MyEclipse 6.0 M1 发布,支持 Eclipse 3.3/Europa

MyEclipse 6.0 M1 发布,支持 Eclipse 3.3/Europa2007-07-18 来自:villa123 


1. Overview
Version 6.0 Milestone-1 is an intermediate development release of the MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench 6.0 product. The major themes of this release are simplified enterprise and AJAX development with Java EE 5, forward compatibility with the latest features of Eclipse 3.3 and Web Tools 2.0 and improved support for Microsoft Vista. Backwards compatibility with MyEclipse versions 5.1 - 4.x projects and features is maintained to the maximum degree possible.

2. New Features in MyEclipse 6.0 M1

New MyEclipse 6.0 Milestone-1 features and enhancements:

Platform support:
Microsoft Vista support

Eclipse 3.3 compatible
Upgraded MyEclipse-WebTools, an enhanced and professionally supported version of Eclipse WTP 2.0 with many MyEclipse improvements and bug fixes
JSP 2.0 support
Tag file content assist and debugging
Enhanced Visual JSF Designer
Improved and integrated toolbar

Improved Glassfish V2 Connector
Supports exploded deployment (Glassfish v2 build 46 and greater)
Supports auto-deployment (Glassfish v2 build 46 and greater)

New Features available in previous MyEclipse 5.5 GA Release:

Java EE 5 Projects
Create Java EE 5 Web, EJB and Enterprise (EAR) projects with integrated library support

EJB Projects include persistence.xml generation and synchronization
Works with MyEclipse Deployer for the most productive integrated enterprise testing experience
EJB3 - Enterprise Java Beans

Create Stateless, Stateful, Entity and Message enterprise beans
Wizards for creating all

Code-assist and validation of Java annotations
Reverse-engineer Stateless Session Bean facades from MyEclipse Datatbase Explorer
MyEclipse Java Persistence Tools (JPA)

Add JPA Capabilities to any Java project
Integrates with MyEclipse Database Explorer for database connections and metadata access

Persistence perspective
Java persistence OR mapping properties view
Validation and error marking for invalid OR mapping annotations

Reverse-engineer JPA DAOs from your database schema
Automatic update of persistence.xml
Visual JSF Page Designer
All new JSF Visual Page Designer for WYSIWYG editing of advanced JSF components
Supports Drag-and-Drop style editing of all standard JSF components

Extensible component palette supports all JSF taglibs in your project
Form-based properties sheets simplifies component editing and customization

Preview mode of JSF design page

JSF and faces.config creation wizards

faces.xml flow editor
Managed-bean validation and code-assist

Matisse4MyEclipse Swing Visual Designer
Refactoring support for *.form and corresponding *.java file

Added experimental mode for Java 6 support

MyUML improvements:
Drag-and-drop reverse-engineering of classes from JARs or project bin location on to class diagrams

Improved internationalization
SNAP Non-Eclipse Integration and Improvements
MyEclipse Use-Anywhere SNAP Connector for NetBeans: a plugin to enable use of MyEclipse SNAPs from the NetBeans IDE
MyEclipse Use-Anywhere SNAP Connector for IntelliJ IDEA: a plugin to enable use of MyEclipse SNAPs from the IntelliJ IDE
HTML Designer SNAP supports editing of PHP and ASP files

New Application Server Connectors
Apache Geronimo 2
Oracle Application Server 10
Weblogic 10
Installer improvements:
All-in-One Installer (JRE+Eclipse3.3+MyEclipse+SNAPs) with advanced compression to reduce the download by 50%
Headless and console install modes supported

See New and Noteworthy for more details and screenshots.

The MyEclipse 6.0 milestone 1 release is available for download immediately. As a milestone release, 6.0 M1 is not intended formission-critical application use.

The MyEclipse 6.0 GA release will be available in late July.

Pricing & Availability
MyEclipse 6.0 M1 is available immediately via download. The Standard Edition annual subscription is priced at $29.95 USD and the Professional Edition annual subscription is priced at $49.95 USD. All subscriptions include unlimited access to Genuitec's world-class, direct-response online support. 

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