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翻译 ILMerge 工具 合并多个程序集

ILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly. It works on executables and DLLs alike and comes with several options for controlling the processing and for

2007-06-30 18:10:00 1199

转载 VB 2005 中用P/Invoke进行windows HOOK 的方法

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServicesPublic Class Form1Class Form1  Private Structure MOUSEHOOKSTRUCTStructure MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT    Public pt As Point    Public hWnd As IntPtr    Public hitTest As In

2007-06-29 15:53:00 1068

转载 Programming with the Microsoft Office Visio 2003 ActiveX Control

Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Technical Articles Programming with the Microsoft Office Visio 2003 ActiveX Control   Mark Bukovec Empire Down Development September 20

2007-06-29 12:07:00 2024

转载 .net 中各种各样的Trace 以及log 方法

Look into the following link:Useful Logging Options in .Net

2007-06-27 14:51:00 1076

原创 Solution to Error Message: "Unable to start debugging the webserver"

This issue can have many potential causes.   See the following KB article: PRB: "Unable to start debugging on the Web server" error message when you debug ASP.NET applications      And there are s

2007-06-27 11:50:00 818

原创 读取Excel文件并在SQL server中新建Table上传数据

First, you can read data  Excel Data into a Dataset: Code: Reading Excel Data into a Dataset (Visual Basic)   Then you can create the table in SQL server using the DataSet. Sample here: HOW TO: Im

2007-06-26 18:39:00 880

原创 Write to the event log in a .net project

 The Application Event Log that is commented out in the app.config file。allows you to write to the event log, for debug/error info, instead of writing a text file:http://www.samspublishing.com/ar

2007-06-26 17:00:00 900

原创 .net 中如何得到文件的大小,以及文件的所有者

 // Get the file infoString fileName = @"C:Users ingwangDesktopprocmon.exe";FileInfo info = new FileInfo( fileName );Console.WriteLine( info.Length );FileSecurity security = info.GetAccessControl(

2007-06-26 15:42:00 2942

原创 关于.net 中XML解析 的一些链接

This sample illustrates how to read XML from a file using the XmlTextReader class. This class provides direct parsing and tokenizing of XML, and implements the W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0

2007-06-25 13:03:00 707

原创 .net 中访问 excel文件的两种方式

 1, OleDB, look in to the code sample following:public static String ReadIn ( string sheetName )...{    StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder( 512, 4096 );    StringWriter writer = new StringWr

2007-06-25 11:26:00 977

原创 In Debug Mode-Lsass.exe hangs CPU when doing SQL server data access

It happens when SQL Server debugging is enabled for the project.  When you uncheck this option, Lsass.exe does not take cpu. The SQL Server process does as expected.  Performance is what you would exp

2007-06-25 11:06:00 794

原创 BE.P/Invoke.net addin for visual studio

 BE.pinvoke is the PINVOKE.NET Add-In for Visual Studio 2005. I failed getting the old PINVOKE Add-In to work with VS 2005, so i wrote my own from the scratch. The UI looks very similar to original PI

2007-06-23 20:04:00 908

原创 .net 下进程的输入输出重定向

Process.StandardInput Property  Process.StandardOutput PropertyGets a stream used to operate the output and input of the application.

2007-06-22 18:13:00 767

原创 Visual Studio Setup Project 中如何管理 安装所需的预备条件

   You can write a simple program to test all the prerequisites before your application installed.   You can also use a setup project to deploy your application and run the program in the Custom act

2007-06-22 16:12:00 1486

原创 How a AppDomain Can load an assembly by it's physical path.

AppDomain Only have the Load() method which can only load assembly by name. What if you want to load from the physical path? See the code following:// Assembly you want to loadString assemblyFileNam

2007-06-20 14:41:00 743

转载 用电脑的健康问题

整天坐在椅子上面对着电脑,手在鼠标和键盘之间勤奋地往来,视线固定在屏幕上,对这些办公室职员来说,不可缺少的东西--电脑,很可能会伤害到他们的健康,尤其是设计师、程序员等离开电脑就不能工作的人。   那么,让我们一起来看看电脑带给我们的负面影响吧!  悄然而至 在某银行工作的金先生,今年32岁,最近眼睛觉得很不舒服,好像有什么东西进到眼睛里,醒来时会流出眼泪,有一种火辣辣的感觉…。去医院检查后,

2007-06-20 10:39:00 763

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler.

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler.


The elements of C++ style

The elements of C++ style



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