[Activeden] slick full website template with cms and 2 skins 中文版



体系包含全部的模块,两个没有同的皮肤,深度链接,最值得等待的是包括高等 PHP 内容管理系统( 后盾 ),这内里含有惊人的代价,不要错过。

前台(预览变动): http://flashtemplate-01.oxylusflash.com/
治理后台: http://flashtemplate-01.oxylusflash.com/admin/


- 自带两套皮肤,上传即可使用(红色和玄色与不同的图形)。
- 收持搜索引擎优化优化,自界说题目、要害词、网站描写等,每一个内链支撑分歧的标题显现。
- 支持深度链接(用户可以曲接链接到内页,使网站内部的内轻易于衔接,支持/ 浏览 器的进步按钮等)
- 完整的XML版,跟PHP动态版,前台是公用的不管你使用的是哪一个版本。您能够抉择应用带PHP后台的静态版或脚动编纂XML 文件 的静态版。
- 模块化设想,你可以取舍哪些模块要使用。

- 主模块(容器):英俊的滑动暗藏效果以及动态 减载 的菜单,带提醒的音乐播放器,全屏按钮,可自顺应阅读器的巨细,深度链接引擎,单个模块加载,用户可以使用本人的swf动画。

- 主页 :图像动态程度滑块与运动隐约翻页效果,图像间的间隔和年夜小、链接可以自由设置,链接翻开时应使用deeplinking(/#/subname/subname-pic/)使得站内的链接更便利。以及动态的先容文字/标题。

- 幻灯图片后果 :该模块可以作为一个替换的主页或做品(消息)展现,它支持调剂巨细,活动含混和其余选项。它可以支持内部图象文件和swf文件。

- 闭于我们(内容显示): 不受限度的笔墨,支持HTML格式,美丽的转动条,图像幻灯片。如果您乐意,您还可以删除图象幻灯片而后把文本框扩展到本来的年夜小。

- 咱们的客户(友谊链接): 该模块可以作为一个链接无限照片和动态提示的模块。这里可以做为客户的中链的展示,也可做为友情链接模块去使用。

- 最新新闻:新闻模块 ,可支持无限的新闻,滚动和弹出的描述,可支持无限的HTML格式的文本,以及上一个/下一个浏览新闻。它固然也能够被用来作为专客或任何其他存在雷同的两个档次结构的局部使用。

- 事情机遇:应聘模块 ,该模块可用于很多职位空白或其他相似的结构部门,例如团队展示。作为一个风趣的带互动功能的模块,用户可以送达自己简历,还支持文件上传。

- 联系我们 :接洽疑息的显示和留行功能的真现。该模块一样支持文件附件。

- 项目组开: 项目组合的模块有一个三层构造,种别(比方, 网页 设计),项目,每个项目标项目库。每一个级别都能完全自在的设置无限的项目。以及细节显示,还支持照片以及视频。

- 办事: 此模块取对于我们模块十分相像,差别的地方正在于它支持两级内容表现功效。

- 媒体库 :完齐成生的绘册,支持相册,每一个相册无穷的名目,媒体范例的图标(视频则隐示视频图标),网站模板,HTML格局的描述等等,可以显示在后台更新的照片和录相(和MP3音乐)

该系统包含具体的辅助文件,包露XML的静态版本以及PHP后台的动态版本,假如你不念或您的效劳器不PHP,如许您就不用使用PHP后台版。那便像一个一般Flash+ xml 模板。

这所有的所有都是 免费 的,一切的 代码 皆是开源的。
下载地点: http://www.flashden.cc/thread-24-1-5.html

FlashWind CMS and 2 Skins Description
Greetings and welcome to our first in a hopefully long series of amazing fully featured Flash Website Templates. We've worked really hard on providing you with a complete solution that is modular, easy to implement, modify and administrate.

With all the included modules, the two different skins, deep linking and most of all the included Advanced PHP Content Management System (admin) this is amazing value for money, don't miss out.

Advanced PHP CMS Preview:
Front-end (to preview changes) : http://flashtemplate-01.oxylusflash.com/
Administration Panel : http://flashtemplate-01.oxylusflash.com/admin/
Username : demo
Password : demo
We hope nobody to change or del the user and password.

Key Features :
- 2 full skins included out of the box (white and black with different graphics)
- Supports deep-linking (users can go straight to an inside page with a direct link, which allows bookmarking and easy internal linking, support for the back/forward buttons of the browser etc.)
- Fully XML driven, completely dynamic, you can choose to use the bundled CMS or manually edit the XML files like all the other templates
- Modular design, you can choose which modules you wish to use

Modules :
- Main (container) : sliding hide-away dynamic horizontal menu with nifty effects, tooltip music player with playlist, fullscreen button, resizable to browser resolution, deep-linking engine, individual loading for each section, user swf support.

- Homepage : dynamic horizontal thumbs slider with motion blur and tons of settings regarding size of images, distance between images, links to open (should use deeplinking in order to point to portfolio pages) as well as dynamic introduction text/titles.

- Advanced Banner Rotator : this module can be used as an alternative to the homepage or as a showcase, it supports resizing, motion blur and tons of other options. It can rotate external image files as well as animated swf flash files.

- About us (content display) : unlimited text that supports html formatting, nifty scrollbar and also an image slideshow with many customisations. If you wish, you can also remove the image slideshow and enlarge the textfield to full size.

- Our Clients : this module can be used as a links module with unlimited photos and dynamic tooltip. Look forward to quite a few customisations in the xml here as well.

- Latest News : news module that supports unlimited items, scroll and popup descriptions that can host unlimited html formatted text as well as next/previous news browsing. It could of course also be used as a blog or any other section that uses the same two level structure.

- Job Openings : this module can be used for job listings or many other similarly structured sections. As an interesting feature we can mention the apply to job form that also supports file uploading.

- Contact us : this module acts as an advanced contact form and contact info display. The form supports the attachment of files.

- Portfolio : the portfolio module has a three level structure, with categories (ex. Web Design), projects and a gallery for each project. Each level has unlimited items so you have complete freedom. The details display also supports video (via our acclaimed ez video player that is included)in addition to photos.

- Services : this module is much like the content display module with the difference that it supports subcategories.

- Media Gallery : Fully fledged gallery that supports albums, unlimited items in each album, media type icons, html formatted description etc. It can display both photos and video (and mp3 music in a future update)

The file contains extensive help files and also we made video tutorials for setting up and working with the admin. Click here to access them !

The file includes XML only version as well as Admin Version so you don't have to use the admin if you don't want to or your server doesn't have php. It's just like a regular flash template with a bonus.
It also includes the .psd file designs.

All this is free.
We hope everyone involved and modify their own templates. If you are able to develop a better module welcome to join our business plan.


Download link: http://www.flashden.cc/thread-24-1-5.html





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