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原创 数据库课程设计 - Flow Blog


2017-01-08 18:49:52 19158

原创 平安夜的祝福


2017-01-01 09:05:08 29691 3

原创 POJ 2531 Network Saboteur (DFS)

Description A university network is composed of N computers. System administrators gathered information on the traffic between nodes, and carefully divided the network into two subnetworks in order t

2017-01-29 19:51:34 566

原创 hiho一下 第135周 九宫 (枚举幻方)

描述 小Hi最近在教邻居家的小朋友小学奥数,而最近正好讲述到了三阶幻方这个部分,三阶幻方指的是将1~9不重复的填入一个3*3的矩阵当中,使得每一行、每一列和每一条对角线的和都是相同的。 三阶幻方又被称作九宫格,在小学奥数里有一句非常有名的口诀:“二四为肩,六八为足,左三右七,戴九履一,五居其中”,通过这样的一句口诀就能够非常完美的构造出一个九宫格来。 有意思的是,

2017-01-28 23:11:36 1042

原创 POJ 3258 River Hopscotch (二分)

Description Every year the cows hold an event featuring a peculiar version of hopscotch that involves carefully jumping from rock to rock in a river. The excitement takes place on a long, straight ri

2017-01-28 12:35:39 1327

原创 POJ 3414 Pots (BFS)

Description You are given two pots, having the volume of A and B liters respectively. The following operations can be performed: FILL(i) fill the pot i (1 ≤ i ≤ 2) from the tap; DROP

2017-01-27 21:47:59 276

原创 POJ 1426 Find The Multiple (BFS)

Description Given a positive integer n, write a program to find out a nonzero multiple m of n whose decimal representation contains only the digits 0 and 1. You may assume that n is not greater than

2017-01-27 20:28:25 413

原创 POJ 2115 C Looooops (扩展欧几里得)

Description A Compiler Mystery: We are given a C-language style for loop of type for (variable = A; variable != B; variable += C) statement; I.e., a loop which starts by setting variable to va

2017-01-27 17:45:12 472

原创 POJ 1905 Expanding Rods (二分)

Description When a thin rod of length L is heated n degrees, it expands to a new length L’=(1+n*C)*L, where C is the coefficient of heat expansion. When a thin rod is mounted on two solid walls

2017-01-26 22:22:18 562 1

原创 POJ 2251 Dungeon Master (BFS)

Description You are trapped in a 3D dungeon and need to find the quickest way out! The dungeon is composed of unit cubes which may or may not be filled with rock. It takes one minute to move one unit

2017-01-26 14:37:48 378

原创 POJ 2488 A Knight's Journey (dfs)

Description Background The knight is getting bored of seeing the same black and white squares again and again and has decided to make a journey around the world. Whenever a knight moves,

2017-01-24 22:45:14 355

原创 POJ 3278 Catch That Cow (BFS)

Description Farmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her immediately. He starts at a point N (0 ≤ N ≤ 100,000) on a number line and the cow is at a point K (

2017-01-22 15:50:55 421

原创 POJ 3273 Monthly Expense (二分)

Description Farmer John is an astounding accounting wizard and has realized he might run out of money to run the farm. He has already calculated and recorded the exact amount of money (1 ≤ moneyi ≤ 1

2017-01-21 14:34:05 362

原创 POJ 1845 Sumdiv (数论,约数和)

DescriptionConsider two natural numbers A and B. Let S be the sum of all natural divisors of A^B. Determine S modulo 9901 (the rest of the division of S by 9901).InputThe only line contains the two nat

2017-01-21 14:04:38 441

原创 POJ 1942 Paths on a Grid (组合数学)

Description Imagine you are attending your math lesson at school. Once again, you are bored because your teacher tells things that you already mastered years ago (this time he’s explaining that (a+b)

2017-01-21 13:49:35 385

原创 POJ 1850 Code (组合数学)

Description Transmitting and memorizing information is a task that requires different coding systems for the best use of the available space. A well known system is that one where a number is associa

2017-01-21 13:36:36 501

原创 POJ 3292 Semi-prime H-numbers (筛法统计)

Description This problem is based on an exercise of David Hilbert, who pedagogically suggested that one study the theory of 4n+1 numbers. Here, we do only a bit of that. An H-number is a positi

2017-01-17 19:25:30 289

原创 POJ 2635 The Embarrassed Cryptographer (同余问题)

Description The young and very promising cryptographer Odd Even has implemented the security module of a large system with thousands of users, which is now in use in his company. The cryptographic ke

2017-01-17 14:42:58 433

原创 POJ 3122 Pie (二分)

Description My birthday is coming up and traditionally I’m serving pie. Not just one pie, no, I have a number N of them, of various tastes and of various sizes. F of my friends are coming to my party

2017-01-11 21:25:44 632

原创 2016,还是到了最后


2017-01-01 12:27:25 4389 2

Spig 网站浮动小人 (javascript)

采用 Javascript 开发的网站前端浮动小人,具体效果可以见:https://www.dreamwings.cn 小人支持右键秘密链接,支持自动根据时间问候(早上好、中午好之类),支持自动间隔一段时间展示 hihokito 精美句子。


OICQ 聊天室(Java 课程设计)

大二第一学期的 Java 课程设计,支持用户注册,单人聊天,多人聊天,支持好友列表,支持个人信息修改,数据库使用 mysql,采用 Java 开发。


Little Giant (C++ 课程设计)

一款使用 cocos-2dx 开发的 io 类休闲游戏,仿“弓箭手大作战”,C++ 课程设计。(可在 win10 应用商店下载开玩) ---------------------------------------------------- 游戏名称: 进击的小巨人 游戏类型: 休闲类 3D 游戏 运行环境: Windows 7及以上、Linux、Android 4.0及以上、IOS、Windows 10 mobile 游戏引擎: Cocos2d-x 3.10


Flow blog(数据库课程设计)

一款使用 Python django 开发的简易 CMS 内容管理系统 标记:大二 - 数据库课程设计 --- 这是一款简约、高效的博客系统,你可以利用它发表自己的文章,每一篇文章都必须要有一个分类,这是你应该创建的,不过文章的标签属性可以有多个。同时,游客可以对公开的文章进行评论,当然,你也可以回复他。 你可以创建自己的页面,这会在首页显示,不过遗憾的是,当页面太多的时候首页看起来会很奇怪,不过关于这一点我们会在以后修复它。 博客支持多用户同时注册并管理,不过新建用户的时候需要管理员的授权,管理员可以授予用户相应的管理权限,而用户则可以在满足权限的情况下把它授予给其他人。为了管理方便,我们引入了组的概念,对组进行授权相当于我们对组内的所有用户进行授权。


Codeforces Edu Hacking

使用 C# + WPF 开发 --- 还在发愁打了那么多场比赛都没有进入首页么? 还在为了前 5 的 hacker 名额阅读千份代码么? 是的,你没有看错! 这是一个 Edu & Div.3 轮 Open hacking 错误代码自动查找器! 你只需要提前构造好某些题的叉点数据,填入它,OK!一切就是这么的方便! 注:仅适用于 Edu 以及 Div.3 轮比赛赛后 hack,不支持 Div.1/2 赛时 hack。 适用人群:想进入首页 Hack 榜的选手


HDU 自动 AC 机(Python)

一款 HDU OJ 的自动刷题工具,搜索来源可选用 百度搜索 / 必应搜索,支持并行以及串行查找,祝早日刷上航电首页哦~ 使用 Python 编写,执行之前你需要在同目录下创建文件 aclog.txt ,然后粘贴进你目前已经 AC 的题目,然后在代码执行过程中便不会去再查找这些题了。


黑白棋 (Reversi)







动态效果,黑客帝国 #include <windows.h> #define ID_TIMER 1 #define STRMAXLEN 25 //一个显示列的最大长度 #define STRMINLEN 8 //一个显示列的最小长度 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) ; typedef struct tagCharChain //整个当作屏幕的一个显示列,这是个双向列表 { struct tagCharChain *prev; //链表的前个元素 TCHAR ch; //一个显示列中的一个字符 struct tagCharChain *next; //链表的后个元素 } CharChain, *pCharChain; typedef struct tagCharColumn { CharChain *head, *current, *point; int x, y, iStrLen; //显示列的开始显示的x,y坐标,iStrLen是这个列的长度 int iStopTimes, iMustStopTimes; //已经停滞的次数和必须停滞的次数,必须停滞的次数是随机的 } CharColumn, *pCharColumn; /***********************/ ..................... ...................



EasyX 是 Visual C++ 平台的绘图库(静态 LIB),用以在 Visual C++ 中模拟 Turbo C 的绘图库头文件 ,并实现对 32 位和 64 位 Windows 的支持,解决了Turbo C 由于使用 16 位的 BGI 绘图库不支持 Windows 的问题。同时,EasyX 针对 Windows 的特点,在色彩范围、分辨率、鼠标、批量绘图等方面做了相应的函数扩展。


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