


1.    OGNL基本描述(在Xwork中):

         The biggestaddition that XWork provides on top of OGNL is the support for the ValueStack.While OGNL operates under the assumption there is only one "root",XWork's ValueStack concept(['kɔnsept]概念)requiresthere be many "roots".


        For example, suppose we areusing standard OGNL (not using XWork) and there are two objects in theOgnlContext map: "foo" -> foo and "bar" -> bar andthat the foo object is also configured to be the single root object. Thefollowing code illustrates(['iləstreit] 图示(说明)) how OGNL deals([di:l]处理) with these three situations([,sitju'eiʃən]情况,处境):


#foo.blah // returns foo.getBlah()

#bar.blah // returns bar.getBlah()

blah      // returns foo.getBlah() because foo is the root


      What this means is that OGNLallows many objects in the context, but unless the object you are trying to accessis the root, it must be prepended with a namespaces such as @bar. Now let'stalk about how XWork is a little different...

    意思就是说:OGNL允许”context”里有多个对象,除过我们试图去访问的根对象之外 ,其他对象必须以预先设定的命令格式比如像@bar的形式去访问.再来看看XWork框架有什么不同于一般的OGNL.

Useful Information

      In XWork, the entireValueStack is the root object in the context. Rather than having yourexpressions get the object you want from the stack and then get properties fromthat (ie: peek().blah), XWork has a special OGNL PropertyAccessor that willautomatically look at the all entries in the stack (from the top down) until itfinds an object with the property you are looking for.

       在XWork框架里,整个ValueStack在context里算作一个根对象,相当于使用自有的表达式从”栈”里拿到你想拿到的那个对象 然后从这个对象里得到它的属性(比如:peek().blah),XWork框架有一个特有的OGNL属性计数器,这个计数器会自动的监视整个(进入到)栈(中的对象)(从栈顶到栈底),直到计数器查找到我们所要想的对象及属性.

       For example, suppose the stackcontains two objects: Animal and Person. Both objects have a "name"property, Animal has a "species" property, and Person has a"salary" property. Animal is on the top of the stack, and Person isbelow it. The follow code fragments help you get an idea of what is going

on here:


species    // call to animal.getSpecies()

salary     // call to person.getSalary()

name       // call to animal.getName() because animal is on the top


         In the last example, there wasa tie and so the animal's name was returned. Usually this is the desiredeffect, but sometimes you want the property of a lower-level object. To dothis, XWork has added support for indexes on the ValueStack. All you have to dois:


[0].name   // call to animal.getName()

[1].name   // call to person.getName()

With expression like [0] ...[3] etc. Struts 2 will cut the stack and still(默认) return back a CompoundRoot(混合)object. To get the top of that particular(特定) stack cut, use 0.top

ognl expression



would get the top of the stack cut starting from element 0 in the stack (similar to top in this case)


would get the top of the stack cut starting from element 1 in the stack

2. 在struts2,关于Ognl的描述:

      OGNL is the Object Graph Navigation Language (see http://www.ognl.org/ for the full documentation of OGNL). Here, wewill cover a few examples of OGNL features that co-exist with the framework. Toreview basic concepts, refer to OGNL Basics.

      The framework uses a standard naming context to evaluateOGNL expressions. The top level object dealing with OGNL is a Map (usually referredas a context map or context). OGNL has a notion of there being a root (ordefault) object within the context. In expression, the properties of the rootobject can be referenced without any special "marker" notion.References to other objects are marked with a pound sign (#).


       The framework sets the OGNL context to be ourActionContext, and the value stack to be the OGNL root object. (The value stackis a set of several objects, but to OGNL it appears to be a single object.)Along with the value stack, the framework places other objects in theActionContext, including Maps representing the application, session, andrequest contexts. These objects coexist in the ActionContext, alongside thevalue stack (our OGNL root).



        There are other objects in the context map. The diagram is for example only.
        还有一些其它对象在context map中,上图仅仅是一个示例.
        The Action instance is always pushed onto the value stack. Because the Action is on the stack, and the stack is the OGNL root, references to Action properties can omit the # marker. But, to access other objects in the ActionContext, we must use the # notation so OGNL knows not to look in the root object, but for some other object in the ActionContext.


Referencing an Action property

<s:property value="postalCode"/>

Other (non-root) objects in the ActionContext can be rendered use the # notation.

<s:property value="#session.mySessionPropKey"/> or

<s:property value="#session['mySessionPropKey']"/> or

<s:property value="#request['mySessionPropKey']"/>

    The ActionContext is also exposed to Action classes via a static method.


      ActionContext.getContext().getSession().put("mySessionPropKey", mySessionObject);





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