python contextManager详解

contextlib. contextmanager ( func )

This function is a decorator that can be used to define a factory function for with statement context managers, without needing to create a class or separate __enter__() and __exit__() methods.

A simple example (this is not recommended as a real way of generating HTML!):

from contextlib import contextmanager

def tag(name):
    print "<%s>" % name
    print "</%s>" % name

>>> with tag("h1"):
...    print "foo"

The function being decorated must return a generator-iterator when called. This iterator must yield exactly one value, which will be bound to the targets in the with statement’s as clause, if any.

At the point where the generator yields, the block nested in the with statement is executed. The generator is then resumed after the block is exited. If an unhandled exception occurs in the block, it is reraised inside the generator at the point where the yield occurred. Thus, you can use a try...except...finally statement to trap the error (if any), or ensure that some cleanup takes place. If an exception is trapped merely in order to log it or to perform some action (rather than to suppress it entirely), the generator must reraise that exception. Otherwise the generator context manager will indicate to the with statement that the exception has been handled, and execution will resume with the statement immediately following the with statement.

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The @contextmanager decorator in Python allows you to create a context manager using a generator function. A context manager is a class or function that is used to manage resources, such as opening and closing a file or acquiring and releasing a lock. The @contextmanager decorator provides a simple and concise way to create a context manager without having to define a class. The decorator takes a generator function as input and returns a context manager. The generator function must yield exactly once to indicate the beginning of the context and again at the end to indicate the end of the context. Any code inside the with statement will be executed within the context. Here is an example of a context manager created using the @contextmanager decorator: ```python from contextlib import contextmanager @contextmanager def open_file(file_path): file = open(file_path, 'w') try: yield file finally: file.close() with open_file('test.txt') as f: f.write('Hello, world!') ``` In this example, the open_file() function is decorated with @contextmanager. The function opens a file for writing and yields the file object. The try-finally block ensures that the file is closed properly when the context is exited. The with statement is used to create a context in which the file is opened and used to write a string to the file. When the with block is exited, the file is closed automatically. The @contextmanager decorator is a useful tool for creating context managers in a concise and readable manner.


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