JBoss jBPM 3.1 User Guide翻译计划之一 --- 第一章 介绍

Chapter 1. Introduction
第一章 介绍
JBoss jBPM is a flexible, extensible workflow management system. JBoss jBPM has an intuitive process language to express business processes graphically in terms of tasks, wait states for asynchronous communication, timers, automated actions,... To bind these operations together, JBoss jBPM has the most powerful and extensible control flow mechanism.
JBoss jBMP 是一个灵活的、可扩展的工作流管理系统. JBoss jBMP有一个直观的流程语言,可以以图形化的方式描述业务流程的任务、异步通信的等待状态、计时器和自动化动作等.为了绑定这些操作,JBoss jBPM拥有最有力和最具可扩展性的控制流机制.
JBoss jBPM has minimal dependencies and can be used as easy as using a java library. But it can also be used in environments where extreme throughput is crucial by deploying it on a J2EE clustered application server.
JBoss jBMP 具有最小的依赖性,可以象使用一个java库一样使用它.而且,它还可以通过部署在J2EE群集应用服务器上在外部吞吐量(extreme throughput?)至关重要的环境中使用.
JBoss jBPM can be configured with any database and it can be deployed on any application server.
JBoss jBMP 可以配置任何数据库, 也可以部署在任何应用服务器上.
1.1.     Overview
1.1 概述
The core workflow and BPM functionality is packaged as a simple java library. This library includes a service to store, update and retrieve process information from the jBPM database.
核心工作流和BPM功能打包成一个简单的java库, 包括存储服务、更新和检索jBPM数据库中过程信息.
Figure 1.1. Overview of the JBoss jBPM components

图1.1 JBoss jBPM组件概览
1.2.     The JBoss jBPM starter kit
1.2 JBoss jBPM 启动工具包
The starter kit is a download that contains all the jBPM components bundled in one easy download. The download includes:
· jbpm-server, a preconfigured jboss application server.
·  jbpm-designer, the eclipse plugin for authoring jBPM processes graphically.
·  jbpm-db, the jBPM database compatibility package (see below).
·  jbpm, the core jbpm component including the libs and this userguide.
· jbpm-bpel, a reference to the JBoss jBPM BPEL extension.
· jbpm-server, 一个预配置的jboss应用服务器.
·jbpm-designer, 以图形化的方式创建jBPM流程的eclipse插件(plugin).
·jbpm-db, jBPM数据库兼容包 (见下方).
·jbpm, jbpm核心组件,包括库和本用户指南.
·jbpm-bpel, JBoss jBPM BPEL扩展的引用.
The preconfigured JBoss application server has the following components installed :
·The core jBPM component, packaged as a service archive
·An integrated database with the jBPM tables: the default hypersonic database that contains the jBPM tables and already contains a process.
·The jBPM console web application that can be used by process participants as well as jBPM administrators.
·The jBPM scheduler for the execution of timers. The scheduler is configured in the starters kit as a servlet. The servlet will spawn a thread to monitor and execute the timers.
·The jBPM command executor for the asynchronous execution of commands. The command executor is also configured as a servlet. The servlet will spawn a thread to monitor and execute the commands.
·One example process is already deployed into the jBPM database.
预配置的JBoss应用服务器包括以下安装组件 :
· jBPM核心组件: 打包为一个服务存储器(archive).
·一个包含jBPM表的集成数据库: 默认超级(hypersonic)数据库包括jBPM表和一个流程.
· jBPM控制台web应用程序: 可以被流程参与者和管理者使用.
·  jBPM日程安排程序: 用于计时器执行. 日程安排程序在工具包中配置为一个servlet. 这个servlet将产生一个线程来监控和执行计时器(timer).
·  jBPM命令执行程序:用于命令的异步执行. 命令执行程序也是一个servlet. 这个servlet将产生一个线程来监控和执行命令.
One example process is already deployed into the jBPM database.
1.3.     The JBoss jBPM graphical process designer
1.3 JBoss jBPM图形流程设计器
JBoss jBPM also includes a graphical designer tool. The designer is a graphical tool for authoring business processes.
    JBoss jBPM还包括一个图形设计工具.这个设计器是一个用来创建业务流程的图形化工具.
The JBoss jBPM graphical process designer is an eclipse plugin. A standalone installation of the designer tool is on the roadmap.
    JBoss jBPM图形流程设计器是一个eclipse插件.设计器的一个独立安装还在规划中.
The most important feature of the graphical designer tool is that it includes support for both the tasks of the business analyst as well as the technical developer. This enables a smooth transition from business process modelling to the practical implementation.
The plugin is available as a local update site (plain zip file) for installation via the standard eclipse software updates mechanism. And there is also a feature package that you can unzip in your eclipse home directory.
    通过标准eclipse软件更新机制的安装, 插件是可用的本地更新站点(简单zip文件).( 翻译的好像不对,呵呵)而且有一个可以解压缩到eclipse的home路径的feature包.
1.4.     The JBoss jBPM core component
1.4 JBoss jBPM核心组件
The JBoss jBPM core component is the plain java (J2SE) software for managing process definitions and the runtime environment for execution of process instances.
    JBoss jBPM核心组件是一个用来管理流程定义的简单的java(J2SE)软件和执行流程实例的运行时环境.
JBoss jBPM is a java library. As a consequence, it can be used in any java environment like e.g. a webapplication, a swing application, an EJB, a webservice,... The jBPM library can also be packaged and exposed as a stateless session EJB. This allows clustered deployment and scalability for extreme high throughput. The stateless session EJB will be written against the J2EE 1.3 specifications so that it is deployable on any application server.
    JBoss jBPM是一个java库. 所以, 它可以应用在任何java环境中, 比如web应用, swing 应用, EJB和web service等. jBPM库还可以打包和作为一个无状态的session EJB. 这允许群集部署和可伸缩性.这个无状态session EJB基于J2EE 1.3规范, 所以可以部署在任何应用服务器上.
The JBoss jBPM core component is packaged as a simple java library archive. Depending on the functionalities that you use, the library jbpm-3.0.jar has some dependencies on other third party libraries such as e.g. hibernate, dom4j and others. Those dependencies are clearly documented in Chapter 5, Deployment
    JBoss jBPM核心组件打包为一个简单java库档案文件. 鉴于你使用的功能, 库jbpm-3.0.jar依赖于其他象hibernate,dom4j等第三方库. 这些依赖在第五章”部署”中详细说明.
For its persistence, jBPM uses hibernate internally. Apart from traditional O/R mapping, hibernate also resolves the SQL dialect differences between the different databases, making jBPM portable across all current databases.
    为了持久性, jBPM内部使用了hibernate. 与传统的O/R映射不同, hibernate还解决了不同数据库的SQL方言差异, 使jBPM可以方便地访问当前所有流行的数据库.
The JBoss jBPM API can be accessed from any custom java software in your project, like e.g. your web application, your EJB's, your web service components, your message driven beans or any other java component.
    JBoss jBPM API可以被你项目中的任何定制(custom)java软件访问, 比如你的web应用, 你的EJB, 你的web服务组件, 你的消息驱动bean或者其他java组件.
1.5.     The JBoss jBPM console web application
1.5 JBoss jBPM控制台web应用程序
The jBPM console web application serves two purposes. First, it serves as a central user interface for interacting with runtime tasks generated by the process executions. And secondly, it is an administration and monitoring console that allows to inspect and manipulate runtime instances.
    jBPM控制台web应用程序提供了两个服务. 一是作为中心用户接口, 用于与流程执行器产生的运行时任务的交互. 二是作为管理和监控控制台, 允许检查和操作运行时实例.
1.6.     The JBoss jBPM identity component
1.6 JBoss jBPM鉴别构件
JBoss jBPM can integrate with any company directory that contains users and other organisational information. But for projects where no organisational information component is readily available, JBoss jBPM includes this component. The model used in the identity component is richer then the traditional servlet-, ejb- and portlet models.
JBoss jBPM可以结合任意的包含用户和其他组织信息的公司目录. 只是对于没有组织信息组件可用的项目来说, JBoss jBPM才包括这个组件.在鉴别组件中使用的模型非常丰富, 比如传统的servlet, ejb和portlet模型.
1.7.     The JBoss jBPM scheduler
1.7 JBoss jBPM日程安排程序
The JBoss jBPM scheduler is a component for monitoring and executing timers that are scheduled during process executions.
JBoss jBPM日程安排程序是用来监控和执行计时器的组件, 计时器在流程执行期间预定(schedule).
The timer component software is packaged in the core jbpm library, but it needs to be deployed in one of the following environments: either you have to configure the scheduler servlet to spawn the monitoring thread or you have to start up a separate JVM with the scheduler main.
计时器组件软件打包在核心jbpm库中, 但是它需要部署在下列环境之一: 你要么必须配置日程安排(schedule) servlet来产生监控线程, 要么在日程安排主程序(schedule main)中启动单独的JVM.
1.8.     The JBoss jBPM database compatibility package
1.8 JBoss jBPM数据库兼容包
The JBoss jBPM database compatibility package is a download package that contains all the information, drivers and scripts to get jBPM running on your database of choice.
JBoss jBPM数据库兼容包是一个下载包, 包括让jBPM运行在你选择的数据库上的所有信息, 驱动程序和脚本.
1.9.     The JBoss jBPM BPEL extension
1.9 JBoss jBPM BPEL扩展
The JBoss jBPM BPEL extension is a separatly packaged extension that extends jBPM with support for BPEL. The essence of BPEL is an xml scripting language for writing web services in terms of other web services.
JBoss jBPM BPEL扩展是一个支持BPEL的,扩展了jBPM的,单独的扩展包. BPEL的本质是一个用来编写web service的xml脚本语言.
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