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转载 Logmnr分析重做日志文件

 <br />有三种方法能得到数据字典的方法:<br />1)、将数据字典提取到一个平面数据字典文件(DBMS_LOGMNR_D.STORE_IN_FLAT_FILE)<br />2)、将数据字典提取到重做日志文件(DBMS_LOGMNR_D.STORE_IN_REDO_LOGS)<br />3)、使用当前的数据库的联机数据字典(DBMS_LOGMNR.DICT_FROM_ONLINE_CATALOG),只能分析当前数据库的重做日志文件,此时就不需要平面字典文件。<br /><br />例子:<br />1

2010-10-30 17:46:00 808

原创 oradebug

RAC checking - Hanganalyze and System State dump on 9iIf on 9i run the following on one instance 2-3 times - 1 minute apart:<br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />SQL> oradebug setmypid<br />SQL> oradebug

2010-10-28 12:15:00 320

转载 Restore n Recover Production DB to Point In Time on new machine

<br />1.Install Oracle RDBMS Server Software on destination host.<br />2.Patch it to same release which is installed on source host.<br />3.Copy Datafile Backups , Archivelog Backups , Controlfile backup and spfile backup on to destination host ( test2 ) t

2010-10-27 16:19:00 430

转载 Understanding the SCN

<br />Understanding the SCN<br />In order to understand how Oracle performs recovery, it's first necessary to understand Oracle's SCN in terms of the various places where it can be stored and how it's used for instance and media recovery.<br />The SCN is a

2010-10-27 16:05:00 387

原创 redo

<br /><br />查看redo等待<br />Select   Wait_Class, Event, Total_Waits, Total_Timeouts, Time_Waited, Round(Time_Waited / 100 / 60, 1) Time_Wait_Minutes,Average_Wait<br />From V$system_Event<br />Where Lower(Event) Like '%log%' Or Lower(Event) Like '%redo%'<br /

2010-10-27 10:22:00 463

转载 Oracdebug ( Undocumented Utility )

Oracdebug ( Undocumented Utility )<br /> <br />改天读~<br />  September 11th, 2008 | Author: admin<br />Reading time: 4 - 6 minutes<br />Oradebug utility is veryA useful for all the DBA.<br />Oradebug is mainly useful in case of hang analysis , tracing perti

2010-10-26 18:03:00 327

转载 Disaster Recovery Planning For Oracle DB

<br />Planning DR is essential for any DBA because DBA will be first one to get under the gun if something goes wrong with database.<br />You have two options available ,Plan the DR Look for new job. <br />I will focus on first one only as i love to get pa

2010-10-26 17:59:00 358

转载 AWR - Automatic Workload Repository

存档下,有时间再读~The AWR<br />To properly collect database statistics, the parameter statistics_level should be set to TYPICAL (the default) or ALL.<br />The Oracle database uses AWR for problem detection and analysis as well as for self-tuning. A number of diffe

2010-10-26 17:40:00 1313

原创 CPU used by this session

<br /> select<br />        a.SID, c.serial#, c.username, c.osuser, c.MODULE, c.status, d.spid AS<br />        "PROCESS_ID", DECODE(c.username, NULL, 0, c.last_call_et) AS<br />        "SCNDS_IDLE", ((SYSDATE - c.logon_time) * 60 * 60 * 24) AS<br />       

2010-10-26 16:59:00 1930

转载 Rman switch to copy

With RMAN you can create copy of live Database and perform the switch to copy when main database is not available due to any problem.First of all make the proper configuration with RMAN and then proceed,RMAN>CONFIGURE BACKUP OPTIMIZATION ON;ARMAN >CONFIGUR

2010-10-25 23:06:00 2431

转载 RMAN Backup and Recovery Scenarios

Complete Closed Database Recovery. System tablespace is missingIf the system tablespace is missing or corrupted the database cannot be started up so a complete closed database recovery must be performed.Pre requisites: A closed or open database backup and

2010-10-25 22:53:00 498

翻译 11G Online Duplicate

<br />从11g数据库开始,可以在线克隆一个数据库了,标记下~<br />RMAN > DUPLICATE TARGET DATABASE<br />TO db_duplicate<br />FROM ACTIVE DATABASE<br />SPFILE PARAMETER_VALUE_CONVERT '/u02', 'u03'<br />SET SGA_MAX_SIXE = '500m'<br />SET SGA_TARGET = '250M'<br />SET LOG FILE_NAME_CONV

2010-10-25 22:24:00 308

原创 迷失工作


2010-10-25 01:45:00 256



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