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嵌入式软/硬件设计 ARM/Linux FPGA

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原创 QItemDelegate is replaced by QStyleItemDelegate

2015-05-28 15:37:51 1055

原创 event driven gui programming model

C++ - Event-Driven Programming IntroductionIn the classical approach to programming, events happen in apre-defined sequence. In fact, classical programmers go the extent ofdefining programs as s

2015-05-28 15:33:35 634

原创 Event Driven Programming In C

These days I am interesting with event driven programming,so I search some materials from web.This is a basic model,it contains many events,and each event has its own event handler.When the handle

2015-05-28 14:05:11 716

原创 Object oriented in c language

How-To: Object Oriented in CPurposeI would like to introduce Object Oriented programming and concept adapted to the C language.There are cases where you need high performance and to have access

2015-05-28 13:36:43 553

原创 exit thread normally when it is blocked by pthread_cond_wait

In multiple thread programming,we usual use pthread_cond_wait to wait user specified condition becomes true,it is true,but when we want to exit this thread,it is blocked because of the false conditi

2015-05-28 11:18:07 432

原创 event generator,event dispatcher,event handler.

In Event-driven architecture,event is very important,just like the communication midware.Event Generator : put event into FIFO.Event Dispatcher: get event from FIFO and dispatch it to specified ob

2015-05-28 11:11:02 414

原创 kde desktop autostart program

In KDE desktop environment,we cannot add the start script in /etc/rc.local file simple.The GUI program needs to communicate with the X server.The Apps that do not need X server can be done in /etc

2015-05-28 09:38:13 583

原创 stop the NetworkManager service

We should stop the NetworkManger service first before test the wpa_supplicant!In previous test suite,the connection progress failed because of the NetworkManger's block rule.So if you want to test

2015-05-26 17:28:06 611

原创 Qt wifi helper script

Startyantai:/home/shell.albert/project/build-EAVCapturex86-Desktop_Qt_5_3_GCC_64bit-Debug/bin # ./zwpactl.sh  startneed ssid and pskyantai:/home/shell.albert/project/build-EAVCapturex86-De

2015-05-26 16:17:17 753

原创 WiFi GUI management tool

In my new embedded device,I use wpa_supplicant as the wifi backend management daemon.So,for user's convenience use,I need to write a GUI configuration tool. I don't want to know moreabout the

2015-05-26 14:45:56 598

原创 beautiful qss codes

/*WINDOW*/QFrame {    color: white;    background: black;    border-radius: 0px;    border: 0px solid white;}QWidget {    color: white;    background: black;    border-radius: 0p

2015-05-25 13:11:14 638

原创 V4L2 Test Bench

I need a tool to check the usb camera's features.So I found the packet names "qv4l2".And I found a very interesting point that is as follows:640x480 30fps800x600 15fps1024x768 12.5fps1280x10

2015-05-25 09:36:02 1835

原创 SQLite database management tool

The EAVCapture device needs to record its runtime log information. So for easy operation,I choose the SQLite. It's suitable for the embedded device.The default database file should be crea

2015-05-25 09:24:24 505

原创 Wrong RGB value solution

I capture video image from UVC camera with YUY2 format,but after the conversation from YUV2 to RGB,the color is not correct.The red becomes green. And other colors are not right. I have no idea with

2015-05-25 09:14:27 372

原创 linux keypad driver

Linux kernel & device driver programming Cross-Referenced Linux and Device Driver Code[ source navigation ] [ diff markup ] [ identifier search ] [ freetext search ] [ file search ]Version: [ 

2015-05-21 17:39:31 1365

原创 imx6 uboot logo

The maximum resolution is 1024x600,bmp format,8-bit,256 grade.use bin2txt.pyw to change bmp to text.

2015-05-21 17:23:59 3039 4

原创 imx6 uboot parameters

2015-05-21 17:18:35 600

原创 platform_set_drvdata() platform_get_drvdata()


2015-05-21 16:15:23 13690 2

原创 The reason of /var/run/wpa_supplican directory does not exist

In my laptop openSuse13.2 64bit,wireless network is managed by NetworkManager.I find that the NetworkManager use wpa_supplicant as the backend engine,but the runtime socket file is not exist,it's

2015-05-21 10:23:35 480

原创 Qt5 action with external physical keypad

2015-05-20 16:43:31 477

原创 what's the function of pid file?


2015-05-20 16:33:43 397

原创 wpa_supplicant summary

by zhangshaoyan at May 20,2015.

2015-05-20 16:25:02 389

原创 wpa_cli commands verify

使用wpa_cli手工发送命令进行连接WiFi.测试这些基于WPA的命令主要是想实现一个wpa的客户端工具,需要在arm上用qt实现一个这样的网络管理工具。唉,真是麻烦。yantai:/home/shell.albert # wpa_cli wpa_cli v2.2Copyright (c) 2004-2014, Jouni Malinen and contributors

2015-05-20 15:57:46 3855 1

原创 wpa_supplicant daemon server & GUI test message

1、先来看一下wpa_gui发出的命令序列,方便我们来模拟。send command: STATUSsend command: LIST_NETWORKS scan here! send cmd: BSS 0 send command: BSS 0scan here! send cmd: BSS 0 send command: BSS 0

2015-05-20 15:22:47 1120

原创 grab raw keyboard input from event device node

#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include  void handler (int sig){  printf ("nexit

2015-05-20 14:19:00 831

原创 input_report APIs

static inline void input_report_key(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int code, int value){    input_event(dev, EV_KEY, code, !!value);}static inline void input_report_rel(struct input_dev *

2015-05-20 13:51:40 674

原创 Linux模拟鼠标和键盘事件的方法

#ifndef _INPUT_H#define _INPUT_H/* * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Vojtech Pavlik * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Gener

2015-05-20 13:46:17 5986

原创 /dev/input/event* linux keyboard mouse event simulation

网上找的一个RedHat大神写的输入事件探测及使用的例子:    /*      * Copyright 2002 Red Hat Inc., Durham, North Carolina.      *      * All Rights Reserved.      *      * Permission is hereby granted, free of

2015-05-20 13:21:57 1977

原创 how to detemine event file node belongs to which device

linux输入子系统,在驱动中注册register_input_device()时,会在/dev/input/下生成节点,但是具体如何对应起来了,这就可以看/proc/bus/input/devices这个文件呢,在这个文件中,有个Handlers这个后面最后一个就是对应的处理器。shell.albert@yantai:~> ls -l /dev/input/tot

2015-05-20 11:29:45 576

原创 kernel spi framework details

SPIdevices have a limited userspace API, supporting basic half-duplexread()and write() access to SPI slave devices. Using ioctl() requests,fullduplex transfers and device I/O configuration are als

2015-05-20 10:46:58 1450

原创 Auto load goods type

In EAVCapture project,the customer wants to get the maximum modify permissions.He wants to change the GUI's type by manual in everytime,so I designed a xml file,the default xml file will be loaded

2015-05-20 10:42:41 462

原创 It's focus event,not hover!

In some embedded device,there is no need to use standard PC keyboard and mouse.In general,we connect a physical key pad,such as 8x8 matrix keypad.In this situation,we'd like to control the focusmo

2015-05-20 10:36:59 371

原创 free icon download website

These days,I'm writing a video capture project using Qt. I need some icons to make the GUI more beautiful.So I find this website: http://www.easyicon.net/ .It's very good!  Each searched icon ha

2015-05-20 10:27:12 460

原创 How to set IP address using Qt

Qt is only a GUI library,it's design purpose is to draw graphical user interface.It does not have other permissions to execute system-level operations.So,if you want to set IP address through Qt GUI

2015-05-20 10:13:43 537

原创 是:而不是=,切记!!!

是./EAVCapture.bin -platform linuxfb -plugin evdevkeyboard:/dev/input/event5  -plugin evdevmouse:/dev/input/event6 &不是./EAVCapture.bin -platform linuxfb -plugin evdevkeyboard=/dev/input/eve

2015-05-20 09:43:39 447

原创 wpa_supplicant commands

STATUSLIST_NETWORKSBSS 0BSS 1.... ... BSS 100yantai:/home/shell.albert/temporary/build-ZWPAManager-Desktop_Qt_5_3_GCC_64bit-Debug # ./ZWPAManagerbuffer= wpa_state=INACTIVEadd

2015-05-19 16:50:46 989

原创 wpa_supplicant wireless management tools

1、download the latest packet from the official website.http://w1.fi/wpa_supplicant/Latest release:wpa_supplicant-2.4.tar.gz (source code for all versions)2.build the gui client.cd /home/sh

2015-05-19 14:16:48 431

原创 network help script

In EAVCapture project,I need to display wired and wireless network information in Qt GUI,but the Qt's Network Library is not good to get these data,so I wrote a simple script to archive this.The cod

2015-05-19 11:08:56 390

原创 opensuse13.2 xfs文件系统修复

opensuse13,2开机时进入紧急模式welcome to emergency mode.Use "systemctl default "or ^D to actovate default mode.Give root password for maintenance (or type Control -D to continue ) :直接输入root密码进入 。dmes

2015-05-19 09:05:25 1196

原创 shell get ip address netmask dns

shell.albert@yantai:~/temporary> /sbin/ifconfig  enp8s0 | awk '/HWaddr/{print $5}'C8:0A:A9:2F:BE:7Bshell.albert@yantai:~/temporary> /sbin/ifconfig  enp8s0 enp8s0    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr C

2015-05-18 22:25:45 839


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