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原创 简单爬虫----爬取斗罗大陆3的100个章节

搞了一晚上终于搞好了这个爬虫。。。话说获得下一章的标签真不容易,用到了select选择器,然后获得a标签里面的href属性费了好大劲,测试了下爬取100章差不多花了半分钟代码: #coding=utf-8import sysreload(sys)sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')import urllib2from bs4 import Beau...

2017-10-30 22:34:21 1068 1

原创 简单的爬虫----爬取百度百科练习


2017-10-29 21:50:21 483

原创 CodeForces 337D Book of Evil(双向dfs)

Paladin Manao caught the trail of the ancient Book of Evil in a swampy area. This area contains n settlements numbered from 1 to n. Moving through the swamp is very difficult, so people tramped exactly n - 1 paths. Each of these paths connects some pair of

2017-10-29 19:44:14 377

原创 codeforces 315 B.Sereja and Array(线段树区间更新+单点更新+单点询问)

Sereja has got an array, consisting of n integers, a1, a2, ..., an. Sereja is an active boy, so he is now going to complete m operations. Each operation will have one of the three forms:Make vi-th array element equal to xi. In other words, perform the ass

2017-10-29 19:40:31 418

原创 简单的爬虫----爬百度贴吧一篇原创的小说


2017-10-29 16:33:59 446

原创 简单的爬虫------百度贴吧爬图程序

最近学了一阵子的Python,会了基本语法之后就开始自学了一些爬虫,下面分享一下学习过程 首先要安装python,官网下就好了,然后下载pycharm这个ide集成开发环境,很好用的,设置一下路径就可以用它来编写python了,这些都是自行百度,然后写学爬虫,你还要下载一些插件模块,比如beautifulsoup4,当然下载这个之前你要先下载一个pip并安装好,是用来管理python的插件的,安装过程要用到cmd,安装好了还要设置一下环境,细节百度~我也是摸索了很久,还是不懂可以call我(其实也不是很

2017-10-29 08:40:14 689

原创 Codeforces Round #443 (Div. 2) B. Table Tennis(模拟)

n people are standing in a line to play table tennis. At first, the first two players in the line play a game. Then the loser goes to the end of the line, and the winner plays with the next person from the line, and so on. They play until someone wins k ga

2017-10-27 08:51:15 588

原创 Codeforces Round #443 (Div. 2) A. Borya's Diagnosis(水水的模拟)

It seems that Borya is seriously sick. He is going visit n doctors to find out the exact diagnosis. Each of the doctors needs the information about all previous visits, so Borya has to visit them in the prescribed order (i.e. Borya should first visit docto

2017-10-27 08:49:05 648

原创 CodeForces 292D Connected Components(变种并查集+预处理)

We already know of the large corporation where Polycarpus works as a system administrator. The computer network there consists of n computers and m cables that connect some pairs of computers. In other words, the computer network can be represented as some

2017-10-22 20:36:19 469

原创 Codeforces 276D. Little Girl and Maximum XOR(模拟)

A little girl loves problems on bitwise operations very much. Here's one of them.You are given two integers l and r. Let's consider the values of for all pairs of integers a and b (l ≤ a ≤ b ≤ r). Your task is to find the maximum value among all consider

2017-10-22 20:31:50 788

原创 Codeforces 276C Little Girl and Maximum Sum(线段树的区间更新)

The little girl loves the problems on array queries very much.One day she came across a rather well-known problem: you've got an array of nelements (the elements of the array are indexed starting from 1); also, there are qqueries, each one is defined by a

2017-10-22 20:25:15 407

原创 装ubuntu经验分享---电脑中win10和linux系统共存的做法


2017-10-17 19:36:34 4729

原创 Codeforces Round #149 (Div. 2) E. XOR on Segment(21棵线段树处理每一位+区间异或)

You've got an array a, consisting of n integers a1, a2, ..., an. You are allowed to perform two operations on this array:Calculate the sum of current array elements on the segment [l, r], that is, count value al + al + 1 + ... + ar.Apply the xor operatio

2017-10-15 20:34:50 386

原创 CodeForces 242C King's Path(bfs+stl)

The black king is standing on a chess field consisting of 109 rows and 109 columns. We will consider the rows of the field numbered with integers from 1 to 109 from top to bottom. The columns are similarly numbered with integers from 1 to 109 from left to

2017-10-15 20:29:30 572

原创 Codeforces Round #438 (Div. 1 + Div. 2 combined) B. Race Against Time(模拟)

Have you ever tried to explain to the coordinator, why it is eight hours to the contest and not a single problem has been prepared yet? Misha had. And this time he has a really strong excuse: he faced a space-time paradox! Space and time replaced each othe

2017-10-05 17:09:33 469

原创 Codeforces Round #438 (Div. 1 + Div. 2 combined) A. Bark to Unlock(模拟)

As technologies develop, manufacturers are making the process of unlocking a phone as user-friendly as possible. To unlock its new phone, Arkady's pet dog Mu-mu has to bark the password once. The phone represents a password as a string of two lowercase Eng

2017-10-05 16:45:01 633



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