
#include "sth_util.h"
#include <qtcore>
#include <qtgui>
#include <QFile>
#include <QString>

#define  _TIME_ qPrintable (QTime::currentTime().toString( "hh:mm:ss:zzz"))

int KTable[256];   //KTable 表示从后往前第一次出现处的游标
//{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};    //默认初始化为0
int shiftTable[256];

void BuildTable( const unsigned char* head, int length )
	static bool k = true;   //保证此函数之执行一次

		for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i ++ )    //总体初始化为-1
			KTable[i] = -1;

		for ( int i = 0; i < length; i ++ )    //保存帧头字节的游标
			KTable[ head[i] ] = i;
		k = false;


bool Str_To_Int(const QString& str , int& num)
	bool ok = false;
	int val = str.toInt(&ok );
	if(ok) num = val;
	return ok;

typedef unsigned char UCHAR;

void five2eight(void* pI,void* pO,unsigned int size)

	for (int i=0,j=0;i<size;i+=5,j+=8)
		pD[j]   = pS[i]>>6;
		pD[j+1] = (pS[i] <<2) + (pS[i+1]>>6);
		pD[j+2] = ((pS[i+1] & 0x30) >>4); //+ (pS[i+2]>>4);
		pD[j+3] = (pS[i+1]<<4) + (pS[i+2] >>4);
		pD[j+4] = ( (pS[i+2] & 0x0c)>>2) ;//pS[i+3];
		pD[j+5] = (pS[i+2]<<6) + (pS[i+3]>>2);
		pD[j+6] = pS[i+3]& 0x03;
		pD[j+7] = pS[i+4];

	unsigned char temp;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<size/5*8; i +=2)
		temp = pD[i+1];
		pD[i+1] = pD[i];
		pD[i] = temp;


void three2four(void* pI,void* pO,unsigned int size)

	for (int i=0,j=0;i<size;i+=3,j+=4)
		pD[j] = pS[i] >> 4;
		pD[j+1] = pS[i] << 4 + pS[i+1] >> 4;
		pD[j+2] = pS[i+1] & 0x0F;
		pD[j+3] = pS[i+2];

	unsigned char temp;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i<size/3*4; i +=2)
		temp = pD[i+1];
		pD[i+1] = pD[i];
		pD[i] = temp;


void ScanCameToRaw( QString &inFileName ,  QString &outFileName )

	int i,j;
	QFile scanCamFile,scanRawFile;

	int block = 4070;

	unsigned char *buff1 = new unsigned char[block];

	memset( buff1, 0, block );

	unsigned char *buff11 = new unsigned char[block/5*8];

	memset( buff11, 0, block/5*8 );

	int pos = 0;

	scanCamFile.setFileName( inFileName );
	scanCamFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );

	scanRawFile.setFileName( outFileName );
	scanRawFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly );

	pos += 400;

	for ( j = 0; j < 11635; ++j )
		pos += 40;
		scanCamFile.read( (char*)buff1, block );
		five2eight( buff1, buff11, block);
		scanRawFile.write( (char*)buff11, block/5*8 );
		pos += (block + 10);

	delete []buff1;
	delete []buff11;
void GazeCamToRaw( QString &inFileName, QString &outFileName )
	QFile gazeCamFile, gazeRawFile;

	int block =512 *2 /8*5;

	unsigned char *buff1 = new unsigned char[block];
	memset( buff1, 0, block );
	unsigned char *buff11 = new unsigned char[block/5*8];
	memset( buff11, 0, block/5*8 );

	int i,j;

	int pos = 0;

	gazeCamFile.setFileName( inFileName );
	gazeCamFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly );

	gazeRawFile.setFileName( outFileName );
	gazeRawFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly );

	pos += 80;

	for ( j = 0; j < 512; ++j )
		gazeCamFile.read( (char*)buff1, block );
		five2eight( buff1, buff11, block);
		gazeRawFile.write( (char*)buff11, block/5*8 );

	delete []buff1;
	delete []buff11;


int SearchHead2R(unsigned char* pData,int size,const unsigned char* fileHead,int headLength)
	int i = 0;//初始化游标
	int j = 0;
	int m = i + headLength;
	//	int k = headLength -1;

	double fre;
	__int64 startTime,stoptime,totalTime;   //开始结束时间

	fre = tempTime.QuadPart;
	startTime = tempTime.QuadPart;

	while( i < size && j < headLength )
		if( pData[i] == fileHead[j] )   //开始逐个比较
			// 			while( k >= 0 && pData[m] != fileHead[k] )
			// 				--k;
			//k = KTable[ pData[m] ] - 1;   //KTable中的是以1开头的位置,而k代表的是以0开始的游标

			j = 0;
			i = m - KTable[ pData[m] ];
			m = i + headLength;


	stoptime = tempTime.QuadPart;

	totalTime = (stoptime - startTime) * 1000000 / fre;
	//qDebug() << QString("searchHead2R coast time : %1").arg(totalTime);

	if( i < size )
		return i - headLength;
	return -1;

bool SaveTextToFile(const QString& fileName , const QString& textContent)
		MsgBox( QObject::tr("文件名为空!") ); 
		return false;

		return false;

	QFile file(fileName);
	if( !file.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text ) ){
		QMessageBox::about(0,"Tips" , "save failured!!!");
		return false;
	QTextStream ots(&file);
	ots << textContent;
	return true;

QString GetTextFromFile(const QString& filePath)
	QFile file(filePath);
	file.open(QFile::ReadOnly| QIODevice::Text );
	return file.readAll();

//void QStringtoCharBuf(const QString& src , char* buf)
//	//static QTextCodec *coder = QTextCodec::codecForName("gb18030");
//	//strcpy(buf, (const char*) coder->fromUnicode(src).data() );
//	strcpy(buf, QFile::encodeName(src).constData() );

bool SaveBinDataToFile(const QString& fileName , void* data , int dataLen)
		MsgBox( QObject::tr("文件名为空!") ); 
		return false;

	if( data == 0 || dataLen == 0)
		return false;

	QFile file(fileName);
	if( !file.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ){
		QMessageBox::about(0,"Tips" , "save failured!!!");
		return false;
	QDataStream ots(&file);
	ots.writeRawData( (const char*)data , dataLen);
	return true;

bool SaveBoardParameterToFile(QFile* file, void* data, int dataLen)
	if( data == 0 || dataLen == 0)
		return false;

	QDataStream ots(file);
	ots.writeRawData( (const char*)data , dataLen);
	return true;


QByteArray GetBinDataFromFile(const QString& fileName)
	QFile file(fileName);
	if( file.open(QFile::ReadOnly) )
		return file.readAll();
		return QByteArray();

void qstring_to_charbuf(const QString& src , char* buf)
	//static QTextCodec *coder = QTextCodec::codecForName("gb18030");
	//strcpy(buf, (const char*) coder->fromUnicode(src).data() );

	strcpy(buf, QFile::encodeName(src).constData() );

QString GetFileNameFromDialog(const QString& strFilter /*= ""*/)
	static QString dirName;
	QString str = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0 , QObject::tr("get file name") , dirName , strFilter);
	if(!str.isEmpty()) dirName = str;
	return str;

#include <qfileinfo>

QStringList GetFileListFromDialog()
	QStringList retList;
	//QString ret;
	QFileDialog* fileDialog = new QFileDialog;
	if(fileDialog->exec() == QFileDialog::Accepted)
		retList = fileDialog->selectedFiles();
	//ret = retList[0];
	return retList;

QStringList GetFileNamesFromDialog(const QString& strFilter /*= ""*/)
	static QString dirName ;
	QStringList str = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( 0 , QObject::tr("get file names") ,  dirName , strFilter );
	if(str.size() > 0 ) 
		dirName = QFileInfo(str[0]).absolutePath();
	return str;

QString GetDirectoryFromDialog()
	static QString dirName;
	QString str = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( 0 , QObject::tr("get directory name") , dirName );
	if(!str.isEmpty()) dirName = str;
	return str;

QString GetSaveNameFromDialog(const QString& nameFilter /*= ""*/)
	static QString dirName;
	QString str = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName( 0 , QObject::tr("get save name") , dirName ,
		nameFilter );
	if(!str.isEmpty()) dirName = str;
	return str;

bool PathIsValid(QString path)
	if(path.isEmpty() || path == "点击设置"||path == "选择网络分发日志存储目录")
		return false;
	return true;

bool IsCompressData(QString dataType)
	if (dataType == "Scan-Medium-CompressData" || dataType == "Scan-Short-CompressData" || dataType == "Gaze-CompressData")
		return true;
	return false;
bool IsZCData(QString dataType)
	if (dataType == "Scan-Medium-ImageLeft" || dataType == "Scan-Medium-ImageRight" || dataType == "Scan-Short-ImageLeft" || dataType == "Scan-Short-ImageRight" || dataType == "Gaze-ImageLeft" || dataType == "Gaze-ImageRight")
		return true;
		return false;
bool IsThroughData(QString dataType)
	if ("Scan-Medium-ThroughData" == dataType || "Scan-Short-ThroughData" == dataType || "Gaze-ThroughData" == dataType)
		return true;
		return false;
void MsgBox(const QString& str)
	QMessageBox::about (0 , QObject::tr("Tips") , str );

class MainWidgetMoveHelper : public QObject
	bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
		case QEvent::MouseButtonPress :
				QMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
				if (ev->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
					QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
					m_dragPos = ev->globalPos() - widget->frameGeometry().topLeft();
		case QEvent::MouseMove :
				QMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<QMouseEvent*>(event);
				if (ev->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
					QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
					//if ( (m_dragPos.y() < 50 && m_dragPos.x() < widget->size().width())
					//	/*||(m_dragPos.y() > 50 && m_dragPos.x() < widget->size().width()-200)*/ )
					if ( m_dragPos.y() < 50 || (m_dragPos.y() > widget->size().height()-100) )
						QWidget* widget = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(obj);
						widget->move(ev->globalPos() - m_dragPos);
			return QObject::eventFilter(obj ,event);

	QPoint  m_dragPos;

void InstallMainWidgetMoveHelper(QWidget* w)
	w->installEventFilter(new MainWidgetMoveHelper);

bool GetNumberFromQString(const QString& str , int& num , int base /*= 10*/)
	bool ok;
	int res = str.toInt(&ok,base);
	if(ok){num = res;}
	return ok;

#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <bitset>
std::string DataHex2string(void* data , int ByteLength , int showOffset /*= 10*/)
	using namespace std;
	std::stringstream ss;
	unsigned char* pData = (unsigned char*) data;

	for(int i = 0 ; i< ByteLength ; ++i)
		//if( (i+1)%showOffset == 0  )
		//	ss << setw(3) << i<< ":";
		ss << setw(2) <<  setfill('0') << hex << (int)pData[i] << " " <<( (i+1)%showOffset == 0 ?"\n" : "")  ;
	return ss.str();

std::string int2string(int data)
	using namespace std;
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << data ;
	return ss.str();

#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
void  swap_short(unsigned short &data) //交换高字节、低字节顺序
	std::swap( *(unsigned char*)&data , *( (unsigned char*)&data+1) );

void  swap_short(short &data) //交换高字节、低字节顺序
	std::swap( *(unsigned char*)&data , *( (unsigned char*)&data+1) );

void swap_int( int& intVar )
	char* pVar = (char*)&intVar;
	std::reverse( pVar , pVar+4 );

void swap_int(unsigned int& intVar )
	char* pVar = (char*)&intVar;
	std::reverse( pVar , pVar+4 );

// void swap_short(unsigned short& shortVar)
// {
// 	char* pVar = (char*)&shortVar;
// 	std::reverse(pVar,pVar+1);
// }
void swap_int_low2(unsigned int& intVar)//仅仅交换最后两个字节顺序
	char* pVar = (char*)&intVar;
	std::swap( pVar[0] , pVar[1] );

#include <QImage>
void GetImageFromData(QImage& img ,unsigned char* data , int width , int height)//获取图片
	static bool isInitialied = false ;
	QVector<QRgb> colorTable ;
	//初始化一个 调色板,保证只初始化一次
	if(isInitialied == false)
		for(int i = 0 ; i< 256 ; ++i )
			colorTable.push_back(qRgb (i,i,i));

		isInitialied = true;

	QImage image(data ,width , height ,QImage::Format_Indexed8);
	image.setColorTable (colorTable);
	img = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32,Qt::AutoColor);

// 	int b= 0,g= 0,r=0;
// 	QImage image(width , height ,QImage::Format_RGB32);
// 	for ( int i = 0;i< height; i++)
// 	{
// 		for ( int j = 0;j< width; j++)
// 		{
// 			b = (int) *(data + i*width + j);
// 			g = b;
// 			r = g;
// 			image.setPixel(j,i,qRgb(r,g,b));
// 		}
// 	}
// 	img = image.copy(0,0,width,height); 

QString GetInputCompressDataType()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	/*items << QObject::tr("Scan-Medium-CompressData") << QObject::tr("Scan-Short-CompressData") << QObject::tr("Gaze-CompressData")
		<<QObject::tr("Scan-Medium-ImageLeft") << QObject::tr("Scan-Medium-ImageRight") 
		<< QObject::tr("Scan-Short-ImageLeft") << QObject::tr("Scan-Short-ImageRight")
		<< QObject::tr("Gaze-ImageLeft") << QObject::tr("Gaze-ImageRight");*/
	items << QObject::tr("压缩中波扫描数据") << QObject::tr("压缩短波扫描数据") << QObject::tr("压缩凝视相机数据")
		<<QObject::tr("扫描前半场中波红外数据") << QObject::tr("扫描后半场中波红外数据") 
		<< QObject::tr("扫描前半场短波红外数据") << QObject::tr("扫描后半场短波红外数据")
		<< QObject::tr("凝视相机短波红外数据")<< QObject::tr("凝视相机中波红外及可见光数据")
		<< QObject::tr("压缩直通中波扫描数据")<< QObject::tr("压缩直通短波扫描数据")
		<< QObject::tr("压缩直通凝视相机数据");

	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem( 0, QObject::tr("获取压缩数据类型"),
		QObject::tr("输入压缩数据类型:"), items, 0, false, &ok);
	if (ok && !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;	
	return res;

//由中文数据类型,转化为英文数据类型    2015-0707
QString GetDataTypeName(QString dataType)
	QString res;
	if ("压缩中波扫描数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Medium-CompressData";
	else if ("压缩短波扫描数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Short-CompressData";
	else if ("压缩凝视相机数据" == dataType)
		res = "Gaze-CompressData";
	else if ("扫描前半场中波红外数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Medium-ImageLeft";
	else if ("扫描后半场中波红外数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Medium-ImageRight";
	else if ("扫描前半场短波红外数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Short-ImageLeft";
	else if ("扫描后半场短波红外数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Short-ImageRight";
	else if ("凝视相机短波红外数据" == dataType)
		res = "Gaze-ImageLeft";
	else if ("凝视相机中波红外及可见光数据" == dataType)
		res = "Gaze-ImageRight";
	else if ("压缩直通中波扫描数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Medium-ThroughData";
	else if ("压缩直通短波扫描数据" == dataType)
		res = "Scan-Short-ThroughData";
	else if ("压缩直通凝视相机数据" == dataType)
		res = "Gaze-ThroughData";
		res = "";
	return res;

QString GetDataTypeCName(QString dataType)
	QString res;
	if ("Scan-Medium-CompressData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩中波扫描数据";
	else if ("Scan-Short-CompressData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩短波扫描数据";
	else if ("Gaze-CompressData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩凝视相机数据";
	else if ("Scan-Medium-ImageLeft" == dataType)
		res = "扫描前半场中波红外数据";
	else if ("Scan-Medium-ImageRight" == dataType)
		res = "扫描后半场中波红外数据";
	else if ("Scan-Short-ImageLeft" == dataType)
		res = "扫描前半场短波红外数据";
	else if ("Scan-Short-ImageRight" == dataType)
		res = "扫描后半场短波红外数据";
	else if ("Gaze-ImageLeft" == dataType)
		res = "凝视相机短波红外数据";
	else if ("Gaze-ImageRight" == dataType)
		res = "凝视相机中波红外及可见光数据";
	else if ("Scan-Medium-ThroughData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩直通中波扫描数据";
	else if ("Scan-Short-ThroughData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩直通短波扫描数据";
	else if ("Gaze-ThroughtData" == dataType)
		res = "压缩直通凝视相机数据";
		res = "";
	return res;

QString GetInputIs12Bit()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	items << QObject::tr("12bit") << QObject::tr("10bit");
	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem(0,QObject::tr("获取图像位数"),
	if (ok && !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;
	return res;

QString GetInputIsMissRate()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	items << QObject::tr("不进行误码率对比") << QObject::tr("与直传数据误码率对比") << QObject::tr("与标准源数据误码率对比");

	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem(0,QObject::tr("误码率对比"),
	if (ok&& !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;
	return res;

QString getNetworkSpeed()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	items << QObject::tr("600") << QObject::tr("100")<< QObject::tr("20") << QObject::tr("2");

	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem(0,QObject::tr("获取分发速率"),
	if (ok && !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;
	return res;

QString GetOutputDecompressLeftDataType()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	items << QObject::tr("Scan-Medium-Left")
		<< QObject::tr("Scan-Short-CompressData-Left") 
		<< QObject::tr("Gaze-CompressData-Short");

	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem( 0, QObject::tr("获取输出数据类型"),
		QObject::tr("输入输出数据类型:"), items, 0, false, &ok);
	if (ok && !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;
	return res;

QString GetOutputDecompressRightDataType()
	QString res;
	QStringList items;
	items << QObject::tr("Scan-Medium-Right")
		<< QObject::tr("Scan-Short-CompressData-Right") 
		<< QObject::tr("Gaze-CompressData-Visual-Medium");

	bool ok;
	QString item = QInputDialog::getItem( 0, QObject::tr("获取输出数据类型"),
		QObject::tr("输入输出数据类型:"), items, 0, false, &ok);
	if (ok && !item.isEmpty())
		res = item;
	return res;

void MakeRawPic4Test(const QString& fileName , int width , int height )
	int size = width*height;
	unsigned short * pData  = new unsigned short[size];

	for(int i = 0 ;i<size;++i)
		pData[i] = qrand()%256;

	SaveBinDataToFile(fileName , pData , size*sizeof(unsigned short));

	delete [] pData;

#include <algorithm>

//int method_cvt ;
//0 高八位
//1 低八位
//2 最大最小值量化
//3 固定值量化

//void LoadRawPic4Test(const QString& fileName , int width , int height ,QImage& img , int method_cvt /*= 0*/)
void LoadRawPic4Test(unsigned char* data, unsigned char* CharData, int width, int height, QImage& img, bool is12bit, QString dataType,int method_cvt /*=0*/  )    //新改写一下函数,第一个参数为内存
//	QByteArray rawData = GetBinDataFromFile(fileName);
//	unsigned short* pData = (unsigned short*)rawData.constData();
	unsigned short* pData = (unsigned short*)data;
	unsigned char* pCharData = CharData;    // 从参数传进来的指针,比在函数里面用New申请堆空间要好。不然容易造成很多碎片
	int shortsize = sizeof(short);
	int temp;
	unsigned int SamplingRate =1;
	case 1:
			for(int h = 0 ; h< height ; ++h)
				for(int w = 0; w<width ; ++w)
					pCharData[h*width+w] = pData[h*width+w]&255;
	case 2:
			unsigned shortMin = 50 , shortMax = 1000;
			shortMin = *(std::min_element(pData , pData+width*height ));
			shortMax = *(std::max_element(pData , pData+width*height ));
			for(int h = 0 ; h< height ; ++h)
				for(int w = 0; w<width ; ++w)
					pCharData[h*width+w] = 
					float(pData[h*width+w] - shortMin)*255/(shortMax-shortMin);

	case 3:
			for(int h = 0 ; h< height ; ++h)
				for(int w = 0; w<width ; ++w)
					pCharData[h*width+w] = float(pData[h*width+w])*255/1024;
		if(dataType == "Gaze-CompressData" )
			SamplingRate = 1;
			SamplingRate = 2;
		for(int h = 0 ; h < height /SamplingRate; h++)
			for(int w = 0; w < width/SamplingRate; w++)
				if (is12bit)
					pCharData[h*width/SamplingRate+w] = (pData[h*SamplingRate*width+w*SamplingRate]&4080)>>4;
					pCharData[h*width/SamplingRate+w] = (pData[h*SamplingRate*width+w*SamplingRate]&1020)>>2;
		width = width/SamplingRate;
		height = height/SamplingRate;

	GetImageFromData(img , pCharData ,  width , height);
//	delete [] pCharData;

QStringList GetUnderDirFiles(const QString& dirName , const QString& strFilter /*= "*.*"*/)
	QStringList finalstrlis;

	finalstrlis += GetDirFiles(dirName ,strFilter);

	QDir dir(dirName);
	QStringList dirList = dir.entryList( QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot );

	for(int i = 0 ; i< dirList.size(); ++i)
		finalstrlis += GetDirFiles( dir.absoluteFilePath(dirList[i]) , strFilter);

	return finalstrlis;

QStringList GetDirFiles(const QString& dirName , const QString& strFilter /*= "*.*"*/)
	QStringList strlis;

	QDir dir(dirName);
	strlis = dir.entryList( QStringList() << strFilter , QDir::Files|QDir::NoSymLinks );

	for(int i = 0 ; i< strlis.size(); ++i)
		strlis[i] = dir.absoluteFilePath(strlis[i]);

	//qDebug() << __FUNCTION__ ;
	//qDebug()<< strlis;

	return strlis;

void startShiftImpl(unsigned char*outBuf,unsigned char* dataBuf,const int& dataLength )
	unsigned char low4bit;
	unsigned char high4bit;
	for (int i=0;i< dataLength -1;++i)
		high4bit = ( dataBuf[i]& 0x0f) << 4;
		low4bit = ( dataBuf[i+1]& 0xf0) >> 4;

void startShiftImpl(unsigned char*outBuf,unsigned char* dataBuf,int& dataLength,int& index )
	unsigned char low4bit;
	unsigned char high4bit;
	for (int i=0;i< dataLength -index;++i)
		high4bit = ( dataBuf[index-1+i]& 0x0f) << 4;
		low4bit =  ( dataBuf[index+i]& 0xf0) >> 4;

quint64 getDiskFreeSpace(QString driver)
	LPCTSTR lpcwstrDriver = (LPCWSTR)driver.utf16();
	ULARGE_INTEGER liFreeBytesAvailable,liTotalBytes,liTotalFreeBytes;
	if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(lpcwstrDriver,&liFreeBytesAvailable,&liTotalBytes,&liTotalFreeBytes))
		qDebug()<<"ERROR:Call to GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() failed.";
		return 0;
	return (quint64) liTotalFreeBytes.QuadPart/1024/1024/1024;	

quint64 getDiskSpace(QString driver)
	LPCTSTR lpcwstrDriver = (LPCWSTR)driver.utf16();
	ULARGE_INTEGER liFreeBytesAvailable,liTotalBytes,liTotalFreeBytes;
	if (!GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(lpcwstrDriver,&liFreeBytesAvailable,&liTotalBytes,&liTotalFreeBytes))
		qDebug()<<"ERROR:Call to GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() failed.";
		return 0;
	return (quint64) liTotalBytes.QuadPart/1024/1024/1024;	

void ComplementDataToFixedSize(QByteArray & data, int size)
	if (data.size() < size)
		QByteArray temp;
		temp.fill(0x00,size - data.size());

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