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翻译 Jquery插件验证

官方站点:http://plugins.jquery.com/project/validate 参考站点:http://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/ 类似用struts做数据验证一样,将需要验证的字段设置验证规则,以及验证后的错误消息就可以使用了。                     requ

2011-12-14 22:35:29 503

转载 string.format

string.format 是格式化字符串   最大的好处 是 有多个参数的时候 只在内存中分布一个字符串如过用++的方式就会分布多个  例如:C# codestring sql="select " + colname + "from "+tablename; //这个拼装的字符串就会在拼装的时候再内存中多分配了两个字符串空间(引号的内容)string sql =

2011-12-08 23:37:29 179

原创 C#有关HashTable的具体使用用法详解

<br /><br />C#中如何操作HashTable类呢?本文将给你答案,哈希表(Hashtable)简述在.NET Framework中,Hashtable是System.Collections命名空间提供的一个容器,用于处理和表现类似keyvalue的键值对,其中key通常可用来快速查找,同时key是区分大小写;value用于存储对应于key的值。Hashtable中keyvalue键值对均为object类型,所以Hashtable可以支持任何类型的keyvalue键值对.二,哈希表的简单操作在哈希

2011-03-17 15:25:00 420

原创 网站切图和页面制作方法

<br /><br /> PPT提纲:<br />    1,网站切图以设计为原则,分块切割。<br />    2,考虑到网站的结构为上下结构(左中右结构的网站不推荐)。<br />      什么是“上下结构”……?<br />      什么是“左中右结构”……?<br />    3,切片尽量小:<br />      比如 1点宽度的图(做背景)。<br />    4,尽量可复用。设计时应该就考虑这点;如没考虑可以在切图时微调。<br />    5,考虑扩展性<br />      比如表格调

2011-03-17 14:29:00 399 2


英文:Text the random extraction tool is a random lottery computer software! A lottery? www.0594168.cnIs actually a disguised form of lottery software.. A TXT computer random text, from text randomly extracted from data, you understand??If the draw is not strict, you can use this as a lottery software to use...Extracting password: http://www.24gla.com/ 中文:文本随机提取工具是一个电脑随机抓阄软件!抓阄?其实就是一个变相的抽奖软件。。一个txt文本,电脑随机从文本中随机提取数据,大家明白了?? 如果抽奖不严格的话,您可以用这个当一下抽奖软件来用的。。。 解压密码:http://www.24gla.com/



什么是类聚SEO优化工具? 英文: Clustered SEO optimization tool is a section in a short period of time to promote Baidu before 20 range keyword ranking software, suitable for Baidu search engine optimization seo. Can quickly enhance the site's ranking, www.24gla.comthe fastest response time for 5 hours, from twentieth in Baidu updates to the front of page 3, software from the first edition official release since, by many the stationmaster's pro-Lai, and most of them have got their desired effect. Currently for sale is the 20 range version. 中文: 类聚SEO优化工具是一款能够在短时间内提升百度前20名范围内关键字排名的软件,适用于百度搜索引擎seo优化。可以快速提升网站的排名,最快见效的时间为5个小时,从百度的第20位内更新到首页前3,软件从第一版正式发布以来,受到了众多站长的亲睐,并且大部分都得到了自己想要的效果。目前出售的是20名范围内的版本。


2012AlbumUp V0.57┊综合相册批量上传程序、支持网易163相册

Tortinita MM masterpiece. Album bulk upload procedures, at present Netease support (163 ) and 56 album. AlbumUp, graphical interface album bulk upload tool, can also set up a number of upload, To Netease (163 ) without a limit of 30M and keep the file was uploaded. In 56 ( photo.56.com ) can maintain the file was uploaded. Decompression password. Www.ptriver.com March 20th update: AlbumUp v0.3.9 Amendment 163 "failure retry " section. Cover automatic correction: AlbumUp to a new directory ( there is no picture directory ) transfer of picture will pass A picture as a cover up, if you don't need to turn off the "cover automatic correction ." The Log file: Save failed upload information, all after the completion of the task will open the corresponding log file, If all the pictures of both normal upload words is not generated log files. Directory operation: AlbumUp temporarily can't create new directory operations such as, The temporary 163_M ( 163 album manager ) to solve it ~ Wait for the server to respond too slow: I don't want to complain, complain to Netease


百度相册助手 V3.0.3 绿色免费版

Baidu album with very good, but the feeling I upload the picture a bit too much trouble, so from the Internet to find their own " assistant " to Baidu Baidu album this album management software, can help you scale to Baidu album upload pictures, hope you like. Extracting password www.ptriver.com Using " Baidu album. " you can be the other user's album a copy to your album, need to upload, bulk upload a picture, can also bulk download album pictures. 百度相册很好用,但是感觉一张张的上传图片有点太麻烦了,所以自己从网上找来了《百度相册助手》这个百度相册管理客户端软件,帮您批量向百度相册中上传图片,希望大家喜欢。 利用《百度相册助手》您可以将其他用户的相册一键复制到自己的相册,不用在上传了,批量上传本地图片,还可以批量下载相册中的图片。



2012最新版安福相册批量下载器 1 batch download beat album 2.Download watermark can be added directly to 3.Download directly unified image width 4 built-in the Anfu market suppliers search engine 5. Built-in Anfu to shoot album commodity search engine 6.extracting password www.ptriver.com classification catalog 7 direct download unified image width 8.Download direct Canadian border 9.Built-in the most accurate Anfu merchants, commodity search engines 10.custom favorites folder function 11.most accurate classification catalog 12.Download directly watermarked 中文译: 1.批量下载又拍相册 2.下载的时候可以直接加水印 3.下载的时候可以直接统一图片宽度 4.内置安福市场供应商搜索引擎 5.内置安福又拍相册商品搜索引擎 6.下载的时候直接加水印 7.下载的时候直接统一图片宽度 8.下载的时候直接加边框 9.内置最准确的安福商家、商品搜索引擎 10.自定义收藏夹功能 11.最准确的分类目录 12.解压密码 www.ptriver.com,该软件需要在 .Net 环镜下才能运行,在Vista,Win7下可直接使用,XP下需安装 .NET Framework 2.0 组件包.绿色 2012最新版安福相册批量下载器 无毒让您使用更轻松 .



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