Oracle hcheck脚本检查 数据字典一致性 说明



MOS 文档说明:Identify Data Dictionary Inconsistency [ID 456468.1]


1.1 数据字典损坏


1. Data Dictionary Inconsistency, missingrows in tables:

         - Tab$/Ind$ with no entries in OBJ$ 
          - Undo$/Tab$/Ind$ withno entries in SEG$ 
          - Seg$ with no entriesin TAB$/IND$/OBJ$ 
2. Missing data dictionary objects 
3. Corrupted data dictionary objects (table, index, or table-indexinconsistency) 
4. Invalid entries in data dictionary tables. 




1.2 识别数据字典的不一致性

In order todetect data dictionary inconsistency we need to run hcheck.full procedure,see Note136697.1
       --为了检查数据字典的不一致性,Oracle 提供了hcheck.fuu 过程。其具体的使用方法如下:

a. Connect asSYS schema in sqlplus 
       b. Create package hOut as described in Note101468.1 
       c. Create package hcheck in SYS schema asdescribed in Note136697.1 attachment.
       d. set serveroutput on 
       e. execute hcheck.full 

The script willreport various dictionary related issues that may or may not be aproblem. Any problems reported should be reviewed by an experiencedsupport analyst as some reported "problems" may be normal andexpected. 



Example of HCHECK.FULL output: 


Problem: Orphaned IND$ (no SEG$) - See Note 65987.1 (Bug:624613/3655873)  
ORPHAN IND$: OBJ=200449 DOBJ=200449 TS=0 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BO#=200446 SegType=  
^- May be OK. Needs manual check 
ORPHAN IND$: OBJ=39442 DOBJ=39442 TS=14 RFILE/BLOCK=2 49 BO#=39438 SegType=  

Problem: Orphaned TAB$ (no SEG$)  
ORPHAN TAB$: OBJ=1817074 DOBJ=0 TS=0 RFILE/BLOCK=0 0 BOBJ#= SegType=  
^- May be OK. Needs manual check 
ORPHAN TAB$: OBJ=2149126 DOBJ=2149126 TS=19 RFILE/BLOCK=31 44291 BOBJ#= SegType= 

Problem: Orphaned SEG$ Entry  


Based on thehcheck.full output you will have to identify the objects that show a ddinconsistency, and verify the reported inconsistency.



Selectname,type# from obj$ where obj#=<OBJ>; /* 1=INDEX, 2=TABLE, 3=CLUSTER,21=LOB, 25=IOT 


Selectobject_name,owner,object_type from dba_objects whereobject_id=<OBJ>; 


Some of theproblems, mainly the one marked as  'May be OK. Needs manual check ' couldbe a false alarm.

Check the typeof the object.

Lob Index ontemporary table or IOT do not have a segment, than the problem message is afalse alarm.


二.Hcheck 脚本

MOS 文档:

Script to Install the "hOut"Helper Package ("hout.sql") [ID 101468.1]

"hcheck.sql" script to check forknown problems in Oracle8i, Oracle9i, Oracle10g and Oracle 11g [ID 136697.1]


这里的2个脚本较长,可以直接从csdn 下载:





3.1 用SYS 用户创建Hout包



3.2 在SYS用户下创建hcheck包

脚本参考:[ID 136697.1]


3.3 执行hcheck.full



Package created.

No errors.

Package body created.


--这里注意,MOS上对hcheck脚本提供了2个版本:hcheck2.sql 和 hcheck3.sql。



SQL> @E:\Software\OracleSoftware\Hcheck_Full_Scripts\hcheck2.sql

Package created.

No errors.

Package body created.

No errors.




SQL> exec hcheck.full

HCheck Version 8i-11/2.00  --version 2 对应的是8i


Problem: SEG$ bad LISTS/GROUPS (==1) - See Tar:2470806.1

May be Ok for LOBSEGMENT/SECUREFILE inrelease 11gR1+

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=22177 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=22233 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=22937 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=22977 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=23017 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1

Bad SEG$ lists/groups : TS#=1 RFILE#=2BLK#=24505 TYPE#=8 Lists=2 Groups=1


Warning: OBJECT name clashes with SCHEMA name - Bug:2894111 etc..


Schema=DVD Object=DVD.DVD (TABLE)


Found 6 potential problems and 2 warnings

Contact Oracle Support with the output

to check if the above needs attention ornot


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.




SQL> @E:\Software\OracleSoftware\Hcheck_Full_Scripts\hcheck3.sql

Package created.

Package body created.


SQL> spool D:\hcheck.txt

SQL> exec hcheck.full

H.Check Version 9i+/hc3.35  --version 3对应的是9i


Catalog Version (1102000100)



                                   Catalog       Fixed

Procedure Name                     Version    Vs Release      Run

------------------------------ ...---------- -- ----------   ---

.- SynLastDDLTim               ... 1102000100 >  1001000200 : n/a

.- LobNotInObj                 ... 1102000100 >  1000000200 : n/a

.- MissingOIDOnObjCol          ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- SourceNotInObj              ... 1102000100 >  1002000100 : n/a

.- IndIndparMismatch           ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 : Ok

.- InvCorrAudit                ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100: Ok

.- OversizedFiles              ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- TinyFiles                   ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- PoorDefaultStorage          ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- PoorStorage                 ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- MissTabSubPart              ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- PartSubPartMismatch         ... 1102000100 <= 1102000100 : Ok

.- TabPartCountMismatch        ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedTabComPart          ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- ZeroTabSubPart              ... 1102000100 >   902000100 : n/a

.- MissingSum$                 ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- MissingDir$                 ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- DuplicateDataobj            ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ObjSynMissing               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ObjSeqMissing               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedUndo                ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedIndex               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedIndexPartition      ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedIndexSubPartition   ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedTable               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedTablePartition      ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedTableSubPartition   ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- MissingPartCol              ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedSeg$                ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanedIndPartObj#         ... 1102000100 >  1101000600 : n/a

.- DuplicateBlockUse           ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- HighObjectIds               ... 1102000100 >   801060000 : n/a

.- PQsequence                  ... 1102000100 >   800060000 : n/a

.- TruncatedCluster            ... 1102000100 >   801070000 : n/a

.- FetUet                      ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- Uet0Check                   ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ExtentlessSeg               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- SeglessUET                  ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadInd$                     ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadTab$                     ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadIcolDepCnt               ... 1102000100 >  1101000700 : n/a

.- WarnIcolDep                 ... 1102000100 >  1101000700 : n/a

.- OnlineRebuild$              ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- DropForceType               ... 1102000100 >  1001000200 : n/a

.- TrgAfterUpgrade             ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- FailedInitJVMRun            ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- TypeReusedAfterDrop         ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- Idgen1$TTS                  ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- DroppedFuncIdx              ... 1102000100 >   902000100 : n/a

.- BadOwner                    ... 1102000100 >   900010000 : n/a

.- UpgCheckc0801070            ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadPublicObjects            ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadSegFreelist              ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadCol#                     ... 1102000100 >  1001000200 : n/a

.- BadDepends                  ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- CheckDual                   ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ObjectNames                 ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok


HCKW-0018: OBJECT name clashes with SCHEMAname


Schema=DVD Object=DVD.DVD (TABLE)


.- BadCboHiLo                  ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ChkIotTs                    ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- NoSegmentIndex              ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- BadNextObject               ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- OrphanIndopt                ... 1102000100 >   902000800 : n/a

.- UpgFlgBitTmp                ... 1102000100 >  1001000100 : n/a

.- RenCharView                 ... 1102000100 >  1001000100 : n/a

.- Upg9iTab$                   ... 1102000100 >   902000400 : n/a

.- Upg9iTsInd                  ... 1102000100 >   902000500 : n/a

.- Upg10gInd$                  ... 1102000100 >  1002000000 : n/a

.- DroppedROTS                 ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok

.- ChrLenSmtcs                 ... 1102000100 >  1101000600 : n/a

.- FilBlkZero                  ... 1102000100 <=  *All Rel* : Ok


Found 0 potential problem(s) and 2warning(s)

Contact Oracle Support with the output

to check if the above needs attention ornot


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


SQL> spool off



通过以上的执行结果,hcheck 的2个脚本显示的不一样。查看这2个脚本的说明部分:


REM hcheck8i.sql      Version 2.00       Tue Mar 1 11:13:40 CET 2011


REM Purpose:

REM     Toprovide a single package which looks for common data dictionary

REM     problems.

REM    Notethat this version has not been checked with locally managed

REM    tablespacesand may give spurious output if these are in use.

REM    Thisscript is for use mainly under the guidance of Oracle Support.

--这里注意的是对locallymanaged tablespace 不检测。



Oracle 自动段空间管理(ASSM:autosegment space management)


REM Notes:

REM    Mustbe installed in SYS schema

REM     Thispackage is intended for use in Oracle 8.1 through 11.1

REM     This package will NOT work in 8.0 or earlier.

REM    In all cases any output reporting "problems" should be

REM     passed by an experienced Oracle Support analyst to confirm

REM     if any action is required.



REM  The sample program in this article is provided for educational

REM  purposes only and is NOT supported by Oracle Support Services. 

REM  It has been tested internally, however, and works as documented. 

REM  We do not guarantee that it will work for you, so be sure to test

REM  it in your environment before relying on it.




-- hcheck.sql          Version 3.35           Thu Dec 22 09:44:47 CET 2011


-- Purpose:

--  To provide a single package which looks for common data dictionary

--  problems.

--    Note that this version has not been checked with locally managed

--    tablespaces and may give spurious output if these are in use.

--    This script is for use mainly under the guidance of Oracle Support.


-- Notes:

--  Must be installed in SYS schema

--  This package is intended for use in Oracle releases 9i onwards

--  This package will NOT work in 8i or earlier.

--  In all cases any output reporting "problems" should be

--  parsed by an experienced Oracle Support analyst to confirm

--  if any action is required.



--  The sample program in this article is provided for educational

--  purposes only and is NOT supported by Oracle Support Services.

--  It has been tested internally, however, and works as documented.

--  We do not guarantee that it will work for you, so be sure to test

--  it in your environment before relying on it.


从这上面来看,2个脚本说明也一样,从版本上来看,还是推荐使用hcheck3.sql 这个脚本。















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DBA 超级群:63306533(满);  DBA4 群:83829929   DBA5群: 142216823

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