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原创 算法导论习题1.2的一些思考。

For each function f(n) and time t in the following table, determine the largest size n of a problem that can be solved in time t, assuming that the algorithm to solve the problem takes f(n)

2007-08-31 20:37:00 1069 1

转载 关于.net各个版本以及各个版本之间改进的介绍

.NET Framework 1.1 Class Library.NET Framework 2.0 Class Library Reference.NET Framework 3.0 Class Library Introducing the .NET Framework 3.0.NET Framework 3.0 Versioning and Deployment Q&A

2007-08-22 16:51:00 851

翻译 Debugging Microsoft® .NET 2.0 Applications 读书笔记(1) - 软件系统中Bug的来源分类

The reasons for bugs generally fall into the following process categories:·         Short or impossible deadlines  //太短或者干脆就不可能的工期·         The "Code First, Think Later" approach  //先编码,后考虑逻辑·  

2007-08-21 09:20:00 864 1

转载 C# 文件搜索

C# 进行文件搜索的两个小程序    WinSearchFile: how to search files on your PC – “WinSearchFile layout is simple and quite similar to the Explorer integrated search. It is possible to write a pattern search (w

2007-08-20 16:37:00 1273

转载 C# 2.0 中的 Friend Assemblies

C# 2.0 中的 Friend Assemblies C# 2.0 allows you to share non-public types and their members with other assemblies. The assemblies to which access is granted are called friend assemblies. There are two

2007-08-20 15:38:00 1715

原创 Visual Studio Object Model中每个Project对象的所有Property 索引项

 在Visual Studio的Object Model每个Project都有一个对应的Properties集合,这个就是这个集合中所有可供查询的索引项:StartupObjectManifestCertificateThumbprintTrademarkTitleVSPolicyExtenderProvider.TDLFileNameAssemblyOriginato

2007-08-17 14:28:00 1071

原创 Using Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition with the Microsoft Platform SDK

 原帖地址: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=1995837&SiteID=1By Brian Johnson, Microsoft Corporation You can use Visual C++ Express to build powerful .NET Framework applications i

2007-08-17 10:30:00 1295

转载 模拟office 2007 界面的.net 控件

GotDotNet User Sample: mentas Ribbon 免费的,非常漂亮。 下面是一些收费的: Office 2007 style Ribbon Control for VS.NET Elegant Ribbon  

2007-08-15 16:43:00 1055

转载 如何在.net程序中访问 ACL(Access Control List)

有几个这方面的链接: Access Control List in C# 2.0: Algorithm: Input: 1. LDAP path of the Object 2. Credentials => UserName and Password   Output: List all the permissions assigned on t

2007-08-14 10:55:00 897

原创 如何在.net 程序中访问 office文档的属性

·         How To Use Automation to Get and to Set Office Document Properties with Visual C# .NET·         Extracting Microsoft Office Application Properties without automation·         Getting MS

2007-08-13 16:23:00 674

转载 关于如何在C#程序中访问windows用户的密码:

·         Reset Windows Administrator Account Password in C# - How to Reset Windows Administrator Account Password in C# (Silently)·         Quick and easy user-level security checks - A library t

2007-08-13 15:24:00 1287

转载 WMI Code Creator v1.0

OverviewThe WMI Code Creator tool generates code that uses WMI to obtain management information or perform management tasks. You can use the tool to learn how to manage computers using WMI scri

2007-08-13 11:19:00 1085

转载 关于如何在.net程序中动态改变界面文化的一些链接

How to set culture information programmatically in a Windows-based application by using Visual Basic 2005  这篇是关于VB2005的,怎么没有C#,郁闷!   ApplicationBase.ChangeCulture Method 这个是.net 2.0

2007-08-09 16:09:00 878

转载 关于托管程序退出时候的"code c0020001"错误

关于托管应用程序不能正常退出的一些调试技巧: 论坛上常有人提起关于程序要退出的时候报一些类似"code c0020001 "这样的错误: MS的工程师给出了一下的一些调试方法: “If you application is a .NET 2.0 application and you are running it on a machine with .NET 2.0 installed, t

2007-08-08 16:56:00 2529

原创 关于AppDomain 的 UnhandledException事件

这个事件实际上只是一个通知处理,并不是一个异常处理,在.net 2.0中,任何AppDomain的未处理异常都会导致进程的退出,你注册了这个事件只会在退出之前给你个通知,然后你就可以做一些日志或者记录。你只能在托管线程上监听到AppDomain的这个事件。另外,这个事件必须在Default AppDomain中注册。关于哪些未处理的异常会终止整个进程,哪些会被消化掉,CLR有一些默认的设

2007-08-07 09:42:00 1876

转载 RichTextBox 语法高亮的一些links

RichTextBox syntax highlighting The author use an RTF tag called /highlight# to implementing highlighting in RichTextBox: RichTextBox with background highlighting in VB.NETAdds supp

2007-08-06 17:04:00 1407

转载 Change the shape of a form

 There are a couple of ways: 1.  Create a bitmap in the shape of the form with a background color that is not part of the bitmap, such as magenta.  Then set the TransparencyKey Property of the for

2007-08-06 12:16:00 747

原创 位于Intranet上包含unsafe的托管代码在本机运行时的 fileloadexception

首先请看这个帖子:Unable to load assembly .默认情况(默认的CAS policy)下,包含Unsafe代码(managed C++, 标记有unsafe的C#代码)的assembly是不能被load的。所以在CLR 加载这个程序集也就是在程序的main函数开始执行之前,就有异常爆出。 其实真正的Exception 就是: PolicyException Secu

2007-08-03 16:07:00 774

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler.

Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler.


The elements of C++ style

The elements of C++ style



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