
-- 生成数据视图类
alter procedure cv
@tablename varchar(50) = ''
if object_id(@tablename) is null     
    select 'table not exists' as error

declare @tmptb table(code varchar(2048))
declare @maxcols int
declare @classname varchar(50)
declare @word varchar(50)
declare @pos int
declare @func varchar(2048)

select @maxcols = max(colid) from syscolumns where id = object_id(@tablename) 

set @classname = @tablename 
if( @classname <> '' and left(@classname,2) = 't_')
    set @classname = substring(@classname,3,len(@classname) - 2)

set @classname = upper(left(@classname,1)) + substring(@classname,2,len(@classname) - 1) + 'Info'
while( charindex('_',@classname) > 0 )
    set @pos = charindex('_',@classname)
    set @word = substring(@classname,@pos + 1, 1)
    set @classname = replace(@classname,'_' + @word,upper(@word) )

select @classname + '.cs' as 数据视图类文件名

set @func = 'public ' + @classname + '('
select @func = @func +                          
case type_name(xusertype)                          
when 'varchar' then  'string'                          
when 'nvarchar' then 'string'                          
when 'decimal' then 'decimal'                          
when 'tinyint' then 'int'                          
when 'smallint' then 'int'                          
when 'datetime' then 'DateTime'                          
when 'smalldatetime' then 'DateTime'                          
when 'char' then 'string'                          
when 'nchar' then 'string'                          
when 'bigint'  then 'long'                          
when 'text' then 'string'                          
when 'ntext' then 'string'                          
else type_name(xusertype)                          
 +   ' '+  name +
case when colid < @maxcols then ', ' else '' end
from syscolumns  where id = object_id(@tablename) order by colid

select @func = @func + ')'

insert into @tmptb select @func
insert into @tmptb select '{' 
insert into @tmptb select 'this._' + name + ' = ' + name + ';' from syscolumns  where id = object_id(@tablename) order by colid
insert into @tmptb select '}'
insert into @tmptb select ''

declare @parmType varchar(50)
declare @parmName varchar(50)
declare @colid int
declare @cur cursor 
set @cur = cursor read_only forward_only for 
select b.name,a.name,a.colid from syscolumns a inner join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xtype where a.id = object_id(@tablename)

open @cur 
fetch next from @cur into @parmType,@parmName,@colid
while(@@fetch_status = 0)

    insert into @tmptb 
    'private ' + case @parmType
    when 'decimal' then 'decimal'
    when 'int' then 'int'    
    when 'smallint' then 'int'    
    when 'tinyint' then 'int'    
    when 'bigint' then 'long'    
    when 'bit' then 'int'    
    when 'char' then 'string'    
    when 'nchar' then 'string'    
    when 'varchar' then 'string'    
    when 'nvarchar' then 'string'    
    when 'smalldatetime' then 'DateTime'    
    when 'datetime' then 'DateTime'    
    else @parmType end + ' _' + @parmName + ';'   

    if exists(select 1 from sysproperties where id = object_id(@tablename) and smallid = @colid)
        insert into @tmptb 
        select '/// <summary>' union all
        select '/// ' + convert(varchar,value) from sysproperties where id = object_id(@tablename) and smallid = @colid  union all
        select '/// </summary>' 
        insert into @tmptb 
        select '/// <summary>' union all
        select '/// 无' union all 
        select '/// </summary>' 

    insert into @tmptb 
    'public ' + case @parmType
    when 'decimal' then 'decimal'     
    when 'int' then 'int'    
    when 'smallint' then 'int'    
    when 'tinyint' then 'int'    
    when 'bigint' then 'long'    
    when 'bit' then 'int'    
    when 'char' then 'string'    
    when 'nchar' then 'string'    
    when 'varchar' then 'string'    
    when 'nvarchar' then 'string'    
    when 'smalldatetime' then 'DateTime'    
    when 'datetime' then 'DateTime'    
    else @parmType end     
    + ' ' + upper(left(@parmName,1)) + right(@parmName,len(@parmName) - 1)     
    + '    {'    
    + '    get { return _' + @parmName + '; }'    
    + '    set { _' + @parmName + ' = value ; }'    
    + '    }'       

    insert into @tmptb select ''

    fetch next from @cur into @parmType,@parmName,@colid


select code as 类字段和属性 from @tmptb


cp t_goods


ALTER       procedure cp
@tablename varchar(50) = '' -- 表名称

declare @tableid int     
set @tableid = object_id(@tablename)

if @tableid is null 
    select 'table not exists' as error

declare @tmptb table(code varchar(4000))

declare @fieldsName varchar(4000)
declare @parmName varchar(4000)
declare @keyname varchar(50)
declare @proctablename varchar(50)

declare @ident_seed int
select @ident_seed = ident_seed(@tablename)

set @proctablename = @tablename 
if( left(@proctablename,2) ='t_')
    set @proctablename = substring(@proctablename,3,len(@proctablename) - 2)

print @proctablename

select top 1 @keyname= [name] from syscolumns where id = @tableid order by colid 

set @fieldsname = ''
select @fieldsname = @fieldsname + a.[name] + ',' 
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xtype
where id = @tableid and a.colid <> @ident_seed
and b.name <> 'datetime' and b.name <> 'smalldatetime'
order by colid

if( right(@fieldsname,1) = ',' )
    set @fieldsname = substring(@fieldsname,1,len(@fieldsname) - 1)

set @parmname = ''
select @parmname = @parmname + '@' + a.[name] + ',' 
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xtype
where id = @tableid and a.colid <> @ident_seed
and b.name <> 'datetime' and b.name <> 'smalldatetime'
order by colid

if( right(@parmname,1) = ',' )
    set @parmname = substring(@parmname,1,len(@parmname) - 1)

-- proc_pagelist1
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_list'

insert into @tmptb 
select '@page int = 1, --当前页' union all
select '@pagesize int = 10, --每页显示' union all
select '@total int = 0 output, --总记录数' union all
select '@typeid int = 0 ''这里需要修改''' union all
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb 
select 'if( @total = 0 )' union all
select '    select @total = count(1) from ' + @tablename + ' where typeid = @typeid ''这里需要修改''' union all
select '' union all
select 'if( @page = 1 )' union all
select 'begin' union all
select '    set rowcount @pagesize' union all
select '    select * from ' + @tablename + ' where typeid = @typeid ''这里需要修改'' order by ' + @keyname +  ' desc ' union all
select '    set rowcount 0' union all
select '    return' union all
select 'end' union all
select 'else' union all
select 'begin' union all
select '    declare @tb table(rownum int identity(1,1),keyid int)' union all
select '    insert into @tb(keyid) select ' + @keyname + ' from ' + @tablename union all
select '        where typeid = @typeid ''这里需要修改'' order by ' + @keyname +  ' desc' union all
select '    select a.* from ' + @tablename + ' a inner join @tb b on a.'+ @keyname +  ' = b.keyid ' union all
select '        where b.rownum > @pagesize * (@page - 1) and b.rownum <= @pagesize * @page' union all
select 'end'

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_pagelist1 from @tmptb

-- proc_pagelist2
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_list'

insert into @tmptb 
select '@page int = 1, --当前页' union all
select '@pagesize int = 10, --每页显示' union all
select '@total int = 0 output, --总记录数' union all
select '@typeid int = 0 ''这里需要修改''' union all
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb 
select 'declare @tablename varchar(1024)' union all           
select 'declare @orderby  varchar(1024)' union all      
select 'declare @orderby2 varchar(1024)' union all      
select 'declare @orderbyclause varchar(1024)' union all      
select 'declare @keyname varchar(50)' union all      
select 'declare @keyinorder tinyint' union all
select 'declare @whereclause varchar(1024)' union all      
select 'declare @showclause varchar(1024)' union all    
select '' union all        
select '-- 表名称' union all
select 'set @tablename = ''' + @tablename + ''' ' union all           
select '--排序字段,字段前面加b.,字段后加 desc或asc,格式如 b.rid desc,b.rname asc' union all
select 'set @orderby = ''b.' + @keyname + ' desc'' ' union all           
select '--排序字段,字段前面加b.,字段后面和上面的orderby正好相反,格式如 b.rid asc,b.ranme desc' union all
select 'set @orderby2 = ''b.' + @keyname + ' asc'' '  union all
select '--排序字段,这里不需要加 asc 和 desc,格式如 b.rid,b.rname' union all
select 'set @orderbyclause = ''b.' + @keyname + '''' union all
select '--主键是否在排序字段里,1 是 0 不是,一般是1' union all
select 'set @keyinorder = 1'  union all           
select '--这个表的主键' union all
select 'set @keyname = ''' + @keyname +  ''''  union all           
select '--查询条件' union all
select 'set @whereclause = '' where typeid = '' + convert(varchar,@typeid) ' + '''这里需要修改'''  union all           
select 'set @showclause = ''a.*'''   union all             
select '' union all
select '--调用分页存储过程' union all
select 'exec P_SplitPageOneSql_v2 @tablename,@pagesize,@page,@orderby,@orderby2,' union all           
select '@orderbyclause,@keyname,@keyinorder,@whereclause,@showclause,@total output'

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_pagelist2 from @tmptb

-- proc_insert
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_insert'

insert into @tmptb 
'@' + a.name + ' ' + 
case b.name 
when 'char' then 'char(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','    
when 'nchar' then 'nchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ')= '''','    
when 'varchar' then 'varchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','    
when 'nvarchar' then 'nvarchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','
when 'datetime' then 'datetime,'
when 'smalldatetime' then 'smalldatetime,'
else b.name + ' = 0,' end
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b    
on a.xtype = b.xtype     
where a.id = object_id(@tablename) 
and a.colid <> @ident_seed
and b.name <> 'datetime' and b.name <> 'smalldatetime'
order by colid 

insert into @tmptb 
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb 
select 'insert into ' + @tablename + '(' + @fieldsname + ')' union all
select '    values(' + @parmname + ')'

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_insert from @tmptb

-- proc_update
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_update'

insert into @tmptb 
'@' + a.name + ' ' + 
case b.name 
when 'char' then 'char(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','    
when 'nchar' then 'nchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ')= '''','    
when 'varchar' then 'varchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','    
when 'nvarchar' then 'nvarchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''','
when 'datetime' then 'datetime,'
when 'smalldatetime' then 'smalldatetime,'
else b.name + ' = 0,' end
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b    
on a.xtype = b.xtype     
where a.id = object_id(@tablename)    
and b.name <> 'datetime' and b.name <> 'smalldatetime'
order by colid 

insert into @tmptb 
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

set @fieldsname = ''
select @fieldsname = @fieldsname + a.[name] + '=' + '@' + a.[name] + ',' 
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b on a.xtype = b.xtype
where id = @tableid and a.colid <> @ident_seed
and b.name <> 'datetime' and b.name <> 'smalldatetime'
order by colid

if( right(@fieldsname,1) = ',' )
    set @fieldsname = substring(@fieldsname,1,len(@fieldsname) - 1)

insert into @tmptb 
select 'update ' + @tablename union all
select ' set ' + @fieldsname  union all
select ' where ' + @keyname + '=@' + @keyname

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_update from @tmptb

-- proc_delete
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_delete'

insert into @tmptb 
select top 1
'@' + a.name + ' ' + 
case b.name 
when 'char' then 'char(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''    
when 'nchar' then 'nchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ')= '''''    
when 'varchar' then 'varchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''    
when 'nvarchar' then 'nvarchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''
else b.name + ' = 0' end
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b    
on a.xtype = b.xtype     
where a.id = object_id(@tablename)    
order by a.colid 

insert into @tmptb 
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb select 'delete from ' + @tablename + ' where ' + @keyname + '=@' + @keyname

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_delete from @tmptb

-- proc_detail
delete from @tmptb

insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_detail'

insert into @tmptb 
select top 1
'@' + a.name + ' ' + 
case b.name 
when 'char' then 'char(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''    
when 'nchar' then 'nchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ')= '''''    
when 'varchar' then 'varchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''    
when 'nvarchar' then 'nvarchar(' + convert(varchar,a.length) + ') = '''''
else b.name + ' = 0' end
from syscolumns a inner join systypes b    
on a.xtype = b.xtype     
where a.id = object_id(@tablename)    
order by a.colid 

insert into @tmptb 
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb select 'select * from ' + @tablename + ' where ' + @keyname + '=@' + @keyname

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_detail from @tmptb

-- proc_listall
delete from @tmptb
insert into @tmptb select 'create procedure p_' + @proctablename + '_listall'

insert into @tmptb 
select 'as' union all
select 'set nocount on' union all
select 'set transaction isolation level read uncommitted' union all
select 'set xact_abort on' union all
select ''

insert into @tmptb 
select 'select * from ' + @tablename 

insert into @tmptb select '' union all select 'go'

select code as proc_listall from @tmptb





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


