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原创 stack type, full-ascending, full-descending, empty-ascending, empty-descending

Stack Types. Since it is left to the software to implement a stack, different implemenation choices result different types of stacks. There are two types of stack depending on how the stack grows.

2012-01-18 18:06:29 1657

原创 ARM GCC linker 脚本介绍

1. Referencearm-2011.03/share/doc/arm-arm-none-eabi/pdf/ld.pdf2. An exampleOUTPUT_FORMAT ("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-bigarm", "elf32-littlearm")/* Use OUTPUT_FORMAT with three arg

2011-12-05 11:41:58 4646

转载 Setting up a GCC Development Environment for the Cortex M0/M3

http://www.microbuilder.eu/projects/LPC1343ReferenceDesign/LPC1343Toolchain.aspxSetting up a GCC Development Environment for the Cortex M0/M3Tutorial on installing all everything needed

2011-11-23 11:08:23 3543

原创 P4 使用

p4 loginp4 -p sync -f //depot/sw/branches/olca/...#headp4 edit xxxx.cmodify or patch -p4 p4 diff -du  p4 revert ...

2011-10-26 14:37:50 1438

原创 windows 环境下 scons 交叉编译 (RVCT4.1)

1. Install python2.7 和 scons将环境变量 c:/Python2.7 和 c:/python2.7/scripts 加到 PATH2. sconstruct 文件 显示继承 所有windows 环境变量Or you may expl

2011-09-20 10:06:27 4011 2

转载 调频 预加重 和 去加重 (FM Pre-emphasis/De-emphasis)


2011-08-22 15:30:32 10732 2

原创 dash 和 bash

1.Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, that will appear in the GNU operating system. Bash is an sh-compatible shell that in

2011-08-18 10:55:49 1510

转载 使用 SCons 轻松建造程序

转自 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-scons/index.html?ca=drs-简介: 在软件项目开发过程中,make 工具通常被用来建造程序。make 工具通过一个被称为 Ma

2011-08-18 10:19:11 1526

转载 what is difference between IRQ and FRQ

http://www.allinterview.com/showanswers/96317.htmlCPU is a sequentially executing machine. It will execute theinstructions fr

2011-08-11 15:51:34 1858

转载 I2C Bus


2011-07-22 11:27:57 978

转载 There's Much More than Intel/AMD Inside

http://www.tensilica.com/markets/pcs-ntbks-printers.htmThere's Much More than Intel/AMD InsideWhile the main CPU in a personal or notebook c

2011-07-19 10:12:45 1161

转载 集成电路 RTL 设计

2011-07-18 15:29:51 1596

转载 TI DaVinci(达芬奇)入门

(转载来自 德州仪器半导体技术(上海)有限公司 通用DSP 技术应用工程师 崔晶    德州仪器(TI)的第一颗达芬奇(DaVinci)芯片(处理器)DM6446已经问世快三年了。继DM644x之后,TI又陆续推出了DM643x,DM35x,DM6467,OMAP353x等一系列

2011-07-18 11:49:25 2449

转载 Network Analysis With Wireshark On Ubuntu 9.10


2011-07-12 17:33:22 1064

原创 802.11 Four-way handshake Messages

1.  4-way handshake sequence2. Key HeirarchyThe EAPOL encryption key is the middle 128 bits of the PTK value.  And the first 128 bits of the

2011-07-12 11:22:40 3338

转载 AES算法分析与实现

AUTHOR:   Jeffrey.zhu                                    BLOG:http://blog.csdn.net/gueter/       AES算法的主要数学基础是抽象代数,其中算法中的许多运算是按单字节(8bits)和4字

2011-07-12 10:53:59 14681

原创 IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee


2011-07-07 17:11:13 1582

转载 802.11ac and 802.11ad

IEEE正在全面制定802.11ac标准工作。IEEE预测,将会在2011年11月完成对802.11ac和802.11ad标准的制定,而到2012年12月将会放出正式的版本。802.11ac项目早在2008年上半年就已经着手开始,当时被称为“Very High

2011-07-06 15:02:03 1776 1

原创 Wireless Ad-Hoc Network – Linux

转自 http://mohan43u.wordpress.com/2010/01/31/wireless-ad-hoc-network-linux/  Long time back, I actually did peer-to-peer with RJ232 connector using mine and my friend’s laptops. Its really

2011-06-27 14:38:00 2883

原创 RTS/CTS协议 (Both wlan and com are using it)

  RTS/CTS协议(Request To Send/Clear To Send)即请求发送/允许发送协议,相当于一种握手协议,主要用来解决"隐藏终端"问题。"隐藏终端"(Hidden Stations)是指,基站A向基站B发送信息,基站C未侦测到A也向B发送,故A和C同时将信号发送至B,引起信号冲突,最终导致发送至B的信号都丢失了。"隐藏终端"多发生在大型单元中(一般在室外环境),这将

2011-06-22 15:13:00 1588

原创 802.11 Scan and Discovery

 802.11MAC层负责客户端与AP之间的通讯。主要功能包括:扫描、接入、认证、加密、漫游和同步。802.11MAC报文分类:   ---数据帧      用户的数据报文   ---控制帧       协助发送数据帧的控制报文,例如:RTS、CTS,ACK等   ---管理帧       负责STA和AP之间的能力级的交互,认证、关联等管理工作,例如:  

2011-06-22 14:54:00 2373

转载 Wifi Connection

1. Connection Establishment using WEP  2. Connection establishment using WPA3. Connection establishment using 802.11i (WPA2)  

2011-06-20 14:24:00 1483

转载 Wireless Operating Modes

http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Documentation/modes A wireless interface always operates in one of the following operating modes. The mode sets the main functionality of the wireless link. 

2011-06-20 10:55:00 1092

转载 Open System authentication

Open System authenticationOpen System authentication is a null authentication algorithm. Any STA requesting Open Systemauthentication may be authenticated if dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm at the

2011-06-15 18:08:00 1410

转载 802.11 Authentication and Association

The 802.11 standard provides a method for supplying different levels of access to different nodes in a wireless local area network (WLAN). This is handled through authentication and association. Eac

2011-06-15 17:16:00 1170

转载 The Four-Way Handshake

 The authentication process leaves two considerations: the access point (AP) still needs to authenticate itself to the client station (STA), and keys to encrypt the traffic need to be derived. The e

2011-06-14 17:56:00 1661

原创 Use ADB to connect phone with Windows 7 over tcp

<br /><br />> adb.exe connect<br />* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *<br />* daemon started successfully *<br />connected to<br /> <br />> adb.exe shell<br /> <br />Ps: adb.exe is under android-sdk-wind

2011-05-12 13:58:00 1256

转载 A successful Git branching model

<br />By http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/<br /> <br /><br />In this post I present the development model that I’ve introduced for all of my projects (both at work and private) about a year ago, and which has turned out to be very suc

2011-05-02 12:57:00 1601

原创 Increase the android VM heap size.

<br /> <br /> <br />It is very easy , in init.rc<br />add line<br />setprop dalvik.vm.heapsize 48m

2011-04-26 15:26:00 1315

原创 file lock in the Linux system

<br /> <br />1. Use the flock in the shell script,<br /> <br />http://linux.die.net/man/1/flock<br /> <br />2. Use flock in code<br />http://linux.die.net/man/2/flock<br /> <br />My sample.<br /> <br /> int fd = open("/data/misc/wifi_lock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT,

2011-04-21 15:17:00 879

转载 Timestamping Linux kernel printk output in dmesg for fun and profit

<br />转自:<br />http://www.digitalprognosis.com/linuxtips/timestamping-linux-kernel-printk-output-in-dmesg-for-fun-and-profit/<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /><br />Timestamps are a wonderful thing. When you have systems with an uptime of hundreds of days or more

2011-04-06 09:42:00 2283


<br />http://www.lindusembedded.com/blog/2010/12/07/android-linux-kernel-additions/

2011-03-23 11:22:00 655


<br />http://www.lindusembedded.com/blog/2010/12/07/android-linux-kernel-additions/

2011-03-23 11:20:00 444

转载 HOWTO: Booting from SD card using U-Boot

<br />转自:http://bill.station51.net/index.php?post/2010/01/30/HOWTO%3A-Booting-from-SD-card-using-U-Boot<br /> <br /><br />Many many people want to know how to boot their Mini2440 or Micro2440 off of an SD card and I'm going to show you how.<br />For this t

2011-03-21 18:03:00 1098

转载 HOWTO: Booting from SD card using U-Boot

<br />转自:http://bill.station51.net/index.php?post/2010/01/30/HOWTO%3A-Booting-from-SD-card-using-U-Boot<br /> <br /><br />Many many people want to know how to boot their Mini2440 or Micro2440 off of an SD card and I'm going to show you how.<br />For this t

2011-03-21 18:01:00 957

转载 Linux initial RAM disk (initrd) overview

<br />http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-initrd.html<br /> <br /> <br /><br />What's an initial RAM disk?<br />The initial RAM disk (initrd) is an initial root file system that is mounted prior to when the real root file system is available.

2011-03-17 20:41:00 817

转载 Detecting Memory Leaks in Kernel

<br /> <br />This doc is from<br />http://psankar.blogspot.com/2010/11/detecting-memory-leaks-in-kernel.html<br /> <br /> <br />A memory leak is a behavior of a program when it consumes memory but never releases it. In user-space, these days, new applicati

2011-03-03 15:11:00 1983

原创 How to make SD Card world wide writable

<br /> <br /><br />Add the followling property to the init.rc<br /> <br /> <br /># Make SD Card world wide writable<br />    setprop persist.sampling_profiler 1

2011-01-12 18:24:00 1017

转载 Build GingerBread on 32 bit machine.

I tried and it works http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=9998281&postcount=12A quick and brutal fix is to:1) go to gingerbread/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain2) rename arm-eabi-4.4.3 to arm-eabi-4.4.3.old3) link arm-eabi-4.4.0 to arm-eabi-4.4.3Code

2010-12-28 17:18:00 2753

原创 Netconsole to capture the log

<br />1. Netconsole Server Machine <br />#export TARGET_IP_ADDR=XX:XX:XX:XX<br />#export TARGET_MAC_ADDR=XX:XX:XX:XX<br />#modprobe netconsole netconsole=@/eth0,9999@$IP_ADDR/$MAC_ADDR<br />#nc -l -p 6777 -c "hcidump -i hci0 -X" &<br />#nc -l -p 6888 -c "h

2010-12-28 14:52:00 695



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