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转载 Silicon Valley

作者 李晨这是一篇发自中国的报道:12 月 9 日晚在上海举办的“硅来”第一期活动圆满结束。根据微信后台报名,我们嘉宾美国云存储公司 Dropbox 研发经理 邵铮 和来自阿里巴巴、百度、微软、百姓网、大众点评、英特尔等公司的工程师做了分享和交流。还有同学特别休假从杭州过来参加,我们特别感动,希望我们嘉宾和分享人员在离开时,都觉得有所收获,这是我们最大希望所在。同时为和更广泛的读者分享,我们做

2015-12-30 19:21:08 505

转载 Create a Base Image

Create a base imageSo you want to create your own Base Image? Great!The specific process will depend heavily on the Linux distribution youwant to package. We have some examples below, and you ar

2015-12-29 16:59:33 336

转载 Best Practices for Writing Dockerfiles

Best practices for writing DockerfilesOverviewDocker can build images automatically by reading the instructions from aDockerfile, a text file that contains all the commands, in order, needed tobui

2015-12-29 16:58:57 536

转载 Union Mount

Union mountFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn computer operating systems, union mounting is a way of combining multiple directories into one that appears to contain their combined content

2015-12-29 16:32:23 454

转载 Docker Machine

Docker MachineMachine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, andinside your own data center. It automatically creates hosts, installs Docker onthem, then configures the

2015-12-29 16:30:20 472

转载 Overview of Docker Compose

Overview of Docker ComposeCompose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications.With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application’s services.Then, using a s

2015-12-29 16:29:33 333

转载 Docker Swarm Overview

Docker Swarm overviewDocker Swarm is native clustering for Docker. It turns a pool of Docker hostsinto a single, virtual Docker host. Because Docker Swarm serves the standardDocker API, any tool tha

2015-12-29 16:28:57 299

转载 Manage Data in Containers

Manage data in containersSo far we’ve been introduced to some basic Docker concepts,seen how to work with Docker images as well as learned aboutnetworking and links between containers. In this s

2015-12-29 11:21:11 291

转载 Networking Containers

Networking containersIf you are working your way through the user guide, you just built and ran asimple application. You’ve also built in your own images. This section teachesyou how to network your

2015-12-29 10:41:04 308

转载 Build Your Own Images

Build your own imagesDocker images are the basis of containers. Each time you’ve used docker runyou told it which image you wanted. In the previous sections of the guide youused Docker images that a

2015-12-29 10:32:44 758

转载 Run a simple application

Run a simple applicationIn the “Hello world in a container“ you launched yourfirst containers using thedocker run command. You ran an interactive container that ran in the foreground. You also r

2015-12-29 10:30:09 505

转载 Hello world in a container

Hello world in a containerSo what’s this Docker thing all about?Docker allows you to run applications, worlds you create, inside containers.Running an application inside a container takes a single

2015-12-29 10:27:16 314

转载 About Docker

About DockerDevelop, Ship and Run Any Application, AnywhereDocker is a platform for developers and sysadminsto develop, ship, and run applications. Docker lets you quickly assembleapplications fro

2015-12-29 10:26:00 259

转载 About the Docker Hub

About the Docker HubThe Docker Hub is a cloud-based registry service forbuilding and shipping application or service containers. It provides a centralized resource for containerimage discovery, dist

2015-12-29 10:25:25 406

转载 Quickstart containers

This quickstart assumes you have a working installation of Docker. To verify Docker is installed, use the following command:# Check that you have a working install$ docker infoIf you get docker:

2015-12-28 22:07:38 281

转载 Mac OS X Install Docker

Mac OS XNote: This release of Docker deprecates the Boot2Docker command line in favor of Docker Machine. Use the Docker Toolbox to install Docker Machine as well as the other Docker tools.

2015-12-27 16:18:17 467

转载 strace

错误日志不能满足定位问题的需求,我们能从更“深层”的方面着手分析吗?程序或命令的执行,需要通过系统调用(system call)与操作系统产生交互,其实我们可以通过观察这些系统调用及其参数、返回值,界定出错的范围,甚至找出问题出现的根因。 在Linux中,strace就是这样一款工具。通过它,我们可以跟踪程序执行过程中产生的系统调用及接收到的信号,帮助我们分析程序或命令执行中遇到的

2015-12-26 15:57:43 263

转载 gstack - stack trace of a running process

NAME         gstack - print a stack trace of a running process    SYNOPSIS         gstack pid    DESCRIPTION         gstack  attaches  to the active process named by the pid on the comma

2015-12-26 15:45:44 811

转载 An Introduction to Python Lists

An Introduction to Python ListsFredrik Lundh | August 2006Overview #The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in a given order. The list type implements the

2015-12-25 17:12:38 393

转载 recursive tree

recur 核心词汇 英 [rɪ'kɜː(r)]    美 [rɪ'kɜːr]   vi.重现;再发生名词: recurrence过去式: recurred过去分词: recurred现在分词: recurring第三人称单数: recursVerb:happen or occur again;"This is

2015-12-23 18:27:16 437

转载 US Shirt Size

我们在国外海淘衣服的时候经常发现衬衣尺码的标注格式是这样的:15.5'' Neck  34/35'' Sleeve数字上边的两个小撇代表单位是英寸,1英寸*2.54=2.54厘米。所以大家可以自己换算成厘米。尺码中第一个参数是领围的大小(Neck Size):用软尺绕着脖子下围绕上一圈,留下一到两指的富余量,就是合适的领围大小了The circumference a

2015-12-23 13:49:25 852

转载 Sales Engineer

完全解读售前工程师(SE、Sales Engineer)1.1 什么是SE?SE是一种职位和职责,在确定从事售前工程师方向发展之后,或者正从事这这方面的工作的时候,需要确立正确的职业观念。在一个系统集成(SI)项目团队中,SE和销售是冲在最前线的梯队。在整个SI生存价值链当中,是一个层次结构,最上面的是销售,下面是SE,在下面是工程和服务人员,其它管理、商务、综合、财务等都是这个梯

2015-12-23 12:39:12 608

转载 Naive Pattern Searching


2015-12-22 19:46:52 1010

转载 None Python

What is the null or None KeywordThe null keyword is commonly used in many programming languages, such as Java, C++, C# and Javascript. It is a value that is assigned to a variable. Perhaps you h

2015-12-22 19:09:39 350

转载 xrange vs range python

http://pythoncentral.io/how-to-use-pythons-xrange-and-range/Python has two handy functions for creating lists, or a range of integers that assist in making for loops.These functions are xran

2015-12-20 22:04:33 353

转载 SDN Brief Introduction

陈鑫杰,PingingLab创始人兼CEOLazy Garfield、阡陌、Tony Bai 等人赞同折腾SDN这个课题大半年,也给我们公司内部的学员做了一些导论课讲解,现在分享这个SDN的内容给知乎的小伙伴们。这里提供在线的课件,也有相应的导论视频讲解,4个课时花了个把月时间。大家如果有兴趣,可以免费去观看。这是属于未来的课程,共享给大家一起来探讨。原文链接:

2015-12-20 18:37:41 595


专业技术分析 NFV与SDN的区别是什么?5条评论2013-06-14 00:01    it168网站原创  作者: vivia/译 编辑: 闫志坤  【IT168 技术】软件定义型网络(SDN)和网络功能虚拟化(NFV)都是热议的话题。他们之前显然是有关系的,但是它们有哪些地方类似呢?不同之处又在哪里?二者如何做到相互补充呢?  SDN——诞生于高校,成

2015-12-20 18:12:47 941

转载 SDN

OpenFlow概述OpenFlow简介  通俗的讲,OpenFlow是使用类似于API进程配置网络交换机的协议。OpenFlow的思路很简单,网络设备维护一个FlowTable并且只按照FlowTable进行转发,FlowTable本身的生成、维护、下发完全由外置的Controller来实现,注意这里的FlowTable并非是指IP五元组,事实上OpenFlow 1.0定义了包括

2015-12-20 18:01:45 922

转载 RESTful API

A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data.Representational state transfer (REST), which is used by browsers, can be

2015-12-18 16:49:59 682

转载 Maple Syrup

MAPLE SYRUPJack Schmidling Productions, Inc.Marengo Illinois  MAPLE SYRUPIt's that time of year again. We have made maple syrup and sometimes wine every year since we have

2015-12-14 15:30:44 1347

转载 Macbook mount NTFS external hard drive

Mac中如何写NTFS的移动硬盘|浏览:5968|更新:2014-05-04 10:10一键约师傅百度师傅最快的到家服务,最优质的电脑清灰!按照网上的说法,简单的就是购买Paragon NTFS或者Tuxera NTFS之类的收费软件,不想花钱的就用NTFS-3G。作为一个开发人员,既然能够自己解决,当然没有必要花

2015-12-11 14:33:06 549

转载 Macbook mount windows shared folder

How to mount a Windows shared folder on your Mac1,453,7382Gina TrapaniFiled to: MAC OS X3/26/07 5:30pmSo you've made the switch to Mac, but kept your

2015-12-11 14:31:54 740

转载 macbook config

FROM :http://www.xialeizhou.com/?p=71&comefrom=http://blogread.cn/news/mac快捷键:https://support.apple.com/zh-cn/HT201236本文记录整个配置过程,供新入手MacBook和觉得MacBook比较难用的同学参考。1. 硬件提升笔记本电脑的特点是

2015-12-11 14:29:10 1490

转载 linkedin interview

笔者之前在LinkedIn做技术工作同时,也花了不少时间在招聘上,成为了当时LinkedIn前三的面试官,包括挖掘候选人、参与校园招聘、草拟面试题、电话面试、Onsite面试、填写反馈,和最后决定是否发放Offer,都有完整的流程和经历。在本文中,我按问答形式给大家借鉴。这里也推荐一下我的新书:程序员面试白皮书(An Ultimate Guide to Coding Inter

2015-12-10 20:51:38 768

转载 docker storage

Docker镜像与容器存储结构分析发表于2014-11-20 15:51| 6751次阅读| 来源http://www.cnblogs.com| 2 条评论| 作者刁金明数据存储StructureDocker摘要:本文依据已有的条件分析了Docker的镜像与容器的存储结构,并通过一系列小实验深入分析了device mapper和aufs这两种存储结构。希望为大家

2015-12-10 18:29:23 655

转载 microServices

实施微服务,我们需要哪些基础框架?作者 杨波 发布于 2015年12月1日 | 10 讨论分享到:微博微信FacebookTwitter有道云笔记邮件分享稍后阅读我的阅读清单微服务(MicroServices)架构是当前互联网业界的一个技术热点,圈里有不少同行朋友当前有计划在各自公司开展微服务化体系建设,他们都有相同的疑问:一个微服务

2015-12-10 18:19:42 533

转载 docker & namespace

Docker背后的内核知识——Namespace资源隔离作者 孙健波 发布于 2015年3月12日 | 注意: ArchSummit全球架构师峰会(北京)2015年12月18-19日,了解更多详情!3 讨论分享到:微博微信FacebookTwitter有道云笔记邮件分享稍后阅读我的阅读清单Docker这么火,喜欢技术的朋友可能也会想,

2015-12-10 18:05:54 474

转载 cgroup

CGroup 介绍CGroup 是 Control Groups 的缩写,是 Linux 内核提供的一种可以限制、记录、隔离进程组 (process groups) 所使用的物力资源 (如 cpu memory i/o 等等) 的机制。2007 年进入 Linux 2.6.24 内核,CGroups 不是全新创造的,它将进程管理从 cpuset 中剥离出来,作者是 Google 的 Pau

2015-12-10 18:04:37 544

转载 大型网站架构演变

大型网站架构演变和知识体系之前也有一些介绍大型网站架构演变的文章,例如LiveJournal的、ebay的,都是非常值得参考的,不过感觉他们讲的更多的是每次演变的结果,而没有很详细的讲为什么需要做这样的演变,再加上近来感觉有不少同学都很难明白为什么一个网站需要那么复杂的技术,于是有了写这篇文章的想法,在这篇文章中 将阐述一个普通的网站发展成大型网站过程中的一种较为典型的架构演变历程和所需掌

2015-12-10 11:30:12 431

转载 大型网站子系统简介

一个大型的网站网站应该由如下6个子系统组成  负载均衡系统反向代理系统Web服务器系统分布式存储系统底层服务系统数据库集群系统 为什么要做高并发系统设计?事实上,针对于任何单一的网络服务器程序,其可承受的同时连接数目是有理论峰值的,通过C++中对TSocket的定义类型:word,我们可以判定这个连接理论峰值是6553

2015-12-10 11:22:57 447



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