
 * Nested Accordion v.
 * Script to create 'accordion' functionality on a hierarchically structured content.
 * http://www.adipalaz.com/experiments/jquery/nested_accordion.html
 * Requires: jQuery v. 1.4.3+ / updated for jQuery v. 1.9 /
 * Copyright (c) 2009, 2013 Adriana Palazova
 * Dual licensed under the MIT (http://www.adipalaz.com/docs/mit-license.txt) and GPL v. 2 (http://www.adipalaz.com/docs/gpl-license.txt) licenses.
;(function($) {
  //"use strict";
  $.fn.accordion = function(options) {

    var version = '';
    var o = $.extend({}, $.fn.accordion.defaults, options);
    return this.each(function() {
      var containerID = o.container ? '#' + this.id : '', objID = o.objID ? o.objID : o.obj + o.objClass,
        Obj = o.container ? containerID + ' ' + objID : '#' + this.id,
        El = Obj + ' ' + o.el,
        hTimeout = null;

      // build
      if (o.head) $(Obj).find(o.head).addClass('h');
      if (o.head) {
        if ($(El).next('div:not(.outer)').length) {$(El).next('div:not(.outer)').wrap('<div class="outer" />');}
        $(Obj + ' .h').each(function(){
            var $this = $(this);
            if (o.wrapper == 'div' && !$this.parent('div.new').length) {$this.add( $this.next('div.outer') ).wrapAll('<div class="new"></div>');}
          var $node = $(this);
          if ($node.find(o.next).length || $node.next(o.next).length) {
            if ($node.find('> a').length) {
              if (o.iconTrigger) {
                $node.find('> a').addClass('link');
              } else {
                $node.find('> a').addClass("trigger");
            } else {
                var anchor = o.iconTrigger ? '<span class="heading" />' : '<a class="trigger" href="#" />'
                if (o.elToWrap) {
                  var $t = nodes($node), $s = $node.find(o.elToWrap), $object = $t.add($s);
                } else {
            if(o.iconTrigger) {
              $node.find('> a, >span.heading').before('<a href="#" class="icon trigger"></a>');
              $node.find('> a.icon.trigger');
          } else {
            if (o.lastChild && $node.find('> a').length) {$node.find('> a').addClass("trigger");}
      function nodes(el) {
        var txt = [];
          $.each(this.childNodes, function() { if (this.nodeType == 3 && $.trim(this.nodeValue)) {txt.push(this);} })
        return $(txt);
      // init state
      $(El + ' a.trigger').closest(o.wrapper).find('> ' + o.next).not('.shown').hide().closest(o.wrapper).find('a.open').removeClass('open').data('state', 0);
      if (o.activeLink && o.initShow) {
          var fullURL = window.location.href,
              arrPath = fullURL.split(o.splitUrl),
              relPath = (o.uri != 'full' && fullURL.indexOf(o.splitUrl) >= 0) ? arrPath[arrPath.length-1] : fullURL;
          $(Obj + ' a:not([href $= "#"])').each(function() {
            var a = $(this), fullHref, aHref;
            if (o.uri != 'full' && a.attr('href').indexOf(o.splitUrl) >= 0) {
              fullHref = a.attr('href').split(o.splitUrl); aHref = fullHref[fullHref.length-1];
            } else {
              aHref = a.attr('href');
            if (aHref == relPath) {
              a.addClass('active').parent().attr('id', 'current').closest(o.obj).addClass('current');
      if (o.shift && $(Obj + ' a.active').closest(o.wrapper).prev(o.wrapper).length) {
        var $currentWrap = $(Obj + ' a.active').closest(o.wrapper),
            $curentStack = ($().addBack) ? $currentWrap.nextAll().addBack() : $currentWrap.nextAll().andSelf(),
            $siblings = $currentWrap.siblings(o.wrapper),
            $first = $siblings.filter(":first");
        if (o.shift == 'clicked' || (o.shift == 'all' && $siblings.length)) {
        if (o.shift == 'all' && $siblings.length > 1) {$curentStack.insertBefore($first);}
      if (o.initShow) {
          .parents(Obj + ' ' + o.next).show().addClass('shown').end()
          .parents(o.wrapper).find('> a.trigger, > ' + o.el + ' a.trigger').addClass('open').data('state', 1);
          if (o.expandSub) {$(Obj + ' ' + o.initShow).children(o.next).show().end().find('> a.trigger').addClass('open').data('state', 1 );}
          if ($(Obj + ' ' + o.initShow).next(o.next).length) {$(Obj + ' ' + o.initShow).next(o.next).show().end().find('> a.trigger').addClass('open').data('state', 1 );}
      // event
      if (o.event == 'click') {
          var ev = 'click';
      } else  {
          if (o.focus) {var f = ' focus';} else {var f = '';}
          var ev = 'mouseenter' + f;
      var scrollElem;
      (typeof scrollableElement == 'function') ? (scrollElem = scrollableElement('html', 'body')) : (scrollElem = 'html, body');

      // The event handler is bound to the "accordion" element
      // The event is filtered to only fire when an <a class="trigger"> was clicked on.
      $(Obj).delegate('a.trigger', ev, function(ev) {
          var $thislink = $(this),
              $thisWrapper = $thislink.closest(o.wrapper),
              $nextEl = $thisWrapper.find('> ' + o.next),
              $siblings = $thisWrapper.siblings(o.wrapper),
              $trigger = $(El + ' a.trigger'),
              $shownEl = $thisWrapper.siblings(o.wrapper).find('>' + o.next + ':visible'),
              $shownEl.length ? shownElOffset = $shownEl.offset().top : shownElOffset = false;
          function action(obj) {
             if (($nextEl).length && $thislink.data('state') && (o.collapsible)) {
                  $nextEl.filter(':visible')[o.hideMethod](o.hideSpeed, function() {$thislink.data('state', 0);});
              if (($nextEl.length && !$thislink.data('state')) || (!($nextEl).length && $thislink.closest(o.wrapper).not('.shown'))) {
                  if (!o.standardExpansible) {
                    $siblings.find('> a.open, >'+ o.el + ' a.open').removeClass('open').data('state', 0).end()
                    .find('> ' + o.next + ':visible')[o.hideMethod](o.hideSpeed);
                    if (shownElOffset && shownElOffset < $(window).scrollTop()) {$(scrollElem).animate({scrollTop: shownElOffset}, o.scrollSpeed);}
                  $nextEl.filter(':hidden')[o.showMethod](o.showSpeed, function() {$thislink.data('state', 1);});
              if (o.shift && $thisWrapper.prev(o.wrapper).length) {
                var $thisStack = ($().addBack) ? $thisWrapper.nextAll().addBack() : $thisWrapper.nextAll().andSelf(),
                    $first = $siblings.filter(":first");
                if (o.shift == 'clicked' || (o.shift == 'all' && $siblings.length)) {
                if (o.shift == 'all' && $siblings.length > 1) {$thisStack.insertBefore($first);}
          if (o.event == 'click') {
              if ($thislink.is('[href $= "#"]')) {
                  return false;
              } else {
                  if ($.isFunction(o.retFunc)) {
                    return o.retFunc($thislink)
                  } else {
                    return true;
          if (o.event != 'click') {
              hTimeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
              }, o.interval);        
              $thislink.click(function() {
                  if ($thislink.attr('href')== '#') {
                      return false;
      if (o.event != 'click') {$(Obj).delegate('a.trigger', 'mouseleave', function() {window.clearTimeout(hTimeout); });}
      /* -----------------------------------------------
      // http://www.learningjquery.com/2007/10/improved-animated-scrolling-script-for-same-page-links:
      -------------------------------------------------- */
      function scrollableElement(els) {
        for (var i = 0, argLength = arguments.length; i < argLength; i++) {
          var el = arguments[i],
              $scrollElement = $(el);
          if ($scrollElement.scrollTop() > 0) {
            return el;
          } else {
            var isScrollable = $scrollElement.scrollTop() > 0;
            if (isScrollable) {
              return el;
        return [];
      /* ----------------------------------------------- */
  $.fn.accordion.defaults = {
    container : true, // {true} if the plugin is called on the closest named container, {false} if the pligin is called on the accordion element
    obj : 'ul', // the element which contains the accordion - 'ul', 'ol', 'div'
    objClass : '.accordion', // the class name of the accordion - required if you call the accordion on the container
    objID : '', // the ID of the accordion (optional)
    wrapper :'li', // the common parent of 'a.trigger' and 'o.next' - 'li', 'div'
    el : 'li', // the parent of 'a.trigger' - 'li', '.h'
    head : '', // the headings that are parents of 'a.trigger' (if any)
    next : 'ul', // the collapsible element - 'ul', 'ol', 'div'
    iconTrigger : false,
    initShow : '', // the initially expanded section (optional)
    expandSub : true, // {true} forces the sub-content under the 'current' item to be expanded on page load
    showMethod : 'slideDown', // 'slideDown', 'show', 'fadeIn', or custom
    hideMethod : 'slideUp', // 'slideUp', 'hide', 'fadeOut', or custom
    showSpeed : 400,
    hideSpeed : 800,
    scrollSpeed : 600, //speed of repositioning the newly opened section when it is pushed off screen.
    activeLink : true, //{true} if the accordion is used for site navigation
    event : 'click', //'click', 'hover'
    focus : true, // it is needed for  keyboard accessibility when we use {event:'hover'}
    interval : 400, // time-interval for delayed actions used to prevent the accidental activation of animations when we use {event:hover} (in milliseconds)
    collapsible : true, // {true} - makes the accordion fully collapsible, {false} - forces one section to be open at any time
    standardExpansible : false, //if {true}, the functonality will be standard Expand/Collapse without 'accordion' effect
    lastChild : true, //if {true}, the items without sub-elements will also trigger the 'accordion' animation
    shift: false, // false, 'clicked', 'all'. If 'clicked', the clicked item will be moved to the first position inside its level,
                  // If 'all', the clicked item and all following siblings will be moved to the top
    elToWrap: null, // null, or the element, besides the text node, to be wrapped by the trigger, e.g. 'span:first'
    uri : 'full', // 'full' if you use absolute paths. 'relative' - if you use relative paths in a navigation accordion - specify splitUrl option below
    splitUrl: '/', // If you use relative paths in a navigation accordion, specify a symbol '/', '?', '#', etc.
    retFunc: null //

  /* ---------------------------------------------
  Feel free to remove the following code if you don't need these custom animations.
  ------------------------------------------------ */
  var msie = false;
  if(typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { msie = true; } // IE before version 9

  $.fn.slideFadeDown = function(speed, callback) {
    return this.animate({opacity: 'show', height: 'show'}, speed, function() {
      if (msie) { this.style.removeAttribute('filter'); }
      if (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); }
  $.fn.slideFadeUp = function(speed, callback) {
    return this.animate({opacity: 'hide', height: 'hide'}, speed, function() {
      if (msie) { this.style.removeAttribute('filter'); }
      if (jQuery.isFunction(callback)) { callback(); }
  /* --- end of the optional code --- */


//  The plugin can be called on the ID of the accordion element - ({container: false})
//  or
//  on the ID of its closest named container - ({container: true}) - default. In this case, the accordions should have a class. The default class is ".accordion".
//  If the plugin is called on a named container, we can initialize all the accordions residing in a given section with just one call.
/*  ---
    $(function() {
    // If the closest named container = #container1 or the accordion element is <ul id="subnavigation">:
    /// Standard nested lists:
      $('#container1').accordion(); // we are calling the plugin on the closest named container
      $('#subnavigation').accordion({container: false}); // we are calling the plugin on the accordion element
      // this will expand the sub-list with "id=current", when the accordion is initialized:
      $('#subnavigation').accordion({container: false, initShow : "#current"});
      // this will expand/collapse the sub-list when the mouse hovers over the trigger element:
      $('#container1').accordion({event: "hover", initShow : "#current"});
      // NEW in v. The accordion animations can be triggered by clicking the icons:
      $('#container1').accordion({iconTrigger: true});
      // NEW in v. In a navigation accordion, we can use relative paths. We should specify the split symbol in option splitUrl:
      $("#container1").accordion({initShow: "#current", uri: "relative", splitUrl: '?'});    
    // If the closest named container = #container2
    /// Nested Lists + Headings + DIVs:
      $('#container2').accordion({el: '.h', head: 'h4, h5', next: 'div'});
      $('#container2').accordion({el: '.h', head: 'h4, h5', next: 'div', initShow : 'div.outer:eq(0)'});
    /// Nested DIVs + Headings:
      $('#container2').accordion({obj: 'div', wrapper: 'div', el: '.h', head: 'h4, h5', next: 'div.outer'});
      $('#container2').accordion({objID: '#acc2', obj: 'div', wrapper: 'div', el: '.h', head: 'h4, h5', next: 'div.outer', initShow : '.shown', shift: 'all'});

    /// We can globally replace the defaults, for example:
    $.fn.accordion.defaults.initShow = "#current";
    $.fn.accordion.defaults.container = false;

    /// Example options for Hover Accordion:
    $.fn.accordion.defaults.focus=false; // Optional. If it is possible, use {focus: true}, since {focus: false} will break the keyboard accessibility
--- */

[feedly mini]




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