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原创 Android感应检测Sensor

本文介绍Android感应检测Sensor包的操作和使用。Sensor的功能必须在实际的Android手机上测试。表格 1Android中支持的Snesor种类Sensor说明Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETE

2011-08-27 15:54:27 816

原创 版本管理工具--SVN

SVN工作流程1.svn管理员创建库svnadmin create /var/svn/newrepos2.开发人员导入初始代码svn import import_dir http://svn_server/project_name -m "init version

2011-08-27 14:06:02 371

原创 分布式版本管理工具GIT

一、GIT配置文件~/.gitconfig[user]    name = yourname    email = [email protected][color]    diff = auto    status = auto    branc

2011-08-27 13:57:08 440 1

原创 日常Linux命令汇总

1.开机自动执行android环境变量设置在文件/etc/bash.bashrc最后一行加上source /opt/android.conf2.修改当前目录及子目录所有文件的时间为当前时间find . -name '*' -exec touch {} \;3.查看目录所占空间大小du -hs dir_name4.apt-get install 下载的软件包存放位置:

2011-08-27 13:44:29 452

原创 替换原生系统apk

如果我们对android的Settings模块做了修改。并且生成了Settings.apk文件。现在用这个文件替换系统中原来的Settings.apk的命令如下:adb remountadb shell rm system/app/Settings.apkadb un

2011-08-27 11:03:12 4068

原创 得到屏幕分辨率

1 private void updateResolutionInfo(){2     DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();3     getWindowManager().getDefaul

2011-08-27 10:33:35 393

原创 XML中预定义的实体引用

< > > 大于& & 和号&apos; ' 单引号" " 引号

2011-08-27 10:28:56 981

原创 判断数据网络是否可用

01 private boolean isDataConnectionAvailable(){02     ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(CONNE

2011-08-27 10:27:05 412

原创 自定义标题栏

1.自定义标题栏layout文件:custom_title.xmlTextView放在左边01 02 xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"android:id="@+id

2011-08-27 10:11:03 388

原创 设置从一个Activity到另一个Activity过渡的动画

1 void android.app.Activity.overridePendingTransition(intenterAnim, int exitAnim)

2011-08-27 09:47:42 443

原创 设置横屏全屏

方法一、在AndroidManifest.xml中定义:                          android:label="@string/app_name"                  android:theme="@android:style/

2011-08-27 09:32:10 445


T his book was written with GNU/Linux application developers in mind. You’ll note that topics such as the Linux kernel or device drivers are absent. This was intentional, and while they’re fascinating topics in their own right, they are rarely necessary to develop applications and tools in the GNU/Linux environment. This book is split into five parts, each focusing on different aspects of GNU/Linux programming. Part I, “Introduction,” introduces GNU/Linux for the beginner. It addresses the GNU/Linux architecture, a short introduction to the process model and also licenses, and a brief introduction to open source development and licenses. Linux virtualization is also explored, including models and options in Linux. Part II, “GNU Tools,” concentrates on the necessary tools for GNU/Linux pro- gramming. The de facto standard GNU compiler tool chain is explored, along with the GNU make automated build system. Building and using libraries (both static and dynamic) are then investigated. Coverage testing and profiling are explored, using the gcov and gprof utilities, as is application bundling and distribution with automake and autoconf. Finally, source control is reviewed with some of the popu- lar options on Linux and also data visualization with Gnuplot. With an introduction to the GNU/Linux architecture and necessary tools for ap- plication development, we focus next in Part III, “Application Development Topics,” on the most useful of the services available within GNU/Linux. This includes pipes, Sockets programming, dealing with files, both traditional processes and POSIX threads, message queues, semaphores, and finally shared memory management. In Part IV, “GNU/Linux Shells and Scripting,” we move up to application devel- opment using shells and scripting languages. Some of the most useful GNU/Linux commands that you’ll encounter in programming on GNU/Linux are covered, and there is a tutorial on the Bourne-Again Shell (bash). Text processing is explored using two of the most popular string processing languages (awk and sed). We’ll also look at the topic of parser generation using GNU Flex and Bison utilities (lex and yacc- compatible parser generator). Scripting with Ruby and Python is investigated as well. In Part V, “Debugging and Testing,” debugging is addressed using a variety of different aspects. We investigate some of the unit-testing frameworks that can help in automated regression. The GNU Debugger is introduced, with treatment of the most common commands and techniques. Finally, the topic of code hardening is explored along with a variety of debugging tools and techniques to assist in the de- velopment of reliable and secure GNU/Linux applications. While the book was written with an implicit order in mind, each chapter can be read in isolation, depending upon your needs. Where applicable, references to other chapters are provided if more information is needed on a related topic.



Chapter 1: Working with Linux 1 A Brief History of Linux 2 The GNU Project 2 The Linux Kernel 3 Linux Distributions 4 Free Software vs. Open Source 4 Beginning Development 5 Choosing a Linux Distribution 6 Installing a Linux Distribution 8 Linux Community 15 Linux User Groups 15 Mailing lists 16 IRC 16 Private Communities 16 Key Differences 16 Linux Is Modular 17 Linux Is Portable 17 Linux Is Generic 17 Summary 18 Chapter 2: Toolchains 19 The Linux Development Process 19 Working with Sources 20 Configuring to the Local Environment 21 Building the Sources 22 Components of the GNU Toolchain 23 The GNU Compiler Collection 23 The GNU binutils 34 GNU Make 39 The GNU Debugger 40 The Linux Kernel and the GNU Toolchain 44 Inline Assembly 44 Attribute Tags 45 Custom Linker Scripts 45 Cross-Compilation 46 Building the GNU Toolchain 47 Summary 48 Chapter 3: Portability 49 The Need for Portability 50 The Portability of Linux 51 Layers of Abstraction 51 Linux Distributions 52 Building Packages 57 Portable Source Code 70 Internationalization 81 Hardware Portability 88 64-Bit Cleanliness 89 Endian Neutrality 89 Summary 92 Chapter 4: Software Configuration Management 93 The Need for SCM 94 Centralized vs. Decentralized Development 95 Centralized Tools 95 The Concurrent Version System 96 Subversion 104 Decentralized tools 108 Bazaar-NG 109 Linux kernel SCM (git) 112 Integrated SCM Tools 115 Eclipse 115 Summary 117 Chapter 5: Network Programming 119 Linux Socket Programming 119 Sockets 120 Network Addresses 122 Using Connection-Oriented Sockets 123 Using Connectionless Sockets 130 Moving Data 133 Datagrams vs. Streams 133 Marking Message Boundaries 137 Using Network Programming Libraries 140 The libCurl Library 140 Using the libCurl Library 141 Summary 147 Chapter 6: Databases 149 Persistent Data Storage 149 Using a Standard File 150 Using a Database 150 The Berkeley DB Package 152 Downloading and Installing 153 Building Programs 154 Basic Data Handling 154 The PostgreSQL Database Server 165 Downloading and Installing 165 Building Programs 167 Creating an Application Database 167 Connecting to the Server 169 Executing SQL Commands 173 Using Parameters 181 Summary 184 Chapter 7: Kernel Development 185 Starting Out 185 Kernel Concepts 199 A Word of Warning 200 The Task Abstraction 200 Virtual Memory 205 Don’t Panic! 208 Kernel Hacking 208 Loadable Modules 209 Kernel Development Process 211 Git: the “Stupid Content Tracker” 212 The Linux Kernel Mailing List 213 The “mm” Development Tree 215 The Stable Kernel Team 215 LWN: Linux Weekly News 216 Summary 216 Chapter 8: Kernel Interfaces 217 What Is an Interface? 217 Undefined Interfaces 218 External Kernel Interfaces 219 System Calls 219 The Device File Abstraction 224 Kernel Events 238 Ignoring Kernel Protections 239 Internal Kernel Interfaces 243 The Kernel API 243 The kernel ABI 244 Summary 245 Chapter 9: Linux Kernel Modules 247 How Modules Work 247 Extending the Kernel Namespace 250 No Guaranteed Module Compatibility 251 Finding Good Documentation 251 Linux Kernel Man Pages 251 Writing Linux Kernel Modules 252 Before You Begin 253 Essential Module Requirements 253 Logging 256 Exported Symbols 257 Allocating Memory 259 Locking considerations 267 Deferring work 275 Further Reading 283 Distributing Linux Kernel Modules 284 Going Upstream 284 Shipping Sources 284 Shipping Prebuilt Modules 284 Summary 285 Chapter 10: Debugging 287 Debugging Overview 287 A Word about Memory Management 288 Essential Debugging Tools 289 The GNU Debugger 289 Valgrind 298 Graphical Debugging Tools 299 DDD 299 Eclipse 302 Kernel Debugging 305 Don’t Panic! 306 Making Sense of an oops 307 Using UML for Debugging 309 An Anecdotal Word 312 A Note about In-Kernel Debuggers 313 Summary 313 Chapter 11: The GNOME Developer Platform 315 GNOME Libraries 316 Glib 316 GObject 316 Cairo 316 GDK 317 Pango 317 GTK+ 317 libglade 318 GConf 318 GStreamer 318 Building a Music Player 319 Requirements 319 Getting Started: The Main Window 319 Building the GUI 321 Summary 340 Chapter 12: The FreeDesktop Project 341 D-BUS: The Desktop Bus 341 What Is D-Bus? 342 Under D-Hood of D-Bus 342 D-Bus Methods 346 Hardware Abstraction Layer 350 Making Hardware Just Work 350 Hal Device Objects 353 The Network Manager 358 Other Freedesktop Projects 360 Summary 360 Chapter 13: Graphics and Audio 361 Linux and Graphics 361 X Windows 362 Open Graphics Library 364 OpenGL Utilities Toolkit 365 Simple Directmedia Layer 365 Writing OpenGL Applications 365 Downloading and Installing 366 Programming Environment 367 Using the GLUT Library 368 Writing SDL Applications 382 Downloading and Installing 382 Programming Environment 383 Using the SDL Library 383 Summary 394 Chapter 14: LAMP 395 What Is LAMP? 395 Apache 396 MySQL 396 PHP 397 The Rebel Platform 397 Evaluating the LAMP Platform 397 Apache 399 Virtual Hosting 400 Installation and Configuration of PHP 5 401 Apache Basic Authentication 402 Apache and SSL 402 Integrating SSL with HTTP Authentication 403 MySQL 404 Installing MySQL 404 Configuring and Starting the Database 404 Changing the Default Password 405 The MySQL Client Interface 405 Relational Databases 405 SQL 406 The Relational Model 409 PHP 411 The PHP Language 411 Error Handling 420 Error-Handling Exceptions 421 Optimization Techniques 422 Installing Additional PHP Software 427 Logging 427 Parameter Handling 428 Session Handling 429 Unit Testing 430 Databases and PHP 432 PHP Frameworks 432 The DVD Library 433 Version 1: The Developer’s Nightmare 433 Version 2: Basic Application with DB-Specific Data Layer 434 Version 3: Rewriting the Data Layer, Adding Logging and Exceptions 437 Version 4: Applying a Templating Framework 441 Summary 442 Index 443 GNU 473


Programming with GNU software 2

This book is neither a comprehensive reference, nor a light weight novella. It is intended to be a learning guide for the gde. The reader is presumed to be familiar with software development processes in general. That is, they are expected to be familiar with edit-compile-debug cycles on some sort of platform, whether that be UNIX or Windows or even something else. We will attempt to guide you through the process of choosing, configuring and using GNU tools. We will do this by developing an example project demonstrating the actual use of each tool.



GCC技术参考大全 本书分为3个部分。第1部分,“自由软件编译程序”,介绍了编译的一些基础知识,以及一些可以用来下载和安装编译程序的指令。第2部分,使用编译程序集合”,包含对编译程序指令的详细介绍,对6种主要的编程言各用了一章的篇幅进行说明。另有一个特殊章节且来描述预处理程序,以及连接由不同语言产生的目标文件的技术。第3部分,“外设和内设”,介绍了连接、调式、交叉编译、make文化和GNU汇编器。第3部分也包含编译程序前端和后端的内部工作信息。



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