postgresql src/backend/storage/file/fd.c 源代码解读 (jung)

 * fd.c
 *	  Virtual file descriptor code.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2011, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
 *	  src/backend/storage/file/fd.c
 * This code manages a cache of 'virtual' file descriptors (VFDs).
 * The server opens many file descriptors for a variety of reasons,
 * including base tables, scratch files (e.g., sort and hash spool
 * files), and random calls to C library routines like system(3); it
 * is quite easy to exceed system limits on the number of open files a
 * single process can have.  (This is around 256 on many modern
 * operating systems, but can be as low as 32 on others.)
 * VFDs are managed as an LRU pool, with actual OS file descriptors
 * being opened and closed as needed.  Obviously, if a routine is
 * opened using these interfaces, all subsequent operations must also
 * be through these interfaces (the File type is not a real file
 * descriptor).
 * For this scheme to work, most (if not all) routines throughout the
 * server should use these interfaces instead of calling the C library
 * routines (e.g., open(2) and fopen(3)) themselves.  Otherwise, we
 * may find ourselves short of real file descriptors anyway.
 * This file used to contain a bunch of stuff to support RAID levels 0
 * (jbod), 1 (duplex) and 5 (xor parity).  That stuff is all gone
 * because the parallel query processing code that called it is all
 * gone.  If you really need it you could get it from the original
 * POSTGRES source.

Fd.c 虚拟文件描述符代码 




        这个文件过去包含一堆的东西来支持RAID级别 0,1,5。现在并行查询处理代码已经没有了,因此相关的东西也就没有了。如果你确实需要它,就去postgresql原始的代码中获取。

 * Private Routines
 * Delete		- delete a file from the Lru ring
 * LruDelete	   	- remove a file from the Lru ring and close its FD
 * Insert		- put a file at the front of the Lru ring
 * LruInsert	  	- put a file at the front of the Lru ring and open it
 * ReleaseLruFile  	- Release an fd by closing the last entry in the Lru ring
 * AllocateVfd	   	- grab a free (or new) file record (from VfdArray)
 * FreeVfd		- free a file record
 * The Least Recently Used ring is a doubly linked list that begins and
 * ends on element zero.  Element zero is special -- it doesn't represent
 * a file and its "fd" field always == VFD_CLOSED.	Element zero is just an
 * anchor that shows us the beginning/end of the ring.
 * Only VFD elements that are currently really open (have an FD assigned) are
 * in the Lru ring.  Elements that are "virtually" open can be recognized
 * by having a non-null fileName field.

1、VFD插入到LRU 中:


typedef struct vfd
	int	fd;				/* current FD, or VFD_CLOSED if none */
	unsigned short fdstate;		/* bitflags for VFD's state */
	ResourceOwner resowner;		/* owner, for automatic cleanup */
	File		nextFree;		/* link to next free VFD, if in freelist */
	File		lruMoreRecently;	/* doubly linked recency-of-use list */
	File		lruLessRecently;
	off_t		seekPos;		/* current logical file position */
	char	   *fileName;		/* name of file, or NULL for unused VFD */
	/* NB: fileName is malloc'd, and must be free'd when closing the VFD */
	int			fileFlags;		/* open(2) flags for (re)opening the file */
	int			fileMode;		/* mode to pass to open(2) */
} Vfd;


        当需要打开一个文件的时候,就取出FreeList链表头元素,然后将该文件的文件描述符,文件名以及相关的标志信息填充到Vfd中。Postgresql 将所有的打开的文件的Vfd通过lruMoreRecently,lruLessRecently链接成一个双向链表。



 * open a file in an arbitrary directory
 * NB: if the passed pathname is relative (which it usually is),
 * it will be interpreted relative to the process' working directory
 * (which should always be $PGDATA when this code is running).
PathNameOpenFile(FileName fileName, int fileFlags, int fileMode)
	char	   *fnamecopy;
	File		file;
	Vfd		   *vfdP;

	DO_DB(elog(LOG, "PathNameOpenFile: %s %x %o",
			   fileName, fileFlags, fileMode));

	 * We need a malloc'd copy of the file name; fail cleanly if no room.
	fnamecopy = strdup(fileName);//复制文件名
	if (fnamecopy == NULL)
				 errmsg("out of memory")));

	file = AllocateVfd();//分配一个Vfd
	vfdP = &VfdCache[file];//指向file对应的Vfd的内存空间首地址

	while (nfile + numAllocatedDescs >= max_safe_fds)//如果Vfd的数目已经达到了使用上限,则从LRU中释放最不常用的空间;
		if (!ReleaseLruFile())

	vfdP->fd = BasicOpenFile(fileName, fileFlags, fileMode);//通过文件名获取操作系统提供的文件fd

	if (vfdP->fd < 0)//如果fd不合法,则释放Vfd的空间和fnamecopy
FreeVfd(file);free(fnamecopy);return -1;}++nfile;//打开的文件数加1DO_DB(elog(LOG, "PathNameOpenFile: success %d", vfdP->fd));Insert(file);//将该文件插入VfdCache中 vfdP->fileName = fnamecopy;/* Saved flags are adjusted to be OK for re-opening file */vfdP->fileFlags = fileFlags & ~(O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_EXCL);vfdP->fileMode = fileMode; vfdP->seekPos = 0;vfdP->fdstate = 0x0; vfdP->resowner = NULL;return file; }

	Assert(SizeVfdCache == 0);	/* call me only once */

	/* initialize cache header entry */
	VfdCache = (Vfd *) malloc(sizeof(Vfd));
	if (VfdCache == NULL)
				 errmsg("out of memory")));

	MemSet((char *) &(VfdCache[0]), 0, sizeof(Vfd));//初始化内存空间为0
	VfdCache->fd = VFD_CLOSED;//初始化fd为VFD_CLOSED

	SizeVfdCache = 1;//VfdCache的大小为1

	/* register proc-exit hook to ensure temp files are dropped at exit */
	on_proc_exit(AtProcExit_Files, 0);

InitFileAccess 主要功能是初始化VfdCache,分配一个Vfd的内存空间,并将其中所有的内存内容设置为0,VfdCache[0].fd设置为VFD_CLOSED。该Vfd不会分配给任何文件,主要是用做LRU池的访问头部。

虚拟文件描述符从0开始,第一次申请32个,紧接着申请的个数为上一次申请数量的两倍。编码为:0,1,2,3,4... ... 。

typedef int File;

static File
	Index		i;
	File		file;

	DO_DB(elog(LOG, "AllocateVfd. Size %lu", SizeVfdCache));

	Assert(SizeVfdCache > 0);	/* InitFileAccess not called? */

	if (VfdCache[0].nextFree == 0)
		 * The free list is empty so it is time to increase the size of the
		 * array.  We choose to double it each time this happens. However,
		 * there's not much point in starting *real* small.
		Size		newCacheSize = SizeVfdCache * 2;
		Vfd		   *newVfdCache;

		if (newCacheSize < 32)
			newCacheSize = 32;

		 * Be careful not to clobber VfdCache ptr if realloc fails.
		newVfdCache = (Vfd *) realloc(VfdCache, sizeof(Vfd) * newCacheSize);
		if (newVfdCache == NULL)
					 errmsg("out of memory")));
		VfdCache = newVfdCache;

		 * Initialize the new entries and link them into the free list.
		for (i = SizeVfdCache; i < newCacheSize; i++)
			MemSet((char *) &(VfdCache[i]), 0, sizeof(Vfd));
			VfdCache[i].nextFree = i + 1;
			VfdCache[i].fd = VFD_CLOSED;
		VfdCache[newCacheSize - 1].nextFree = 0;
		VfdCache[0].nextFree = SizeVfdCache;

		 * Record the new size
		SizeVfdCache = newCacheSize;

	file = VfdCache[0].nextFree;

	VfdCache[0].nextFree = VfdCache[file].nextFree;

	return file;

static void
Insert(File file)
	Vfd	*vfdP;//申明一个临时Vfd变量,

	Assert(file != 0);//断言file是否为空

	DO_DB(elog(LOG, "Insert %d (%s)", file, VfdCache[file].fileName));

	vfdP = &VfdCache[file];

	vfdP->lruMoreRecently = 0;
	vfdP->lruLessRecently = VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently;
	VfdCache[0].lruLessRecently = file;
	VfdCache[vfdP->lruLessRecently].lruMoreRecently = file;


/* returns 0 on success, -1 on re-open failure (with errno set) */
static int
LruInsert(File file)
	Vfd		   *vfdP;

	Assert(file != 0);

	DO_DB(elog(LOG, "LruInsert %d (%s)", file, VfdCache[file].fileName));

	vfdP = &VfdCache[file];

	if (FileIsNotOpen(file))
		while (nfile + numAllocatedDescs >= max_safe_fds)
			if (!ReleaseLruFile())

		 * The open could still fail for lack of file descriptors, eg due to
		 * overall system file table being full.  So, be prepared to release
		 * another FD if necessary...
		vfdP->fd = BasicOpenFile(vfdP->fileName, vfdP->fileFlags, vfdP->fileMode);
		if (vfdP->fd < 0)
			DO_DB(elog(LOG, "RE_OPEN FAILED: %d", errno));
			return vfdP->fd;

		/* seek to the right position */
		if (vfdP->seekPos != (off_t) 0)
			off_t		returnValue;

			returnValue = lseek(vfdP->fd, vfdP->seekPos, SEEK_SET);
			Assert(returnValue != (off_t) -1);

	 * put it at the head of the Lru ring


	return 0;





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