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原创 窗口最大化最大最小化关闭按钮超出屏幕 WM_GETMINMAXINFO

有的时候定制窗口,隐藏系统窗口的标题栏,自己绘制最大最小化和关闭按钮,这样当窗口最大化时会发现最顶部一小部分超出了屏幕区域解决方法是处理WM_GETMINMAXINFO消息http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms632626(v=vs.85).aspx示例:else if(WM_GETMINMAXINFO ==

2013-07-04 15:31:00 3189

原创 DUILib中的WebBrowser的使用

在网上下载的源码中有如下一行 但是在duiDesigner中却没有找到该控件,添加成功后会发现无法正常选中。解决方法是继承类CWebBrowserEventHandler,并在为控件添加事件 CWebBrowserUI* pBrowser = static_cast(m_pm.FindControl(_T("oneclick_browser"))); pBrow

2013-07-04 15:07:57 5450

Third-Party JavaScript.pdf.英文原版

There’s an art to writing third-party JavaScript – embeddable scripts that can plug into any website. They must adapt easily to unknown host environments, coexist with other applications, and manage the tricky security vulnerabilities you get when code and asset files are served from remote web addresses. Get it right and you have unlimited options for distributing your apps. This unique book shows you how. Third-Party JavaScript guides you through the ins and outs of building full-featured third-party JavaScript applications.


Foundation-HTML5-with-CSS3.pdf 英文原版

If you want to get into developing web sites, the most important thing you’ll need is a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML—the most common language used to write web site content. The most recent version of the language is HTML5, and it contains a whole host of new features to give you more power when creating websites. Foundation HTML5 with CSS3: A Modern Guide and Reference incorporates practical examples to show how to structure data correctly using HTML5, along with styling and layout basics using the latest release of Cascading Style Sheets, CSS3. This book is forward-thinking because all the featured code and techniques are standards-compliant, and it demonstrate best practices—you won’t waste your time on outdated, bad techniques. Your web pages will work properly in most web browsers and be accessible to web users with disabilities, easily located using popular search engines, and compact in file size. Even if you already know HTML5 and CSS3 basics, this book will still be useful to you. It features comprehensive reference tables, so you can look up troublesome attributes, codes, and properties quickly and easily.


Best of Ruby Quiz.pdf 英文原版

Sharpen your Ruby programming skills with twenty-five challenging problems from Ruby Quiz. Read the problems, work out a solution, and compare your solution with others. This book is a collection of highlights from the first year of Ruby Quiz challenges. Inside, you will find expanded content, all new solutions, and more in depth discussions of Ruby Quiz problems and solutions. This is the book for anyone who really wants to improve their Ruby skills.


Head First Python.pdf 英文原版, Python学习教程

Ever wished you could learn Python from a book? Head First Python is a complete learning experience for Python that helps you learn the language through a unique method that goes beyond syntax and how-to manuals, helping you understand how to be a great Python programmer. You’ll quickly learn the language’s fundamentals, then move onto persistence, exception handling, web development, SQLite, data wrangling, and Google App Engine. You’ll also learn how to write mobile apps for Android, all thanks to the power that Python gives you. We think your time is too valuable to waste struggling with new concepts. Using the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory to craft a multi-sensory learning experience, Head First Python uses a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.


Instant Google Drive Starter.pdf 英文原版. Google Drive基础入门

In recent years, we’ve enjoyed being able to do more and more online and in the cloud. Google Drive brings the power and convenience of working online for you and your files. With Google Drive, you can create and store your files safely in the cloud, share them if desired, and access them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer. “Google Drive Starter” is your companion to getting started with the world of cloud computing and working with your files online. With clear visuals and step-by-step examples, this book shows you how to use Google Drive from start to finish. From creating documents and files in Google Drive to sharing them with others and accessing them anywhere using your web browser, phone, or tablet computer – you’ll be working in the cloud. This book starts with the very basics of cloud computing, providing clear examples for ways you can use Google Drive to work with your files in the cloud, and the benefits of doing so. It will take you step-by-step through all the aspects of using Google Drive to get you quickly working with your files online, accessing them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer. You’ll learn how to use Google Drive to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and also how you can upload folders and files from your hard drive into Google Drive using your web browser. Once your files are in Google Drive, this book will show you all the things you can do with them: edit them online from anywhere (including your iPhone, iPad, or Android phone or tablet), and even share them with others if desired. This book will also show you how to use the Google Drive sync program to back up your files to the cloud and keep them automatically in sync between your computer’s hard drive and Google Drive. You will learn everything you need to know to create and store your files safely in the cloud with Google Drive, share them with others if desired, and access them from anywhere using a web browser, smartphone, or tablet computer.


Head First JavaScript.pdf 英文原版 javascript 教程

Want to make the leap from writing HTML and CSS web pages and create dynamic web applications? Want to take your web skills to the next level? It sounds like you’re ready to learn the Web’s hottest programming language: JavaScript. Head First JavaScript is your ticket to going beyond copying and pasting the code from someone else’s web site, and writing your own interactive web pages.


Advanced PHP Programming.pdf.英文原版. PHP高级编程

The rapid maturation of PHP has created a skeptical population of users from more traditional “enterprise” languages who question the readiness and ability of PHP to scale, as well as a large population of PHP developers without formal computer science backgrounds who have learned through the hands-


Beginning R- An Introduction to Statistical Programming.pdf 英文原版. 统计学习 R语言教程

Conquer the complexities of this open source statistical language R is fast becoming the de facto standard for statistical computing and analysis in science, business, engineering, and related fields. This book examines this complex language using simple statistical examples, showing how R operates in a user-friendly context. Both students and workers in fields that require extensive statistical analysis will find this book helpful as they learn to use R for simple summary statistics, hypothesis testing, creating graphs, regression, and much more. It covers formula notation, complex statistics, manipulating data and extracting components, and rudimentary programming. R, the open source statistical language increasingly used to handle statistics and produces publication-quality graphs, is notoriously complex This book makes R easier to understand through the use of simple statistical examples, teaching the necessary elements in the context in which R is actually used Covers getting started with R and using it for simple summary statistics, hypothesis testing, and graphs Shows how to use R for formula notation, complex statistics, manipulating data, extracting components, and regression Provides beginning programming instruction for those who want to write their own scripts Beginning R offers anyone who needs to perform statistical analysis the information necessary to use R with confidence.


Foundations of Python Network Programming, 3rd Edition.pdf 英文原版. Python网络编程基础

Foundations of Python Network Programming, Third Edition, covers all of the classic topics found in the second edition of this book, including network protocols, network data and errors, email, server architecture, and HTTP and web applications, plus updates for Python 3. If you’re a Python programmer who needs a deep understanding of how to use Python for network-related tasks and applications, this is the book for you. From web application developers, to systems integrators, to system administrators—this book has everything that you need to know.


Data Structures and Algorithms in Python.pdf 英文原版. Python数据结构和算法

Based on the authors’ market leading data structures books in Java and C++, this textbook offers a comprehensive, definitive introduction to data structures in Python by respected authors. Data Structures and Algorithms in Python is the first mainstream object-oriented book available for the Python data structures course. Designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to data structures and algorithms, including their design, analysis, and implementation, the text will maintain the same general structure as Data Structures and Algorithms in Java and Data Structures and Algorithms in C++.


Expert Python Programming.pdf 英文原版.Python专家编程

Expert Python Programming shows how Python development should be done with best practices and expert design tips. This book is for Python developers who are already building applications, but want to build better ones by applying best practices and new development techniques to their projects. The reader is expected to have a sound background in Python programming.


Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3.pdf 英文原版

CSS3 unveils new possibilities for frontend web developers: things that would require JavaScript, such as animation and form validation, or even third party plugins, such as 3D transformations, are now accessible using this technology. “Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3″ contains ten web projects fully developed using cutting edge CSS3 techniques. It also covers time saving implementation tips and tricks as well as fallback, polyfills, and graceful degradation approaches. This book draws a path through CSS3; it starts with projects using well supported features across web browsers and then it moves to more sophisticated techniques such as multi polyfill implementation and creating a zooming user interface with SVG and CSS. React to HTML5 form validation, target CSS rules to specific devices, trigger animations and behavior in response to user interaction, gain confidence with helpful tools like SASS, learn how to deal with old browsers and more. “Designing Next Generation Web Projects with CSS3″ is a helpful collection of techniques and good practices designed to help the implementation of CSS3 properties and features.


Learning JavaScript Design Patterns 英文原版.js设计模式

If you want to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript code, this guide shows you how to apply both classical and modern design patterns to the language. The patterns in this book provide reusable code solutions to common problems in software design, and give you a shared vocabulary for describing solutions to others. You’ll explore several popular design patterns in plain JavaScript as well as jQuery and other abstracted libraries. If you’re familiar with concepts such as closures and prototypal inheritance, you’ll be able to determine why some patterns may be more suitable for your projects than others.


Learning PHP & MySQL, 2nd Edition.pdf

PHP and MySQL are quickly becoming the de facto standard for rapid development of dynamic, database-driven web sites. This book is perfect for newcomers to programming as well as hobbyists who are intimidated by harder-to-follow books. With concepts explained in plain English, the new edition starts with the basics of the PHP language, and explains how to work with MySQL, the popular open source database. You then learn how to put the two together to generate dynamic content.


Linux System Programming, 2nd edition.pdf

A Linux kernel, C library, and C compiler overview Basic I/O operations, such as reading from and writing to files Advanced I/O interfaces, memory mappings, and optimization techniques The family of system calls for basic process management Advanced process management, including real-time processes Thread concepts, multithreaded programming, and Pthreads File and directory management Interfaces for allocating memory and optimizing memory access Basic and advanced signal interfaces, and their role on the system Clock management, including POSIX clocks and high-resolution timers


Creating Google Chrome Extensions

Transform your web application ideas into Google Chrome Extensions. Choose the recommended components for creating your kind of extension. Leverage the power of a Google Chrome browser by making use of the extensions API. Showcase your existing web-development skills in a modern way by creating useful extensions.






本人一时兴起写的软件,算是mchostseditor替代,尚有很多未完善之处,但时间有限,至少每月会完善几个问题。也请大家在使用过程中积极提交各种BUG。 下次解决解决问题: 1.改变尺寸界面元素无法调整位置 2.host内容不支持中文,方案名没此限制









Python是一种面向对象的、动态的程序设计语言。具有非常简洁而清晰的语法,适合于完成各种高层任务。它既可以用来快速开发程序脚本,也可以用来开发大规模的软件。 随着NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Enthought librarys等众多程序库的开发,Python越来越适合于做科学计算、绘制高质量的2D和3D图像。和科学计算领域最流行的商业软件Matlab相比,Python是一门通用的程序设计语言,比Matlab所采用的脚本语言的应用范围更广泛,有更多的程序库的支持。虽然Matlab中的许多高级功能和toolbox目前还是无法替代的,不过在日常的科研开发之中仍然有很多的工作是可以用Python代劳的。 本书将介绍如何用Python开发科学计算的应用程序,除了介绍数值计算之外,我们还将着重介绍如何制作交互式的2D、3D图像;如何设计精巧的程序界面;如何和C语言所编写的高速计算程序结合;如何编写声音、图像处理算法。





2. Pattern Sliding Window.zip

2. Pattern Sliding Window.zip


Head First 设计模式(中文版)

《Head First设计模式》(中文版)共有14章,每章都介绍了几个设计模式,完整地涵盖了四人组版本全部23个设计模式。前言先介绍这本书的用法;第1章到第11章陆续介绍的设计模式为Strategy、Observer、Decorator、Abstract Factory、Factory Method、Singleton,Command、Adapter、Facade、TemplateMethod、Iterator、Composite、State、Proxy。最后三章比较特别。第12章介绍如何将两个以上的设计模式结合起来成为新的设计模式(例如著名的MVC模式),作者称其为复合设计模式(这是作者自创的名称,并非四人组的标准名词),第13章介绍如何进一步学习设计模式,如何发觉新的设计模式等主题,至于第14章则很快地浏览尚未介绍的设计模式,包括Bridge、B...


Head First软件开发(中文版)

《Head First软件开发(中文版)》内容包括:伟大的软件开发:让客户满意、收集需求:知道客户需要什么、项目规划:为成功而筹划、使用情节和任务:开始你实际的工作、足够好的设计:以良好的设计完成工作、构建你的软件代码:测试和连续集成:智者千虑必有一失、测试驱动开发:让代码负起责来、结束开发循环:涓涓细流归大海……





Third-Party JavaScript 英文原版

There’s an art to writing third-party JavaScript – embeddable scripts that can plug into any website. They must adapt easily to unknown host environments, coexist with other applications, and manage the tricky security vulnerabilities you get when code and asset files are served from remote web addresses. Get it right and you have unlimited options for distributing your apps. This unique book shows you how. Third-Party JavaScript guides you through the ins and outs of building full-featured third-party JavaScript applications.


JavaScript Pocket Reference, 3rd Edition Activate Your Web Pages 英文原版 第三版

JavaScript is the ubiquitous programming language of the Web, and for more than 15 years, [removed] The Definitive Guide has been the bible of JavaScript programmers around the world. This book is an all-new excerpt of The Definitive Guide, collecting the essential parts of that hefty volume into this slim yet dense pocket reference. The first 9 chapters document the latest version (ECMAScript 5) of the core JavaScript language, covering: 1) Types, values, and variables, 2) Operators, expressions, and statements, 3) Objects and arrays, 4) Functions and classes. The next 5 chapters document the fundamental APIs for using JavaScript with HTML5 and explain how to: 1) Interact with web browser windows, 2) Script HTML documents and document elements, 3) Modify and apply CSS styles and classes, 4) Respond to user input events, 5) Communicate with web servers, 6) Store data locally on the user’s computer. This book is a perfect companion to jQuery Pocket Reference.


PHP Advanced and Object-Oriented Programming, 3rd Edition 英文原版

Readers can take their PHP skills to the next level with this fully revised and updated PHP Advanced: Visual QuickPro Guide, Third Edition! Filled with fourteen chapters of step-by-step content and written by bestselling author and PHP programmer Larry Ullman, this guide teaches specific topics in direct, focused segments, shows how PHP is used in real-world applications. The book teaches developing web applications using advanced PHP techniques and advanced database concepts, and this edition offers several chapters devoted to object-oriented programming and all-new chapters on debugging, testing, and performance. Author hosts a popular companion website at larryullman.com, where readers can freely download code used in the book, access a user forum and book updates, and get advice directly from the author.


Pro PHP Programming 英文原版

If you are a web programmer, you need to know modern PHP. This book presents with many new areas in which PHP plays a large role. If you want to write a mobile application using geo-location data, Pro PHP Programming will show you how. Additionally, if you need to make sure that you can write a multilingual indexing application using Sphinx, this book will help you avoid the pitfalls. Of course, Pro PHP Programming gives a thorough survey of PHP post-5.3. You’ll begin by working through an informative survey and clear guide to object-oriented PHP. Then, you’ll be set for the core of the book on modern PHP applications. Now, you’ll be able to start with the chapter on PHP for mobile programming and move on to sampling social media applications. You’ll also be guided through new PHP programming language features like closures and namespaces. Pro PHP Programming deals with filtering data from users and databases next, so you’ll be well prepared for relational and NoSQL databases. Of course, you can also learn about data retrieval from other sources, like OCR libraries or websites. Then the question of how to format and present data arises, and in Pro PHP Programming, you’ll find solutions via JSON, AJAX and XML.


Wicked Cool PHP 英文原版

PHP is an easy-to-use scripting language perfect for quickly creating the Web features you need. Once you know the basics of how the language works, wouldn’t it be great to have a collection of useful scripts that solve those tricky problems and add interesting functionality to your site? We thought so, too. Instead of starting at “Hello World,” Wicked Cool PHP assumes that you’re familiar with the language and jumps right into the good stuff. After you learn the FAQs of life – the most commonly wished for PHP scripts – you’ll work your way through smart configuration options and the art of forms, all the way through to complex database-backed scripts.



这不过是一本有趣的算法书而已。和别的算法书比较,如果硬要说它有什么特点的话,那就是你能看懂它。 这是一本充满智慧和趣味的算法入门书。没有枯燥的描述,没有难懂的公式,一切以实际应用为出发点, 通过幽默的语言配以可爱的插图来讲解算法。你更像是在阅读一个个轻松的小故事或是在玩一把趣味解谜 游戏,在轻松愉悦中便掌握算法精髓,感受算法之美。 本书中涉及到的数据结构有栈、队列、链表、树、并查集、堆和图等;涉及到的算法有排序、枚举、 深度和广度优先搜索、图的遍历,当然还有图论中不可以缺少的四种最短路径算法、两种最小生成树算法、 割点与割边算法、二分图的最大匹配算法等。 网名啊哈磊。 曾在中科院玩过单片机。武汉大学历史上第一位以本科生身份加入MSRA(微软亚洲研究院)的小伙伴,在机器学习组从事搜索引擎方面的研究。 发表国际会议论文一篇(IEEE)。 全国青少年信息学...



《Git权威指南》是Git领域的集大成之作,是一本关于Git的百科全书,在广度、深度和实战性上让同类作品望尘莫及。作者是国内顶尖的版本控制专家和咨询顾问之一,本书得到了Git官方维护者Junio C Hamano和ITeye创始人范凯(Robbin)先生等数位专家的高度认可和极力推荐,权威性毋庸置疑。 全书一共9篇,共41章和4个附录,内容几乎涵盖了Git的所有方面。第1篇介绍了版本控制工具的演变历史、Git的各种优点,以及它在3种主流操作系统中的安装与配置。第2篇和第3篇既是本书的基础,又是本书的核心,不仅介绍了Git的操作和使用,而且还讲解了Git的原理。第2篇详细讲解了个人用户如何使用Git,包括Git初始化、日常操作、暂存区、对象、重置、检出、恢复进度、历史变更、克隆、库管理等;第3篇详细讲解了Git协议和团队如何使用Git,包括Git支持的...



这本书从整体的写作风格来说,会以介绍 Go 语言特性为主,示例则尽量采用作者平常的实践,而不是一个没有太大实际意义的语法示范样例。 本书作者背景极强,许式伟为原金山WPS首席架构师、曾是盛大创新院研究员,目前是国内Go语言实践圈子公认的Go语言专家。参与本书写作的几位作者都是实际用Go语言开发的项目的开发人员,有较强的实战经验。 本书以介绍Go语言特性为主,示例则尽量采用作者开发团队平常的实践,内容涉及内存管理(堆和栈)、错误处理、OOP、并发编程等关键话题。 这本书面向的读者是所有打算用Go语言的开发者,主要包括目前使用C、C++、Java、C#的开发人员,甚至一些Python、PHP开发人员也可能转为 Go 程序员。


Effective java 中文版(第2版).pdf

本书介绍了在Java编程中78条极具实用价值的经验规则,这些经验规则涵盖了大多数开发人员每天所面临的问题的解决方案。通过对Java平台设计专家所使用的技术的全面描述,揭示了应该做什么,不应该做什么才能产生清晰、健壮和高效的代码。 本书中的每条规则都以简短、独立的小文章形式出现,并通过例子代码加以进一步说明。本书内容全面,结构清晰,讲解详细。可作为技术人员的参考用书。


高性能MySQL 第3版.pdf

《高性能mysql(第3版)》是mysql 领域的经典之作,拥有广泛的影响力。第3 版更新了大量的内容,不但涵盖了最新mysql 5.5版本的新特性,也讲述了关于固态盘、高可扩展性设计和云计算环境下的数据库相关的新内容,原有的基准测试和性能优化部分也做了大量的扩展和补充。全书共分为16 章和6 个附录,内容涵盖mysql 架构和历史,基准测试和性能剖析,数据库软硬件性能优化,复制、备份和恢复,高可用与高可扩展性,以及云端的mysql 和mysql相关工具等方面的内容。每一章都是相对独立的主题,读者可以有选择性地单独阅读。 《高性能mysql(第3版)》不但适合数据库管理员(dba)阅读,也适合开发人员参考学习。不管是数据库新手还是专家,相信都能从本书有所收获。


headfirst 系列 - Head.First.PMP,4rd.Edition.pdf

What will you learn from this book? Head First PMP teaches you the latest principles and certification objectives in The PMBOK® Guide in a unique and inspiring way. This updated fourth edition takes you beyond specific questions and answers with a unique visual format that helps you grasp the big picture of project management. By putting PMP concepts into context, you’ll be abl...


headfirst系列 - Head First Jquery(6fVv).pdf

《Head First jQuery(中文版)》就是你的车票,拿到这张车票,你就能轻松地构建漂亮的交互式Web网站,就像真正的应用一样。我们认为,你的时间如此宝贵,不应过多地浪费在与新概念的斗争中。通过使用认知科学和学习理论的最新研究成果,你将享受一种多感官学习体验,《Head First jQuery(中文版)》采用了一种专门为你的大脑而设的丰富格式娓娓道来,而不是长篇累牍地说教,让你昏昏欲睡。


headfirst 系列 - 深入浅出iPhone开发.pdf



Using JRuby.pdf.英文原版. JRuby教程

Now you can bring the best of Ruby into the world of Java, with Using JRuby. Come to the source for the JRuby core team’s insights and insider tips. You’ll learn how to call Java objects seamlessly from Ruby, and deal with Java idioms such as interfaces and overloaded functions. Run Ruby code from Java, and make a Java program scriptable in Ruby. See how to compile Ruby into .class files that are callable from Java, Scala, Clojure, or any other JVM language.



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