
















from Feb. 22, 2010 ~ 闲看庭前花开花落,漫随天外云卷云舒

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转载 递归和迭代

<br />作者:拒绝潜水的鱼出处:http://slave2.cnblogs.com/ 归与迭代都是基于控制结构:迭代用重复结构,而递归用选择结构。递归与迭代都涉及重复:迭代显式使用重复结构,而递归通过重复函数调用实现重复。递归与迭代都涉及终止测试:迭代在循环条件失败时终止,递归在遇到基本情况时终止。使用计数器控制重复的迭代和递归都逐渐到达终止点:迭代一直修改计数器,直到计数器值使循环条件失败;递归不断产生最初问题的简化副本,直到达到基本情况。迭代和递归过程都可以无限进行:如果循环条件测试永远不变成fal

2011-01-10 16:53:00 1365

原创 要留意的大会


2011-01-07 14:50:00 806

原创 Installing Nemesis on Ubuntu 10.04

 Nemesis is a command-line network packet crafting and injection utility. Ubuntu 10.04 does not provide easy installation of the package through apt-get command. Here are the instructions to successfully install Nemesis on Ubuntu 10.04: 1. Remove any previ

2011-01-07 10:44:00 1405

原创 libpcap & vim & network

sudo apt-get install libpcap-devsudo apt-get install vim vim-scripts vim-doc vim-latexsuite vim-gui-common vim-gnome

2011-01-06 22:26:00 651

转载 삼성 외장하드 G2 portable Hardware

외장하드를 사용하다가 예상치 못한 문제가 발생했는데 바로 파일 포맷문제였습니다. 아, 파일들이 날라갔다는 의미는 아니구요. FAT32와 NTFS 포맷 사이에서 굉장히 고민했습니다. 받았을 때 기본적으로 세팅되어있던 FAT32를 그냥 사용중이었는데 4Gb 이상의 파일이 저장 안되는 문제가 있어서 고민했습니다. NTFS로 가면 맥에서 못읽는 문제가 또 있어서 어찌해야 할까 하다가 검색하며 많은 정보를 모아 결국 NTFS로 가게 되었습니다. 그런데 또 할당단위

2010-11-27 20:31:00 1193

转载 0x00000116错误代码 nvlddmkm.sys 蓝屏

<br /><br />Win 7旗舰,但是开机经常蓝屏,“正在启动Windows”之后就蓝屏,重新开机按F8选正常启动又能正常进入系统,蓝屏代码是“0x00000116”,根据蓝屏时“nvlddmkm.sys”的提示,<br />首先确定一下显卡,是什么型号,然后在这个恢复模式,里下载一下最新的这个显卡驱动程序,删除在系统盘下搜索到的上面提到的文件(nvlddmkm.sys),然后右键点击计算机,选择管理,找到设备管理器,卸载最下方的显示设备驱动程序,然后重新启动计算机,这样就不会出现蓝屏提示了,然后在这

2010-11-27 15:29:00 18636

原创 数学中的Arg是什么意思

arg: argument of a complex number 复数的辐角 例如: z = r*(cosθ + i sinθ) r是z的模,即:r = |z|; θ是z的辐角,记作:θ = arg(z)明白了吗 ?arg:表示极坐标中的辐角 或 “变元”的英文缩写(此题中应为后者)

2010-11-24 14:53:00 26495

原创 微软的XML解析器


2010-11-19 16:03:00 1211

转载 什么是alpha matting?

<br />    同学给我一篇文献,针对视频对象分割,论文提出了一种精确运动层分割和Matting技术,将运动分割与alpha matting技术结合起来,由于对alpha matting不太懂,所以找资料认真学习了一下,整理收集如下:<br />什么是alpha matting?<br />   Pulling a matte: matte在字典里的解释是不平滑的意思,matting在photoshop里面是指消除图像的背景边缘或者去掉粗糙点。把digital matting技术应用于图像,是基于这样一

2010-11-15 15:39:00 5001

转载 super-resolution

<br />http://www.cvchina.info/tag/super-resolution/

2010-11-15 13:29:00 743

原创 ODX - Aggregation, Composition, Association

Aggregation or composition relationships are used if an object of one class is contained in an object of another class.They are drawn as a line with a diamond at the end of the containing class. A composition relationship’s diamond is filled; an aggregatio

2010-11-11 20:41:00 666

原创 内核数据结构mm_struct

<br />内核数据结构mm_struct中的成员变量start_code和end_code是进程代码段的起始和终止地址,start_data和 end_data是进程数据段的起始和终止地址,start_stack是进程堆栈段起始地址,start_brk是进程动态内存分配起始地址(堆的起始地址),还有一个 brk(堆的当前最后地址),就是动态内存分配当前的终止地址。<br /><br />C语言的动态内存分配基本函数是malloc(),在Linux上的基本实现是通过内核的brk系统调用。brk()是一个非常

2010-10-31 20:21:00 1103

原创 The ACM Computing Classification System

<br />http://www.acm.org/about/class/ccs98-html

2010-10-29 20:44:00 1363

转载 Linux查看CPU及系统信息

<br /><br />FROM: http://hi.baidu.com/yilinghl/blog/item/5b17918b097839d4fc1f103f.html<br /> <br />CPU:<br />more /proc/cpuinfo<br />-------文件会显示cpu的信息processor 会从0开始记数 继续下去多个cpuflags 如果有 ht 说明支持超线程技术判断物理CPU的个数可以查看physical id 的值,相同则为同一个物理 CPU<br />附:

2010-10-26 21:05:00 922

原创 备份: 我的系统信息

<br /><br />$ more /proc/cpuinfo<br />processor: 0<br />vendor_id: GenuineIntel<br />cpu family: 6<br />model: 15<br />model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6750  @ 2.66GHz<br />stepping: 11<br />cpu MHz: 2000.000<br />cache size: 4096 KB<br />physic

2010-10-26 21:05:00 676


-gProduce debugging information in the operating system's native format (stabs, COFF, XCOFF, or DWARF). GDB can work with this debugging information.<br />On most systems that use stabs format, -g enables use of extra debugging information that only GDB

2010-10-22 16:01:00 781

原创 Ubuntu CHM: sudo apt-get install xchm

<br />sudo apt-get install xchm

2010-10-20 16:08:00 766

转载 Ubuntu系统技巧之在命令行进行数学计算

在命令行里面,有时需要进行一个简单的手工数学计算。内置的“bc”命令是一种“任意精度计算语言”的前端,如果你是一个正在数学方面工作和学习的人员,在Man里面查看它如何工作是一件非常有意义的事情。所以,你可以在命令行进行一些日常的计算工作。  使用bc,在命令提示符下面输入“bc”即可,然后就可以使用“+”、“-”、“*”(乘)和“/”(除)来进行技术了。譬如计算200乘以133的结果,输入“200*133”,然后输入回车就可以了。  默认情况下,bc的计算结果没有小数位,你可以输入“scale=8”,这

2010-10-20 15:07:00 1614

转载 UbuntuSkills


2010-10-20 14:59:00 695

转载 error C2248: cannot access protected member declared in class '****'

<br />from: http://hi.baidu.com/%BC%BC%CA%F5%B2%BB%CA%C7%B7%B9%CD%EB/blog/item/496b5b507143c5858d54305f.html<br /> <br />vs2008下,从“类”创建的对象无法访问该“类”的 protected 或 private 成员,不可以执行拷贝构造函数。<br />我遇到这个问题时,情况是这样的:<br />=> 本来有一个类QGraphicsItem,我添加新类GeologicalItem并继承

2010-10-20 12:13:00 11897

原创 using namespace std

<br />표준라이브러리에 있는 모든 것은 std namespace 안에 있습니다.<br /> <br /><br />C 에서 호환을 위한 라이브러리와 C++ 에서 추가된 표준라이브러리 들은 모두<br />namespace std 에 들어있습니다.<br />C++ 에서 stdlib 을 쓰고자 한다면 두 가지 방법이 있을 수 있겠지요.<br />1. #include <stdlib.h><br />2. #include <cstdlib><br />이 때 1번에 들

2010-10-19 18:25:00 907

原创 The Art of Exploitation 2nd Edition (Jon Erickson), Official LiveCD ISO

<br />http://www.mininova.org/det/2533556

2010-10-18 14:30:00 768 1

原创 gdb-disassemble

moss@moss-PC:~$ cd Linux_Programming/moss@moss-PC:~/Linux_Programming$ gcc -o test test.c moss@moss-PC:~/Linux_Programming$ gdb ./testGNU gdb (GDB) 7.2-ubuntuCopyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or la

2010-10-18 01:18:00 2587

原创 UPLINK version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6)

<br />I had the same problem. After checking the Uplink forums I found this suggestion:<br /><br />"Try renaming or deleting the libgcc_s.so.1 file in the uplink/lib directory." <br /><br />Works great for me.

2010-10-17 00:13:00 1423

原创 uplink


2010-10-16 01:11:00 1504

转载 How to disable screen locking after sleep

<br />FROM: http://superuser.com/questions/71465/how-to-disable-screen-locking-after-sleep-on-ubuntu-9-10<br /> <br /><br />Try:<br />Go System > Preferences > Screensaver and uncheck the box that says lock when screensaver is active.<br />Elsegconftool-2

2010-10-15 13:30:00 782

原创 NateOn for Linux


2010-10-14 15:05:00 843

原创 OProfile on Ubuntu 10.10 (OCT. 13, 2010)

moss@moss-PC:/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.35-22$ sudo apt-get install oprofileReading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree       Reading state information... DoneThe following extra packages will be installed:  libopagent1Suggested pac

2010-10-13 21:57:00 1601

原创 Hardwired control versus

<br />Hardwired control is a control mechanism to generate control signals by using appropriate finite state machine (FSM). Microprogrammed control is a control mechanism to generate control signals by using a memory called control storage (CS), which cont

2010-10-05 15:49:00 743

转载 Amdahl’s law (阿姆达尔定律)的演化和思考

from: http://manio.org/progress-and-thoughts-of-amdahls-law-286.htmlG.M.Amdahl在1967年提出了Amdahl’s law,针对并行处理的scalability给出了一个模型,指出使用并行处理的提速由问题的可并行的部分所决定。这个模型为并行计算系统的设计者提供了指导。其形式如下:f为问题中可被并行处理的部分的比例,m为并行处理机的数量,Speedup为并行后相比串行时的提速。Amdahl’s law表明在问题的可并行部分不大时,增加

2010-10-03 00:01:00 2303

转载 主项定理Master Method ——算法复习笔记

<br />在分析根据递归方程分析算法的时间复杂度时,常见到如下形式的方程,<br />T(n) = a * T(n/b) + f(n) <br />a ³ 1,b > 1,f(n)一般是个简单函数<br /><br />这时可以有2种方法,来计算时间复杂度。一是用递归树,逐层代入原式,最终形成一个级数,<br />然后用一个函数来表达,得到T(n)。<br /><br />二是应用主项定理Master Method 。其实,主项定理也就是对递归树方法的一种归纳,形成了<br />固定的计算方式,并分三种情

2010-09-30 16:55:00 13664 2

转载 中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物

<br /> <br />中国计算机学会推荐国际学术刊物<br />(数据库方向)<br />一、A类<br /><br />序号<br />刊物名称<br />出版社<br />刊物网址<br />1.          <br />TODS ( ACM Transactions on Database Systems) – <br />ACM<br />http://www.acm.org/tods/<br />2.          <br />VLDB Journal (VLDBJ)  <br />

2010-09-27 09:59:00 2795 1

原创 Effective Access Time

A paging scheme uses a Translation Loo-aside Buffer (TLB) A TLB access takes 10 ns and a main memory access takes 50 ns. What is the effective access time (in ns) if the TLB hit ratio is 90% and there is no page-fault?a) 54b) 60c) 65d) 75Dear student,the c

2010-09-16 22:12:00 1947

原创 Reservation Table Analyzer

Reservation Table Analyzerhttp://www.ecs.umass.edu/ece/koren/architecture/ResTable/SimpRes/

2010-09-16 13:49:00 884

原创 Superscalar

• A superscalar architecture is one in which several instructions can be initiated simultaneously and executed independently.• Pipelining allows several instructions to be executed at the same time, but they have to be in different pipeline stages at a giv

2010-09-15 19:10:00 753

转载 Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years

Teach Yourself Programming in Ten YearsPeter Norvig<br /> Why is everyone in such a rush?<br />Walk into any bookstore, and you'll see how to Teach Yourself Java in 7 Days alongside endless variations offering to teach Visual Basic, Windows, the Internet,

2010-09-15 12:27:00 799

转载 Epigrams on Programming

from: http://www-pu.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/users/klaeren/epigrams.htmlEpigrams on ProgrammingAlan J. PerlisYale University<br />This text has been published in SIGPLAN Notices Vol. 17, No. 9, September 1982, pages 7 - 13. I'm offering it here online u

2010-09-15 12:24:00 608

转载 Cache Mapping and Associativity

A very important factor in determining the effectiveness of the level 2 cache relates to how the cache is mapped to the system memory. What this means in brief is that there are many different ways to allocate the storage in our cache to the memory address

2010-09-14 13:45:00 1074

原创 how to solve aliasing problem

Aliasing causes a substantial problem because it is often difficult or impossible to decide what objects a pointer may refer to. A compiler must be conservative; some compilers will not allocate any local variables of a procedure in a register when there i

2010-09-14 12:43:00 1070

转载 Interleaved memory

<br />One way of allocating virtual addresses to memory modules is to divide the memory space into contiguous blocks. The CPU can access alternate sections immediately, without waiting for memory to catch up (through wait states). Interleaved memory is one

2010-09-13 10:18:00 4615


This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the authors and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.



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