image segmentor emulating eCognition's Multiresolution segmentation source code and user guide

Attention: The documentation and code and executables of this project has been moved to [here]( 


Brief Introduction

This software has realized the followingmethods for segmentation:


        Graph based segmentation [2](GS);

        Quad tree segmentation [1] (QT)(similar to that implemented in eCognition [6] and that as a step in HSMR [7],but in a bottom-up fashion);

        Hierarchical Clusteringsegmentation (HC) (i.e., Multiresolution segmentation [3], but with multiplehomogeneity criterion, basic data structures detailed in [5]);

        The two-stage methods, GS-HC,QT-HC (described in [1] in detail)

        Pyramid mean shift segmentationimplemented in OpenCV 1.0

        Mean shift segmentation [8] ofDorin Comaniciu (resembles EDISON [9])

        Watershed segmentation [10] ofVincent and Soille


And for edge detection, SUSAN [11], Sobel,Canny edge detector are incorporated.

For classification,

        MRF classification initializedby K-means by ICM, Gibbs sampler, Metropolis etc.

        K-means clustering

For building hypotheses generation onpanchromatic images,

        Hierarchical region growing andthen apply threshold to region properties (i.e., decision tree),

        K-means clustering, connectedregion labeling and then decision tree,

For change detection,

        Rosin’s automatic thresholding[12],

        Gradient image correlationthresholding [13],

        window intensity correlationthresholding [14],

        Window histogram matching usingOpenCV.

        Multilevel parcel based change detectionusing K-means (resembles [15] but using k-means to decide threshold)

How to install?

Requirement: OpenCV 1.0 has been installedon your computer and the system variable path has been set. The GDAL library isused in this software to support for multiple image formats and various vectorformats, such as shp. And the needed source code for GDAL is already includedin the source code zip file.

(1) Download the source code. zip file fromthe CSDN (Search keywords image segmentor source code)

(2) Unzip and Open the .dsw file in VisualC++6.0.

(3) Compile and Debug.

If there is linking problems, you may haveto reset the project setting to link libraries for GDAL and OpenCV.


How to use?

The menu contains 4 items forpreprocessing, segmentation, classification and change detection, namely,preprocess, seg, classify and texture CD, respectively.

Normally, Open an image, click one commandin the menu, follow the popup dialogs (if available), the outcome will replace theoriginal image and display in the child window. And if want to make anotheroperation on the original image, use View>Origin to get back to the initialimage.

The following is a table of menu itemscorresponding to image processing functions.



function description or requirement




histogram equalize

take 256 gray scale image as input

edge detection


use the first channel of the image to detect edges


as above


as above

smooth by Gauss

use the first channel of the image

Gabor transform


Opening Morph

open operation of morphology


set parameters

set parameters for segmentation methods, if skipped, parameters take values by default

Quad Tree

Quad Tree segmentation


multiresolution segmentation


graph based segmentation


first Graph based segmentation, followed by hierarchical clustering, i.e.,region merging


Quad Tree segmentation followed by hierarchical clustering


after any of the preceding 5 segmentation command, use this command to view region properties and histograms

Mean shift(bg-dzj)

mean shift proposed by Comaniciu


Vincent-Soille's segmentation approach

Pyr Mean Shift(OpenCV)

pyramid mean shift implemented in OpenCV


MRF classifier

apply to the first band of the input image

Color MRF

use the intensity of the image in the active window as input


Kmeans classifier to classify pixels in an image

Building Kmeans

Kmeans classification, connected region labeling and decision tree to get building hypotheses


region growing (Hierarchical clustering) and decision tree to get building prototypes

Texture CD

change detection based on texture

Rosin CD

Rosin's automatic thresholding for change detection

Correlation CD

intensity correlation between windows centered on one pixel at two-time images and thresholding by 0.5 to detect changes

Grad Corr CD

gradient correlation between windows centered on one pixel at two-time images and thresholding for change detection

Histrogram Stat CD

match histograms of the window centered on one pixel of two times and threshold to detect changes

Multilevel Diff CD

multilevel parcel based feature extraction and k-means clustering to decide threshold for change detection, a little slower and the change detection result is saved in the same directory as the opened image

Note that there are additional commands nottabulated in the above table which are not complete or waiting for update.

Reliability Concerns

These functions have been tested for a fewtimes. But obviously they are premature and need to be rigorously tested, sosafety using this code is not guaranteed. From my empirical observations, thesegmentation methods, GS-HC, QT-HC and HC are most reliable among other commands.If there is any bug concerning the 3 functions, I would like to exchange views.


1.        YuminTan, Jianzhu Huai, Zhongshi Tang. AnObject-Oriented Remote Sensing Image Segmentation Approach Based on EdgeDetection. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, vol. 30, no. 6, pp.1624-1627,June 2010.

2.        P. F. Felzenszwalb and D. P. Huttenlocher, Efficient Graph-BasedImage Segmentation, International Journalof Computer Vision, vol. 59 issue 2, Sep. 2004.

3.        MartinBaatz, Multi-resolution Segmentation: an optimization approach for high qualitymulti-scale image segmentation. 2002.

4.        KostasHaris, Serafim N. Efstratiadis,Nicos Maglaveras, and Aggelos K. Katsaggelos. HybridImage Segmentation Using Watersheds and Fast Region Merging. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol.7, No. 12, Dec 1998.

5.        DavidJ. Robinson, Nicholas J. Redding, David J. Crisp. Implementation of a FastAlgorithm for Segmentating SAR Imagery. Jan 2002.

6.        eCognitionuser guide 4.0.

7.        BenWuest, Yun Zhang. Region based segmentation of QuickBird multispectral imagerythrough band ratios and fuzzy comparison. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry andRemote Sensing 64 (2009) 55-64.

8.        DorinComaniciu and Peter Meer. Mean Shift: A Robust Approach Toward Feature SpaceAnalysis. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.24, no. 5, May 2002.

9.        EDISON user guide.

10.     Lee Vincent and PierreSoille. Watersheds in digitalspaces: An efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations. IEEE PAMI, vol.13, no. 6, pp. 583--598, 1991.

11.     Stephen M. Smith and J. Michael Brady. SUSAN—ANew Approach to Low Level Image Processing. International Journal of ComputerVision 23(1), 45–78 (1997)

12.     Paul L Rosin. Thesholding for ChangeDetection. Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision, 1998.

13.     Liyuan Li,Maylor K. H.Leung. Integrating Intensity andTexture Differences for Robust Change Detection. IEEE Transactions on ImageProcessing, vol. 11, no. 2, Feb. 2002.

14.     Csaba Benedek, Xavier Descombes and Josiane Zerubia.Building Extraction and Change Detection in Multitemporal Aerial and SatelliteImages in a Joint Stochastic Approach. INRIA. 2009.

15.     F. Bovolo and L. Bruzzone, A multilevel parcel-basedapproach to change detection in very high resolution multitemporal images,Proc. IGARSS, vol. 3, pp. 2145–2148, 2005.







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