

# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, file

# Redirect log messages to console
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

# Redirect log messages to a log file, support file rolling.
log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n


# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, file

# Redirect log messages to console
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

# Redirect log messages to a log file, support file rolling.
#log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n

package com.wondergroup.cuteinfo.log4j;

import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InterruptedIOException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;

   DailyRollingFileAppender extends {@link FileAppender} so that the
   underlying file is rolled over at a user chosen frequency.
   DailyRollingFileAppender has been observed to exhibit 
   synchronization issues and data loss.  The log4j extras
   companion includes alternatives which should be considered
   for new deployments and which are discussed in the documentation
   for org.apache.log4j.rolling.RollingFileAppender.

   <p>The rolling schedule is specified by the <b>DatePattern</b>
   option. This pattern should follow the {@link SimpleDateFormat}
   conventions. In particular, you <em>must</em> escape literal text
   within a pair of single quotes. A formatted version of the date
   pattern is used as the suffix for the rolled file name.

   <p>For example, if the <b>File</b> option is set to
   <code>/foo/bar.log</code> and the <b>DatePattern</b> set to
   <code>'.'yyyy-MM-dd</code>, on 2001-02-16 at midnight, the logging
   file <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will be copied to
   <code>/foo/bar.log.2001-02-16</code> and logging for 2001-02-17
   will continue in <code>/foo/bar.log</code> until it rolls over
   the next day.

   <p>Is is possible to specify monthly, weekly, half-daily, daily,
   hourly, or minutely rollover schedules.

   <p><table border="1" cellpadding="2">
   <th>Rollover schedule</th>

   <td>Rollover at the beginning of each month</td>

   <td>At midnight of May 31st, 2002 <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will be
   copied to <code>/foo/bar.log.2002-05</code>. Logging for the month
   of June will be output to <code>/foo/bar.log</code> until it is
   also rolled over the next month.


   <td>Rollover at the first day of each week. The first day of the
   week depends on the locale.</td>

   <td>Assuming the first day of the week is Sunday, on Saturday
   midnight, June 9th 2002, the file <i>/foo/bar.log</i> will be
   copied to <i>/foo/bar.log.2002-23</i>.  Logging for the 24th week
   of 2002 will be output to <code>/foo/bar.log</code> until it is
   rolled over the next week.


   <td>Rollover at midnight each day.</td>

   <td>At midnight, on March 8th, 2002, <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will
   be copied to <code>/foo/bar.log.2002-03-08</code>. Logging for the
   9th day of March will be output to <code>/foo/bar.log</code> until
   it is rolled over the next day.


   <td>Rollover at midnight and midday of each day.</td>

   <td>At noon, on March 9th, 2002, <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will be
   copied to <code>/foo/bar.log.2002-03-09-AM</code>. Logging for the
   afternoon of the 9th will be output to <code>/foo/bar.log</code>
   until it is rolled over at midnight.


   <td>Rollover at the top of every hour.</td>

   <td>At approximately 11:00.000 o'clock on March 9th, 2002,
   <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will be copied to
   <code>/foo/bar.log.2002-03-09-10</code>. Logging for the 11th hour
   of the 9th of March will be output to <code>/foo/bar.log</code>
   until it is rolled over at the beginning of the next hour.


   <td>Rollover at the beginning of every minute.</td>

   <td>At approximately 11:23,000, on March 9th, 2001,
   <code>/foo/bar.log</code> will be copied to
   <code>/foo/bar.log.2001-03-09-10-22</code>. Logging for the minute
   of 11:23 (9th of March) will be output to
   <code>/foo/bar.log</code> until it is rolled over the next minute.


   <p>Do not use the colon ":" character in anywhere in the
   <b>DatePattern</b> option. The text before the colon is interpeted
   as the protocol specificaion of a URL which is probably not what
   you want.

   @author Eirik Lygre
   @author Ceki Gülcü*/
public class CustomDailyRollingFileAppender extends FileAppender {

  // The code assumes that the following constants are in a increasing
  // sequence.
  static final int TOP_OF_TROUBLE=-1;
  static final int TOP_OF_MINUTE = 0;
  static final int TOP_OF_HOUR   = 1;
  static final int HALF_DAY      = 2;
  static final int TOP_OF_DAY    = 3;
  static final int TOP_OF_WEEK   = 4;
  static final int TOP_OF_MONTH  = 5;

  protected int maxBackupIndex = 1;

  public int getMaxBackupIndex() {
	return maxBackupIndex;

  public void setMaxBackupIndex(int maxBackupIndex) {
	this.maxBackupIndex = maxBackupIndex;

     The date pattern. By default, the pattern is set to
     "'.'yyyy-MM-dd" meaning daily rollover.
  private String datePattern = "'.'yyyy-MM-dd";

     The log file will be renamed to the value of the
     scheduledFilename variable when the next interval is entered. For
     example, if the rollover period is one hour, the log file will be
     renamed to the value of "scheduledFilename" at the beginning of
     the next hour. 

     The precise time when a rollover occurs depends on logging
  private String scheduledFilename;

     The next time we estimate a rollover should occur. */
  private long nextCheck = System.currentTimeMillis () - 1;

  Date now = new Date();

  SimpleDateFormat sdf;

  RollingCalendar rc = new RollingCalendar();

  int checkPeriod = TOP_OF_TROUBLE;

  // The gmtTimeZone is used only in computeCheckPeriod() method.
  static final TimeZone gmtTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");

     The default constructor does nothing. */
  public CustomDailyRollingFileAppender() {

    Instantiate a <code>DailyRollingFileAppender</code> and open the
    file designated by <code>filename</code>. The opened filename will
    become the ouput destination for this appender.

  public CustomDailyRollingFileAppender (Layout layout, String filename,
				   String datePattern) throws IOException {
    super(layout, filename, true);
    this.datePattern = datePattern;

     The <b>DatePattern</b> takes a string in the same format as
     expected by {@link SimpleDateFormat}. This options determines the
     rollover schedule.
  public void setDatePattern(String pattern) {
    datePattern = pattern;

  /** Returns the value of the <b>DatePattern</b> option. */
  public String getDatePattern() {
    return datePattern;

  public void activateOptions() {
    if(datePattern != null && fileName != null) {
      sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(datePattern);
      int type = computeCheckPeriod();
      File file = new File(fileName);
      scheduledFilename = fileName+sdf.format(new Date(file.lastModified()));

    } else {
      LogLog.error("Either File or DatePattern options are not set for appender ["

  void printPeriodicity(int type) {
    switch(type) {
    case TOP_OF_MINUTE:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name+"] to be rolled every minute.");
    case TOP_OF_HOUR:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name
		   +"] to be rolled on top of every hour.");
    case HALF_DAY:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name
		   +"] to be rolled at midday and midnight.");
    case TOP_OF_DAY:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name
		   +"] to be rolled at midnight.");
    case TOP_OF_WEEK:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name
		   +"] to be rolled at start of week.");
    case TOP_OF_MONTH:
      LogLog.debug("Appender ["+name
		   +"] to be rolled at start of every month.");
      LogLog.warn("Unknown periodicity for appender ["+name+"].");

  // This method computes the roll over period by looping over the
  // periods, starting with the shortest, and stopping when the r0 is
  // different from from r1, where r0 is the epoch formatted according
  // the datePattern (supplied by the user) and r1 is the
  // epoch+nextMillis(i) formatted according to datePattern. All date
  // formatting is done in GMT and not local format because the test
  // logic is based on comparisons relative to 1970-01-01 00:00:00
  // GMT (the epoch).

  int computeCheckPeriod() {
    RollingCalendar rollingCalendar = new RollingCalendar(gmtTimeZone, Locale.getDefault());
    // set sate to 1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT
    Date epoch = new Date(0);
    if(datePattern != null) {
      for(int i = TOP_OF_MINUTE; i <= TOP_OF_MONTH; i++) {
	SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(datePattern);
	simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(gmtTimeZone); // do all date formatting in GMT
	String r0 = simpleDateFormat.format(epoch);
	Date next = new Date(rollingCalendar.getNextCheckMillis(epoch));
	String r1 =  simpleDateFormat.format(next);
	//System.out.println("Type = "+i+", r0 = "+r0+", r1 = "+r1);
	if(r0 != null && r1 != null && !r0.equals(r1)) {
	  return i;
    return TOP_OF_TROUBLE; // Deliberately head for trouble...

     Rollover the current file to a new file.
  void rollOver() throws IOException {
	  List<ModifiedTimeSortableFile> files = getAllFiles();
	  if(files.size() >= maxBackupIndex)
	     int index = 0;
	     int diff = files.size() - (maxBackupIndex - 1);
	     for(ModifiedTimeSortableFile file : files)
	       if(index >= diff)

    /* Compute filename, but only if datePattern is specified */
    if (datePattern == null) {
      errorHandler.error("Missing DatePattern option in rollOver().");

    String datedFilename = fileName+sdf.format(now);
    // It is too early to roll over because we are still within the
    // bounds of the current interval. Rollover will occur once the
    // next interval is reached.
    if (scheduledFilename.equals(datedFilename)) {

    // close current file, and rename it to datedFilename

    File target  = new File(scheduledFilename);
    if (target.exists()) {

    File file = new File(fileName);
    boolean result = file.renameTo(target);
    if(result) {
      LogLog.debug(fileName +" -> "+ scheduledFilename);
    } else {
      LogLog.error("Failed to rename ["+fileName+"] to ["+scheduledFilename+"].");

    try {
      // This will also close the file. This is OK since multiple
      // close operations are safe.
      this.setFile(fileName, true, this.bufferedIO, this.bufferSize);
    catch(IOException e) {
      errorHandler.error("setFile("+fileName+", true) call failed.");
    scheduledFilename = datedFilename;

   * This method differentiates DailyRollingFileAppender from its
   * super class.
   * <p>Before actually logging, this method will check whether it is
   * time to do a rollover. If it is, it will schedule the next
   * rollover time and then rollover.
   * */
  protected void subAppend(LoggingEvent event) {
    long n = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (n >= nextCheck) {
      nextCheck = rc.getNextCheckMillis(now);
      try {
      catch(IOException ioe) {
          if (ioe instanceof InterruptedIOException) {
	      LogLog.error("rollOver() failed.", ioe);
  private List<ModifiedTimeSortableFile> getAllFiles()
     List<ModifiedTimeSortableFile> files = new ArrayList<ModifiedTimeSortableFile>(); 
     FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
           String directoryName = dir.getPath();
           LogLog.debug("directory name: " + directoryName);
           File file = new File(fileName);
           String perentDirectory = file.getParent();
           if(perentDirectory !=null)
              String localFile = fileName.substring(directoryName.length());
              return name.startsWith(localFile);
           return name.startsWith(fileName);
     File file = new File(fileName);
     String perentDirectory = file.getParent();
        if(file.getParent() == null){
           String absolutePath = file.getAbsolutePath();
           perentDirectory = absolutePath.substring(0,
     File dir = new File(perentDirectory); 
     String[] names = dir.list(filter);
     for (int i = 0 ; i < names.length ; i++) {
        files.add(new ModifiedTimeSortableFile
		(dir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + names[i]));
     return files;

package com.wondergroup.cuteinfo.log4j;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URI;

class ModifiedTimeSortableFile extends File implements Serializable, Comparable<File>
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1373373728209668895L;
	public ModifiedTimeSortableFile(String parent, String child) {
		super(parent, child);

	public ModifiedTimeSortableFile(URI uri) {

	public ModifiedTimeSortableFile(File parent, String child) {
		super(parent, child);
	public ModifiedTimeSortableFile(String string) {
	public int compareTo(File anotherPathName) {
		long thisVal = this.lastModified();
		long anotherVal = anotherPathName.lastModified();
		return (thisVal<anotherVal ? -1 : (thisVal==anotherVal ? 0 : 1));

Log4j建议只使用四个级别,优先级从高到低分别是ERROR、WARN、INFO、DEBUG。通过在这里定义的级别,您可以控制到应用程序中相应级别的日志信息的开 关。比如在这里定义了INFO级别,则应用程序中所有DEBUG级别的日志信息将不被打印出来。程序会打印高于或等于所设置级别的日志,设置的日志等级越高,打印出来的日志就越少





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