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原创 HDU 3182 Hamburger Magi(状压DP)

In the mysterious forest, there is a group of Magi. Most of them like to eat human beings, so they are called “The Ogre Magi”, but there is an special one whose favorite food is hamburger, having been

2016-08-31 12:10:15 287

原创 uva 1382 Distant Galaxy(离散化+枚举技巧)

题目:You are observing a distant galaxy using a telescope above the Astronomy Tower, and you think that a rectangle drawn in that galaxy whose edges are parallel to coordinate axes and contain maximum

2016-08-26 09:42:17 312

转载 HDU-3635 Dragon Balls

题目链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3635题目大意:初始时,有n个龙珠,编号从1到n,分别对应的放在编号从1到n的城市中。现在又2种操作:T A B,表示把A球所在城市全部的龙珠全部转移到B城市。(第一次时,因为A球所在的城市只有一个球,所以只移动1个,如果有多个,则全部移动)。Q A,

2016-08-25 09:57:30 239

原创 hdu 3461 Code Lock(并查集+快速幂)

题目:A lock you use has a code system to be opened instead of a key. The lock contains a sequence of wheels. Each wheel has the 26 letters of the English alphabet 'a' through 'z', in order. If you m

2016-08-24 16:34:45 248

原创 HDU 4411 费用流,诡异的构图

There are (N+1) cities on TAT island. City 0 is where police headquarter located. The economy of other cities numbered from 1 to N ruined these years because they are all controlled by mafia. The poli

2016-08-23 21:38:30 341

转载 听说你会图论

=============================以下是最小生成树+并查集======================================【HDU】1213 How Many Tables 基础并查集★1272 小希的迷宫 基础并查集★1325&&poj1308 Is It A Tree? 基础并查集★1856 More is better

2016-08-16 20:33:42 695

原创 HDU 3225 Flowers Placement 二分图第k优解

DescriptionBytetown has a long tradition in organizing an international flower exhibition. Professor Feuerbach, a true flower lover, visited the exhibition this year. He was pleased by the most be

2016-08-15 11:15:36 319

原创 POJ 3680 Intervals 神奇的构图

DescriptionYou are given N weighted open intervals. The ith interval covers (ai, bi) and weighs wi. Your task is to pick some of the intervals to maximize the total weights under the limit tha

2016-08-09 21:35:48 295

原创 POJ3686 The Windy's 神奇的拆点

DescriptionThe Windy's is a world famous toy factory that owns M top-class workshop to make toys. This year the manager receives N orders for toys. The manager knows that every order will take d

2016-08-09 21:18:51 435

原创 POJ 2987 Firing 最大权闭合图

DescriptionYou’ve finally got mad at “the world’s most stupid” employees of yours and decided to do some firings. You’re now simply too mad to give response to questions like “Don’t you think it

2016-08-09 21:06:31 407

原创 uva 1151 Buy or Build 状压枚举


2016-08-07 19:57:53 272 4

原创 POJ 2175 Evacuation Plan 费用流消圈算法

The City has a number of municipal buildings and a number of fallout shelters that were build specially to hide municipal workers in case of a nuclear war. Each fallout shelter has a limited capacity

2016-08-07 19:11:05 545

原创 POJ 2516 Minimum Cost 最大流的最小费用(不要拆点!)

DescriptionDearboy, a goods victualer, now comes to a big problem, and he needs your help. In his sale area there are N shopkeepers (marked from 1 to N) which stocks goods from him.Dearboy has M s

2016-08-07 11:21:55 306

原创 UVA 11419 SAM I AM 二分图+最小覆盖点

我不想给题目题意:给你一张二维图,上面有石头,然后你就用你TN的意大利炮去轰这些石头吧(意大利炮的威力很大,所以能够直线AOE),问你最少打几炮(只能横着或者竖着打)?输出打炮的位置。解题思路:题目等价于最多有多少个石头既不在同一行也不再同一列上。有石头的地方行和列就能匹配,找出最大匹配即可(匈牙利模板 )。然后是寻找打炮位置,看代码吧。。代码:#include#

2016-08-03 21:18:29 331

原创 POJ 3436ACM Computer Factory 最大流+路径输出 dinic模板

As you know, all the computers used for ACM contests must be identical, so the participants compete on equal terms. That is why all these computers are historically produced at the same factory.Ever

2016-08-03 21:02:09 616



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