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原创 Microsoft Access: ActiveX component cannot create object

original file: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/319841/zh-cn hd;^#+YOD  Xp0Pa3vZ  m@CT>0 j{  解决方案 )u,Q$z*6  原因 1:未正确注册 DAO jUf p:fZJf  解决方案 *M 1.      在承载有 Microsoft Windows 终端服务器或安装有 Microsoft Acce

2007-03-27 14:12:00 1930

原创 Replace function in MySQL

I want to Replace a column of data to empty if length(column) D1i@@>9sh  2?85Z$j  First of all, I searched "Replace" statement 2~$D +[q&3X9:%  Replace into test_out_realtime SET `PROGRAM` = repla

2007-03-27 14:12:00 717

原创 Php部分常见问题总结

Php部分常见问题总结 Q`J( IdF  https://www.phpx.com/thread-38769-1-1.html 6=1YE3K$  yrF$V%�)  @_M ui 4  若有出错地方或者你有更好的想法,欢迎跟贴. E[>}qN{L!  W#TD9~/F  25 0.r  在提问题前请先仔细查阅PHP手册,MYSQL手册 以及PHPINFO里面的设置

2007-03-27 14:11:00 11226

原创 how to enable or disable registry editing in xp

when i try to run registry editing its say your registry editor has been disabled by your administrator. F4+TER S;d,dR?  how to do? Xsl5^QW  here is the solution i verified: > M/cV*y  copy the

2007-03-27 14:11:00 847

原创 Why do we get error "Call to undefined function: ora_logon()/ ocilogon()"?

PHP is not using the correct extension module. Try compiling PHP with the following options: a}J*|/ `  J*p>lu:  --with-oracle=/path/to/oracle/home/dir R --with-oci8=/path/to/oracle/home/dir K%�

2007-03-27 14:10:00 4182 1

原创 split-PHP

split D[RWc>w  wqo_b7IVG  (PHP 3, PHP 4, PHP 5) RrBdL}Y-Y  split -- 用正则表达式将字符串分割到数组中 NJ3";W 8N  说明  4%d: m$  array split ( string pattern, string string [, int limit] ) p-)4]51  _lQX,, Z

2007-03-27 14:10:00 1317

原创 server transfer

If you server website address is changed from www.A.com to www.B.com I4(D3N~  If user still go to A, how to re-direct users Browser to B. Q&T.~+eP  %�DL"C8[ e  here is the solution for Apache se

2007-03-27 14:09:00 921

原创 warning:Cannot modify header information

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/f/u/n/function/html/Connections/connBlueSky.php:12) in /home/content/f/u/n/function/html/order_hist

2007-03-27 14:09:00 575

原创 关于pear

PEAR 中文手册-phpv.net译制版  9D1w_T  http://pear.phpv.net/cn/index.html #qUJdeo(  T391s5  PEAR简介:用PEAR来写你的下一个php程序 

2007-03-27 14:08:00 485

原创 Install PEAR Problem

problem 1: x y/5DU(@  when install PEAR, my PHP is 5.2 version. which has a bug in PEAR. )1@ 7 Hj9  会出下面的warning: /} x-m$7k  Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in Z nl >W:  zVeUi PX  

2007-03-27 14:08:00 5888

原创 MySQL: Incorrect key file, try to repair it

run below comment in MySQL:repair table test_out_realtime fMM5@ 6CP  D&)~{It~/W  use this command to repair table 

2007-03-27 14:07:00 619

原创 undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg()

 原因可能有2个: G5~MVWmx  1) 你没有enable php_gd2.dll. P(l+&:3d  go to php.ini, enable "extension=php_gd2.dll" u=l67i0  restart server U:c/  v&6zN 6  2) 可能是你没有php_gd2.dll文件... 可以去 ?/2 i  ww

2007-03-27 14:07:00 1776

原创 PHP to Telnet

刚刚发现通过PHP, 用telnet方式连接UNIX server 的方法。 RoX~1)etH  .R[eFTYba  这个是一个class 文件. 通过这个class, 可以实现PHP to Telnet 啦。 P1{ub k  �aa+ny  you can download the class here: PHPTelnet Class kb o/:u7W?  Usa

2007-03-27 14:06:00 7910

原创 find & replace text tool

 if you need to find and replace a text among 10000 files... it is gonna be a touch job. I`I{VG Gc  now I introduce this tool for you: ;{5?(QH;)  (6}Kuv? actualsr {b9|r& http://www.divlocsoft.com/

2007-03-27 14:05:00 695

原创 把一个变量变成integer

 用Intval可以从一个变量中提取integer值出来。 /Ho;jvP  K_sNP(|D   v,/!,@)  echo intval(42);               // 42 0I^q9E`  echo intval(4.2);             // 4 }s. C=K  echo intval(42);             // 42

2007-03-27 14:04:00 589

原创 export data from mySQL to csv

 怎么把数据送MySQL database export to csv? N=o~/%Wz|  jsp VUQ4  非常简单: QQ:` {r  8!weV   p17YBf�C  // Connect database %rfZ2HD R4  $database="yourdatabase"; ^)kuiU!y  $table="yourtable"; uf mysql

2007-03-27 14:03:00 1059

原创 Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10048)

 Cant connect to MySQL server on localhost (10048) +;v$!#  O6; 052Oi  这个bug出现在一个LOOP里面,每跑一次,会连接一次MySQL database. R $/=` G}  gsTv>5  在我自己的Windowx XP 没有出现,不过在 windows 2003 server, x32. 会出现。 

2007-03-27 14:02:00 1386

原创 compile PHP_to_exe file

 有用户界面的 php compiler: (s$6 dU  I dN(2*b  Priadoblender. Home Page Ay{Mp/CoG  %+[NdTg^,  you can download from here $yKim+ E,  X"w  除此之外,还有其他的compiler, 比如: Bambalam PHP exe compiler, PHP

2007-03-27 14:01:00 2912



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