字符检测程序(上) 检测GB2312、BIG5...

import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

public class SinoDetect {

    static final int GB2312 = 0;
    static final int GBK = 1;
    static final int HZ = 2;
    static final int BIG5 = 3;
    static final int EUC_TW = 4;
    static final int ISO_2022_CN = 5;
    static final int UTF8 = 6;
    static final int UNICODE = 7;
    static final int ASCII = 8;
    static final int OTHER = 9;

    static final int TOTAL_ENCODINGS = 10;

    // Frequency tables to hold the GB, Big5, and EUC-TW character
    // frequencies
    int GBFreq[][];
    int GBKFreq[][];
    int Big5Freq[][];
    int EUC_TWFreq[][];
    //int UnicodeFreq[94][128];

    public static String[] nicename;
    public static String[] codings;

    public SinoDetect() {
 // Initialize the Frequency Table for GB, Big5, EUC-TW
 GBFreq = new int[94][94];
 GBKFreq = new int[126][191];
 Big5Freq = new int[94][158];
 EUC_TWFreq = new int[94][94];

 codings = new String[TOTAL_ENCODINGS];
 codings[GB2312] = "GB2312";
 codings[GBK] = "GBK";
 codings[HZ] = "HZ";
 codings[BIG5] = "BIG5";
 codings[EUC_TW] = "CNS11643";
 codings[ISO_2022_CN] = "ISO2022CN";
 codings[UTF8] = "UTF8";
 codings[UNICODE] = "Unicode";
 codings[ASCII] = "ASCII";
 codings[OTHER] = "OTHER";

 nicename = new String[TOTAL_ENCODINGS];
 nicename[GB2312] = "GB2312";
 nicename[GBK] = "GBK";
 nicename[HZ] = "HZ";
 nicename[BIG5] = "Big5";
 nicename[EUC_TW] = "CNS 11643";
 nicename[ISO_2022_CN] = "ISO 2022-CN";
 nicename[UTF8] = "UTF-8";
 nicename[UNICODE] = "Unicode";
 nicename[ASCII] = "ASCII";
 nicename[OTHER] = "OTHER";


  public static void main(String argc[])
   SinoDetect sinodetector;
   int result = OTHER;

   argc = new String[1];
   //argc[0] = "c://chinesedata//codeconvert//voaunit.txt";
    argc[0] = "中文";
   sinodetector = new SinoDetect();
   if (argc[0].startsWith("http://") == true)
     try {
      result = sinodetector.detectEncoding(new URL(argc[0]));
     catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Bad URL " + e.toString());
   } else {
     //result = sinodetector.detectEncoding(new File(argc[0]));
      result = sinodetector.detectEncoding(argc[0].getBytes());

    /** Function  :  detectEncoding
       Aruguments:  URL
       Returns   :  One of the encodings from the Encoding enumeration
       (GB2312, HZ, BIG5, EUC_TW, ASCII, or OTHER)
       Description: This function looks at the URL contents
       and assigns it a probability score for each encoding type.
       The encoding type with the highest probability is returned.

    public int detectEncoding(URL testurl) {
 byte[] rawtext = new byte[10000];
 int bytesread = 0, byteoffset = 0;
 int guess = OTHER;
 InputStream chinesestream;

 try {
     chinesestream = testurl.openStream();

     while ((bytesread = chinesestream.read(rawtext, byteoffset, rawtext.length - byteoffset)) > 0) {
  byteoffset += bytesread;
     guess = detectEncoding(rawtext);

 catch (Exception e) {
     System.err.println("Error loading or using URL " + e.toString());
     guess = OTHER;

 return guess;

    /** Function  :  detectEncoding
       Aruguments:  File
       Returns   :  One of the encodings from the Encoding enumeration
       (GB2312, HZ, BIG5, EUC_TW, ASCII, or OTHER)
       Description: This function looks at the file
       and assigns it a probability score for each encoding type.
       The encoding type with the highest probability is returned.

    public int detectEncoding(File testfile) {
 FileInputStream chinesefile;
 byte[] rawtext;

 rawtext = new byte[(int)testfile.length()];
 try {
     chinesefile = new FileInputStream(testfile);
 catch (Exception e) {
     System.err.println("Error: " + e);

 return detectEncoding(rawtext);


    /** Function  :  detectEncoding
       Aruguments:  byte array
       Returns   :  One of the encodings from the Encoding enumeration
       (GB2312, HZ, BIG5, EUC_TW, ASCII, or OTHER)
       Description: This function looks at the byte array
       and assigns it a probability score for each encoding type.
       The encoding type with the highest probability is returned.

    public int detectEncoding(byte[] rawtext) {
 int[] scores;
 int index, maxscore = 0;
 int encoding_guess = OTHER;

 scores = new int[TOTAL_ENCODINGS];

 // Assign Scores
 scores[GB2312]      = gb2312_probability(rawtext);
 scores[GBK]         = gbk_probability(rawtext);
 scores[HZ]          = hz_probability(rawtext);
 scores[BIG5]        = big5_probability(rawtext);
 scores[EUC_TW]      = euc_tw_probability(rawtext);
 scores[ISO_2022_CN] = iso_2022_cn_probability(rawtext);
 scores[UTF8]        = utf8_probability(rawtext);
 scores[UNICODE]     = utf16_probability(rawtext);
 scores[ASCII]       = ascii_probability(rawtext);
 scores[OTHER]       = 0;

 // Tabulate Scores
 for (index = 0; index < TOTAL_ENCODINGS; index++) {
     if (scores[index] > maxscore) {
  encoding_guess = index;
  maxscore = scores[index];

 // Return OTHER if nothing scored above 50
 if (maxscore <= 50) {
     encoding_guess = OTHER;

 return encoding_guess;


    /* Function:  gb2312_probability
       Argument:  pointer to byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses GB-2312 encoding

    int gb2312_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;

 int dbchars = 1, gbchars = 1;
 long gbfreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 int row, column;

 // Stage 1:  Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen-1; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] >= 0) {
     } else {
  if ((byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0xF7 &&
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xFE)
   totalfreq += 500;
   row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
   column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0xA1;
   if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
       gbfreq += GBFreq[row][column];
   } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
       gbfreq += 200;

 rangeval = 50 * ((float)gbchars/(float)dbchars);
 freqval = 50 * ((float)gbfreq/(float)totalfreq);

 return (int)(rangeval + freqval);

    /* Function:  gb2312_probability
       Argument:  pointer to byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses GB-2312 encoding

    int gbk_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;

 int dbchars = 1, gbchars = 1;
 long gbfreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 int row, column;

 // Stage 1:  Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen-1; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] >= 0) {
     } else {
  if ((byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0xF7 &&   // Original GB range
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xFE)
   totalfreq += 500;
   row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
   column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0xA1;

   //System.out.println("original row " + row + " column " + column);
   if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
       gbfreq += GBFreq[row][column];
   } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
       gbfreq += 200;

  else if ((byte)0x81 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0xFE &&   // Extended GB range
    (((byte)0x80 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xFE) ||
     ((byte)0x40 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0x7E)))
   totalfreq += 500;
   row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0x81;
   if (0x40 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= 0x7E) {
       column = rawtext[i+1] - 0x40;
   } else {
       column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0x80;
   //System.out.println("extended row " + row + " column " + column + " rawtext[i] " + rawtext[i]);
   if (GBKFreq[row][column] != 0) {
       gbfreq += GBKFreq[row][column];
 rangeval = 50 * ((float)gbchars/(float)dbchars);
 freqval = 50 * ((float)gbfreq/(float)totalfreq);

 // For regular GB files, this would give the same score, so I handicap it slightly
 return (int)(rangeval + freqval) - 1;


    /* Function:  hz_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses HZ encoding

    int hz_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int i, rawtextlen;
 int hzchars = 0, dbchars = 1;
 long hzfreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 int hzstart = 0, hzend = 0;
 int row, column;

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;

 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] == '~') {
  if (rawtext[i+1] == '{') {
      while (i < rawtextlen - 1) {
   if (rawtext[i] == 0x0A || rawtext[i] == 0x0D) {
   } else if (rawtext[i] == '~' && rawtext[i+1] == '}') {
   } else if ((0x21 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= 0x77) &&
       (0x21 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= 0x77)) {
       row = rawtext[i] - 0x21;
       column = rawtext[i+1] - 0x21;
       totalfreq += 500;
       if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
    hzfreq += GBFreq[row][column];
       } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
    hzfreq += 200;
   } else if ((0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= 0xF7) &&
       (0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= 0xF7)) {
       row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
       column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0xA1;
       totalfreq += 500;
       if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
    hzfreq += GBFreq[row][column];
       } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
    hzfreq += 200;
  } else if (rawtext[i+1] == '}') {
  } else if (rawtext[i+1] == '~') {


 if (hzstart > 4) {
     rangeval = 50;
 } else if (hzstart > 1) {
     rangeval = 41;
 } else if (hzstart > 0) { // Only 39 in case the sequence happened to occur
     rangeval = 39;        // in otherwise non-Hz text
 } else {
     rangeval = 0;
 freqval = 50 * ((float)hzfreq/(float)totalfreq);

 return (int)(rangeval + freqval);


    /** Function:  big5_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses Big5 encoding

    int big5_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int score = 0;
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;
 int dbchars = 1, bfchars = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 long bffreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 int row, column;

 // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen-1; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] >= 0) {
     } else {
  if ((byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0xF9 &&
      (((byte)0x40 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0x7E) ||
       ((byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xFE)))
   totalfreq += 500;
   row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
   if (0x40 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= 0x7E) {
       column = rawtext[i+1] - 0x40;
   } else {
       column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0x61;
   if (Big5Freq[row][column] != 0) {
       bffreq += Big5Freq[row][column];
   } else if (3 <= row && row <= 37) {
       bffreq += 200;
 rangeval = 50 * ((float)bfchars/(float)dbchars);
 freqval = 50 * ((float)bffreq/(float)totalfreq);

 return (int)(rangeval + freqval);


    /* Function:  euc_tw_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses EUC-TW (CNS 11643) encoding

    int euc_tw_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;
 int dbchars = 1, cnschars = 1;
 long cnsfreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 int row, column;

 // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
 // and have expected frequency of use

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen-1; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] >= 0) { // in ASCII range
     } else {  // high bit set
  if (i + 3 < rawtextlen && (byte)0x8E == rawtext[i] &&
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xB0 &&
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+2] && rawtext[i+2] <= (byte)0xFE &&
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+3] && rawtext[i+3] <= (byte)0xFE) { // Planes 1 - 16

      //System.out.println("plane 2 or above CNS char");
      // These are all less frequent chars so just ignore freq
  } else if ((byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0xFE && // Plane 1
      (byte)0xA1 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0xFE)
   totalfreq += 500;
   row = rawtext[i] + 256 - 0xA1;
   column = rawtext[i+1] + 256 - 0xA1;
   if (EUC_TWFreq[row][column] != 0) {
       cnsfreq += EUC_TWFreq[row][column];
   } else if (35 <= row && row <= 92) {
       cnsfreq += 150;

 rangeval = 50 * ((float)cnschars/(float)dbchars);
 freqval = 50 * ((float)cnsfreq/(float)totalfreq);

 return (int)(rangeval + freqval);


    /* Function:  iso_2022_cn_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses ISO 2022-CN encoding

    int iso_2022_cn_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;
 int dbchars = 1, isochars = 1;
 long isofreq = 0, totalfreq = 1;
 float rangeval = 0, freqval = 0;
 int row, column;

 // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
 // and have expected frequency of use

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen-1; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] == (byte)0x1B && i+3 < rawtextlen) { // Escape char ESC
  if (rawtext[i+1] == (byte)0x24 && rawtext[i+2] == 0x29 &&
      rawtext[i+3] == (byte)0x41) {  // GB Escape  $ ) A
      i += 4;
      while (rawtext[i] != (byte)0x1B) {
   if ((0x21 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= 0x77) &&
       (0x21 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= 0x77)) {
       row = rawtext[i] - 0x21;
       column = rawtext[i+1] - 0x21;
       totalfreq += 500;
       if (GBFreq[row][column] != 0) {
    isofreq += GBFreq[row][column];
       } else if (15 <= row && row < 55) {
    isofreq += 200;
  } else if (i+3 < rawtextlen &&
      rawtext[i+1] == (byte)0x24 && rawtext[i+2] == (byte)0x29 &&
      rawtext[i+3] == (byte)0x47) {
      // CNS Escape $ ) G
      while (rawtext[i] != (byte)0x1B) {
   if ((byte)0x21 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= (byte)0x7E &&
       (byte)0x21 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= (byte)0x7E)
    totalfreq += 500;
    row = rawtext[i] - 0x21;
    column = rawtext[i+1] - 0x21;
    if (EUC_TWFreq[row][column] != 0) {
        isofreq += EUC_TWFreq[row][column];
    } else if (35 <= row && row <= 92) {
        isofreq += 150;
  if (rawtext[i] == (byte)0x1B && i+2 < rawtextlen &&
      rawtext[i+1] == (byte)0x28 && rawtext[i+2] == (byte)0x42) { // ASCII:  ESC ( B
 rangeval = 50 * ((float)isochars/(float)dbchars);
 freqval = 50 * ((float)isofreq/(float)totalfreq);

 //System.out.println("isochars dbchars isofreq totalfreq " + isochars + " " + dbchars + " " + isofreq + " " + totalfreq + " " + rangeval + " " + freqval);

 return (int)(rangeval + freqval);
 //return 0;


    /* Function:  utf8_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses UTF-8 encoding of Unicode

    int utf8_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int score = 0;
 int i, rawtextlen = 0;
 int goodbytes = 0, asciibytes = 0;

 // Maybe also use UTF8 Byte Order Mark:  EF BB BF

 // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
     if ((rawtext[i] & (byte)0x7F) == rawtext[i]) {  // One byte
  // Ignore ASCII, can throw off count
     } else if (-64 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= -33 && // Two bytes
         i+1 < rawtextlen &&
         -128 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= -65) {
  goodbytes += 2;
     } else if (-32 <= rawtext[i] && rawtext[i] <= -17 && // Three bytes
         i+2 < rawtextlen &&
         -128 <= rawtext[i+1] && rawtext[i+1] <= -65 &&
         -128 <= rawtext[i+2] && rawtext[i+2] <= -65) {
  goodbytes += 3;

 if (asciibytes == rawtextlen) { return 0; }

 score = (int)(100 * ((float)goodbytes/(float)(rawtextlen-asciibytes)));

 // If not above 98, reduce to zero to prevent coincidental matches
 // Allows for some (few) bad formed sequences
 if (score > 98) {
     return score;
 } else if (score > 95 && goodbytes > 30) {
     return score;
 } else {
     return 0;


    /* Function:  utf16_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses UTF-16 encoding of Unicode, guess based on BOM

    int utf16_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 //int score = 0;
 //int i, rawtextlen = 0;
 //int goodbytes = 0, asciibytes = 0;

 if (((byte)0xFE == rawtext[0] && (byte)0xFF == rawtext[1]) ||  // Big-endian
     ((byte)0xFF == rawtext[0] && (byte)0xFE == rawtext[1])) {  // Little-endian
     return 100;

 return 0;

 /* // Check to see if characters fit into acceptable ranges
 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;
 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
     if ((rawtext[i] & (byte)0x7F) == rawtext[i]) {  // One byte
  goodbytes += 1;
     } else if ((rawtext[i] & (byte)0xDF) == rawtext[i]) { // Two bytes
  if (i+1 < rawtextlen &&
      (rawtext[i+1] & (byte)0xBF) == rawtext[i+1]) {
      goodbytes += 2;
     } else if ((rawtext[i] & (byte)0xEF) == rawtext[i]) { // Three bytes
  if (i+2 < rawtextlen &&
      (rawtext[i+1] & (byte)0xBF) == rawtext[i+1] &&
      (rawtext[i+2] & (byte)0xBF) == rawtext[i+2]) {
      goodbytes += 3;

 score = (int)(100 * ((float)goodbytes/(float)rawtext.length));

 // An all ASCII file is also a good UTF8 file, but I'd rather it
 // get identified as ASCII.  Can delete following 3 lines otherwise
 if (goodbytes == asciibytes) {
     score = 0;

 // If not above 90, reduce to zero to prevent coincidental matches
 if (score > 90) {
     return score;
 } else {
     return 0;
     } */



    /* Function:  ascii_probability
       Argument:  byte array
       Returns :  number from 0 to 100 representing probability
       text in array uses all ASCII
       Description:  Sees if array has any characters not in
       ASCII range, if so, score is reduced

    int ascii_probability(byte[] rawtext) {
 int score = 70;
 int i, rawtextlen;

 rawtextlen = rawtext.length;

 for (i = 0; i < rawtextlen; i++) {
     if (rawtext[i] < 0) {
  score = score - 5;
     } else if (rawtext[i] == (byte)0x1B) { // ESC (used by ISO 2022)
  score = score - 5;

 return score;


    void initialize_frequencies() {
 int i, j;

 for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < 93; j++) {
  GBFreq[i][j] = 0;

 for (i = 0; i < 126; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < 191; j++) {
  GBKFreq[i][j] = 0;

 for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < 157; j++) {
  Big5Freq[i][j] = 0;

 for (i = 0; i < 93; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < 93; j++) {
  EUC_TWFreq[i][j] = 0;

 GBFreq[20][35] = 599; GBFreq[49][26] = 598;
 GBFreq[41][38] = 597; GBFreq[17][26] = 596;
 GBFreq[32][42] = 595; GBFreq[39][42] = 594;
 GBFreq[45][49] = 593; GBFreq[51][57] = 592;
 GBFreq[50][47] = 591; GBFreq[42][90] = 590;
 GBFreq[52][65] = 589; GBFreq[53][47] = 588;
 GBFreq[19][82] = 587; GBFreq[31][19] = 586;
 GBFreq[40][46] = 585; GBFreq[24][89] = 584;
 GBFreq[23][85] = 583; GBFreq[20][28] = 582;
 GBFreq[42][20] = 581; GBFreq[34][38] = 580;
 GBFreq[45][9] = 579; GBFreq[54][50] = 578;
 GBFreq[25][44] = 577; GBFreq[35][66] = 576;
 GBFreq[20][55] = 575; GBFreq[18][85] = 574;
 GBFreq[20][31] = 573; GBFreq[49][17] = 572;
 GBFreq[41][16] = 571; GBFreq[35][73] = 570;
 GBFreq[20][34] = 569; GBFreq[29][44] = 568;
 GBFreq[35][38] = 567; GBFreq[49][9] = 566;
 GBFreq[46][33] = 565; GBFreq[49][51] = 564;
 GBFreq[40][89] = 563; GBFreq[26][64] = 562;
 GBFreq[54][51] = 561; GBFreq[54][36] = 560;
 GBFreq[39][4] = 559; GBFreq[53][13] = 558;
 GBFreq[24][92] = 557; GBFreq[27][49] = 556;
 GBFreq[48][6] = 555; GBFreq[21][51] = 554;
 GBFreq[30][40] = 553; GBFreq[42][92] = 552;
 GBFreq[31][78] = 551; GBFreq[25][82] = 550;
 GBFreq[47][0] = 549; GBFreq[34][19] = 548;
 GBFreq[47][35] = 547; GBFreq[21][63] = 546;
 GBFreq[43][75] = 545; GBFreq[21][87] = 544;
 GBFreq[35][59] = 543; GBFreq[25][34] = 542;
 GBFreq[21][27] = 541; GBFreq[39][26] = 540;
 GBFreq[34][26] = 539; GBFreq[39][52] = 538;
 GBFreq[50][57] = 537; GBFreq[37][79] = 536;
 GBFreq[26][24] = 535; GBFreq[22][1] = 534;
 GBFreq[18][40] = 533; GBFreq[41][33] = 532;
 GBFreq[53][26] = 531; GBFreq[54][86] = 530;
 GBFreq[20][16] = 529; GBFreq[46][74] = 528;
 GBFreq[30][19] = 527; GBFreq[45][35] = 526;
 GBFreq[45][61] = 525; GBFreq[30][9] = 524;
 GBFreq[41][53] = 523; GBFreq[41][13] = 522;
 GBFreq[50][34] = 521; GBFreq[53][86] = 520;
 GBFreq[47][47] = 519; GBFreq[22][28] = 518;
 GBFreq[50][53] = 517; GBFreq[39][70] = 516;
 GBFreq[38][15] = 515; GBFreq[42][88] = 514;
 GBFreq[16][29] = 513; GBFreq[27][90] = 512;
 GBFreq[29][12] = 511; GBFreq[44][22] = 510;
 GBFreq[34][69] = 509; GBFreq[24][10] = 508;
 GBFreq[44][11] = 507; GBFreq[39][92] = 506;
 GBFreq[49][48] = 505; GBFreq[31][46] = 504;
 GBFreq[19][50] = 503; GBFreq[21][14] = 502;
 GBFreq[32][28] = 501; GBFreq[18][3] = 500;
 GBFreq[53][9] = 499; GBFreq[34][80] = 498;
 GBFreq[48][88] = 497; GBFreq[46][53] = 496;
 GBFreq[22][53] = 495; GBFreq[28][10] = 494;
 GBFreq[44][65] = 493; GBFreq[20][10] = 492;
 GBFreq[40][76] = 491; GBFreq[47][8] = 490;
 GBFreq[50][74] = 489; GBFreq[23][62] = 488;
 GBFreq[49][65] = 487; GBFreq[28][87] = 486;
 GBFreq[15][48] = 485; GBFreq[22][7] = 484;
 GBFreq[19][42] = 483; GBFreq[41][20] = 482;
 GBFreq[26][55] = 481; GBFreq[21][93] = 480;
 GBFreq[31][76] = 479; GBFreq[34][31] = 478;
 GBFreq[20][66] = 477; GBFreq[51][33] = 476;
 GBFreq[34][86] = 475; GBFreq[37][67] = 474;
 GBFreq[53][53] = 473; GBFreq[40][88] = 472;
 GBFreq[39][10] = 471; GBFreq[24][3] = 470;
 GBFreq[27][25] = 469; GBFreq[26][15] = 468;
 GBFreq[21][88] = 467; GBFreq[52][62] = 466;
 GBFreq[46][81] = 465; GBFreq[38][72] = 464;
 GBFreq[17][30] = 463; GBFreq[52][92] = 462;
 GBFreq[34][90] = 461; GBFreq[21][7] = 460;
 GBFreq[36][13] = 459; GBFreq[45][41] = 458;
 GBFreq[32][5] = 457; GBFreq[26][89] = 456;
 GBFreq[23][87] = 455; GBFreq[20][39] = 454;
 GBFreq[27][23] = 453; GBFreq[25][59] = 452;
 GBFreq[49][20] = 451; GBFreq[54][77] = 450;
 GBFreq[27][67] = 449; GBFreq[47][33] = 448;
 GBFreq[41][17] = 447; GBFreq[19][81] = 446;
 GBFreq[16][66] = 445; GBFreq[45][26] = 444;
 GBFreq[49][81] = 443; GBFreq[53][55] = 442;
 GBFreq[16][26] = 441; GBFreq[54][62] = 440;
 GBFreq[20][70] = 439; GBFreq[42][35] = 438;
 GBFreq[20][57] = 437; GBFreq[34][36] = 436;
 GBFreq[46][63] = 435; GBFreq[19][45] = 434;
 GBFreq[21][10] = 433; GBFreq[52][93] = 432;
 GBFreq[25][2] = 431; GBFreq[30][57] = 430;
 GBFreq[41][24] = 429; GBFreq[28][43] = 428;
 GBFreq[45][86] = 427; GBFreq[51][56] = 426;
 GBFreq[37][28] = 425; GBFreq[52][69] = 424;
 GBFreq[43][92] = 423; GBFreq[41][31] = 422;
 GBFreq[37][87] = 421; GBFreq[47][36] = 420;
 GBFreq[16][16] = 419; GBFreq[40][56] = 418;
 GBFreq[24][55] = 417; GBFreq[17][1] = 416;
 GBFreq[35][57] = 415; GBFreq[27][50] = 414;
 GBFreq[26][14] = 413; GBFreq[50][40] = 412;
 GBFreq[39][19] = 411; GBFreq[19][89] = 410;
GBFreq[29][91] = 409; GBFreq[17][89] = 408;
GBFreq[39][74] = 407; GBFreq[46][39] = 406;
GBFreq[40][28] = 405; GBFreq[45][68] = 404;
GBFreq[43][10] = 403; GBFreq[42][13] = 402;
GBFreq[44][81] = 401; GBFreq[41][47] = 400;
GBFreq[48][58] = 399; GBFreq[43][68] = 398;
GBFreq[16][79] = 397; GBFreq[19][5] = 396;
GBFreq[54][59] = 395; GBFreq[17][36] = 394;
GBFreq[18][0] = 393; GBFreq[41][5] = 392;
GBFreq[41][72] = 391; GBFreq[16][39] = 390;
GBFreq[54][0] = 389; GBFreq[51][16] = 388;
GBFreq[29][36] = 387; GBFreq[47][5] = 386;
GBFreq[47][51] = 385; GBFreq[44][7] = 384;
GBFreq[35][30] = 383; GBFreq[26][9] = 382;
GBFreq[16][7] = 381; GBFreq[32][1] = 380;
GBFreq[33][76] = 379; GBFreq[34][91] = 378;
GBFreq[52][36] = 377; GBFreq[26][77] = 376;
GBFreq[35][48] = 375; GBFreq[40][80] = 374;
GBFreq[41][92] = 373; GBFreq[27][93] = 372;
GBFreq[15][17] = 371; GBFreq[16][76] = 370;
GBFreq[51][12] = 369; GBFreq[18][20] = 368;
GBFreq[15][54] = 367; GBFreq[50][5] = 366;
GBFreq[33][22] = 365; GBFreq[37][57] = 364;
GBFreq[28][47] = 363; GBFreq[42][31] = 362;
GBFreq[18][2] = 361; GBFreq[43][64] = 360;
GBFreq[23][47] = 359; GBFreq[28][79] = 358;
GBFreq[25][45] = 357; GBFreq[23][91] = 356;
GBFreq[22][19] = 355; GBFreq[25][46] = 354;
GBFreq[22][36] = 353; GBFreq[54][85] = 352;
GBFreq[46][20] = 351; GBFreq[27][37] = 350;
GBFreq[26][81] = 349; GBFreq[42][29] = 348;
GBFreq[31][90] = 347; GBFreq[41][59] = 346;
GBFreq[24][65] = 345; GBFreq[44][84] = 344;
GBFreq[24][90] = 343; GBFreq[38][54] = 342;
GBFreq[28][70] = 341; GBFreq[27][15] = 340;
GBFreq[28][80] = 339; GBFreq[29][8] = 338;
GBFreq[45][80] = 337; GBFreq[53][37] = 336;
GBFreq[28][65] = 335; GBFreq[23][86] = 334;
GBFreq[39][45] = 333; GBFreq[53][32] = 332;
GBFreq[38][68] = 331; GBFreq[45][78] = 330;
GBFreq[43][7] = 329; GBFreq[46][82] = 328;
GBFreq[27][38] = 327; GBFreq[16][62] = 326;
GBFreq[24][17] = 325; GBFreq[22][70] = 324;
GBFreq[52][28] = 323; GBFreq[23][40] = 322;
GBFreq[28][50] = 321; GBFreq[42][91] = 320;
GBFreq[47][76] = 319; GBFreq[15][42] = 318;
GBFreq[43][55] = 317; GBFreq[29][84] = 316;
GBFreq[44][90] = 315; GBFreq[53][16] = 314;
GBFreq[22][93] = 313; GBFreq[34][10] = 312;
GBFreq[32][53] = 311; GBFreq[43][65] = 310;
GBFreq[28][7] = 309; GBFreq[35][46] = 308;
GBFreq[21][39] = 307; GBFreq[44][18] = 306;
GBFreq[40][10] = 305; GBFreq[54][53] = 304;
GBFreq[38][74] = 303; GBFreq[28][26] = 302;
GBFreq[15][13] = 301; GBFreq[39][34] = 300;
GBFreq[39][46] = 299; GBFreq[42][66] = 298;
GBFreq[33][58] = 297; GBFreq[15][56] = 296;
GBFreq[18][51] = 295; GBFreq[49][68] = 294;
GBFreq[30][37] = 293; GBFreq[51][84] = 292;
GBFreq[51][9] = 291; GBFreq[40][70] = 290;
GBFreq[41][84] = 289; GBFreq[28][64] = 288;
GBFreq[32][88] = 287; GBFreq[24][5] = 286;
GBFreq[53][23] = 285; GBFreq[42][27] = 284;
GBFreq[22][38] = 283; GBFreq[32][86] = 282;
GBFreq[34][30] = 281; GBFreq[38][63] = 280;
GBFreq[24][59] = 279; GBFreq[22][81] = 278;
GBFreq[32][11] = 277; GBFreq[51][21] = 276;
GBFreq[54][41] = 275; GBFreq[21][50] = 274;
GBFreq[23][89] = 273; GBFreq[19][87] = 272;
GBFreq[26][7] = 271; GBFreq[30][75] = 270;
GBFreq[43][84] = 269; GBFreq[51][25] = 268;
GBFreq[16][67] = 267; GBFreq[32][9] = 266;
GBFreq[48][51] = 265; GBFreq[39][7] = 264;
GBFreq[44][88] = 263; GBFreq[52][24] = 262;
GBFreq[23][34] = 261; GBFreq[32][75] = 260;
GBFreq[19][10] = 259; GBFreq[28][91] = 258;
GBFreq[32][83] = 257; GBFreq[25][75] = 256;
GBFreq[53][45] = 255; GBFreq[29][85] = 254;
GBFreq[53][59] = 253; GBFreq[16][2] = 252;
GBFreq[19][78] = 251; GBFreq[15][75] = 250;
GBFreq[51][42] = 249; GBFreq[45][67] = 248;
GBFreq[15][74] = 247; GBFreq[25][81] = 246;
GBFreq[37][62] = 245; GBFreq[16][55] = 244;
GBFreq[18][38] = 243; GBFreq[23][23] = 242;

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《风越代码生成器 [FireCode Creator]》是一款采用.Net FrameWork2.0框架,基于多种数据库的程序代码生成软件,可快速建立数据信息的:添加、编辑、查看、列表、搜索页面。通过界面模板与代码模板管理功能,可自定义生成程序的界面风格与输出代码,将最大限度提高ASPX/ASP/PHP/JSP等各种程序的编写效率。 01、支持生成的ASPX/ASP/PHP/JSP等页面在本机自动发布、调试(需安装IIS或对应WEB服务器) 02、支持Microsoft SQL Server、Microsoft Access、Oracle、MySql、Excel、FoxPro、FoxBase、Text等数据库连接 03、支持从数据表、视图(Access为查询)中读取数据字段 04、支持通过数据表中的组合主键传递参数 05、支持CSS统一设置页面风格 06、支持多种控件输入方式: 文本框 文本域 UBB文本框(支持UBB文本输入) 密码框 隐藏域 日期选择 单选框 复选框 下拉框 多选列表 单选列表 批量上载 上载文件 上载到库 07、支持多种信息显示方式: 显示文字 链接文件 文本框 文本域 显示图片 背景声音 视频播放 显示flash 08、支持检测提交字符的最小、最大输入长度、是否空值/唯一值、文本类型:★ 不检测 非特殊字符 仅单词字符 仅单词字符空格 仅26个字母 仅中文字符 仅允许整数 仅允许小数 仅日期/时间 仅日期+时间 仅日期 仅时间 仅允许邮箱 仅允许网址 仅允许IP 仅身份证号 仅国内电话 仅国内手机 09、支持对用户输入内容进行服务器端与客户端JS双重验证,有效防止SQL注入 ★ 10、支持自动生成多组多级的级联下拉框功能,快速建立如:省、市、县/公司、部门、小组等形式下拉框 ★ 11、支持表单提交超过100KB的文本数据 ★ 12、支持多文件上载、修改、删除记录时同步删除文件 13、支持控件名加密,使输入控件的名称与字段名不同,防止他人从客户端HTML中猜解 ★ 14、支持列表、搜索页面对数据记录进行实时排序、修改、批量删除等功能 15、支持表头/单独表格搜索两种布局方式 16、提供多种灵活翻页方案,用户可设置每页记录条数、上/下页、前/后N页、输入数字跳转到指定页面等,提高海量数据翻页速度 17、提供丰富的建站常用VB、JS函数库 ★ 18、更多扩展功能: 添加、修改页面在保存信息前进行预览功能 添加、修改页面提交后自动跳转并刷新列表页 字段描述批量格式化,可从字段名、描述生成,加强英文字符处理 列表、搜索页面隔行颜色、点击变色设置 根据数据库字段允许空值状态自动设置输入检测代码 页面皮肤模板设置,根据网页模板快速生成页面 ★ 设置指定字段在编辑信息时为只读状态 字段需要二次输入(如输入两次密码,以验证其正确性) ★ 在列表中直接批量编辑字段值,便于管理员维护 列表、搜索文件自动读取链接数据表值的实际信息 发送邮件功能,设置字段为邮件对应信息,可发送附件 ★ (繁、简、英)单语言版本 ★ 多语言页面实时翻译功能(默认:繁、简、英,可增加其它语言) ★ 多语言编码支持(GB2312/UTF8) ★ 生成提交校验码图片 ★ 搜索、列表文件以详细列表页(留言板风格)显示 生成权限,限制用户对指定页面的添加、删除、编辑权 将查询结果导出为CSV、HTML、EXCEL文件 ★ 生成不同选择字段的SQL语句 生成数据库字典 ★ 模板代码生成器,可自定义模板、变量生成代码 ★ 19、提供建站常用辅助工具: 屏幕尺 剪切板,保存最近指定次数的历史记录 常用加解密、编解码(DES、MD5、SHA、BASE64) 批量提取文本,支持正则表达式,可将HTML等文件中指定内容存入数据库 批量查找替换,支持正则表达式 批量文件、文件夹改名,支持正则表达式 正则表达式测试器(可设置、保存常用正则表达式) 获取键盘的按键值 网页隐藏资源下载,可下载无法直接得到URL的SWF、图片、音乐等资源 获取汉字的拼音、五笔编码、笔画数、笔顺名、部首等信息,并可进行汉字繁/简体,GB/BIG转换 代码编排器,CSS排版、JS、ASP、HTML注释清理
顺序如下: 1、多种字体大小显示 2、c:out标记输出 3、获取当前时间 4、include包含语句 5、建立错误处理页面的范例程序 6、jsp:forward 7、简单计数器 8、设置页面属性 9、使用GB2312编码 10、使用Big5编码 11、c:catch的用法 12、 begin、end和step的用法 13 、 循环 14、 varStatus 的四种属性 15、 的用法 16、从客户端传送数据至服务端 17、使用Unicode转义字符 18、使用朝鲜语字符集 19、JSP中最简单的国际化程序 20、错误检测 21、抛出异常 22、 的用法 23、和 的用法 24、 的用法 25、jsp-include的用法 26、汉字处理 27、网页重定向 28、自动更新网页 29、存取session 30、 的用法 31、单选型列表框 32、jsp文件中定义类 3 3、取得 JSP Container 版本 34、javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter - out 对象 35、page 隐含对象 36、application 对象 37、PageContext 对象 38、Page范围 - pageContext 39、测试要显示的中文 40、IF控制符的操作 41、HttpServletRequest 接口所提供的方法 42、 网上测验 43、HttpSession - session 对象 44、 多选型列表框 45、解决浏览器 cache 的问题 46、使用 EL、JSTL 处理表单数据 47、 EL隐含对象 param、paramValues 48、EL隐含对象 pageContext 49、EL算术运算符 50、EL关系运算符 51、EL的运算符 52、选择钮的使用 53、检查框的使用 54、群组检查框的使用 55、数字、货币、百分数格式化 56、日期格式化 57、JSTL设置语言地区 58、Cookie数据的存取 59、session有效时间的设置与取得 60、session时间与ID 61、Cookie有效时间的设置 62、利用隐藏字段传送数据 63、JSP 使用 JavaBean 的方法 64、JSP 使用 JavaBean 65、范围为 Page 的 JavaBean范例程序 66、范围为 Request的 JavaBean 67、范围为 Session 的 JavaBean 68、范围为 Application 的 JavaBean 69、删除 JavaBean 70、url重组 71、Switch语句 72、环境变量 73、forward重定向 74、文件的建立与删除 75、取得文件属性 76、取得目录中的文件 77、目录的建立与删除 78、自Cookie存取日期/时间数据 79、管理Session变量 80、数据库中的记录数与记录指针位置 81、利用absolute方法设置记录位置 82、使用jsp指令生成Word文档 83、JSP网页模板 84、判断是否空白文件 85、cookie 用户登录次数 86、获取用户的真实IP地址 87、获取用户的浏览器信息 88、在客户端进行数据检查 89、在JSP中获取当前绝对路径 90、读取表单中所有参数 91、分行写入数据 92、显示请求URL 93、判断session是否过期 94、参数式查询数据库 95、取得数据库中各栏名称 96、使用JavaBean、设置和获取Bean的属性 97、设置Bean的一个属性与输入参数关联 98、实现基于数据库的站内搜索 99、DOM读取XML文档 100、SAX读取XML文档
顺序如下: 1、多种字体大小显示 2、c:out标记输出 3、获取当前时间 4、include包含语句 5、建立错误处理页面的范例程序 6、jsp:forward 7、简单计数器 8、设置页面属性 9、使用GB2312编码 10、使用Big5编码 11、c:catch的用法 12、 begin、end和step的用法 13 、 循环 14、 varStatus 的四种属性 15、 的用法 16、从客户端传送数据至服务端 17、使用Unicode转义字符 18、使用朝鲜语字符集 19、JSP中最简单的国际化程序 20、错误检测 21、抛出异常 22、 的用法 23、和 的用法 24、 的用法 25、jsp-include的用法 26、汉字处理 27、网页重定向 28、自动更新网页 29、存取session 30、 的用法 31、单选型列表框 32、jsp文件中定义类 3 3、取得 JSP Container 版本 34、javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter - out 对象 35、page 隐含对象 36、application 对象 37、PageContext 对象 38、Page范围 - pageContext 39、测试要显示的中文 40、IF控制符的操作 41、HttpServletRequest 接口所提供的方法 42、 网上测验 43、HttpSession - session 对象 44、 多选型列表框 45、解决浏览器 cache 的问题 46、使用 EL、JSTL 处理表单数据 47、 EL隐含对象 param、paramValues 48、EL隐含对象 pageContext 49、EL算术运算符 50、EL关系运算符 51、EL的运算符 52、选择钮的使用 53、检查框的使用 54、群组检查框的使用 55、数字、货币、百分数格式化 56、日期格式化 57、JSTL设置语言地区 58、Cookie数据的存取 59、session有效时间的设置与取得 60、session时间与ID 61、Cookie有效时间的设置 62、利用隐藏字段传送数据 63、JSP 使用 JavaBean 的方法 64、JSP 使用 JavaBean 65、范围为 Page 的 JavaBean范例程序 66、范围为 Request的 JavaBean 67、范围为 Session 的 JavaBean 68、范围为 Application 的 JavaBean 69、删除 JavaBean 70、url重组 71、Switch语句 72、环境变量 73、forward重定向 74、文件的建立与删除 75、取得文件属性 76、取得目录中的文件 77、目录的建立与删除 78、自Cookie存取日期/时间数据 79、管理Session变量 80、数据库中的记录数与记录指针位置 81、利用absolute方法设置记录位置 82、使用jsp指令生成Word文档 83、JSP网页模板 84、判断是否空白文件 85、cookie 用户登录次数 86、获取用户的真实IP地址 87、获取用户的浏览器信息 88、在客户端进行数据检查 89、在JSP中获取当前绝对路径 90、读取表单中所有参数 91、分行写入数据 92、显示请求URL 93、判断session是否过期 94、参数式查询数据库 95、取得数据库中各栏名称 96、使用JavaBean、设置和获取Bean的属性 97、设置Bean的一个属性与输入参数关联 98、实现基于数据库的站内搜索 99、DOM读取XML文档 100、SAX读取XML文档


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  • 没帮助
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