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原创 在delphi中使用xml文档有两种方法

在delphi中使用xml文档有两种方法 使用xml broker, 是delphi 内置的。例: unit ShowXML; interface uses Classes  HTTPApp  Db  DbClient  Midas    XMLBrokr  WebComp  MidItems; type   TCustomShowXMLButton = class(TXMLButton  ISc

2004-01-16 10:14:00 1327

原创 windows下环境变量的设置

有很多人不会设置环境变量,下面给个详细的解释!SET [variable=[string]]  variable  指定环境变量名称。  string    指定要指派给变量的一系列字符。********************************仅键入 SET 而不加参数,可以显示当前的环境变量。********************************如果命令扩展名被

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原创 怎样向SQL Server插入带有Image字段的记录

怎样向SQL Server插入带有Image字段的记录    向SQL Server插入记录相信大家都会做,但是如果表中带有Image字段就不好弄了,这里有一个例子,非常安全,同时也向大家展示动态生成控件的技巧(对高手来说班门弄斧了)procedure Button1Click(Sender:TObject);var   Query : TQuery;  StringStream : TStrin

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原创 DELPHI基础开发技巧(不看后悔!)

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2004-01-15 14:01:00 6657

原创 由数据库数据生成XML的方法(有源码)

procedure DatasetToXML(Dataset: TDataset; FileName: string); unit DS2XML; interface uses   Classes, DB; procedure DatasetToXML(Dataset: TDataset; FileName: string); implementation uses   S

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原创 Delphi中动态链接库(DLL)的建立和使用


2004-01-07 18:11:00 2245

原创 Delphi数据集过滤技巧

       当我们在操作数据集时,往往需要对数据进行筛眩例如:一个名为Customer的数据表,它具有CustNo、CustName、Country、Address、Phone、State、TaxRate等字段,如果只想查看国别为China或顾客号大于1000的顾客记录,就需要对数据集进行过滤。经总结,有下面这些过滤方法:        一、利用TTable和TQuery的Filter属性   

2004-01-07 15:10:00 4599 2




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c#语言规范 V3.0

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About "ISO as CD-ROM" Tool<br><br>Quick Jump List<br><br>Support<br><br>How It Works<br><br>Use Scenarios<br><br>Feature Requests<br><br> <br><br>Support<br><br>There really is no support for this tool. I wrote it quickly to suit a specific purpose and it just seems to work for me.<br><br>I have tested functionality on Windows Vista RTM x86, and installed it on Windows XP SP2 x86. Both seem to work just fine.<br><br>ISO as CD-ROM only runs on machines joined to any Microsoft domain - it will simply not run on any other machine. This is a security measure, since this tool does not have a EULA, your use is limited to as many Microsoft workstations, laptops, or servers as you wish.<br><br>In addition, you cannot exit the application when you have an ISO mounted as a drive. This will orphan the drive, and "ISO as CD-ROM" will not be able to manage it the next time you launch the application. As soon as the ISO is dismounted, you will be able to exit the application successfully.<br><br>.NET 2.0 is required to install and use this application.<br><br><top><br><br>How It Works<br><br>"ISO as CD-ROM" is only possible because of the "Virtual Storage" tool on //toolbox. The "virtual storage" tool does much more than just creating CD-ROMs. It is a command-line tool that has to have its driver installed before you may use it, and a complex (for some) string of commands in order to creates drives of different types. See the release notes that come with "Virtual Storage" for more details. "ISO as CD-ROM" is basically a graphical front end to "Virtual Storage", and only supports creating CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drives from ISO files. If your needs are more complex than is provided by "ISO as CD-ROM", then I would encourage you to dive in to "Virtual Storage".<br><br>At any rate, the installation package for "ISO as CD-ROM" installs the "Virtual Storage" drivers, so they will be installed and available for your use outside of "ISO as CD-ROM". When you uninstall "ISO as CD-ROM", however, you also remove the "Virtual Storage" drivers from your system. I debated whether this was necessary, and elected to remove the drivers when the application was removed - this may be an area of feature request. If you do not want "ISO as CD-ROM" installed, but DO want "Virtual Storage" installed, you are encouraged to visit the //toolbox link above and install the drivers yourself manually. Further assistance is out of scope for "ISO as CD-ROM".<br><br><top><br><br>Use Scenarios<br><br>For me, there are two main scenarios where this tool is helpful. <br><br>I like to watch movies. Specifically, I like to watch movies on my Zune when traveling or when not watching anything else (imagine being at the gym and watching "Wedding Crashers"). Using certain applications, it is possible to make an ISO image from DVDs or CDs. Using certain other applications (like Spb Mobile DVD), you can convert a DVD movie into a WMV file for direct copying onto your Zune or Pocket PC device. Without this tool, once I had the ISO, I found that I would have to burn the movie back to disc, then use Spb Mobile DVD to convert the movie into WMV format. Kind of a waste, because I already owned the movie, so why did I want another copy burned onto disc? Right. I don't. Enter this tool. It saves me the time spent burning a disc I already own, as well as the cost of the media (which is not terribly cheap right now for dual-layer DVDs). Anyhow, "ISO to CD-ROM" saves me the effort and the cost.<br><br>The next scenario that "ISO to CD-ROM" is helpful has to do with SMS 2003 & SCCM 2007. The Operating System deployment features are able to utilize bootable CD images in order to cover certain aspects of operating system image deployment. In lab environments, I often run Virtual Machines, so it is not possible or often practical to burn an ISO file onto disc before I can use it. With this tool, I can just mount an ISO as a CD-ROM, and go from there, instead of waiting to burn an ISO to disc. Just a little time-saver there.<br><br><top><br><br>Feature Requests<br><br>Please let me know if there is anything that you would like to see this tool that it currently does not do - like mounting the ISO file as a CD-RW. I'm not promising anything, but I will consider any and all suggestions to improve the features and usability.<br>



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