课外项目或毕业设计。通过分析和运行源码,你将深入了解各平台开发的技术细节和最佳实践,逐步培养起自己的项目开发和问题解决能力。此外,在求职或创业过程中,具备跨平台开发能力的大学生将更具竞争力。 其他说明: 为了确保源码资源的可运行性和易用性,特别注意了以下几点:首先,每份源码都提供了详细的运行环境和依赖说明,确保用户能够轻松搭建起开发环境;其次,源码中的注释和文档都非常完善,方便用户快速上手和理解代码;最后,我会定期更新这些源码资源,以适应各平台技术的最新发展和市场需求。 所有源码均经过严格测试,可以直接运行,可以放心下载使用。有任何使用问题欢迎随时与博主沟通,第一时间进行解答!


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