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web services for devices (ws4d)

onvif 设备发现可用,基于gsoap。


onvif 设备发现源码demo (vc6编译)

onvif nvc 设备发现 demo,基于gsoap,可自动发现局域网内的基于onvif标准的nvt,vc6下编译测试通过。


秒表 (精确到毫秒,字体大)

秒表 (精确到毫秒,字体大,简洁明了,可以用于各种测时)


ONVIF Application Programmer's Guide

基于ONVIF Spec的编程参考文档,NVT,NVD可以参考



《jQuery实战》适合各层次Web开发人员。   jQuery之父强烈推荐;Amazon五星盛誉图书;深入剖析jQuery内部工作机制;提升Web开发效率的捷径。   jQuery是目前应用最广泛的优秀开源JavaScript/Ajax框架之一,已经成为微软ASP.NET、Visual Studio和诺基亚Web Run Time等主流开发平台的组成部分。借助jQuery的魔力。数十行JavaScript代码可以被神奇地压缩成区区几行。多少Web开发人员在那一瞬间深深地迷恋上了这个方便快捷、功能完备的利器。   《jQuery实战》是带领你自如驾驭jQuery的导航者。替你肃清学习和编程路上的各种障碍。在这里,你不仅能深入学习jQuery的各种特性和技巧,还能领略到jQuery的内部工作机制和插件体系结构以及背后的各种策略和理论,学会怎样与其他工具和框架交互。有了jQuery和这《jQuery实战》,你不需要再费心劳力地纠缠于各种高深复杂的JavaScript技巧,只需要使用层迭样式表、XHTML以及普通的JavaScript知识,就能直接操作页面元素,实现更快速更高效的Web开发。


ONVIF Management Tool

新一代安防界标准ONVIF management tool


DLL Viewer (DLL 文件查看器)




原版图书 Design patterns are the cutting-edge paradigm for programming in object-oriented lan- guages. Here they are discussed in the context of implementing financial models in C++. Assuming only a basic knowledge of C++ and mathematical finance, the reader is taught how to produce well-designed, structured, reusable code via concrete examples. This new edition includes several new chapters describing how to increase robustness in the presence of exceptions, how to design a generic factory, how to interface C++ with EXCEL, and how to improve code design using the idea of decoupling. Complete ANSI/ISO compatible C++ source code is hosted on an accompanying website for the reader to study in detail, and reuse as they see fit. A good understanding of C++ design is a necessity for working financial mathemati- cian; this book provides a thorough introduction to the topic.


Inside Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation

Inside Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation byJustin Smith Microsoft Press 2007 (304 pages) ISBN:9780735623064 Offering the deep architectural insights you need for building service-oriented applications, this guide delivers hands-on guidance and plenty of code samples to help you master the intricacies of developing and implementing connected applications. Table of Contents Inside Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation Introduction Part I - Introduction to WCF Chapter 1 - The Moon is Blue Chapter 2 - Service Orientation Chapter 3 - Message Exchange Patterns, Topologies, and Choreographies Chapter 4 - WCF 101 Part II - WCF in the Channel Layer Chapter 5 - Messages Chapter 6 - Channels Chapter 7 - Channel Managers Part III - WCF in the ServiceModel Layer Chapter 8 - Bindings Chapter 9 - Contracts Chapter 10 - Dispatchers and Clients Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars


Essential Windows Communication Foundation For .NET Framework 3.5

Description “Whether this is the first time or the fifty-first time you’re using WCF, you’ll learn something new by reading this book.” --Nicholas Allen, Program Manager, Web Services, Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the easiest way to produce and consume Web services on the Microsoft platform. With .NET 3.5, WCF has been extensively revamped--and Visual Studio 2008 gives developers powerful new tools for utilizing it. Essential Windows Communication Foundation shows developers exactly how to make the most of WCF with .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Drawing on extensive experience working with early adopters, three Microsoft insiders systematically address the topics developers ask about WCF. The authors approach each subject with practical advice and present best practices, tips, and tricks for solving problems. Throughout, you’ll find detailed explanations, solutions for the “pain points” of WCF development, and an extensive collection of reusable code examples. Coverage includes * Using WCF contracts to define complex structures and interfaces * Understanding WCF’s channel stacks and channel model architecture * Configuring the WCF communication stack to use only the protocols you need * Using standard and custom service behaviors to manage concurrency, instances, transactions, and more * Serializing data from .NET types to XML Infosets and representing Infosets “on the wire” * Hosting WCF services via IIS, managed .NET applications, and Windows Activation Services * WCF security, in depth: authentication; transport and message-level security; and Internet and intranet scenarios * Improving reliability: exception handling, diagnostics, and more * Workflow services: new integration points between WCF 3.5 and Windows Workflow Foundation * Building client-to-client, peer network-based applications * Utilizing WCF for non-SOAP Web services: AJAX and JSON examples and .NET 3.5 hosting classes Microsoft’s Steve Resnick, Richard Crane, and Chris Bowen are technology experts at the Microsoft Technology Center in Boston. They specialize in helping customers improve their technical agility by applying WCF and related technologies. Resnick has specialized in Internet technologies and distributed computing at Microsoft since 1995. He is a frequent speaker at Microsoft events and is now technology director for the U.S. Microsoft Technology Centers. Crane has more than 15 years of experience in senior software development roles. He specializes in large-scale Web sites, distributed computing, transactional systems, and performance analysis. Bowen has been an architect and developer for more than 15 years at companies such as Monster.com and Staples and is co-author of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System. Foreword xxv Preface xxvii Chapter 1: Basics 1 Chapter 2: Contracts 33 Chapter 3: Channels 91 Chapter 4: Bindings 111 Chapter 5: Behaviors 181 Chapter 6: Serialization and Encoding 241 Chapter 7: Hosting 287 Chapter 8: Security 315 Chapter 9: Diagnostics 375 Chapter 10: Exception Handling 403 Chapter 11: Workflow Services 423 Chapter 12: Peer Networking 459 Chapter 13: Programmable Web 503 Appendix: Advanced Topics 537 Index 553 About the Author Steve Resnick has worked at Microsoft since the mid-1990s, spanning architect, developer, and evangelist roles in the field. He specializes in Internet technologies, architecting and designing high-volume, high-value Web applications. Steve is the National Technology Director for the Microsoft Technology Centers in the United States, where he sets strategy and direction so that his team can solve the toughest customer challenges. He has worked with .NET since the beginning and is an expert in Web services, BizTalk, transaction processing, and related technologies. He holds a M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Boston University and University of Delaware, respectively. Rich Crane is a Technical Architect at the Microsoft Technology Center in Waltham, Massachusetts. A software architect and engineer with more than 18 years of experience, Rich has spent the last six years helping customers architect and build solutions on the Microsoft platform. He has worked with numerous Microsoft products and technologies and is an expert in BizTalk, SQL Server, SharePoint, Compute Cluster Server, and of course Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. He has spoken at conferences and community events such as TechEd and Code Camp. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Drexel University with a B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Chris Bowen is Microsoft’s Developer Evangelist for the northeastern United States, specializing in development tools, platforms, and architectural best practices. Asoftware architect and engineer with 15 years of experience, Chris joined Microsoft after holding senior positions at companies such as Monster.com, VistaPrint, Staples, and IDX Systems, and consulting on Web presence and e-commerce projects with others. He is coauthor of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (2006, WROX) and holds an M.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Management Information Systems, both from Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


Implementing QuantLib

quantlib 实现,第一手的书籍。 why use quantlib



.net 超强反编译工具,得到c#源代码












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