
L2cache0        Available             L2 Cache
cd0             Available 00-08-00    SATA DVD-RAM Drive
cluster0        Available             Cluster Node
dac0            Available 05-00-02    DS3/4K PCM User Interface
dac1            Available 07-00-02    DS3/4K PCM User Interface
en0             Available             Standard Ethernet Network Interface
en1             Defined               Standard Ethernet Network Interface
en2             Available 04-00       Standard Ethernet Network Interface
en3             Defined   04-01       Standard Ethernet Network Interface
ent0            Available             Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent1            Available             Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent2            Available 04-00       2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
ent3            Available 04-01       2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
et0             Defined               IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface
et1             Defined               IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface
et2             Defined   04-00       IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface
et3             Defined   04-01       IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network Interface
fcnet0          Defined   05-00-01    Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcnet1          Defined   05-01-01    Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcnet2          Defined   07-00-01    Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcnet3          Defined   07-01-01    Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fcs0            Available 05-00       8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs1            Available 05-01       8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs2            Available 07-00       8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs3            Available 07-01       8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fscsi0          Available 05-00-02    FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi1          Available 05-01-02    FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi2          Available 07-00-02    FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fscsi3          Available 07-01-02    FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
fslv00          Defined               Logical volume
fwdump          Defined               Logical volume
hd1             Defined               Logical volume
hd2             Defined               Logical volume
hd3             Defined               Logical volume
hd4             Defined               Logical volume
hd5             Defined               Logical volume
hd6             Defined               Logical volume
hd8             Defined               Logical volume
hd10opt         Defined               Logical volume
hd11admin       Defined               Logical volume
hd9var          Defined               Logical volume
hdisk0          Available 00-08-00    SAS Disk Drive
hdisk1          Available 00-08-00    SAS Disk Drive
hdisk2          Available 05-00-02    MPIO DS5100/5300 Disk
hdisk3          Available 05-00-02    Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
inet0           Available             Internet Network Extension
iocp0           Defined               I/O Completion Ports
iscsi0          Available             iSCSI Protocol Device
lb0             Available 05-00-02    Library/MediumChanger
lg_dumplv       Defined               Logical volume
lhea0           Available             Logical Host Ethernet Adapter (l-hea)
livedump        Defined               Logical volume
lo0             Available             Loopback Network Interface
loglv00         Defined               Logical volume
lvdd            Available             LVM Device Driver
mem0            Available             Memory
mt0             Available 05-00-02    Tape Drive
mt1             Available 05-00-02    Tape Drive
mt2             Available 05-00-02    Tape Drive
mt3             Available 05-00-02    Tape Drive
nsmb0           Available             N/A
oraarchlv       Defined               Logical volume
oraclelv        Defined               Logical volume
pci0            Available             PCI Bus
pci1            Available             PCI Bus
pci2            Available             PCI Bus
pci3            Available             PCI Bus
pci4            Available             PCI Express Bus
pci5            Available             PCI Express Bus
pci6            Available             PCI Express Bus
pci7            Available             PCI Express Bus
proc0           Available 00-00       Processor
proc2           Available 00-02       Processor
proc4           Available 00-04       Processor
proc6           Available 00-06       Processor
pty0            Available             Asynchronous Pseudo-Terminal
rcm0            Defined               Rendering Context Manager Subsystem
rmt4            Available 07-00-02    IBM 3580 Ultrium Tape Drive (FCP)
rootvg          Defined               Volume group
sas0            Available 00-08-00    Controller SAS Protocol
sata0           Available 00-08-00    Controller SATA Protocol
ses0            Available 00-08-00    SAS Enclosure Services Device
sfw0            Available             Storage Framework Module
sfwcomm0        Available 00-08-00-FF SAS Storage Framework Comm
sfwcomm1        Available 05-00-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm
sfwcomm2        Available 05-01-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm
sfwcomm3        Available 07-00-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm
sfwcomm4        Available 07-01-02-FF Fiber Channel Storage Framework Comm
sgerp5_ctl01    Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_ctl02    Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_ctl03    Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_data     Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_data01   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_data02   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_indata   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_indata01 Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_indata02 Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_lvusers  Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo01   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo02   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo11   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo12   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo21   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_redo22   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_sysaux01 Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_system01 Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_temp02   Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5_undotbs1 Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5sgtemp    Defined               Logical volume
sgerp5vg        Defined               Volume group
sissas0         Available 00-08       PCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS Adapter
smc0            Available 07-00-02    IBM 3573 Tape Medium Changer (FCP)
sys0            Available             System Object
sysplanar0      Available             System Planar
usb0            Available             USB System Software
usbhc0          Available 01-08       USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc1          Available 01-09       USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc2          Available 01-0a       USB Enhanced Host Controller (3310e000)
vio0            Available             Virtual I/O Bus
vsa0            Available             LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vty0            Available             Asynchronous Terminal

sgerp5_[oracle]-->lsdev -Cc adapter
ent0    Available       Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent1    Available       Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent2    Available 04-00 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
ent3    Available 04-01 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
fcs0    Available 05-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs1    Available 05-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs2    Available 07-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs3    Available 07-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
lhea0   Available       Logical Host Ethernet Adapter (l-hea)
sissas0 Available 00-08 PCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS Adapter
usbhc0  Available 01-08 USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc1  Available 01-09 USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc2  Available 01-0a USB Enhanced Host Controller (3310e000)
vsa0    Available       LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter

sgerp5_[oracle]-->lsdev -c disk
hdisk0 Available 00-08-00 SAS Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 00-08-00 SAS Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 05-00-02 MPIO DS5100/5300 Disk
hdisk3 Available 05-00-02 Other FC SCSI Disk Drive
sgerp5_[oracle]-->lsdev -c adapter
ent0    Available       Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent1    Available       Logical Host Ethernet Port (lp-hea)
ent2    Available 04-00 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
ent3    Available 04-01 2-Port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-Express Adapter (14103f03)
fcs0    Available 05-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs1    Available 05-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs2    Available 07-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs3    Available 07-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
lhea0   Available       Logical Host Ethernet Adapter (l-hea)
sissas0 Available 00-08 PCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS Adapter
usbhc0  Available 01-08 USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc1  Available 01-09 USB Host Controller (33103500)
usbhc2  Available 01-0a USB Enhanced Host Controller (3310e000)
vsa0    Available       LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
sgerp5_[oracle]-->lsdev -Cc adapter -S a |grep fcs
fcs0    Available 05-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs1    Available 05-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs2    Available 07-00 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
fcs3    Available 07-01 8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)
sgerp5_[oracle]-->lscfg -vpl fcs0
  fcs0             U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T1  8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)

        Part Number.................10N9824
        Serial Number...............1A104010E2
        EC Level....................D77040
        Customer Card ID Number.....577D
        FRU Number..................10N9824
        Device Specific.(ZM)........3
        Network Address.............10000000C9A1E822
        ROS Level and ID............02781174
        Device Specific.(Z0)........31004549
        Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
        Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
        Device Specific.(Z3)........09030909
        Device Specific.(Z4)........FF781116
        Device Specific.(Z5)........02781174
        Device Specific.(Z6)........07731174
        Device Specific.(Z7)........0B7C1174
        Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9A1E822
        Device Specific.(Z9)........US1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZA)........U2D1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZB)........U3K1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZC)........00000000
        Hardware Location Code......U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T1


  Name:  fibre-channel
    Model:  10N9824
    Node:  fibre-channel@0
    Device Type:  fcp
    Physical Location: U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T1
sgerp5_[oracle]-->lscfg -vpl fcs1
  fcs1             U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T2  8Gb PCI Express Dual Port FC Adapter (df1000f114108a03)

        Part Number.................10N9824
        Serial Number...............1A104010E2
        EC Level....................D77040
        Customer Card ID Number.....577D
        FRU Number..................10N9824
        Device Specific.(ZM)........3
        Network Address.............10000000C9A1E823(wwpn号)
        ROS Level and ID............02781174
        Device Specific.(Z0)........31004549
        Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
        Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
        Device Specific.(Z3)........09030909
        Device Specific.(Z4)........FF781116
        Device Specific.(Z5)........02781174
        Device Specific.(Z6)........07731174
        Device Specific.(Z7)........0B7C1174
        Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C9A1E823
        Device Specific.(Z9)........US1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZA)........U2D1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZB)........U3K1.11X4
        Device Specific.(ZC)........00000000
        Hardware Location Code......U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T2


  Name:  fibre-channel
    Model:  10N9824
    Node:  fibre-channel@0,1
    Device Type:  fcp
    Physical Location: U78A0.001.DNWK864-P1-C2-T2
:fru list
:fru stat


vol list

lun perm list





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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


