Scala cheetsheet,小抄,语法整理


传值: 在函数调用之前求值

传名字: 先对函数求值,然后根据需要对参数求值

def example = 2      // evaluated when called   当调用的时候求值
val example = 2      // evaluated immediately   立刻求值
lazy val example = 2 // evaluated once when needed    当需要的时候求值
def square(x: Double)    // call by value       传值
def square(x: => Double) // call by name        传名字
def myFct(bindings: Int*) = { ... } // bindings is a sequence of int, containing a varying # of arguments



// sum() returns a function that takes two integers and returns an integer  
// sum()返回一个带两个整数为参数,返回一个整数的函数
def sum(f: Int => Int): (Int, Int) => Int = {  
  def sumf(a: Int, b: Int): Int = {...}  

// same as above. Its type is (Int => Int) => (Int, Int) => Int  
//和上边的一样,它的类型是 <span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">(Int => Int) => (Int, Int) => Int  </span>

def sum(f: Int => Int)(a: Int, b: Int): Int = { ... } 

// Called like this
sum((x: Int) => x * x * x)          // Anonymous function, i.e. does not have a name  匿名函数,也就是没有名字的函数
sum(x => x * x * x)                 // Same anonymous function with type inferred     同样的带类型推导的匿名函数
</pre><pre name="code" class="java">def cube(x: Int) = x * x * x  
sum(x => x * x * x)(1, 10) // sum of cubes from 1 to 10    ,1到10的立方和
sum(cube)(1, 10)           // same as above 



def f(a: Int, b: Int): Int // uncurried version (type is (Int, Int) => Int)
def f(a: Int)(b: Int): Int // curried version (type is Int => Int => Int)

def f(a: Int, b: Int): Int // uncurried version (type is (Int, Int) => Int)  没有柯里化的
def f(a: Int)(b: Int): Int // curried version (type is Int => Int => Int)     柯里化之后的

class MyClass(x: Int, y: Int) {           // Defines a new type MyClass with a constructor  顶一个带构造函数的新类型MyClass,
  require(y > 0, "y must be positive")    // precondition, triggering an IllegalArgumentException if not met  前置条件,如果要求不符合
<span style="white-space:pre">							</span>//这触发一个IllegalArgumentException
  def this (x: Int) = { ... }             // auxiliary constructor   //辅助构造函数
  def nb1 = x                             // public method computed every time it is called  每次被调用的时候都执行的共有方法
  def nb2 = y  
  private def test(a: Int): Int = { ... } // private method  
  val nb3 = x + y                         // computed only once  只计算一次
  override def toString =                 // overridden method  重写的方法
      member1 + ", " + member2 

new MyClass(1, 2) // creates a new object of type     新建一个类型的对象

这个引用当前对象,assert(<condition>) 如果条件不符合就造成一个AssertionError。 参考scala.Predef的require, assume和assert


myObject myMethod 1 和调用 myObject.myMethod(1)是一样的



(all letters)
< >
= !
+ -
* / %
(all other special characters)
运算符的结合性由最后一个字符决定: 如果以:结尾的右结合,左结合的则不同

注意赋值运算符的最低的优先级。参考Scala编程语言规范2.9, 6.12.6, 6.12.5可以得到更多信息。


abstract class TopLevel {     // abstract class  
  def method1(x: Int): Int   // abstract method  
  def method2(x: Int): Int = { ... }  

class Level1 extends TopLevel {  
  def method1(x: Int): Int = { ... }  
  override def method2(x: Int): Int = { ...} // TopLevel's method2 needs to be explicitly overridden (显式重写) 

object MyObject extends TopLevel { ... } // defines a singleton object. No other instance can be created 定义
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>//一个单例对象,不可以创建另外的实例。


object Hello {  
  def main(args: Array[String]) = println("Hello world")  


object Hello extends App {
  println("Hello World")


  • Classes and objects are organized in packages (package myPackage).
  • 类和对象使用包进行组织
  • They can be referenced through import statements (import myPackage.MyClass, import myPackage._, import myPackage.{MyClass1, MyClass2}, import myPackage.{MyClass1 => A})
  • 他们可以使用import语句进行引用,(import myPackage.MyClass, import myPackage._, import myPackage.{MyClass1, MyClass2}, import myPackage.{MyClass1 => A})
  • They can also be directly referenced in the code with the fully qualified name (new myPackage.MyClass1)
  • 可以直接在代码中使用完整合法的名字
  • All members of packages scala and java.lang as well as all members of the object scala.Predef are automatically imported.
  • scala和java.lang包里的所有成员,scala.Predef对象里的所有成员都被自动导入
  • Traits are similar to Java interfaces, except they can have non-abstract members:trait Planar { ... } class Square extends Shape with Planar
  • Traits类似Java的接口,除了它们拥有非抽象的成员: trait Planar{...} 类Square带着Planar继承Spape
  • General object hierarchy:
  • 通常的对象层次:

scala.Any base type of all types. Has methods hashCode and toString that can be overridden

-Scala.Any 是所有类型基类的基类。拥有可重写的hashCode和toString方法。

scala.AnyVal base type of all primitive types. (scala.Doublescala.Float, etc.)

-scala.AnyVal是所有原始类型的基类(scala.Double, scala.Float等)

scala.AnyRef base type of all reference types. (alias of java.lang.Object, supertype of java.lang.String,scala.List, any user-defined class)

- scala.AnyRef 是所有引用类型的基类(java.lang.Object的别名, java.lang.String.scala.List的超类,所有用户自动的类)

scala.Null is a subtype of any scala.AnyRef (null is the only instance of type Null), and scala.Nothing is a subtype of any other type without any instance.

- scala.Null 是任意一个 scala.AnyRedf的子类型(null是类型Null的唯一实例),和scala.Nothing是一个所有其他没有实例的类型的字类型


class MyClass[T](arg1: T) { ... }  
new MyClass[Int](1)  
new MyClass(1)   // the type is being inferred, i.e. determined based on the value arguments  这个类型可以推导,

def myFct[T <: TopLevel](arg: T): T = { ... } // T must derive from TopLevel or be TopLevel  T必须继承于TopLevel
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>//或者必须是TopLevel
def myFct[T >: Level1](arg: T): T = { ... }   // T must be a supertype of Level1  T必须是Level1的超类型
def myFct[T >: Level1 <: Top Level](arg: T): T = { ... }


Given A <: B

If C[A] <: C[B], C is covariant

If C[A] >: C[B], C is contravariant

Otherwise C is nonvariant

class C[+A] { ... } // C is covariant
class C[-A] { ... } // C is contravariant
class C[A]  { ... } // C is nonvariant

For a function, if A2 <: A1 and B1 <: B2, then A1 => B1 <: A2 => B2.

Functions must be contravariant in their argument types and covariant in their result types, e.g.

trait Function1[-T, +U] {
  def apply(x: T): U
} // Variance check is OK because T is contravariant and U is covariant

class Array[+T] {
  def update(x: T)
} // variance checks fails



unknownObject match {
  case MyClass(n) => ...
  case MyClass2(a, b) => ...

(someList: List[T]) match {
  case Nil => ...          // empty list
  case x :: Nil => ...     // list with only one element
  case List(x) => ...      // same as above
  case x :: xs => ...      // a list with at least one element. x is bound to the head,
                           // xs to the tail. xs could be Nil or some other list.
  case 1 :: 2 :: cs => ... // lists that starts with 1 and then 2
  case (x, y) :: ps => ... // a list where the head element is a pair
  case _ => ...            // default case if none of the above matches



Base Classes

  • Iterable(可迭代的)
  • Seq(有序序列)
  • Set
  • Map (用于查找数据结构)

Immutable Collections

  • List(链表,提供快速序列的访问)
  • Stream(和List一样,除了tail只在需要的时候会被计算)
  • Vector(类似array的类型,作为tree of blocks来实现,提供快速随机访问。
  • Range(间隔相等的有序整数序列, 即等差数列)
  • String(Java 类型,隐式地转换到字符序列,所以你可以把每个string当做一个Seq[Char]
  • Map(将键映射到值的集合)
  • Set(没有重复元素的集合)
  • Array(Scala集合是JVM原生的运行时数组,因而效率很高
  • Scala有可变的map和set, 可变的类型只在当使用不可变类型是有效率问题是才使用
val fruitList = List("apples", "oranges", "pears")
// Alternative syntax for lists
val fruit = "apples" :: ("oranges" :: ("pears" :: Nil)) // parens optional, :: is right-associative
fruit.head   // "apples"
fruit.tail   // List("oranges", "pears")
val empty = List()
val empty = Nil

val nums = Vector("louis", "frank", "hiromi")
nums(1)                     // element at index 1, returns "frank", complexity O(log(n)), 不是O(1) !!!,因为是用tree of blocks实现的
<span style="white-space:pre">	</span>数组
nums.updated(2, "helena")   // new vector with a different string at index 2, complexity O(log(n))

val fruitSet = Set("apple", "banana", "pear", "banana")
fruitSet.size    // returns 3: there are no duplicates, only one banana

val r: Range = 1 until 5 // 1, 2, 3, 4
val s: Range = 1 to 5    // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1 to 10 by 3  // 1, 4, 7, 10
6 to 1 by -2  // 6, 4, 2

val s = (1 to 6).toSet
s map (_ + 2) // adds 2 to each element of the set

val s = "Hello World"
s filter (c => c.isUpper) // returns "HW"; strings can be treated as Seq[Char]

// Operations on sequences
val xs = List(...)
xs.length   // number of elements, complexity O(n)
xs.last     // last element (exception if xs is empty), complexity O(n),因为是链表,需要从头走到尾
xs.init     // all elements of xs but the last (exception if xs is empty), complexity O(n)
xs take n   // first n elements of xs
xs drop n   // the rest of the collection after taking n elements
xs(n)       // the nth element of xs, complexity O(n)
xs ++ ys    // concatenation, complexity O(n),( 不是O(1),难道是新生成一个链表么)
xs.reverse  // reverse the order, complexity O(n)
xs updated(n, x)  // same list than xs, except at index n where it contains x, complexity O(n), (就地修改)
xs indexOf x      // the index of the first element equal to x (-1 otherwise)
xs contains x     // same as xs indexOf x >= 0
xs filter p       // returns a list of the elements that satisfy the predicate p
xs filterNot p    // filter with negated p 
xs partition p    // same as (xs filter p, xs filterNot p)
xs takeWhile p    // the longest prefix consisting of elements that satisfy p, 满足条件p的最长包含元素的前缀
xs dropWhile p    // the remainder of the list after any leading element satisfying p have been removed,(满足p前缀去除之后的序列)
xs span p         // same as (xs takeWhile p, xs dropWhile p)

List(x1, ..., xn) reduceLeft op    // (...(x1 op x2) op x3) op ...) op xn
List(x1, ..., xn).foldLeft(z)(op)  // (...( z op x1) op x2) op ...) op xn
List(x1, ..., xn) reduceRight op   // x1 op (... (x{n-1} op xn) ...)
List(x1, ..., xn).foldRight(z)(op) // x1 op (... (    xn op  z) ...)

xs exists p    // true if there is at least one element for which predicate p is true
xs forall p    // true if p(x) is true for all elements
xs zip ys      // returns a list of pairs which groups elements with same index together
xs unzip       // opposite of zip: returns a pair of two lists
xs.flatMap f   // applies the function to all elements and concatenates the result
xs.sum         // sum of elements of the numeric collection
xs.product     // product of elements of the numeric collection
xs.max         // maximum of collection
xs.min         // minimum of collection
xs.flatten     // flattens a collection of collection into a single-level collection
xs groupBy f   // returns a map which points to a list of elements
xs distinct    // sequence of distinct entries (removes duplicates)

x +: xs  // creates a new collection with leading element x
xs :+ x  // creates a new collection with trailing element x

// Operations on maps
val myMap = Map("I" -> 1, "V" -> 5, "X" -> 10)  // create a map
myMap("I")      // => 1  
myMap("A")      // => java.util.NoSuchElementException  
myMap get "A"   // => None 
myMap get "I"   // => Some(1)
myMap.updated("V", 15)  // returns a new map where "V" maps to 15 (entry is updated)
                        // if the key ("V" here) does not exist, a new entry is added

// Operations on Streams
val xs = Stream(1, 2, 3)
val xs = Stream.cons(1, Stream.cons(2, Stream.cons(3, Stream.empty))) // same as above
(1 to 1000).toStream // => Stream(1, ?)
x #:: xs // Same as Stream.cons(x, xs)
         // In the Stream's cons operator, the second parameter (the tail)
         // is defined as a "call by name" parameter.
         // Note that x::xs always produces a List
</pre>Pair(类似更大的元组:<p></p><pre code_snippet_id="1786674" snippet_file_name="blog_20160727_26_7737723" name="code" class="java">val pair = ("answer", 42)   // type: (String, Int)
val (label, value) = pair   // label = "answer", value = 42  
pair._1 // "answer"  
pair._2 // 42 


在标准库里已经存在一个表示顺序的类: scala.math.Ordering[T],包含比较函数,比如给标准类型的lt()和gt(),带单一自然顺序的类型都应该从trait scala.math.Ordered[T]继承。

import math.Ordering  

def msort[T](xs: List[T])(implicit ord: Ordering) = { ...}  
msort(fruits)   // the compiler figures out the right ordering  

(1 to M) flatMap (x => (1 to N) map (y => (x, y)))

Translation Rules

A for-expression looks like a traditional for loop but works differently internally

for (x <- e1) yield e2 is translated to => e2)

for (x <- e1 if f) yield e2 is translated to for (x <- e1.filter(x => f)) yield e2

for (x <- e1; y <- e2) yield e3 is translated to e1.flatMap(x => for (y <- e2) yield e3)

This means you can use a for-comprehension for your own type, as long as you define map, flatMap and filter.






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


