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原创 Oracle基础学习笔记(五) (PL/SQL)

IF condition THEN ELSIF condition THEN ELSE END IF;   LOOP     ...    CONTINUE;    CONTINUE WHEN ...    EXIT;    EXIT WHEN ... END LOOP   WHILE condition LOOP END LOOP;   FOR var IN [R

2012-03-30 21:26:46 252

原创 Oracle基础学习笔记(四)(VIEW)

CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW [{FORCE | NOFORCE}] view_name AS subquery [WITH {CHECK OPTION | READ ONLY} CONSTRAINT cons_name];   FORCE -- the view can be created even the base tables doesn't exist. W

2012-03-30 21:18:12 217

原创 Oracle基础学习笔记(三)(Import, Export, SQL Loader)

EXPORT, IMPORT are used for following tasks : Backup Oracle data in operating system files. Restore tables that were dropped Save space or reduce fragmentation in the database Move data from one o

2012-03-30 13:47:16 458

原创 Oracle基础学习笔记(二)(Index)

Oracle automatically create a B-tree Index for Primary key or the column which has UNIQUE constraint.   CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON tab_name(col_name[, col_name ...]) TABLESPACE tab_space;

2012-03-30 07:37:38 273

原创 Oracle基础学习笔记(一)(Create Table, ALTER, RENAME, SEQUENCE)

1) CREATE [GLOBAL TEMPORARY] TABLE name (   ) [ON COMMIT {DELETE|PRESERVE} ROWS] TABLESPACE name;   ON COMMIT -- to set the duration of the rows persist in the temporary table DELETE(by defaul

2012-03-29 18:23:05 1577

原创 Informatica Powercenter调优

Mapping 调优 1) 尽量在source qualifier里过滤数据 2) Join的时候,用数据量较少的表作为Master Table, 尽量用整型字段作为key来join 3) 用aggregator, joiner的时候,如果能确认输入的数据已排过序, 可以打开sorted input. (Data must be sorted in the order of the 'gro

2012-03-29 18:17:37 2305

原创 Informatica Powercenter 8.1 笔记

1. write sql in mapping only, then refresh to workflow. 2. be care of data type and length. 3. naming convention and description standard 4, check the result option when using the lookup transforma

2012-03-28 16:33:48 2323

原创 常见informatica powercenter错误

1) Severity               Timestamp         Node     Thread  Message Code  Message FATAL   1/18/2011 17:50:51 PM  ETLDEVS1                                            *********** FATAL ERROR : Unexpe

2012-03-28 16:30:30 7710

原创 UNIX 命令

cut 截取的方式有三种,一是按照字符位置,二是按照字节位置,三是使用一个分隔符将一行分割成多个field,并提取指定的fields。 cut命令有5个参数,其中-c,-b,-f分别表示"character", "byte"以及"field"截取方式。当采用field模式截取时,需要用"-d"参数指定一个分隔符,分割符只能为单个字符。另外还有一个"- s",suppress,表

2012-03-28 16:27:37 454

原创 Best practice in PL/SQL

1)      Some declarations may be costly process Defer the declarations till it is required Search of unwanted variables and remove them 2)      Prefer Built-in functions over the user defined.

2012-03-28 14:28:04 266

原创 Best Practice in SQL

1)      Avoid searching based on concatenation Select * from employee where empno || name = ’1234qiao’ Select * from employee where empno=1234 and name = ’qiao’ 2)      It is advisable to put t

2012-03-28 14:26:00 259

原创 Shell Script 常见问题

1) 删除空行 sed -- (修改的内存里的内容,不直接修改文件) sed '/^$/d' filename -- (不能解决带空格和制表符的空行) sed '/^ *$/d' filename -- (不能解决带制表符的空行) sed '/^[ ]*[\t]*$/d' hello -- (老版本的sed可能无法识别\t) or sed '/^[ ]*[       ]*$/d' h

2012-03-28 07:25:07 229

原创 ERWin Dimentional Modeling

Data structure and relationships among entities. Data Model (conceptual level, logical level, physical level) Diff b/t Dimensional Model and ER Model Dimensions, Facts, Granularity and various type

2012-03-26 14:26:54 462

原创 Oracle -- Extended Group By Clause

Oracle -- Extended Group By Clause   ROLLUP(), CUBE(), GROUPING_SETS(), GROUPING(), GRUOPING_ID(), GROUP_ID()   1. ROLLUP() --返回n+1层小计 a) select division_id, job_id, sum(salary) from EMPLOYEE

2012-03-24 12:48:00 354



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