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  隔了将近两年oFusion终于有动静了,我曾经以为它不再维护了,没想到2011年6月3号oFusion发布了1.9.86版,支持3DS Max 2009/2010/2011/2012 (32 and 64bits)。改了一大堆东西,当然很遗憾的,破解补丁不起作用了。破解版最高可以用1.9.38版。为了凑字数特意将oFusion的Changelog贴出来,如下:

Added support for Max 2012
Both 32 and 64 bit max 2012 versions are fully supported now

*Starting from this release, only Max 2009 2010 2011 and 2012 versions will be supported as a Tier1 platform

(If you need to use a previous Max versions you can use the 1.9.35 or 1.9.73 releases. If any of the fixes, new features or improvements made in the current versions are needed in those versions, a customized build will be provided, please contact support)

Added "Mipmap bias" support to oFusion TextureUnit texmap

Added support for regional and localized float values in the shader parameter editors

Now float values are correctly handled in the shader parameter editor using any decimal separator as defined by the Operating System

Fixed static text labels on some instances of the oFusion Materials (technique, pass, texture unit)
Starting from Max 2010, due to its updated material UI renderer, some text labels in the material UI panels were not displayed correctly, this has been fixed and the text option names are being displayed correctly

The internal "Time handler" system has been improved to correctly handle time based animated shaders
Time based shader AutoContant parameters (TIME, TIME_0_X, TIME_0_1, FRAME_TIME, FPS, and all of their SIN, COS and TAN based derivations) are correctly updated now, based on the current scene time. As a result any time based animated shader will be animated correctly when playing the scene, and will correctly update its state accordingly as the time bar is moved

Improved scene loading and saving support for AutoConstant shader parameters binary chunks
Improvements has been made to the internal loading and saving implementation for AutoContant shader parameters to automatically handle AutoContants additions or modifications in upcoming releases

This is a cummulative update, it includes all previous hotfixes and updates

Improved support for external skeletal animations
External skeletal animations (.anim files) produced from animated objects using the skin modifier and the biped structure will work correctly when applied to the entity, even if on each of the animations the root bone had a different position on the first frame

Improved support for rotation on free and target cameras (animated and static cameras)
Improved generation of rotation keyframes on cameras
Fixed several issues with rotations on follow path animated cameras[b]

[b]Added support for Custom Shadow setups in materials
Added "shadow caster material" to the oFusion Technique material
Added "shadow receiver material" to the oFusion Technique material
Added "content type" to oFusion Texture Unit texmap, to provide support for "shadow" type

Fixed issues when using morpher modifier based animations on Max 2010

Fixed scenes issues when loading large scenes that contain Text based shapes or splines

Fixed vertex animations not being correctly exported when only a sub part of the mesh (a part with a different material id) was animated

Improved keyframe generation at the start and end positions in vertex animations

Fixed submaterial name always created with "ogre_" when updating Multi/Sub-object materials using the Batch Update method

Fixed issue with animation names longer than 10 characters not being displayed correctly in the animation list or exported in the scene file

Added support for "polygon mode" option to pass material (points, wireframe and solid modes are supported)

Added support for "polygon mode overrideable" option in pass material

Added support for shaderFX 3.5 (need to apply the patch available in your account page to shaderFX installation)
Added automatic scene updater for scenes saved with previous versions where the "error loading paramblock 2" message was displayed when loading them

    In the oFusion menu the option "Update Prev Scenes" is available, using this tool you can select what scenes you need to be updated and press the "update scenes" button

After the scenes are processed they can be loaded normally in the current version
Added support to automatically create and add shaders to the User Shader Library when you upgrade DirectX materials to oFusion Materials

All of the automatically upgraded shaders will be available to be used manually from the oFusion Pass Material as needed
Scenes saved after the DirectX material was upgraded to oFusion Material will be correctly loaded and displayed

Added report capabilities to shaders, if a shader can't be compiled and loaded, a dialog will display the reasons and line number of the offending part

Added support for producing .osm scenes without the scene manager information (without the scene info, just characters, objects, lights, cameras, helpers, or any other scene object)

A new option named "Scene Props" has been added to the export dialog

When this option is enabled all the scene information (as scene manager, sky, shadows,fog properties) will be produced in the osm scene file, if this option is disabled then this information will not be produced in the scene file (as when exporting character or entities scenes only)

Improved handling of cameras in the preview viewport
When a scene is updated in the preview viewport the current viewport camera is correctly handled even if the camera is hidden in the scene

Added maxscript support for getting and setting the current viewport camera
The "setCamera" and "getCameraName" methods has been added to the maxscript interface and can be used in your scripts to handle the current preview viewport camera

To get the name of the current viewport camera use:
To set the current camera use:
    oFusionViewport.setCamera nameOfCamera

There is no need for the camera to exist in the preview viewport, it will be added automatically if needed

Added Manual LODs support for skeletally animated characters
Skeletally animated characters can have manually defined LODs, they will be correctly displayed in the preview viewport (and the users application) at the defined distances

Added Global Build Binormal support
An option in the Export Dialog has been added to provide support to creating Binormals buffer for ALL objects (mesh based) in the scene, the "Build Binormals" option can be enabled when creating binormals in all objects in the scene is needed

This option depends on the "Build Tangents" option and will enable it if needed

Added automatic support for creating Tangent and Binormal buffers for objects that use shaderFX or DirectX materials
When using shaderFX or DirectX materials there is no need to manually enable the "Create Tangents" and "Create Binormals" options in the Object panel, if the shader needs them they will be created automatically in the TANGENT and BINORMAL object buffers

Note: If you are using a older SM1 based shader and need the tangents in the TEXCOORDn buffer, you need to manually enable this option in the Object panel

Added support for Shared Parameter sets in Gpu programs
Shared Parameters defined in .material and .program files are correctly loaded and used in materials

See in Ogre manual for more details:
3.1.9 Using Vertex/Geometry/Fragment Programs in a Pass page, "shared_params_ref" section
3.1.4 Declaring Vertex/Geometry/Fragment Programs page, "Declaring Shared Parameters" section

Added support for exporting Shared Parameter sets  
Any Gpu program that uses shared parameters sets in their default parameters, will correctly produce the parameter set definition and its references in exported .material files

Added "Export Shared Parameter Def" option to the export dialog
If enabled Shared Parameter Set definition is produced in the material file (if not enabled, only its references "shared_params_ref nameOfSet" will be produced)  

When option is enabled and shader uses shared parameters:

shared_params furSharedParams
         shared_param_named param0 float4 0 0 0 0
         shared_param_named param1 float 0

fragment_program Fur_ps cg
         source fur.source
         uses_adjacency_information false
         entry_point PS_Textured
         profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1 fp20

                shared_params_ref furSharedParams
                param_named ambient float4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
                param_named colorScale float4 0.26 0.5 0.7 1

The shared param definition and its references are created in the material file

With this option disabled:

fragment_program Fur_ps cg
       source fur.source
       uses_adjacency_information false
       entry_point PS_Textured
       profiles ps_2_0 arbfp1 fp20

               shared_params_ref furSharedParams
               param_named ambient float4 0.5 0.5 0.5 1
               param_named colorScale float4 0.26 0.5 0.7 1

Just the references are created in the material file

Fixed shader parameter animation issue  
On some installations, shader animation was not correctly updating its animated auto parameters (TIME, FRAME TIME, and their variations), this has been solved and now shader animated parameters are updated correctly with the global time (and the current frame)

Added new shader parameter loading and saving implementation
Previously shader parameter and their values were directly related to the version that created them, now a new method was implemented and materials using shaders  (and their parameters) will not need any updating to work correctly in new and future versions

Fixed MeshSerializer "WARNING: mesh is an older format" message displayed in user application's log file when loading meshes
This has been solved and this message will not be produced in the application's log file if application is based on any Cthugha Ogre version

Fixed issue in Shader editor with auto parameter constants that uses a float as its extra parameter
Previously in an auto parameter that has float as its extra parameter (TIME and similar), the parameter editor might allow only to edit the extra parameter as an integer, this has been solved and a floating point value can be correctly edited

Fixed shader parameters "reset issue" when using AutoConstant parameters with extra data (floats or ints) in shader editor
In Max2010/2011 due to an internal change in the API behavior in the chunk based serializer, AutoConstant parameters that contain extra data values might be reseted, setting its value to the shader's default when the shader editor is reopened or the scene is loaded, this has been corrected and now they are correctly handled by the shader editor and the serializer system

Fixed Camera/Perspective offset issue when resizing viewport
In Max2010/2011 a change in the resizing implementation was needed to correctly set the camera during the resize process, this is now handled correctly and the camera/perspective should behave as expected

Added support for External Skeletal Animations to use the user defined skeleton name
External animations now correctly support user defined skeletal names as defined in the "Object panel"
This change makes loading external animations, exported from skeletal characters that have their skeleton file name manually defined by the user, automatic by the oSceneLoader lib

Fixed External Skeletal Animations (.anim) filename might include part of the path on some machines
The filename of the external .anim files is correctly created relative to the "location" folder defined in the export dialog

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