
[oracle@12cr2 ~]$ dgmgrl sys/oracle@newcdb
DGMGRL for Linux: Release - Production on Tue Jul 4 22:41:20 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information.
Connected to "newcdb"
Connected as SYSDBA.
DGMGRL> help

The following commands are available:

@              Execute DGMGRL script file
!              Host operating system command
/              Repeat the last command
--             Comment to be ignored by DGMGRL
add            Adds a member to the broker configuration
connect        Connects to an Oracle database instance
convert        Converts a database from one type to another
create         Creates a broker configuration
disable        Disables a configuration, a member, or fast-start failover
edit           Edits a configuration or a member
enable         Enables a configuration, a member, or fast-start failover
exit           Exits the program
failover       Changes a standby database to be the primary database
help           Displays description and syntax for a command
host           Host operating system command
migrate        Migrate a pluggable database from one configuration to another.
quit           Exits the program
reinstate      Changes a database marked for reinstatement into a viable standby
rem            Comment to be ignored by DGMGRL
remove         Removes a configuration or a member
set            Set a property to a specified value
show           Displays information about a configuration or a member
shutdown       Shuts down a currently running Oracle database instance
spool          store input and output of DGMGRL CLI in a file
sql            Executes a SQL statement
start          Starts the fast-start failover observer
startup        Starts an Oracle database instance
stop           Stops the fast-start failover observer
switchover     Switches roles between a primary and standby database
validate       Performs an exhaustive set of validations for a database

Use "help <command>" to see syntax for individual commands

DGMGRL> help validate

Performs an exhaustive set of validations for a database


  VALIDATE DATABASE [VERBOSE] <database name>;

  VALIDATE DATABASE [VERBOSE] <database name> DATAFILE <datafile number> 
  OUTPUT=<file name>;

  VALIDATE FAR_SYNC [VERBOSE] <far_sync name> 
    [WHEN PRIMARY IS <database name>];


Configuration - dg_newcdb

  Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
  newcdb   - Primary database
    newcdbdg - Physical standby database 
    frasync  - Far sync instance 

Fast-Start Failover: DISABLED

Configuration Status:
SUCCESS   (status updated 71 seconds ago)


  Database Role:    Primary database

  Ready for Switchover:  Yes

  Flashback Database Status:
    newcdb:  On

  Capacity Information:
    Database  Instances        Threads        
    newcdb    1                1              

  Managed by Clusterware:
    newcdb:  NO             
    Warning: Ensure primary database's StaticConnectIdentifier property
    is configured properly so that the primary database can be restarted
    by DGMGRL after switchover

  Temporary Tablespace File Information:
    newcdb TEMP Files:  5

  Data file Online Move in Progress:
    newcdb:  No

  Transport-Related Information:
    Transport On:  Yes

  Log Files Cleared:
    newcdb Standby Redo Log Files:  Cleared


  Database Role:     Physical standby database
  Primary Database:  newcdb

  Ready for Switchover:  Yes
  Ready for Failover:    Yes (Primary Running)

  Flashback Database Status:
    newcdb  :  On
    newcdbdg:  On

  Capacity Information:
    Database  Instances        Threads        
    newcdb    1                1              
    newcdbdg  1                1              

  Managed by Clusterware:
    newcdb  :  NO             
    newcdbdg:  NO             
    Warning: Ensure primary database's StaticConnectIdentifier property
    is configured properly so that the primary database can be restarted
    by DGMGRL after switchover

  Temporary Tablespace File Information:
    newcdb TEMP Files:    5
    newcdbdg TEMP Files:  5

  Data file Online Move in Progress:
    newcdb:    No
    newcdbdg:  No

  Standby Apply-Related Information:
    Apply State:      Running
    Apply Lag:        0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)
    Apply Delay:      0 minutes

  Transport-Related Information:
    Transport On:      Yes
    Gap Status:        No Gap
    Transport Lag:     0 seconds (computed 1 second ago)
    Transport Status:  Success

  Log Files Cleared:
    newcdb Standby Redo Log Files:    Cleared
    newcdbdg Online Redo Log Files:   Cleared
    newcdbdg Standby Redo Log Files:  Available

  Current Log File Groups Configuration:
    Thread #  Online Redo Log Groups  Standby Redo Log Groups Status       
              (newcdb)                (newcdbdg)                           
    1         3                       4                       Sufficient SRLs

  Future Log File Groups Configuration:
    Thread #  Online Redo Log Groups  Standby Redo Log Groups Status       
              (newcdbdg)              (newcdb)                             
    1         3                       2                       Insufficient SRLs

  Current Configuration Log File Sizes:
    Thread #   Smallest Online Redo      Smallest Standby Redo    
               Log File Size             Log File Size            
               (newcdb)                  (newcdbdg)               
    1          200 MBytes                200 MBytes               

  Future Configuration Log File Sizes:
    Thread #   Smallest Online Redo      Smallest Standby Redo    
               Log File Size             Log File Size            
               (newcdbdg)                (newcdb)                 
    1          200 MBytes                200 MBytes               

  Apply-Related Property Settings:
    Property                        newcdb Value             newcdbdg Value
    DelayMins                       0                        0
    ApplyParallel                   AUTO                     AUTO
    ApplyInstances                  0                        0

  Transport-Related Property Settings:
    Property                        newcdb Value             newcdbdg Value
    LogXptMode                      ASYNC                    ASYNC
    Dependency                      <empty>                  <empty>
    DelayMins                       0                        0
    Binding                         optional                 optional
    MaxFailure                      0                        0
    MaxConnections                  1                        1
    ReopenSecs                      300                      300
    NetTimeout                      30                       30
    RedoCompression                 DISABLE                  DISABLE
    LogShipping                     ON                       ON





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